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学术堂整理了一份2000字的大学机械论文范文,希望对你的写作能所有帮助。  论文范文题目:农业机械设计与机械制造的技术分析  [摘 要] 因农业经济的快速发展,机械设计及制造技术也得到了全面推广和应用。我国作为农业大国,对农业机械的需求量比较大,改进其设计和制造技术,能够使我国农业发展更具智能化和现代性,提高农业生产质量及效率。本文分别对农业机械设计与制造技术进行分析,为现代化农业发展提供良好的机械设备条件。  [关键词] 农业 机械设计 制造 技术  [中图分类号] S23 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1003-1650 (2017)01-0236-01  1 前言  农业是我国的基础性产业,农业机械设计与制造主要是为了满足农业发展要求。由于受传统观念的制约,使农业机械发展过程中仍然存在诸多问题。要依据专业背景,采用正确的方法,对农业机械进行合理设计和制造,提高农业生产质量及效率,推进我国农业朝向整体化和机械化方向发展。现代农业机械制造为农业生产提供了技术支持,使其更加便利。  2 农业机械设计技术分析  1 初期计划设计  农业机械设计初期,要采用正确的方式,明确分析机械部件设计要求,并以此为基础,对农业机械进行科学、合理的设计,以提高农业机械的整体性能,为农业生产及发展提供良好的外部条件,使机械设计适应我国农业发展及农产品生产要求,达到良好的机械设计效果,为农业生产提供良好的设备基础。  2 分析设计方案  农业机械加工之初,要优选机械设计方案,使设计过程更加科学、合理,以推进农业机械制造工作的顺利进行,达到良好的应用效果,实现农产品生产效益。具体设计实践中,要明确机械设计原理,并加以阐释;依据实际生产需求,对农业机械结构进行合理设计,使其外观与性能兼备。与此同时,也要对农业机械的运作方式进行兼顾,使其与产品结构相符合,适应农产品生产及发展需求。机械设计过程中,要明确具体设计思路,使机械零部件的选择和设计更加科学合理。设计人员要采用正确的方式,绘制农业机械产品设计图纸。完成农业机械设计工作之后,依照正确的流程,对它进行全面检查,确保产品结构与性能能够满足农业及农产品生产需要[1]  3 主要技术设计分析  机械设计技术是农业机械设计中的关键内容,创新农业机械设计技术和方法,能够使农业机械具备较高的性能,也有助于推进农业机械制造行业的快速发展。参照设计背景及具体设计要求,采用正确的方式,核对和计算设计图纸,分析对比草图及最终设计图纸,使农业机械具备优良的性能。与此同时,也要对农业机械进行定型设计,确保其科学性和合理性,达到良好的设计效果。  3 农业机械制造技术分析  1 数控机床技术  数控机床技术属于基础类技术,它在现代农业机械制造中得到了广泛应用。为适应数控机床技术的发展需要,国家要加强数控机床人才培养力度,为数控机床技术发展提供人才助力。当前,我国农业机械制造中,采用的多为国外数控技术,国内该领域技术缺乏核心性,而农业机械零件生产厂家的选择空间比较小,不利于我国农业机械制造技术的快速发展。采用正确的方法,对数控机床技术进行创新,将核心技术应用到农业机械制造中,提高农业机械生产质量。依据农业机械制造及运行效率,对数控技术进行发展和应用,不断提高农业生产水平及农业机械性能,实现农业机械生产目标[2]  2 虚拟现实技术  虚拟现实技术在农业机械制造中应用比较广泛。可将虚拟现实技术应用到机械设计和质量检测中,为其提供开阔的发展空间。虚拟制造技术极具应用范围和空间,在农业机械生产制造过程中很适用。采用虚拟现实技术,进行设备及模具生产,可以模型方式,修改工艺和结构,明确了解机械设备的具体运行状态,对它的运行情况具备充分的认识,一旦发现问题,要予以更正,充分发挥系统的优越性。可在农业机械测试中,对虚拟现实技术加以应用。因系统庞大,测试过程复杂,采用虚拟方式,实现程序简化,使模块的增加、修改和减少等更加便利。  农业机械制造中,离不开虚拟现实技术。具体实施方法是采用计算机对设计及生产过程进行模拟,实现数字化和自动化,并在农业机械设计和制造过程中,对其进行充分应用。当前,因发展水平的限制,在农业机械制造中,我国并未对虚拟现实技术进行充分开发和应用,也没有形成完整的理论框架,它是实现农业机械制造技术变革的主要突破口。  3 计算机集成制造系统  计算机集成制造系统简称CIMS,以计算机为载体,实现现代管理技术、制造技术、自动化技术及信息技术的综合,并采用正确的方法,对人员、技术、管理等各要素进行有效统筹,使农业机械生产过程更加完整。计算机集成制造系统具备信息化、数字化和集成化特点,在农业机械制造中极具适用性。  农业机械制造技术与其他类别的机器制造没有太大差别。因农业具备区域性差异,其个性特征明显。而计算机集成制造系统专业性强,设计过程复杂,涵盖的学科领域比较广,需要以先进的计算机技术为依托。近年来,我国农业生产水平不断提高,多采用新型生产模式和方法。依据农业机械行业基本特点,将高新技术用以农产品研究中,并在该过程中,对计算机集成制造系统进行充分应用,改变传统生产模式,实现农业机械制造技术的优化,降低农业机械设备制造及生产过程中的风险和成本,充分发挥农业机械制造效益。将计算机集成制造系统用以农业机械制造中,极具可开拓性[3]  4 结语  综上所述,农业机械设计与机械制造技术是农业发展过程中的主要内容,直接关乎我国农产品竞争力。农业机械设计和制造中,要采用先进的生产技术,提高农业机械的技术含量,实现信息化、智能化发展目标,使其在农业生产和发展中得到充分应用,提高我国农业生产效率,及农产品市场竞争力,推进其快速、稳定发展。  参考文献  [1]徐勇,李平安。现代制造技术在农业机械制造业中的应用研究[J/OL]农机使用与维修,2015,(07):  [2]毕经毅,崔海军。现代农业机械制造技术及发展[J]黑龙江科技信息,2016,(25):  [3]王晓晨。浅析机械设计与机械制造技术[J]科技创新与应用,2014,(23):



机械设计类论文题目 300×400数控激光切割机XY工作台部件及单片机控制设计 DTⅡ型固定式带式输送机的设计 FXS80双出风口笼形转子选粉机 4 JLY3809机立窑(加料及窑罩部件)设计 5 JLY3809机立窑(窑体及卸料部件) 6 JLY3809机立窑(总体及传动部件)设计 MR141剥绒机锯筒部、工作箱部和总体设计 8 PB006糖尿病专家系统开发 PB012自动组卷系统 PF455S插秧机及其侧离合器手柄的探讨和改善设计 PLC在高楼供水系统中的应用 Q3110滚筒式抛丸清理机的设计(总装、弹丸循环及分离装置、集尘器设计) Q3110滚筒式抛丸清理机的设计(总装、滚筒及传动机构设计) 14 SF500100打散分级机回转部分及传动设计 15 SF500100打散分级机内外筒体及原设计改进探讨 16 SF500100打散分级机总体及机架设计 17 VC005基于WebCam的人脸检测技术 18 X700涡旋式选粉机 YQP36预加水盘式成球机设计 20 Z30130×31型钻床控制系统的PLC改造 21 Φ3×11M水泥磨总体设计及传动部件设计 22 Φ1200熟料圆锥式破碎机 半精镗及精镗气缸盖导管孔组合机床设计(镗削头设计) 24 柴油机齿轮室盖钻镗专机总体及夹具设计 25 柴油机气缸体顶底面粗铣组合机床总体及夹具设计 26 车床变速箱中拔叉及专用夹具设计 乘客电梯的PLC控制 出租车计价器系统设计 电动自行车调速系统的设计 多用途气动机器人结构设计 31 工艺-WH212减速机壳体加工工艺及夹具设计 32 管套压装专机 33 机油冷却器自动装备线压紧工位装备设计 34 基于AT89C2051单片机的温度控制系统的设计 35 基于普通机床的后托架及夹具的设计开发 36 减速器的整体设计 金属粉末成型液压机的PLC设计 可调速钢筋弯曲机的设计 39 空气压缩机V带校核和噪声处理 40 螺旋管状面筋机总体及坯片导出装置设计 41 模具-Φ6药瓶注塑模设计 42 模具-冰箱调温按钮塑模设计 43 模具-电机炭刷架冷冲压模具设计 44 模具-水泥瓦模具设计与制造工艺分析 45 膜片式离合器的设计 内循环式烘干机总体及卸料装置设计 全自动洗衣机控制系统的设计 48 设计-AWC机架现场扩孔机设计 49 设计-CG2-150型仿型切割机 50 设计-ZL15型轮式装载机 设计-插秧机系统设计 设计-工程钻机 的 设 计 53 设计机床-S195柴油机机体三面精镗组合机床总体设计及夹具设计 54 设计机床-车床主轴箱箱体右侧10-M8螺纹底孔组合钻床设计 55 设计-搅拌器的设计 56 设计-精密播种机 57 设计一用于带式运输机传动装置中的同轴式二级圆柱齿轮减速器 58 生产线上运输升降机的自动化设计 59 实验用减速器的设计 60 双铰接剪叉式液压升降台的设计 四层楼电梯自动控制系统的设计 62 万能外圆磨床液压传动系统设计 63 卧式钢筋切断机的设计 64 锡林右轴承座组件工艺及夹具设计 65 新KS型单级单吸离心泵的设计 66 新型组合式选粉机总体及分级部分设计 67 压燃式发动机油管残留测量装置设计 68 知识竞赛抢答器PLC设计 69 知识竞赛抢答器设计 70 自动洗衣机行星齿轮减速器的设计



