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Healthcare providers and patients with diabetes evaluate the efficacy of glycemic control by 2 One strategy involves self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG)1 by patients, with portable meters and continuous blood glucose monitors or sensing Patients use these glucose values for daily decision-making to adjust medication doses and/or modify food intake or exercise Blood glucose fluctuates widely over minutes to hours, depending on food intake, exercise, insulin, and physical and emotional Values obtained by SMBG, therefore, do not signify average glucose (AG) When an estimate of glucose values over time is desired, cumulative results can be downloaded from the patient’s meter in the provider’s These data are useful for determining whether current diabetes therapies are appropriate or need Unfortunately, a number of barriers to blood glucose monitoring that may exist in clinical practice make it difficult to obtain an adequate amount of reliable data from patient Barriers to SMBG implementation, as identified by patients with diabetes and their healthcare teams, include not only physical, financial, cognitive, and emotional factors, but also time constraints and inconvenience (1) In addition, patient follow-through may be lacking because of inadequate education or communication between patient and healthcare provider regarding what information is needed and why it is For this reason, it is important that hemoglobin A1c (Hb A1c) be measured The second strategy, measurement of Hb A1c, provides a more accurate assessment of long-term glycemia than that obtained from SMBG The concentration of Hb A1c, which consists of glucose attached to the N-terminal valine of the hemoglobin β chain, is relatively stable, given that the mean erythrocyte life span is approximately 120 Therefore, the Hb A1c value reflects the integrated glucose concentration over the preceding 8–12 weeks (2) Clinically, Hb A1c measurement is used to assess whether a patient’s glycemic target has been reached and It also predicts the progression of microvascular Most patients, however, perceive diabetes as a disease of high sugar in the blood and fail to understand the relevance of To facilitate communication with their patients, many healthcare professionals translate Hb A1c values into average plasma Tables that convert Hb A1c to AG are available in print (, the Clinical Practice Recommendations published annually by the American Diabetes Association), on Web sites, in hospitals, in doctors’ offices, and frequently in the laboratory coat pockets of members of the diabetes healthcare The numbers most widely used in these Hb A1c/AG conversion charts were derived from the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (3) Notwithstanding a fairly large population (1441 individuals) and the merits of this trial, the study was confined to patients with type 1 diabetes and was not designed to measure AG In this trial, capillary glucose data were collected and recorded only from quarterly 7-point glucose profiles over a mean of 5 years, for a mean of approximately 182 values per patient (4) Therefore, a prospective multinational study was performed to evaluate the relationship between Hb A1c and AG (5)(6) AG was assessed by a combination of SMBG and continuous glucose monitoring, with approximately 2700 glucose measurements obtained for each The results of the study revealed a strong linear relationship between AG and Hb A1c (5) The study provided a linear regression equation that allows Hb A1c values to be converted to AG No significant differences in the equation were observed among individuals for any characteristic, including age, race, sex, presence or absence of diabetes, type of diabetes, or ethnicity (5) Analogous to essentially all clinical studies, this study had some limitations, including an inherent limitation to accurately measure AG, the small sizes of ethnic groups, and the absence of children and pregnant Nevertheless, the study provides the most accurate means to date for converting Hb A1c to AGSeveral publications reveal that only 25%–35% of patients with diabetes know their Hb A1c values (7)(8) Although an increased Hb A1c value is a good indicator of a need to advance therapy to prevent diabetes complications, healthcare professionals may feel that making therapeutic changes is their responsibility and thus spend little time explaining the Hb A1c test to Yet, it is clear that a patient’s understanding their glucose targets and actually agreeing with a therapy change are critical to long-term success (9) In simple terms, the Hb A1c concentration indicates if a change in therapy is needed, but the SMBG results determine what specific changes are most appropriate for a given Although there are numerous anecdotes about communicating Hb A1c results as AG to patients, objective data are Perhaps the best publication is that of a survey performed in the UK among 111 patients attending a hospital diabetes clinic (10) Patients were provided with information relating to the association between Hb A1c and AG At the end of the approximately 7-month study, patients with poorly controlled diabetes (Hb A1c> 9%) showed a significant reduction in Hb A1c values if they were unfamiliar with Hb A1cat the initiation of the The magnitude of the improvement in glycemic control was greatest in those patients with the most poorly controlled These data underscore how critical it is for patients to be educated about Hb A1c and AG, and that their understanding of these data be assessed, because AG can be a powerful tool to improve glycemic Many laboratories, including several large commercial laboratories in the US, report an AG value along with the Hb A1c To obtain objective information regarding current reporting of AG, investigators included supplemental questions with the College of American Pathologists (CAP) GH2-A survey sent in April Of the 2997 laboratories that responded, 500 (7%) indicated that they report AG; however, only 202 laboratories used the correct formula to calculate AG from Hb A1c Although the data reflect only laboratories that participate in CAP proficiency testing, it appears that AG is fairly widely In conclusion, information about the relationship between Hb A1c and estimated AG will ultimately benefit the patient’s management of The following will facilitate this process: (a) Clinical laboratories should report an AG estimate along with Hb A1c values for those who find this information useful in guiding diabetes management; (b) it is essential that laboratories use the correct formula to calculate AG; and (c) it is important for clinical laboratorians to communicate with clinicians, diabetes educators, and other healthcare providers to enhance the care of patients with Enhanced communication between laboratory clinicians, healthcare providers, and patients regarding the value of Hb A1c and its relationship to estimated AG will promote positive patient outcomes, as well as enhance each individual’s understanding and ability to manage his or her diabetes more

