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This article obtains from the overseas foreign exchange option market, since the outline foreign exchange option has promoted several dozens year development distance, and describes its investment Our country money market internationalization is late, thus pays attention to our country individual foreign exchange option the development present situation and the investment channel, and realized that to its development imperfect reason is the Renminbi Outlines our country Commercial bank to the foreign exchange option product type which sells personally, and multianalysis its cost, the income and the risk are, give our country individual investor some investments to suggest, appealed the supervision organization strengthens to the financial derivation market 绝对正确,采纳。。。。。。。。。。。。

Mortgage-backed Securitization (MBS) is in the field of finance in recent 40 years, the most important innovation in its research in the field of finance has always been a hot This paper developed by the MBS market research compared to the current combination of our MBS of the actual situation, to explore ways to learn from the advanced experience of foreign countries in China to better implementation of the mortgage China's MBS began in 2005, although the rapid development of China's implementation of the MBS in the process of facing many difficulties and obstacles, difficulties and obstacles in both of these market-based reasons as well as environmental reasons for the system; existing mortgage A reason for the market as well as the secondary I come to the following conclusions of the First, our MBS market should be a draw on the experience of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; MBS in the secondary market system and the system can learn from the experience of the United States; in the securities of the law-making may refer to J In learn from these countries (regions) of experience, not copying machine must be combined with China's actual conditions, step by step, out of the MBS in line with the national conditions of China's development Second, our mortgage payment in advance of the risks and the level of income, housing prices and mortgage rates are a positive correlation between income levels which affect the role of the largest income growth in the average level of 1% of the mortgage was ahead of schedule The payment will increase the possibility of 201 Third, on the strengthening of our MBS system building and construction markets, I believe that in the MBS market level, should establish and improve mortgage risk prevention mechanism, the Government has to consider the establishment of the nature of the mortgage loan guarantees or insurance system; in the secondary Markets should continue to expand the scope of MBS issuance and distribution of the main scale, MBSs improve the credit rating service system, regulate credit rating, and further growth of institutional investors to cultivate and improve the mobility of MBSs;MBS in the system of environmental construction, the need to improve the legal system and the securitization of personal credit system and improve the MBS related to the accounting system and tax Fourth, the United States sub-loan crisis of our MBS to carry out a wake-up Although the loan-to-dimensional crisis, we can not totally reject the MBS, but the use of MBS in the process of the MBS must risk control in a prominent position to strengthen the MBS in the process of the link and the regulation of participants, especially from the source A guard on the mortgage market

In this paper, foreign exchange options markets start with an overview of foreign exchange options, since it was launched a few decades of development journey, and describes its investment The internationalization of China's financial markets late, which concerns the development of China's personal foreign exchange options, status and investment channels, and recognize its development is not perfect because the yuan An overview of China's commercial banks sale of foreign exchange options on individual product categories, and a detailed analysis of the costs, benefits and risks lie, we give the Chinese a number of investment advice to individual investors, called for regulators to strengthen supervision of financial derivatives


1、经济学诺奖缘何六次钟情博弈论?新京报-2012-10-162、演化金融学对传统金融理论范式的创新 九五论文网-2012-10-123、这就是股市真面目吗?价值中国网,读书评论-2011-03-264、演化金融学最新研究进展 生产力研究,学术动态综述-2007-04-015、演化金融学的创新与展望 学习与探索,2012年07期6、索罗斯:人们仍未搞懂金融市场 中财网,2013年01月28日

