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《英语沙龙》实战版《英语沙龙实战版》杂志主要是以中英双语对照为特色的一本关于学习英语的文学杂志,其一直以语言知识和文化内涵并重、知识性、实用性、趣味性并重,如今已成为国内影响力最大的外语学习类期刊品牌。是学习外语的好帮手。邮发代号:82-506 《英语广场》大学版”;“Travel West”栏目让读者领略各国的风土人情,“名篇经典”和“诗情画意”帮学生提升个人素养。在《英语广场》,我们与读者分享“同龄心语”,讨论“青春话题”,并真诚地为他们开通了“热线答疑”和“走向成功”,以解决高中生英语学习中遇到的各种问题并向其传授实用有效的英语学习方法。通过“电影沙龙”回味经典与现代电影对白,在观看“球迷偶像”与欣赏“音乐无限”同时,读者“心灵鸡汤”的感觉如“刊首语”一样回味无穷! 邮发代号:38-357

如果是高中的话,建议你不要看报纸杂志了,生词会很多当然如果要看的话可以看看 China Daily, 21st Century 这样的报纸,你只用大致浏览一下就可以了,不必精读如果是在网上,建议你可以到 CRI (中国国际广播电台)的网站看看,有最新的时事新闻,娱乐等等,很不错 (中文) (英文)可以两个都看,对照着双语看


媒体名称:二十一世纪学生英文报(21st Century Teens 英文)单位地址:北京市朝阳区惠新东街15号 刊号:CN11-0117



First of all,I have to say that I am greatly proudly of I pride you on your study,your life and your To begin with,you really harbor a heart of You treat your friends and classmates as well as your coworkers Never ever have you borne a wicked thought towards people What you do is showing your love and sympathy to those needy and You are ready to help those in need,especially your kindly That is a signal of your success in life in regards to your

The blue whale is the biggest animal in the world, but it is also one of the most endangered animal in the Because people hunted whales, so that their survival becomes more and more But now people have realized the blue whale is on the verge of extinction, and has been developed to protect the

Lihua, has a very special He lost his arms in anaccident when he was 10, but he didn’t give up his dream of being a He tried to practice playing the piano with his Finally he realized his dream in "China’s Got Talent"As a student, I’ve learnt a lot from his We may meet a lot of difficulties in our future life, but we should believe that our dream will come true by working No matter how hard life is, we won’t fail unless we give up our

Eating healthy food and drink are good for I think we should eat more vegetables and eat less That can make us be very healthy and And for drink,I think we should drink more milk and That can make us be very healthy! 推荐第二篇Hamburger is unhealthy food but it is my favourite I like juice I like meat and I don't like But I sometimes have some Don't eat much meat,or you will ill!

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