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一、稿件类别:本刊主要刊登中文稿件,酌量刊登海外学者的英文稿件。二、本刊对来稿实行专家匿名评审。审稿周期为三个月,三个月后未接到用稿通知,请自行处理稿件。本刊有权对来稿进行编辑加工。三、投稿方式:请将电子文稿以附件形式发送至电子信箱。不便使用电子邮件发送者,请邮寄至:北京市阜外百万庄大街24号《中国翻译》编辑部,邮编:100037。请勿重复使用两种方式投送同一稿件。四、字数要求:来稿一般以5000-8000字为宜,长文应控制在10000字以内;书评及访谈类文章应在5000字以内为宜。五、稿件以Word格式排版,段落格式及标点使用须规范,请在第一页附上作者信息:姓名、工作单位/通信地址、邮编、电话、电子信箱、职称及研究方向;正文请勿标注任何个人信息。六、5000字以上的论述性文稿请附中英文摘要、英文标题和关键词、作者单位英文名称。七、文章格式体例请参照本刊文内引文标注、注释及文后参考文献体例。八、来稿文责自负,请勿一稿多投。九、请自留底稿,恕不退稿。十、任何个人或组织以任何形式转载、摘编本刊文章,须经本刊同意,并注明出处。诚挚感谢译界同仁多年来对本刊的厚爱与支持,欢迎赐稿! 本刊来稿要求首发,切勿一稿多投。向本刊投稿者,应当保证作品著作权的完整性、合法性,作品及内容不得侵犯他人合法权益。来稿如被采用,除非另有约定,将被发表在本刊、本刊合订本、本刊合作网络数据库及由本刊授权的其他出版物。来稿在本刊发表后,除非另有约定,作者即已授权给本刊处理转载事宜。凡以转载、转摘、复制、翻译等方式使用该作品者,必须征得本刊同意。凡向本刊投稿,即视为同意上述条款。



objective, goal, aim


Target 目标,靶位Actual真实的;实际的;现行的;现在的


2010年12月开始,在《民族翻译》、《天津外国语大学学报》、《中译外研究》、《英语研究》等中国外语类重点期刊发表学术论文,主要著述:1.《畲族哭嫁歌英译探微》,载《民族翻译》(中国国家级民族语文翻译重点期刊),2015年第1期(免版面费) ;2.《畲族情歌翻译试析》,载《民族翻译》(中国国家级民族语文翻译重点期刊),2014年第3期(免版面费) ;3.《从文体学视角看格律诗的翻译》,载《天津外国语大学学报》(中国外语类重点期刊),2010年第6期(免版面费),系中国人民大学《复印报刊资料》2011年转载篇目 ;4.《文体学视角观照下英诗汉译》,载《天津外国语大学学报》(中国外语类重点期刊),2012年第2期(免版面费) ;5.《试论辜正坤词曲体译诗》,载《天津外国语大学学报》(中国外语类重点期刊),2013年第2期(免版面费) ;6.《四言古诗“龟虽寿”的英译初探》,载《浙江外国语学院学报》(中国外语类专业期刊),2012年第5期 ;7.《试论汉语民歌的英译》,载《中译外研究》,2014年第2期(免版面费),中央编译出版社 ;8.《畲族情歌的翻译》,载《中译外研究》,2015年第1期(免版面费),中央编译出版社;9.《试论畲哭嫁歌的英译》,载《英语研究》,2015年第1期(免版面费),外语教学与研究出版社;10.应邀参加福建省教育厅教育科学研究院组编《教师公开招聘考试专用系列教材》(第五章),(字数72万),福建教育出版社出版,2013年9月(免版面费);11.2012年以来,在《东坡赤壁诗词》等中文专业诗刊上发表多首古体诗词(免版面费) 。经遴选被收录入吴洪激主编的《新田园词三百首》,作家出版社出版,2014年9月(免版面费) 。

The realm of love hundred condition nationalities brands greatly put the extraordinary splendor, how does XX steam abundant meeting XX automobile entire vehicle export 500 XX automobile senior technician to teach you to maintain the automobile perspective psychology consultation, eagerly anticipates the health life to face directly the expert: Mind guard 12 constellations 减压法 interview: Boils the system mind chicken soup the beautiful female eats the speech food to say that, The season and the diet taste faction gathers together: The idle talk eight main dishes are this issue of host hit: Cantonese cuisine foreign land 食风: European and American 4 countries diets custom movie: How summer does the files eight western-style food movies map obtain the fair non- flaw the healthy flesh? The cosmetology sheepskin curls 6,000 Yuan! ! ! Also looked how Zhuge Liang does make the motion work


Market conditions exist National brand mark, the export of 1,338 vehicles XX XX Qibohui 500 vehicles Advanced XX vehicle maintenance technicians to teach you how X-ray counselling, lead a healthy life Squarely facing experts : those who guarded hearts 12 constellations decompression France Interview : beautiful woman gets Xinlingjishang Fresh, Fresh said : season with diet Send a & : chat eight major categories Current principal attacking : Cantonese food Fresh wind like an unknown land : Europe and the United States four States diet Film : Summer stall eight big Movie Map How to obtain perfect health shiny white skin? Beauty 6,000 yuan! ! !Look how Zhuge Liang mobile office building



