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法律分析:1、把握育人导向。2、遵循教育规律。3、体现时代特征。4、强化综合实施。5、坚持因地制宜。法律依据:《中共中央 国务院关于全面加强新时代大中小学劳动教育的意见》 第一条 第三款 ——把握育人导向。坚持党的领导,围绕培养担当民族复兴大任的时代新人,着力提升学生综合素质,促进学生全面发展、健康成长。把准劳动教育价值取向,引导学生树立正确的劳动观,崇尚劳动、尊重劳动,增强对劳动人民的感情,报效国家,奉献社会。——遵循教育规律。符合学生年龄特点,以体力劳动为主,注意手脑并用、安全适度,强化实践体验,让学生亲历劳动过程,提升育人实效性。——体现时代特征。适应科技发展和产业变革,针对劳动新形态,注重新兴技术支撑和社会服务新变化。深化产教融合,改进劳动教育方式。强化诚实合法劳动意识,培养科学精神,提高创造性劳动能力。——强化综合实施。加强政府统筹,拓宽劳动教育途径,整合家庭、学校、社会各方面力量。家庭劳动教育要日常化,学校劳动教育要规范化,社会劳动教育要多样化,形成协同育人格局。——坚持因地制宜。根据各地区和学校实际,结合当地在自然、经济、文化等方面条件,充分挖掘行业企业、职业院校等可利用资源,宜工则工、宜农则农,采取多种方式开展劳动教育,避免“一刀切”。

回答 你好呀,很高兴为你进行解答,打字需要一些时间,请稍等哦 劳动教育能够帮助大学生塑造健全人格、磨练顽强意志、锤炼高尚品格。高校应该结合实际,从思想引领、亲身实践、有机融合三方面入手,积极构建德智体美劳全面发展的大学生教育体系,培养社会主义合格建设者和可靠接班人。  劳动教育,使学生树立正确的劳动观点和劳动态度,热爱劳动和劳动人民,养成劳动习惯的教育,是人德智体美劳全面发展的`主要内容之一。 请问还有什么问题吗?也可以关注一下答主哦,以后有什么问题可以直接进行咨询的哦,如果对我的回复满意的话,请点结束后给我个赞哦,谢谢啦 更多2条 




育人为本,树德为先师德是教师的生命,是教师立业之根本。“塑师德、正师风、强师能、铸师魂”是我们学校建设永恒的主题。 “师也者,教之以事,而喻讲德者也”、“智如泉源,行可以为仪表者,人之师也。”教师是学生知识增长和思想进步的导师。师德,是一种高尚情操的精神表现,是一种深厚知识和文化品位的行为内涵。我们每个人在回忆自己学习生活时,印象最深刻的是那些给予人生启迪,以自己实际行动照亮学生生命道路的老师。每的后面,都是一个不可估量的宇宙;每一个门的开启,都是一个无法预测的未来。为师者,当知任重而道远、修德而慎行。“学为人师,行为示范”。知行结合,把自身修养与育人本领结合起来,是新时期对师德准确的概括。学为人师,不单纯是指学问,也包括给予学生积极健康的人生指导;行为示范,则是对教师思想品质的要求,就需要教师用自己的实际行动感染学生,教育学生。师德和师能是共生共存的统一体,教师不仅要有无私奉献、的意识,更要有教书育人、科研创新的本领。“爱与责任”,是对新时期师德建设的新要求。“责任”是“师德之魂”。师德以奉献为根本,教师以育人为职责。远不止于功利,教师必须热爱自己的本职岗位,才能培养出热爱学习的学生。教育是一种以人格培育人格、以灵魂塑造灵魂的特殊劳动。师德高尚的教师,如美酒,历久弥新,使受教育者终生受益。