第一大类:看作品、艺术家信息、艺术运动、自学艺术史知识这是主要的学习渠道,建立自己正规化的艺术观感,扩展自己的艺术知识“词汇量”。1:几个大而权威美术馆的官网MET,纽约的大都会艺术博物馆(/)MOMA,纽约的现代艺术博物馆MoMA(/)Guggenheim,古根海姆美术馆(/)Tate,伦敦的Tate美术馆网站(uk/)the Getty,盖蒂艺术中心(du/)2:专业艺术媒体谷歌艺术项目,Google Art and Culture(/)可汗学院,Khan Academy(/humanit)艺术的故事,The Art Story(/)第二大类:了解艺术行业、艺术圈新闻、当代艺术的发展、时事新闻1:Art News(/)2:艺术新闻报 Art Newspaper(/ )3:Artnet(/)4:Art Baba 中文艺术论坛,当代艺术资讯社区(art-ba-/)第三大类:线上艺术课程1:Coursera网站(/)2:EDX网站(/)3:Smart History (/)第四大类:专业机构拍摄的艺术纪录片1:BBC艺术纪录片2:油管上的艺术机构官方频道第五大类:在社交媒体上的艺术快速资讯1:Instagram2:推荐我常看的介绍艺术新作品的网站/艺术博客Contemporary Art Daily(Contemporary Art Daily)



