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37 J COMPUT MATH 计算数学(英文版) 0254-9409 554 848 795 52 SCI CHINA SER E 中国科学E辑—技术科学 1006-9321 699 682 641 55 J COMPUT SCI TECHNOL 计算机科学与技术学报(英文版) 1000-9000 445 632 588

《Journal of Computer Science and Technology》(JCST)是中国计算机科学技术领域惟一的英文学术性期刊。 JCST于1986 年创刊, 为双月刊, 国内外公开发行, 由Springer Science + Business Media代理国际出版发行。 JCST为中国计算机学会会刊, 由中国科学院计算技术研究所承办。JCST由数十位国际计算机界的著名专家和学者联袂编审,把握世界计算机科学技术最新 发展趋势。JCST正在稳步地发展,其影响不断扩大,知名度日益提高。该刊已被美国:《SCIE》(Web of Science, Research Alert, CompuMath Citation Index)、《EI》、《数学文摘》;英国:《SA》、《INSPEC》、《Computer Abstract》;德国:《数学文摘》;《日本科技文献速报》;《俄罗斯文摘杂志》等国际重要检索系统收录。 JCST荟萃了国内外计算机科学技术领域中有指导性和开拓性的学术论著,其中部分文章邀请了著名计算机领域的专家撰写。其内容包括: 计算机科学理论,形式化方法,信息安全,算法与计算复杂性,计算机体系结构与高性能计算,模式识别与图像处理, VLSI设计与测试,软件工程,计算机网络与Internet,分布式计算与网格计算,自然语言处理,生物信息学,计算机图形学与人机交互,人工智能,数据库与知识库系统,可靠性计算。本刊栏目的特点在于及时反映计算机科学技术领域最新研究成果,突出研究热点和有中国特色的高水平研究。 2004年起,为了便于读者阅览,本刊每期将相关领域的文章集中发表。欢迎广大计算机科技人员、学者、专家投稿和订阅,投稿方法见来稿须知。本刊自2001年起由邮局代理国内发行。邮发代号:2-578








《Journal of Computer Science and Technology》(JCST)是中国计算机科学技术领域惟一的英文学术性期刊。 JCST于1986 年创刊, 为双月刊, 国内外公开发行, 由Springer Science + Business Media代理国际出版发行。 JCST为中国计算机学会会刊, 由中国科学院计算技术研究所承办。JCST由数十位国际计算机界的著名专家和学者联袂编审,把握世界计算机科学技术最新 发展趋势。JCST正在稳步地发展,其影响不断扩大,知名度日益提高。该刊已被美国:《SCIE》(Web of Science, Research Alert, CompuMath Citation Index)、《EI》、《数学文摘》;英国:《SA》、《INSPEC》、《Computer Abstract》;德国:《数学文摘》;《日本科技文献速报》;《俄罗斯文摘杂志》等国际重要检索系统收录。 JCST荟萃了国内外计算机科学技术领域中有指导性和开拓性的学术论著,其中部分文章邀请了著名计算机领域的专家撰写。其内容包括: 计算机科学理论,形式化方法,信息安全,算法与计算复杂性,计算机体系结构与高性能计算,模式识别与图像处理, VLSI设计与测试,软件工程,计算机网络与Internet,分布式计算与网格计算,自然语言处理,生物信息学,计算机图形学与人机交互,人工智能,数据库与知识库系统,可靠性计算。本刊栏目的特点在于及时反映计算机科学技术领域最新研究成果,突出研究热点和有中国特色的高水平研究。 2004年起,为了便于读者阅览,本刊每期将相关领域的文章集中发表。欢迎广大计算机科技人员、学者、专家投稿和订阅,投稿方法见来稿须知。本刊自2001年起由邮局代理国内发行。邮发代号:2-578




