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1]李玉环论市场经济体制下会计运行机构的重构[J]会计研究,2004(2)   [2]孟凡利等管理会计应用:现状、问题与应有的改进[J]会计研究,2005(4)   [3]暨南大学会计系管理会计课题组中国管理会计透视与展望[J]会计研究,2005(11)   [4]何建平管理会计在企业中的运用透视[J]会计研究,2007(6)

1、温 坤《管理会计学》第三版中国人民大学出版社,2004年9月 2、张福荣《商业银行会计实务》第一版中国金融出版社,2005年8月 3、克里斯马腾《银行资本管理》 第二版机械工业出版社,2004年1月1日 4、唐有瑜《商业银行管理会计的难点、重点和突破点》四川会计,2001年02期 5、陈 晨《管理会计在商业银行管理中的运用》 6、王德中.企业战略管理[M].四川:西南财经大学出版社,2004.7、孙伯良.企业战略管理[M].北京:科学出版社,2004. 8、段从清.企业战略管理[M].北京:人民出版社,2005.


学术堂整理了一些新颖又好写的会计专业毕业论文题目,供大家进行参考:  重污染行业环境信息披露研究--以宝钢股份为例  上市公司财务报表分析--基于海尔和美的电器的对比  南京银行资产负债表分析  碳信息披露问题探讨  高股价公司具有投资价值吗?--基于贵州茅台的案例分析  对上市公司财务舞弊问题的探讨 --以江苏雅百特科技股份有限公司为例  供给侧改革与公司财务创新研究--以雅戈尔集团为例  证监会行政处罚对会计师事务所审计质量的影响研究  我国当前个人所得税流失的原因分析及其对策研究  上市公司财务报表分析--以美的集团为例  企业家背景特征、产权性质与环境信息披露--来自中国重污染上市公司的经验数据  公允价值计量属性运用现状及完善对策研究  论财务共享服务(FSS)对传统会计工作的影响  试论中小企业会计信息化应用  利润波动与CSR信息披露的相关性研究  公共信息服务的PPP模式选择研究




同学你好,很高兴为您解答!   [1] 李秀柱  企业管理会计与财务会计的融合[J] 华章 2013(18)[2] 葛家澍,叶凡,冯星,高军  财务会计定义的经济学解读[J] 会计研究 2013(06)[3] 刘英辉  财务会计与管理会计融合的理论与模型构建[J] 中国商贸 2013(05)[4] 秦高翔  企业管理会计与财务会计的融合[J] 中国管理信息化 2013(01)[5] 汤伟  浅谈管理会计在我国企业管理中的应用[J] 市场研究 2012(07)[6] 杨月娟,黄迈  决策有用观与受托责任观问题探讨[J] 企业导报 2012(13)[7] 李玉丰,王爱群  管理会计与财务会计的融合——基于会计价值评价的视角[J] 长春大学学报 2012(05)[8] 曾雪云  会计管理活动论的理论涵义——回顾、重述与展望[J] 上海立信会计学院学报 2011(06)[9] 佟成生,潘飞,吴俊  企业预算管理的功能:决策,抑或控制?[J] 会计研究 2011(05)[10] 王扬  财务会计的本质和特征—基于经济学视角的分析[J] 市场周刊(理论研究) 2011(02)[11] 程艳  新形势下财务会计与管理会计的融合[J] 财会研究 2011(02)[12] 董必荣  企业对外智力资本报告研究[J] 会计研究 2009(11)         希望我的回答能帮助您解决问题,如您满意,请采纳为最佳答案哟。   再次感谢您的提问,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。[13] 张琼  财务会计与管理会计的融合性研究[J] 会计之友(上旬刊) 2009(10)高顿祝您生活愉快!

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!       至少,JAE2001年的一篇综述是要看一看的。另,人大出版社近期出了《管理会计研究》,似应看一看。从这些综述中可以找到经典的文献。       希望我的回答能帮助您解决问题,如您满意,请采纳为最佳答案哟。  再次感谢您的提问,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

1、温 坤《管理会计学》第三版中国人民大学出版社,2004年9月 2、张福荣《商业银行会计实务》第一版中国金融出版社,2005年8月 3、克里斯马腾《银行资本管理》 第二版机械工业出版社,2004年1月1日 4、唐有瑜《商业银行管理会计的难点、重点和突破点》四川会计,2001年02期 5、陈 晨《管理会计在商业银行管理中的运用》 6、王德中.企业战略管理[M].四川:西南财经大学出版社,2004.7、孙伯良.企业战略管理[M].北京:科学出版社,2004. 8、段从清.企业战略管理[M].北京:人民出版社,2005.