Springer,中国知网,万方数据库 等最好去大学的电子图书馆查,大学一般都购买了数据库,下载时是免费的

Healthcare providers and patients with diabetes evaluate the efficacy of glycemic control by 2 One strategy involves self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG)1 by patients, with portable meters and continuous blood glucose monitors or sensing Patients use these glucose values for daily decision-making to adjust medication doses and/or modify food intake or exercise Blood glucose fluctuates widely over minutes to hours, depending on food intake, exercise, insulin, and physical and emotional Values obtained by SMBG, therefore, do not signify average glucose (AG) When an estimate of glucose values over time is desired, cumulative results can be downloaded from the patient’s meter in the provider’s These data are useful for determining whether current diabetes therapies are appropriate or need Unfortunately, a number of barriers to blood glucose monitoring that may exist in clinical practice make it difficult to obtain an adequate amount of reliable data from patient Barriers to SMBG implementation, as identified by patients with diabetes and their healthcare teams, include not only physical, financial, cognitive, and emotional factors, but also time constraints and inconvenience (1) In addition, patient follow-through may be lacking because of inadequate education or communication between patient and healthcare provider regarding what information is needed and why it is For this reason, it is important that hemoglobin A1c (Hb A1c) be measured The second strategy, measurement of Hb A1c, provides a more accurate assessment of long-term glycemia than that obtained from SMBG The concentration of Hb A1c, which consists of glucose attached to the N-terminal valine of the hemoglobin β chain, is relatively stable, given that the mean erythrocyte life span is approximately 120 Therefore, the Hb A1c value reflects the integrated glucose concentration over the preceding 8–12 weeks (2) Clinically, Hb A1c measurement is used to assess whether a patient’s glycemic target has been reached and It also predicts the progression of microvascular Most patients, however, perceive diabetes as a disease of high sugar in the blood and fail to understand the relevance of To facilitate communication with their patients, many healthcare professionals translate Hb A1c values into average plasma Tables that convert Hb A1c to AG are available in print (, the Clinical Practice Recommendations published annually by the American Diabetes Association), on Web sites, in hospitals, in doctors’ offices, and frequently in the laboratory coat pockets of members of the diabetes healthcare The numbers most widely used in these Hb A1c/AG conversion charts were derived from the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (3) Notwithstanding a fairly large population (1441 individuals) and the merits of this trial, the study was confined to patients with type 1 diabetes and was not designed to measure AG In this trial, capillary glucose data were collected and recorded only from quarterly 7-point glucose profiles over a mean of 5 years, for a mean of approximately 182 values per patient (4) Therefore, a prospective multinational study was performed to evaluate the relationship between Hb A1c and AG (5)(6) AG was assessed by a combination of SMBG and continuous glucose monitoring, with approximately 2700 glucose measurements obtained for each The results of the study revealed a strong linear relationship between AG and Hb A1c (5) The study provided a linear regression equation that allows Hb A1c values to be converted to AG No significant differences in the equation were observed among individuals for any characteristic, including age, race, sex, presence or absence of diabetes, type of diabetes, or ethnicity (5) Analogous to essentially all clinical studies, this study had some limitations, including an inherent limitation to accurately measure AG, the small sizes of ethnic groups, and the absence of children and pregnant Nevertheless, the study provides the most accurate means to date for converting Hb A1c to AGSeveral publications reveal that only 25%–35% of patients with diabetes know their Hb A1c values (7)(8) Although an increased Hb A1c value is a good indicator of a need to advance therapy to prevent diabetes complications, healthcare professionals may feel that making therapeutic changes is their responsibility and thus spend little time explaining the Hb A1c test to Yet, it is clear that a patient’s understanding their glucose targets and actually agreeing with a therapy change are critical to long-term success (9) In simple terms, the Hb A1c concentration indicates if a change in therapy is needed, but the SMBG results determine what specific changes are most appropriate for a given Although there are numerous anecdotes about communicating Hb A1c results as AG to patients, objective data are Perhaps the best publication is that of a survey performed in the UK among 111 patients attending a hospital diabetes clinic (10) Patients were provided with information relating to the association between Hb A1c and AG At the end of the approximately 7-month study, patients with poorly controlled diabetes (Hb A1c> 9%) showed a significant reduction in Hb A1c values if they were unfamiliar with Hb A1cat the initiation of the The magnitude of the improvement in glycemic control was greatest in those patients with the most poorly controlled These data underscore how critical it is for patients to be educated about Hb A1c and AG, and that their understanding of these data be assessed, because AG can be a powerful tool to improve glycemic Many laboratories, including several large commercial laboratories in the US, report an AG value along with the Hb A1c To obtain objective information regarding current reporting of AG, investigators included supplemental questions with the College of American Pathologists (CAP) GH2-A survey sent in April Of the 2997 laboratories that responded, 500 (7%) indicated that they report AG; however, only 202 laboratories used the correct formula to calculate AG from Hb A1c Although the data reflect only laboratories that participate in CAP proficiency testing, it appears that AG is fairly widely In conclusion, information about the relationship between Hb A1c and estimated AG will ultimately benefit the patient’s management of The following will facilitate this process: (a) Clinical laboratories should report an AG estimate along with Hb A1c values for those who find this information useful in guiding diabetes management; (b) it is essential that laboratories use the correct formula to calculate AG; and (c) it is important for clinical laboratorians to communicate with clinicians, diabetes educators, and other healthcare providers to enhance the care of patients with Enhanced communication between laboratory clinicians, healthcare providers, and patients regarding the value of Hb A1c and its relationship to estimated AG will promote positive patient outcomes, as well as enhance each individual’s understanding and ability to manage his or her diabetes more