范文:《金融学论文》[摘要]金融学本科毕业论文是对金融本科学生金融相关知识和综合运用能力的一种检验,是对学生学习效果的总考核。论文选题是论文的基础步骤,直接关系到毕业论文的质量好坏。本文在详细分析当前金融学本科毕业论文选题中存在的问题的基础上,对金融本科学生论文选题提出了几点建议。[关键词]金融学;本科毕业论文;选题金融学本科毕业论文是对金融学生所学金融基础理论和专业知识的全面考核,是培养和提高学生实践能力的必不可少的教学环节。在教育部下发的《普通高等学校本科教学工作水平评估方案(试行)》(教高厅[24]21号)中,毕业论文作为实践教学和教学效果的重要内容,成为评估中的关键性指标。毕业论文选题是论文写作的第一步,选题是否恰当,决定着论文的成败和质量。但在实际教学中,金融学本科生在毕业论文选题时往往不知如何着手,或者由于选题不当导致论文不能如期完成或质量低下,因此探讨金融学本科毕业论文选题十分必要。一、当前金融学本科毕业论文选题中存在的问题选题即选择研究课题,是确认研究对象和准备学位论文的前提性和关键性步骤,无论进行任何一项研究,都必须首先确定所要研究的问题。选题如同导演选材,正确的选题在很大程度决定着论文的成败与否,因此我们必须慎重对待题目的选择,题目选对了,目标找准了,论文就成功一半了。许多本科毕业论文之所以质量不高,其中一个重要原因就是由于选题不当。当前,金融学本科学位论文的选题存在的问题主要有:(一)思想上不够重视,选题随意性强在实际教学中,一方面不少老师存在“重研究生论文,轻本科论文”的思想,对本科论文的指导欠认真,指导次数少,与学生交流少,对学生的选题不重视,往往是让学生自行选题,而没有给予相应的指导和建议,或者是拟定的参考选题多年不变,早已失去选择价值;另一方面,本科学生“重工作,轻论文”,整天忙于应聘、实习、考研,认为自己的学业已经完成,毕业论文只是走过场,因此论文选题很随意,欠缺思考,只为应付了事。本科论文的开题报告本应是学生初步确定选题和教师对之提出建议的关键环节,但在教学中,存在不少学生迟迟不交开题报告甚至论文完成才填写开题报告的情况,论文开题流于形式。(二)选择“大而泛”的宏观性课题,导致写作中难驾驭宏观性研究的往往是一领域,一个方向性的问题,根据金融本科生的学识水平和对本科毕业论文篇幅的要求,本科生缺乏研究这样的选题所必需的专业基础和研究能力,不仅收集材料存在困难,而且写出来的东西往往缺乏深度。如“关于我国货币政策的目标选择”、“论金融风险和监管”、 “商业银行业务发展探讨”等,就属于太宏观、太大的题目,货币政策目标包括最终目标、中介目标、近期目标,涉及财政政策、利率、货币政策等等问题;金融风险包括信用风险、流动性风险、利率风险、汇率风险、操作风险等等;商业银行业务包括资产业务、负债业务、表外业务等。就每个具体问题就是一篇文章,所以最好就其中一个问题写作,如:我国货币政策中介目标的选择(是以利率还是以货币供应量作为中间目标)。(三)不注意经济金融形势发展变化,选择已经过时淘汰的题目??论文选题应注重研究课题的实用价值和理论价值,避免选择已经完全得到解决的常识性问题。当前,我国经济金融体制正处于不断的改革和发展之中,金融体系不断变革,许多新政策、新机构、新工具不断出现,应该说金融体制改革为金融学生提供了广阔的论文选题空间。但一些学生不关注经济发展动态和金融改革创新的动向,对新事物视而不见,在毕业选题时,查找的资料过于陈旧,如26年还有学生选择“加入WTO后我国银行业面临的机遇与挑战”、“论国有商业银行股份制改革的必要性”、“引进外资银行,提高银行竞争”等早已过时的题目,这反映出学生没有关注外面世界的变化,抄袭几年前的文章。(四)选题过于平淡,缺乏创新学术论文讲究原创性,人云亦云,乃论文之大忌。当然,对于本科论文过于强调原创性不太现实,要想一整篇文章都有创新是不可能的,但论文中应有自己独到的东西,否则这种选题没有意义。有些金融学生论文选题缺乏前沿性、挑战性,无新意,如“国有商业银行不良贷款成因分析及对策”、“商业银行不良资产处置途径”、“商业银行信用风险的防范”、“如何解决中小企业融资难问题”等,这些问题已经研究了多年,有关论文已很多,当然这些选题并不是不能再写,而是应从全新的角度或使用新方法去探讨和挖掘,否则简单的重复没有意义。(五)选题不切合实际,提出一些空而高的口号有些学生在选题中不切合实际,盲目求“新”。如“国有商业银行跨国经营问题”、“组建跨行业战略联盟”、“我国商业银行金融衍生产品的发展战略”等。商业银行国际化无疑是方向,但目前乃至长期不能实现,因为银行国际化的前提是企业国际化,企业实现跨国经营。目前全球5强,几乎都是跨国性的,进入我国的就有3家,所以外资银行纷纷登陆中国占领市场。而我国规模大、跨国性企业不多,进入世界5强的企业更是寥寥无几,所以银行谈何跨出国门走向世界呢? 在我国金融期货的推出一直审慎,尚在试点中,探讨金融衍生产品的发展战略不符合我国实际。二、对金融本科学生选题的几点建议金融本科论文选题是教师和学生互动的教学实践过程,上述论文选题中存在的问题,应从多方面采取措施解决,基于前文分析,笔者提出以下建议:(一)教师和学生应重视本科论文的写作本科毕业论文虽然属于学术论文,但撰写毕业论文是本科教学过程的一个步骤,不仅是为了传播学术信息,推进学科的发展,更重要的目的还在于梳理、总结学习成果,反映学生对本学科的基础理论知识及其他专门知识的掌握程度,因此教师和学生都应予以充分的重视。(二)重视论文开题环节,提倡集体指导选题建议在本科论文选题之前,由专业教师就选题的原则和应注意的问题给学生作专题指导,并就开题报告的规范书写、论文写作规范等问题给学生作统一讲解,改变过去单个教师“一对多”指导模式,实行集体指导、集中指导,教师组(教研室)共同协商研究本科论文的指导问题,避免由于教师个体的研究水平的局限而降低学生论文选题质量。(三)提高学生获得学术研究信息的水平,指导学生多方位收集资料,为选题打好基础我国金融体制改革中,各种新政策、新举措层出不穷,而金融学生选题陈旧反映出学生对新信息的掌握较欠缺。因此建议:一是教师应指导学生如何通过网络系统、报刊杂志等渠道收集、整理最新金融信息,关注学术研究发展信息;二是鼓励金融学生参加教师的研究课题、各种学术研讨会;三是经常性地要求学生就新的金融政策展开讨论、思考。(四)选题中注意的方面1、注意学术价值和社会实用的结合学术价值是选题的着眼点,学位论文应“为时而著,为事而作”,金融学是应用经济学的一个分支,金融学研究应讲求应用性,即具有社会实用价值。当前,我国金融领域中新问题层出不穷,论文选题应结合我国转轨经济的特点和金融体制改革的现实,在借鉴国外做法的基础上,选择有学术价值和现实意义的课题研究,揭示金融发展规律,探求真理。2、注意量力而行金融本科学生应从自身学识水平和知识结构的实际出发,选择熟悉并感兴趣、有获取资料的条件,并估计能在限定时间内完成的论文题目。(1)论文选题“宜小不宜大,宜专不应泛”,可小题大做,勿大题小做。选题过大,会面面俱到,不着边际,什么问题都谈到,什么问题也说不清楚,难以将论题说深说透。选题过窄过小,发挥的空间很小,取得突破性成果十分困难。金融学生要根据自己的科研能力选择大小适中,难易适中的题目。在实际中,有些选题很好,但受知识、水平、资料有限,难以完成,最好放弃,不要好高骛远。(2)所选题目要有一定数量与质量水平的文献资料作为研究基础。论文的选题应是站在巨人的肩膀上,通过前人文献资料的掌握,可以了解所选题目应涉及的内容、历史和现状,这样才能找到选题的新视角。因此,拥有大量翔实、丰富的文献资料有利于高质量金融论文的写作。3、注意选择自己熟悉及兴趣的问题论文选题应从自己的专长和兴趣人手确定选题。熟悉的问题一般就是学生在平时的学习中或实践中有深切的感受,不断的专业学习和一贯的信息收集使其准备了厚实的理论基础,有利于进行深入研究,提高升华的认识,较容易写得深入、写出创新点。兴趣是最好的老师,感兴趣才会深入思考,才能深入钻研下去,才能形成自己一定的独到见解,可望成为一篇较高质量的论文。