《Journal of Computer Science and Technology》(JCST)是中国计算机科学技术领域惟一的英文学术性期刊。 JCST于1986 年创刊, 为双月刊, 国内外公开发行, 由Springer Science + Business Media代理国际出版发行。 JCST为中国计算机学会会刊, 由中国科学院计算技术研究所承办。JCST由数十位国际计算机界的著名专家和学者联袂编审,把握世界计算机科学技术最新 发展趋势。JCST正在稳步地发展,其影响不断扩大,知名度日益提高。该刊已被美国:《SCIE》(Web of Science, Research Alert, CompuMath Citation Index)、《EI》、《数学文摘》;英国:《SA》、《INSPEC》、《Computer Abstract》;德国:《数学文摘》;《日本科技文献速报》;《俄罗斯文摘杂志》等国际重要检索系统收录。 JCST荟萃了国内外计算机科学技术领域中有指导性和开拓性的学术论著,其中部分文章邀请了著名计算机领域的专家撰写。其内容包括: 计算机科学理论,形式化方法,信息安全,算法与计算复杂性,计算机体系结构与高性能计算,模式识别与图像处理, VLSI设计与测试,软件工程,计算机网络与Internet,分布式计算与网格计算,自然语言处理,生物信息学,计算机图形学与人机交互,人工智能,数据库与知识库系统,可靠性计算。本刊栏目的特点在于及时反映计算机科学技术领域最新研究成果,突出研究热点和有中国特色的高水平研究。 2004年起,为了便于读者阅览,本刊每期将相关领域的文章集中发表。欢迎广大计算机科技人员、学者、专家投稿和订阅,投稿方法见来稿须知。本刊自2001年起由邮局代理国内发行。邮发代号:2-578

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Abstract computer graphics is nearly 20 areas of science and technology to achieve another important achievements, As is the computer and its peripherals and the emergence and development It is modern computer science with the radar, television and image processing technology convergence and the development of the In shipbuilding, aerospace, automotive, electronics, machinery, civil engineering, television advertising, geographic information, Textile Industry wide field of application, which contributed to the discipline continues to develop, and the application to resolve the various new issues and further enrich this subject Arise soon, in order to plotters and cathode ray tube output graphics on the screen, computer graphics attendant was Now, it has to object to the development of the model and graphics creation, access and management of new Computer Graphics (Computer Graphics) is to study how to use digital computer generated, Graphics processing and display of a Graphics specific wide range of applications, from basic technology can handle only two categories of lines, such as engineering drawings, maps, charts curve; Others are shaded maps, photographs and To generate the graphics, there must first of all raw data and mathematical models, such as the idea of the engineering staff draft Aerial topographical interpretation of data, the overall program model, business statistics on the information and so These figures after the importation of processed into computer graphics Now the computer can generate very complex graphics, but the graphics, no matter how complex, It is by the basic combination of Therefore, the learning of basic graphics master algorithm is the basis of computer This paper introduces the C # language generation line of three algorithms : numerical differential Act (DDA) China Midpoint method and Bresenham algorithm, and then explain the midpoint drawcircle algorithm, polygon generation 你可以在网上找一些在线翻译软件,我是用Google翻译的。

The abstract computer graphics are an important achievement which in the near for 20 year science and technology domain obtains, is produces along with the computer and the auxiliary equipment and It is the modern times computer science and the radar, the great accomplishment which the television and the imagery processing technology development convergence In the shipbuilding, the aerospace, the automobile, electronic, the machinery, the civil engineering, the film and television advertisement, the geography information, spins domain lightly and so on in chemical industry widespread applications, impelled this discipline unceasing development, but unceasingly solves each kind of new topic which in the application proposed, also further enriched and has enriched this discipline The computer appears soon, in order to outputs the graph in the plotting machine and on the cathoderay tube screen, the computer graphics were born along with Now it take develops as carries on the production, the deposit and withdrawal and the management new discipline to the object model and the How the computer graphics (Computer is Graphics) studies uses the digital computer to produce, processing and a demonstration graph The graph concrete application scope is very broad, but looks at only then two kinds from the basic processing technology, one kind is a line, like engineering plat, map, curve graph and so on; Another kind is the light and shade chart, is similar with the In order to produce the graph, first must have the primary data or the mathematical model, like the project personnel forms in one's mind the schematic diagram, the aerial topographic mapping interpret data, the airplane overall concept model, the enterprise manages month statistical data and so These digitized input turns the graphical output after computer The present computer can produce the extremely complex graph, but graph regardless of how complex, it all when becomes by the basic graph Therefore, the study basic graph production algorithm is grasps the computer graphics the This article mainly introduced produces the straight line with the C# language three commonly used algorithms: Numerical differentiation (DDA), stipples the long-base method and the Bresenham algorithm, then in the introduction stipples the round algorithm, the polygon production


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