1 中国企业低成本战略研究2 企业财会人员绩效考评问题研究3 EVA与基于价值的管理模式研究4 论企业价值及评估方法比较5 知识经济时代无形资产会计核算问题研究





cost much more because of the theoretical concept of Cooper Kaplan in 1987, in an article entitled "Cost Accounting System to distort what Qu product costs, "the article which first proposed the" cost drivers "(cost driving factor cost) theory that, in essence, is a function of or interaction with the various independent factors (variables) to drive So what factors are driving a cost, or what the motive force for the cost? Traditionally, businesses (eg, yield) as the sole cost driver (variables) At least that distribution plays a decisive role in restraining its cost, and other factors (motivation), both According to this thinking fluctuation, the full costs into variable costs and fixed two Based on this understanding, as a fundamental analysis and dependent on the volume of production costs in the budget management flexibility in the specific This can be regarded as an effective cost management However, the volume of business is not the only factor driving According to Cooper Kaplan's "successful action by the theory of" cost drivers can be grouped into five categories : number of factors which installment cause, products cause, motivation processing factories From this point of view, we should on the basis of analysis of the various cost drivers, open up and find new ways to control For example, According to activity-based costing (ABC --Activity Based Costing) Cost Driver analysis of the cost of doing business can be divided grounds driven by short-term changes in business motivation costs (such as direct materials, direct wages, and so on) and the motivation driven by the volume of long-term changes in operating costs (mainly indirect costs) Based on this understanding, management may consider in the cost of doing business through the appropriate scale of operation to effectively control costs, usually more conducive to large-scale small scale units to reduce product If procurement costs are not simply constrained by the volume of procurement, and the frequency of purchased large quantities of lower unit cost of procurement; Marketing costs to be incurred by sales volume are not simply restricted, The installment sales with a large number of domestic unit sales to reduce the burden of marketing In such cases, if the analysis of the motivation (variables) and the costs (variable), the relationship between The specific function of cost model can be further used mathematical methods to determine the optimal size of the Management accounting policy described in the optimal order quantity model is a concrete example of Through further analysis can be found, in addition to the objective factors driving Cost will be artificially driven by subjective factors, that is, cost function can be expressed as : cost = f (objective subjective motivation) It is precisely because people have the greatest motivation, man subjective motivation driving the cost of doing business is also an important For example, workers cost management, quality, collective consciousness and awareness of business ownership, work and responsibility, among workers and between workers and the leadership of interpersonal relationships, the level of subjective factors are affecting the cost of doing and thus may be considered as the driving cost From the point of view of cost control, people's subjective motivation has tremendous Practice shows that the responsibility for cost accounting center, controllable cost, the cost of research and analysis actively work to improve cost management in a practical In short, enterprise cost management, it should establish a motive theory based on more than the cost of management Based on the analysis of the establishment of such a fluctuation in the cost of management and often can be induced to produce new ideas and effective cost management

经济环境下的财务会计Financial accounting in an economic context = 原书第6版:(美)杰米·帕拉特(Jamie Pratt)著/来明佳,彭红英,徐虹等译 财务会计 北京;机械工业出版社:2009 978-7-111-24756-2 CNY00 12,545页 共14章,分为五部分。第一部分是财务会计概述;第二部分介绍财务报表的计量、结构及其使用;第三部分详细地介绍与资产有关的事项;第四部分介绍负债和股东权益;第五部分介绍收益和现金流量表。 管理会计Management accounting = 第5版:安东尼·A 阿特金森(Anthony AA[等]著/王立彦,陆勇,樊铮译 管理会计 北京;清华大学出版社:2009 978-7-302-18858-2 CNY00 20,523页 包括:创造价值的信息、成本管理的概念与成本习性、传统的成本管理系统、作业成本系统、利用预算实现组织目标等。 高级会计学Advanced accounting = 第9版:(美)Joe BHoyle,(美)Thomas FSchaefer,(美)Timothy SDoupnik著/王鑫改编 会计学 高等学校 英文 北京;北京大学出版社:2009 978-7-301-14752-8 CNY00 490页 实证会计理论Positive Accounting Theory:罗斯·L 瓦茨(Ross L Watts),杰罗尔德·L 齐默尔曼(Jerold L Zimmerman)著 会计学 英文 北京;中国人民大学出版社:2009 978-7-300-10133-0 CNY00 22,381页 内容包括:会计理论的作用、竞争性假说的辨识、会计与政治活动、会计选择的经验检验等。 税务会计TAX ACCOUNTING = 第七版 SEVENTH EDITION:盖地[主编] 税务会计 上海;立信会计出版社:2009 978-7-5429-2240-3 CNY00 9,676页 系统介绍税务会计有关基础知识,其内容包括纳税基础、增值税会计、消费税会计、关税会计、营业税会计、资源税会计、土地增殖税会计、出口货物免退税会计和税务筹划等。

[4] 《管理会计》第三版(《management accounting》,third edition),Anthony A Atkinson, Rajiv Dbanker, Robert SKaplan, SMark Young,清华大学出版社2001 [16] IASB, Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial statements [6]FASB,FAS N144,Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Livde Assets(Issued 8/01) [7]FASB,FAS N142,Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets(Issued6/01)。 [1] FEE Risk Management and Internal Control in the EU 2005, [2] George H Bodnar, William S Hopwood, Accounting Information System, Printice-Hall International, Inc, 1995, [3] COSO Internal Control-Integrated Framework 1992, [4] F Management’sreportoninternalcontroloverfinancialreportingandcertificationofdisclosureinexchangeactperiodicreports 2003, [5] Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission(COSO) Enterprise Risk Management Integrated Framework[R] 2004, [6] Chopra, Sunil ,and Meindl Supply Chain Management Strategy, Planning, and Operation, Prentice-Hal/, Inc, 2001, [7] Financial Reporting C Internal Control-Revised Guidance for Directors on the Combined Code 2005,10, [8] Paul Danus ,A E Auditor Review of Financial Forecasts:An Analysis of Factors Affecting Reasonableness Judgements 1982, [9] PCAOB An Audit of Internal control over Financial Statements 3, [10] Richard L Ratliff,Wanda AW International Auditing-Pinciples and Techniques The Institute of Internal Auditors, 1996, [1] The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Tread way Commission Internal Control Integrated Framework (the COSO report) [2] Rock,ML,Rock,RH a rid,S ikora,M them ergers

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