学术堂整理了三个正规的艺术期刊,供大家参考:  《美术研究》Art Research(季刊)1956年创刊,是专业学术性刊物发表中央美术学院师生的教学与科研成果,介绍国内外优秀作品及画家读者对象为美术院校师生、美术专业研究人员及业余爱好者有英文目次以严肃的高品味学术形象,得到国内外广大读者的认可侧重反映中央美术学院教学与创作成果,研究国内外美术教育、美术创作、美术史论、艺术思潮  《美术大观》(月刊)创刊于1988年,由辽宁美术出版社主办,融学术性、观赏性、实用性、资料性于一体,成为艺术界高端的、具有前瞻性和艺术指导性的美术类双效期刊《美术大观》主管单位:辽宁出版集团,主办单位:辽宁美术出版社,国内统一刊号:21-1173/J,国际标准刊号:1002-2953,所设栏目:画家视点、院校在线、美术文献、书苑英华、国际美苑、视觉前沿、艺术市场、大观网站等  《美术界》创刊于1972年,本刊为月刊,主编:蒋晓东国内统一刊号:CN45-1048/J,国际刊号:ISSN1002-《美术界杂志》立足西部,面向全国发表各类美术作品和评介文章,重点推介反映西部民族风情的美术作品读者对象为广大美术工作者和美术爱好者本刊连续获广西省第一、二、三届优秀期刊奖


天呐,你不知道CNKI 天呐,你不知道谷歌学术



一个拥有200余本书籍和超过8000学术文章的学术平台ntechopen 。其中涵盖生物科学、计算机和信息科学、地球科学、电气与电子工程、工程、材料科学、医学、技术等学科领域。该站点旨在给读者群和科学界提供一个可以阅读、分享和下载相关学术资料的平台。

做科研必备6大文献数据库!中国生物医学文献数据库(CBM)Embase中国知网全文数据库(CNKI)MedlineCochrane 在线图书馆OVID 电子期刊全文数据库(OVFT)*关于数据库介绍可以点击第一行《做科研必备6大文献数据库!》查看