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The multi-motor driveDescription:The present invention concerns a drive for an escalator, which drives the stair belt and is arranged on one or both sides of the escalator at the upper and/or the lower end thereof, wherein the drive comprises a main drive wheel and at least one motor with gear and brake BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Different dispositions and constructional principles are known for escalator Since the drive must be designed for the maximally occurring load, a relatively large and strongly dimensioned motor with a corresponding gear is Poor efficiency at the mostly prevailing partial load and the large installation volume in the case of limited space availability within an escalator construction are disadvantages of such a These disadvantages are present to a lesser degree or not at all with multi-motor Such a drive for escalators and walkways, which comprises two individual drives or two twin drives, the output gearwheels of which drive the stair chain or the plate chain and, by way of an additional gear, the handrail, is known from DE 35 26 Such a construction is executed in different variants and correspondingly comprises a number of different gears and gear housings for the stair chain drive or the plate chain Furthermore, the individual drives are equipped with planetary gears, which causes relatively high The object of the present invention is to create an improved multi-motor drive for escalators, which can be implemented at favorable costs, which may be built up in a modular manner, and which covers a usual performance BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The drive according to the present invention distinguishes itself by several constructionally identical drive units being mountable distributed at the circumference of a main drive wheel, whereby the main drive wheel or its toothing need be dimensioned only for loading by a single drive The main drive wheel itself thus can have a smaller width, which is of great advantage for the accommodation of the drive parts in the case of an The drive units, in a number corresponding with power requirements, may be flange-mounted to a main gear housing identical for all performance This simplifies the production process for the entire constructional series, reduces the inventory and facilitates maintenance and The drive units are provided with torque transmitters and/or rotational speed transmitters for recognition of their mechanical Each of the drive units can furthermore be provided with a clutch which makes a selectable switching-in or switching-out of a drive unit The drive further comprises a frequency-setting device which is common to all drive units and by means of which different speeds can be set and which also serves as a starting A control and regulating unit produces corresponding control and regulating commands by the processing of incoming The control and regulating unit causes the switching-in and switching-out of individual drive units on the basis of actual load data from the torque transmitters, which helps to improve the electrical and mechanical efficiency and thus also reduces the energy The use of polyphase alternating current squirrel-cage motors of variable frequency and their associated control has the advantage that high torques can be produced at low rotational BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The invention is explained more closely in the following with the aid of an illustrative example of an embodiment thereof and is illustrated in the accompanying drawings, wherein: FIG 1 shows an escalator with a drive according to the invention at the upper end of the escalator; FIG 2 shows the drive with drive units flange-mounted on a main gear transversely to the direction of travel of the escalator; FIG 3 shows the drive with drive units flange-mounted on a main gear longitudinally of the direction of travel of the escalator; FIG 4 shows a three-dimensional illustration of the drive arrangement according to FIG 2; FIG 5 shows a three-dimensional illustration of the drive arrangement