彰显“让学生阳光、健康、幸福地学习成长”办学理念,需要我们“以德为基,以生为本,为人师表,教书育人”,需要我们学会“以高尚的人格感染人,以整洁的仪表影响人,以和蔼的态度对待人,以丰富的学识引导人,以博大的胸怀爱护人”。“高山仰上,。虽不能至,然心向往之。”作为一个新世纪优秀的人民教师,一定要用自己的模范行动,为学生树起前进的旗帜,指明前进的方向,点燃他们心中的火种。“有一首歌最为动人,那就是师德;有一道风景最为隽永,那就是师魂;有一种人生最为美丽,那就是教师”。以此与老师们共勉!育人为本,树德为先师德是教师的生命,是教师立业之根本。“塑师德、正师风、强师能、铸师魂”是我们学校建设永恒的主题。 “师也者,教之以事,而喻讲德者也”、“智如泉源,行可以为仪表者,人之师也。”教师是学生知识增长和思想进步的导师。师德,是一种高尚情操的精神表现,是一种深厚知识和文化品位的行为内涵。我们每个人在回忆自己学习生活时,印象最深刻的是那些给予人生启迪,以自己实际行动照亮学生生命道路的老师。每的后面,都是一个不可估量的宇宙;每一个门的开启,都是一个无法预测的未来。为师者,当知任重而道远、修德而慎行。“学为人师,行为示范”。知行结合,把自身修养与育人本领结合起来,是新时期对师德准确的概括。学为人师,不单纯是指学问,也包括给予学生积极健康的人生指导;行为示范,则是对教师思想品质的要求,就需要教师用自己的实际行动感染学生,教育学生。师德和师能是共生共存的统一体,教师不仅要有无私奉献、的意识,更要有教书育人、科研创新的本领。“爱与责任”,是对新时期师德建设的新要求。“责任”是“师德之魂”。师德以奉献为根本,教师以育人为职责。远不止于功利,教师必须热爱自己的本职岗位,才能培养出热爱学习的学生。教育是一种以人格培育人格、以灵魂塑造灵魂的特殊劳动。师德高尚的教师,如美酒,历久弥新,使受教育者终生受益。彰显“让学生阳光、健康、幸福地学习成长”办学理念,需要我们“以德为基,以生为本,为人师表,教书育人”,需要我们学会“以高尚的人格感染人,以整洁的仪表影响人,以和蔼的态度对待人,以丰富的学识引导人,以博大的胸怀爱护人”。“高山仰上,。虽不能至,然心向往之。”作为一个新世纪优秀的人民教师,一定要用自己的模范行动,为学生树起前进的旗帜,指明前进的方向,点燃他们心中的火种。“有一首歌最为动人,那就是师德;有一道风景最为隽永,那就是师魂;有一种人生最为美丽,那就是教师”。以此与老师们共勉!育人为本,树德为先师德是教师的生命,是教师立业之根本。“塑师德、正师风、强师能、铸师魂”是我们学校建设永恒的主题。 “师也者,教之以事,而喻讲德者也”、“智如泉源,行可以为仪表者,人之师也。”教师是学生知识增长和思想进步的导师。师德,是一种高尚情操的精神表现,是一种深厚知识和文化品位的行为内涵。我们每个人在回忆自己学习生活时,印象最深刻的是那些给予人生启迪,以自己实际行动照亮学生生命道路的老师。每的后面,都是一个不可估量的宇宙;每一个门的开启,都是一个无法预测的未来。为师者,当知任重而道远、修德而慎行。“学为人师,行为示范”。知行结合,把自身修养与育人本领结合起来,是新时期对师德准确的概括。学为人师,不单纯是指学问,也包括给予学生积极健康的人生指导;行为示范,则是对教师思想品质的要求,就需要教师用自己的实际行动感染学生,教