国内主要有5大期刊数据库一、中国知网提供的《中国学术期刊(光盘版)》也称中国期刊全文数据库由清华同方股份有限公司出版。收录1994年以来国内6 600种期刊,包括了学术期刊于非学术期刊,涵盖理工、农业、医药卫生、文史哲、政治军事与法律、教育与社会科学综合、电子技术与信息科学、经济与管理。收录的学术期刊同时作为“中国学术期刊综合评价数据库统计源期刊”。但是收录的期刊不很全面,一些重要期刊未能收录。二、中国生物医学文献数据库(CBMDISC)由数据库是中国医学科学院信息研究所开发研制,收录了自1978年以来1 600余种中国生物医学期刊。范围涉及基础医学、临床医学、预防医学、药学、中医学及中药学等生物医学的各个领域。三、中文生物医学期刊数据库(CMCC)由中国人民解放军医学图书馆数据库研究部研制开发。收录了1994年以来国内正式出版发行的生物医学期刊和一些自办发行的生物医学刊物1 000余种的文献题录和文摘。涉及的主要学科领域有:基础医学、临床医学、预防医学、药学、医学生物学、中医学、中药学、医院管理及医学信息等生物医学的各个领域。并具有成果查新功能医学全在线四、万方数据资源系统(China Info)由中国科技信息研究所,万方数据股份有限公司研制。该数据库收录的期刊学科范围广,包括了学术期刊于非学术期刊,提供约2 000种的电子期刊的全文检索。被收录的学术期刊都获得了“中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库来源期刊”的收录证书。个别期刊甚至将“遴选”改成“精选”,或者干脆去掉。很多作者因此误以为这就是核心期刊。五、维普数据库也称中文科技期刊数据库,维普科技期刊数据库,由中国科学技术信息研究所重庆分所出版。收录了1989年以来我国自然科学、工程技术、农业科学、医药卫生、经济管理、教育科学和图书情报等学科9 000余种期刊,包括了学术与非学术期刊。收录期刊数量很大,但不足之处是部分国家新闻出版总署公布的非法期刊也被收录了。一般的,学术期刊都能进入至少1个国内期刊数据库。期刊据数据库[3]不是期刊的评价体系,对科研处的期刊性质评价也就缺乏足够的意义,故不宜作为期刊性质评价的依据。1、万方数据万方数据提供中国大陆科技期刊检索,是万方数据股份有限公司建立的专业学术知识服务网站。隶属于万方数据资源系统,对外服务数据由万方数据资源系统统一部署提供。2、全国报刊索引收录全国包括港台地区的期刊8000种左右,月报道量在8万条以上,年报道量在44万条左右,书本式用户有3500多家,现又出版光盘数据库。反映了中国政治、经济、军事、科学、文化、文学艺术、历史地理、科技等方面的发展情况,提供了国内外最新学术进展信息。该索引是我国收录报刊种类最多,内容涉及范围最广,持续出版时间最长,与新文献保持同步发展的权威性检索刊物,也是查找建国以来报刊论文资料最重要的检索工具。正文采用分类编排,先后采用过《中国人民大学图书分类法》和自编的《报刊资料分类表》,1980年起,仿《中国图书馆图书分类法》分21类编排,1992年全面改用《中国图书资料分类法》(第三版)编排,2000年开始用《中国图书馆分类法》(第四版)标引,计算机编排。在著录上,《全国报刊索引》从1991年起采用国家标准——《检索期刊条目著录规则》进行著录,包括题名、著译者姓名、报刊名、版本、卷期标识、起止页码、附注等项。同时,“哲社版”采用电脑编排,增加了“著者索引”、“题中人名分析索引”、“引用报刊一览表”,方便了读者的使用。3、超星数字图书馆为目前世界最大的中文在线数字图书馆,提供大量的电子图书资源提供阅读,其中包括文学、经济、计算机等五十余大类,数十万册电子图书,300 万篇论文,全文总量 4亿余页,数据总量30000GB,大量免费电子图书,并且每天仍在不断的增加与更新。覆盖范围:涉及哲学、宗教、社科总论、经典理论、民族学、经济学、自然科学总论、计算机等各个学科门类。本馆已订购67万余册。 收录年限:1977年至今。4、维普资讯维普资讯是科学技术部西南信息中心下属的一家大型的专业化数据公司,是中文期刊数据库建设事业的奠基人,公司全称重庆维普资讯有限公司。目前已经成为中国最大的综合文献数据库。从1989年开始,一直致力于对海量的报刊数据进行科学严谨的研究、分析,采集、加工等深层次开发和推广应用。5、中宏数据库中宏数据库由国家发改委所属的中国宏观经济学会、中宏基金、中国宏观经济信息网、中宏经济研究中心联合研创。是由18类大库、74类中库组成,涵盖了九十年代以来宏观经济、区域经济、产业经济、金融保险、投资消费、世界经济、政策法规、统计数字、研究报告等方面的详尽内容,是目前国内门类最全,分类最细,容量最大的经济类数据库。


建筑科学》 建筑技术》 这两个都是北大中文核心期刊。

《文艺评论》《四川戏剧》《中国戏剧》《音乐创作》等这些都是楼主是要求什么时间发表呢,投稿联系163期刊论文网;胡编辑 电话15114881071扣扣2109928441

学术堂整理了三个正规的艺术期刊,供大家参考:  《美术研究》Art Research(季刊)1956年创刊,是专业学术性刊物发表中央美术学院师生的教学与科研成果,介绍国内外优秀作品及画家读者对象为美术院校师生、美术专业研究人员及业余爱好者有英文目次以严肃的高品味学术形象,得到国内外广大读者的认可侧重反映中央美术学院教学与创作成果,研究国内外美术教育、美术创作、美术史论、艺术思潮  《美术大观》(月刊)创刊于1988年,由辽宁美术出版社主办,融学术性、观赏性、实用性、资料性于一体,成为艺术界高端的、具有前瞻性和艺术指导性的美术类双效期刊《美术大观》主管单位:辽宁出版集团,主办单位:辽宁美术出版社,国内统一刊号:21-1173/J,国际标准刊号:1002-2953,所设栏目:画家视点、院校在线、美术文献、书苑英华、国际美苑、视觉前沿、艺术市场、大观网站等  《美术界》创刊于1972年,本刊为月刊,主编:蒋晓东国内统一刊号:CN45-1048/J,国际刊号:ISSN1002-《美术界杂志》立足西部,面向全国发表各类美术作品和评介文章,重点推介反映西部民族风情的美术作品读者对象为广大美术工作者和美术爱好者本刊连续获广西省第一、二、三届优秀期刊奖


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