according to FIG 3; and FIG 6 shows a block schematic diagram and functional diagram of the drive with all associated DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION FIG 1 shows an escalator 1 with an upper end 2, below which drive units denoted by 7 and a part of a stair chain 3 are FIG 2 shows the details of a drive, which is installed within a carrying structure 9 at the upper end 2 of the escalator Three identically constructed drive units 7 drive a toothed main drive wheel 6 by way of an output gearwheel 6 and an intermediate gearwheel 21, and are arranged and distributed about the circumference of the main drive wheel The main drive wheel 6, together with a stair chain wheel 5, are fastened on the main shaft 4 of the The drive units 7 are firmly connected to a main gear housing 8 at three planar flange-connecting openings 24 formed for this When less than three drive units 7 are needed, the unused flange-connecting opening 24 may be closed by a cover and the associated intermediate gearwheel 21 is not With this construction, the same main gear housing 8 can always be used for one, two or three needed drive units The axles of the drive units 7 are arranged transversely to the direction of movement of the escalator 1, which yields the advantage of a short machine As example of a variant, FIG 3 shows an arrangement of the drive units 7 parallel to the direction of movement of the escalator In this manner of arrangement, the drive units 7 additionally comprise a bevel gear Motor 1, clutch 2, brake 4, flywheel 5 and the output gearwheel 6, which are otherwise constructionally identical with and incorporated in the drive units 7 of FIG 2, are present for each drive unit The main gear housing 8 is likewise always the same for one, two or three drive units 7 and unused flange-connecting openings 24 can likewise be covered by a FIG 4 is a spatial illustration of the drive according to FIG 2 within the carrying structure 9 of the escalator Two stair elements 22 are illustrated in addition to the elements shown in the preceding FIG 5 is a similar spatial illustration of the drive according to FIG 3 within the carrying structure 9 of escalator The two stair elements 22 are likewise additionally The function and operation of the multi-motor drive according to the invention is to be explained more closely in the following by reference to FIG The current supply of the drive takes place as usual from local three-phase current mains 13 with phases R, S and T which are led to a main switch Following thereon, the entire drive is connected through a main relay or several relays There then follows a frequency-setting device 16, which by way of a relay control 23 with the relays S1, S2 to Sn feeds the motors 1 (M1, M2 to Mn) of the drive modules 7 at a variable frequency current and direction of rotation as provided by the frequency-setting device The motors M1, M2 to Mn are, as already shown and described in the preceding, operatively connected with the main drive wheel 6 by way of gears 3 and output gearwheels 6 and intermediate gearwheels 21, which are not further illustrated Torque transmitters 20 (L1, L2 to Ln) for the purpose of the measurement of the actual mechanical loading of the motors M1, M2 to Mn are installed at a suitable place in the transmission between the motors M1, M2 to Mn as known in the The main gear wheel 6 drives a speed transmitter 19 by way of an appropriate known transmission, which similarly is not more closely A control and regulating unit 10 contains microprocessor and relay control components, as well as signal and data inputs and First input data line 1 supplies speed values from the speed transmitter 19, which are fed as actual values to an internal regulating The second group of input data lines 2 provide measurement values from the torque transmitters 20 and, through appropriate processing, cause the switching-in and switching-out of individual drive modules A third group of input data lines 3 supplies data from transmitters 11, which essentially concern control safety