Financial Crisis Affecting Electronics Industry We have noted before on this blog that the electronics industry will not be immune to the downturn in the US Economy and that the financial impact will have some effect on the consumer electronics Business Week recently wrote about the predicted According to Business Week: Spending on electronics and appliances fell 8% in September, compared with 5% in August, according to MasterCard Advisors' SpendingPulse service, which provides data on MasterCard (MA) Electronics retailer Best Buy (BBY) may have had a 9% to 10% sales decline in the second half of September, according to Bernstein Research analyst Craig Moffett, citing company The financial crisis that's crimping interbank lending and dragging down stocks accelerated in the second half of last Sales of big-ticket items such as flat-screen TVs may be in for the biggest drubbing, analysts Rather than pony up for a new high-definition TV set, many consumers with analog TVs may simply opt for sub-$100 digital TV converter boxes as they gear up for the February 2009 deadline for the digital-TV "HDTV sales may be the next shoe to drop," Moffett wrote in a recent That bodes ill for manufacturers like Sony (SNE), Samsung, and LG Fewer TV purchases could in turn have an impact on satellite-TV providers DirecTV (DTV) and DISH Network (DISH), whose sales of service packages are closely linked to new TV purchases, Moffett Makers of high-end laptops also have cause for concern, says Roger Kay, founder of consultancy Endpoint Technologies A Apple said on O 14 that it's shaving $100 off the price of its entry-level MacBook (BusinessW, 10/15/08) Other manufacturers may follow suit or roll out more ultramobile PCs, smaller, less powerful laptops that can cost $50 to $200 less than laptops, Kay So far, that category of machines "has not cannibalized our notebook sales," says Mark Hill, general manager for US Nor has Acer detected a slowdown in demand, he Declines in the consumer electronics industry will definitely impact the entire electronics value Right from the raw material suppliers, through to the PCB manufacturers, chipset manufacturers, silicon foundries, computer manufacturers This value chain is predominant in Taiwan and therefore the negative effect of a worsening global economy may be magnified in T The technology industry in Taiwan is the predominant industry and tech companies make up a large portion of the TAIEX Also, a lot of Taiwanese people have a lot of their wealth invested in the Any decline in the market will significantly impact their desire to No doubt there will be interesting times ahead for many companies here in F Some industries will at a guess consolidate and over the short term there maybe cutbacks and layoffs but, when the economy improves, those companies left standing will have a lot of 第二篇参考网页希望采纳

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