额 帮您找到一篇 不过是心得 踏着晨曦去劳动,不管睡眼惺忪,不管挥汗如雨;忍着酸痛去劳动,不管灰尘弥漫,不管气喘吁吁。从楼梯扫到走廊,从墙壁擦到玻璃,一周的劳动课,来也匆匆,去也匆匆。苦中有乐,酸中有甜,留下不尽思索。



农村劳动力流动的外文文献New Era China's rural labor flow problems China is a large agricultural country, is currently in transition from a planned economy to market economy, from agriculture to the industrial countries, from the least developed agricultural society to industrial society developed the process of This great social progress and social change has brought fundamental changes in China's rural areas is steadily promoting agricultural and rural strategic adjustment of economic structure, while speeding up the rural labor from agricultural to non-agricultural industries and to cities and towns secondary and tertiary industries The Therefore, a correct understanding of the new era of the flow of rural labor significance and characteristics of the times, national and local governments at various levels to correctly guide the orderly flow of rural labor force to provide a reasonable possibility of reference, has been entrusted to our times is the bounden duty of theoretical Recalling the history of China, the flow of rural labor in China to enter as early as the 19th century, modern society has Since then China is still a conservative, closed and backward traditional agricultural country, so that the flow of people is the fundamental reason for the development and intensification of Namely: "On the one hand, the demand perspective, the rapid population growth, leading to the most basic consumer goods (food) a substantial increase in demand on the other hand, from the supply point of view, because of the extensive development of resources (arable land) The gradual depletion, because of intensive management of the land necessary for a serious lack of capital, the most important factors of production labor efficiency and the marginal opportunity costs have dropped "Therefore, the surplus rural labor force in seasonal and long-term nature of excess, they can be unemployed , In order to survive, forced to flee their homes and started a large number L In particular, "Kanto there is no 'gold' is the Amoy, is also densely populated southern China, the Northwest by transportation constraints, but more important is bound by a serious shortage of water resources" such a society as a whole lost the possibility of regulating the internal situation , A large number of overseas labor flows, the formation of the 19th century influx of laborers However, China since the 1980s, with the rural economy and the continuous deepening of reform set off an upsurge of rural labour mobility, the reasons are different from the Flow of rural labor force of the socialist market economic development will inevitably In the socialist market economy, labor resources and other resources, free and orderly flow was This inevitability from: First of all, labour mobility is the labor market Market economy is in the various markets in the operation of the market system, and the labor market is the market system in an important From the operation of the labour market point of view, labour mobility is a mechanism, it can correct imbalances in employment could be reduced by technological progress arising from the economic structure is linked with the problem of unemployment, so that by optimizing the allocation of labor Labour mobility is the essence of the choice of labor mobility aimed at better choice of jobs, the pursuit of higher The new period, the flow of rural labor is the same in real terms over the agricultural needs of the labour force, through mobile access to the labour market, seeking higher than the agricultural income of occupation, the surplus agricultural labor rational allocation of resources; Second, the market economy in rural development, on the one hand Greatly liberated by the shackles of labour productivity, promote rural development of the internal division of labor, including labor, so that the many factors of production from the agricultural sector to divide up the opportunity to get re- On the other hand, the traditional start loosening the dual economic structure, constraints free flow of rural labor force gradually weakening the system so that farmers get for their right to freely dispose of the workforce, so as to the rural labor force "Litu not leave their homes, away from Soil and leave their homes "to provide the free flow of the possible and, in the tide of market economy, driven by city labor and employment system reform breakthrough in the allocation of urban and rural labor division model to enable enterprises to get a job, employment, wage distribution , And other aspects of autonomy for the influx of rural labor force to provide a system of conditions again, the development of market economy, people's consumption level has promoted the rapid increase and optimize the consumption structure, from the perspective of market demand requirements of the industrial structure optimization, demand To meet the needs of development and enjoyment of the development of tertiary industry, and the development of tertiary industry for the movement of rural labor has provided tremendous employment space; Finally, the development of market economy, has brought the rural labor force to update the concept of comprehensive, training Their Innovation, and strong, and the courage to practice the main body awareness, a sense of the courage to take risks and enhance the concept of time, the concept of competition, for their courage to leave their homes, "Chuang world" and enhanced the courage and China's rural population flow is to achieve the objective requirements of In 1987 the 13th National Party Congress in accordance with Comrade Deng Xiaoping's strategic vision, pointing out that the "middle of the next century, per capita GDP reached the level of moderately developed countries, relatively affluent people's lives, to basically realize modernization" of the cross-century development Development strategy to achieve this, in the first 20 years of this century the basic goal is to achieve Therefore, Jiang Zemin, in the 16th National Party Congress in the report clearly pointed out: "China's industrialization is still in the process of modernization and arduous historic Persist in using information technology to stimulate industrialization and to promote information-based industrialization, and take a high technological content, economic benefits Good, low resource consumption, little environmental pollution and human resources to bring into full play the advantages of new-type industrialization "This is the comprehensive construction of a well-off society in the process of realizing China's productive forces leap-forward development of the inevitable China is a large agricultural country, more than 60 percent of the population in the rural areas, in a large population of the country's industrialization of agriculture, objectively necessary requirement for a large number of rural labor from agricultural to non-agricultural industries, the orderly flow to the cities and The reason is that: First of all, we want to achieve industrialization is not only the industrial sector's industrialization, and industrialization of the national economy as a whole, the industry refers to penetrate into the economic, political, cultural, ideological and its various fields and caused profound changes in the On the material production areas, including the industrialization of the industrial and agricultural industrialization And the industrialization of agriculture is also used large machines to replace manual labor in the production process is intensive management instead of extensive management process and economies of scale instead of scattered small-scale peasant economy of the This process of the social consequences, agriculture organic composition of capital gradually improved, advanced science and technology continue to be used in agricultural production to reduce the demand for labour, so that part of the transfer of labour out of agriculture; Second, the industrialization of agriculture from the township The enterprises have started, and again the development and expansion of township enterprises to rely The development of township enterprises in rural areas can be changed "to pay for the program," the economic development pattern, completely break the agriculture, rural areas, farmers in-one natural economy, into rural areas to modern production elements and new vitality to the rural industrial structure has undergone fundamental changes For the rural labor force, "Li Tu do not leave their homes" to provide the conditions for the movement, that is, not only in direct production and management process of absorbing a large number of rural laborers, but it led to the supporting services sectors (such as: financial, information, Technology) and the development of the rural labor force to absorb a part of, again, the process of industrialization, is constantly optimize the industrial structure of the three major process, with the development of the production, scientific and technological progress and people's overall consumption level of the tertiary industry will be Have developed The tertiary industry in the service of labor in terms of magnitude of value growth in national wealth, or in-kind on the increase, its role is Some of the service and labor, can not be geographical limitations of space, you can rely on the individual strength and not require sophisticated technology, and do not need a huge amount of money, therefore, can absorb more rural labor

What is growth accounting? What have been the major sources of real US growth? While productivity is booming and boosting economic growth, a slow-growing labor force will hold back the economy's overall growth rate in the years ahead, he That means less consumption and less investment than some might expect

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