contacts and mode of operation A first group of output data lines 1 leads to the relays 15 and to the frequency-setting device A second group of output data lines 2 contain control signals for the relay control 23, and the third group of output data lines 3 provides the data to control optical signals and illumination The multi-motor drive according to the invention functions as following: During starting-up of the escalator 1, the relay 15 for the drive is switched on, the frequency-setting device 16 is run up and at least one drive module 7 is switched on by way of the relay control 23 by the control and regulating unit 10 according to the choice of direction and a start-up On reaching the target speed, the drive regulation in the control and regulating unit 10 holds the speed of travel of the escalator 1 constant within close limits independently of the During the now following operation of the escalator 1, the input data lines 2 from the torque transmitters 20 supply information about the mechanical loading of the switched-in drive modules 7 (motors M1, M2 to Mn) In the case of low or no loading by transported persons, the drive power of the first motor M1 may suffice, and the further motors M2 to Mn remain switched If a full loading with a tendency to lasting overload is signalled by the torque transmitter L1, the next motor M2 is switched on after a defined The signals from the two torque transmitters L1 and L2 are now monitored in the control and regulating unit 10 and a further, not illustrated motor M3 may be switched in according to analog criteria when the load limit values of the motors M1 and M2 are The third motor, denoted by Mn in the illustration, is to indicate that, in principle, a greater number of drive modules 7 can be For practical and economic reasons, however, the number of drive modules 7 will probably remain restricted to three or at most The procedure is reversed when the mechanical loading The no longer needed motors 1 are then switched off in the sequence beginning with the motor Mn switched on If a uniform wear of the drive modules 7 is desired, this can be taken into consideration by way of an additional measurement of the switched-on times of the individual drive modules 7 and the individual drive modules 7 can thus be switched on and off selectably and not according to an always identical As already mentioned, the number of the drive modules 7 is not limited to the illustrated three Drive modules 7 produced in large quantities can be very favorable in price, so that it could be feasible to provide a greater number, for example 4 to 6, drive modules With appropriately adapted control programs in the control and regulating unit 10, the greater amount of data resulting therefrom can be processed without The use of direct current motors for the drive modules 7 is also possible in principle with appropriately-adapted control and regulating techniques as known in the Alternating current motors with squirrel cage armatures are preferably used because of their simple mode of construction and ease of Moreover, efficient and likewise cheap frequency-setting devices or frequency converters are Normal spur gearwheels, by means of which an optimum mechanical efficiency is achieved, may be used for the drive arrangement according to FIG Cone wheel gears, by means of which a practically equal efficiency is achieved by comparison with spur gearwheels, are advantageously used as bevel gears 3 for the drive arrangement according to FIG The main gear housing 8 can be so constructed that both drive arrangements, those according to FIG 2 as well as those according to FIG 3, can be The main drive housing 8 then correspondingly has twice as many flange-connecting openings The intermediate gearwheels 21 can be the same at the same position for both drive The drive arrangement according to the invention can also be used for other kinds of conveying equipment, for example for walkways and mercalators in horizontal and oblique









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