The Hefei Song Xihu flower park plot landscape designs the -- Xihu culture in utilizes specifically the design synopsis: the advocation history, the advocation culture are recently a community landscape design major Along with the economical fast development, in the landscape design's historical cultural fever elevates temperature Therefore, has the Chinese native place characteristic and the cultural inside story community receives the people to anticipate the China historic garden source stemming from our country five millennium histories and the magnificent literary arts, the philosophic thinking and ethics morality, specially the Confucian, the road, Buddha three advocates naturally “the beauty to unite” the view, esthetics establishment in “ideal condition” because in the foundation, and borrows in the literature, the drawing and building various the Xihu is the Chinese botanical garden construction important female parent, it take the harmony solemn beautiful as the chief feature, take the historical humanities as the emotion exchange object, was the collection many kinds of landscape characteristic ancient times city public botanical This case utilizes the modern new design idea and the new material, the respect nature, the respect history, the respect culture, the arrangement, creates the Chinese botanical garden landscape by might and main “the ideal condition”, by this annotation “Xihu culture” characteristic and


• Song in Hefei are West Lake Garden Landscape Design District -- West Lake in which the culture of the concrete application of Design: Advocating history, respect for culture is the recent residential area of landscape design a major With the rapid economic development, landscape design of the thermal history and culture has been heating Thus, a local Chinese characteristics and cultural heritage of the residential area is expected to be Chinese Classical Gardens source for China's 5,000 years of history and brilliant literature and art, philosophy and ethical concepts, particularly Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism three upholds nature of the "Harmony" concept, the aesthetic establishment of the "mood" On the basis of, and due to take in literature, painting and construction all the West Lake Chinese garden construction is an important fundamental, it has a harmonious end Zhuangxiu Li as the main features of the history of humanity for the emotional exchange, is set a variety of landscape features of the ancient city public In this case using modern new design concepts and new materials, respect for nature, respect for history and respect for culture, context,竭力to create a Chinese landscape of the "mood" to interpret the "culture of the West Lake" features and


一、稿件类别:本刊主要刊登中文稿件,酌量刊登海外学者的英文稿件。二、本刊对来稿实行专家匿名评审。审稿周期为三个月,三个月后未接到用稿通知,请自行处理稿件。本刊有权对来稿进行编辑加工。三、投稿方式:请将电子文稿以附件形式发送至电子信箱。不便使用电子邮件发送者,请邮寄至:北京市阜外百万庄大街24号《中国翻译》编辑部,邮编:100037。请勿重复使用两种方式投送同一稿件。四、字数要求:来稿一般以5000-8000字为宜,长文应控制在10000字以内;书评及访谈类文章应在5000字以内为宜。五、稿件以Word格式排版,段落格式及标点使用须规范,请在第一页附上作者信息:姓名、工作单位/通信地址、邮编、电话、电子信箱、职称及研究方向;正文请勿标注任何个人信息。六、5000字以上的论述性文稿请附中英文摘要、英文标题和关键词、作者单位英文名称。七、文章格式体例请参照本刊文内引文标注、注释及文后参考文献体例。八、来稿文责自负,请勿一稿多投。九、请自留底稿,恕不退稿。十、任何个人或组织以任何形式转载、摘编本刊文章,须经本刊同意,并注明出处。诚挚感谢译界同仁多年来对本刊的厚爱与支持,欢迎赐稿! 本刊来稿要求首发,切勿一稿多投。向本刊投稿者,应当保证作品著作权的完整性、合法性,作品及内容不得侵犯他人合法权益。来稿如被采用,除非另有约定,将被发表在本刊、本刊合订本、本刊合作网络数据库及由本刊授权的其他出版物。来稿在本刊发表后,除非另有约定,作者即已授权给本刊处理转载事宜。凡以转载、转摘、复制、翻译等方式使用该作品者,必须征得本刊同意。凡向本刊投稿,即视为同意上述条款。

最好用nationality,此外folk,nation都可以表示民族,汉:Han汉族:the Han Nationality我毕业时候的简历,供楼主参考,祝你应聘成功!ResumeBasic InfoName: XXX Gender: maleAge: 22 Date of Birth: 1984-12-24Marital Status: single E-mail: Mobile: 86-13426015484 Dorm: 86-10-82337564Education 09-07 Beihang University Electronic Information Engineering BachelorMajor course: C Language, Analogical Electronics, Digital Electronics, Signal and SInfo during the School2006-12 Undertook the preliminary contest of the 1st TV Skating Competition in my 2005-07 Joined in Micro Freestyle Inline-Skating team as 2004-12 Founded the Inline-Skating Club in Beihang University as the Now it has 200 2004-11 Won the first prize in Flash Designing Competition in my Internship Experience 01-02 B,Inc (Beijing) Beijing Trained in Client Developing Department 10-12 Novots Technology Ltd Beijing Database backup and management from VPN 03-now Sikangrui Sporting Goods Beijing Campus Agent, Sale per year>60000RMB IT Skills Skilled in Windows XP and OLanguage SkillsFluent oral English; CET 4 Certificate Score: 511Self-appraisal Rational, be adept in planning and Honest, easy to communicate with, like doing things that is A lot of experience in club managing and campus Career ObjectivesIn the following three years, my target is to be a first-rank person in my Other InfoStrong suit: Freestyle inline- Hobbies: literature and all kinds of sport

Ethnically : Han

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