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进入2008年,美国次级房屋贷款危机掀起第二波狂潮:花旗集团和美林证券相继宣布2007年第四季度亏损均超过98亿美元,而瑞银集团更爆出114亿美元亏损的历史纪录。由于波及地域不断扩大,全球金融市场再次出现大幅震荡并且迅速在第一时间波及到我国。现在看来,次贷危机蔓延对我国经济的负面影响可能超过原来的预期。美国次贷危机对我国金融机构造成的损失尚难准确估计;对我国金融市场的流动性会产生影响,有可能加剧资产价格膨胀及金融市场大幅波动;对我国出口的负面影响将逐步显现,汇率制度会受到挑战,房地产市场风险将更加突出,境外投资面临更大的市场风险,对货币政策有效性构成冲击文章的最后作者提出了应对美国次贷危机的若干建议。  关键词: 金融机构,流动性,资产价格,金融市场,汇率制度,房地产市场,境外投资,货币政策  进入2008年,美国次级房屋贷款危机(以下简称次贷危机)掀起第二波狂潮:花旗集团和美林证券相继宣布2007年第四季度亏损均超过98亿美元,而瑞银集团更爆出114亿美元亏损的历史纪录。由于波及地域不断扩大,全球金融市场再次出现大幅震荡并且迅速在第一时间波及到我国。现在看来,次贷危机蔓延对我国经济的负面影响可能超过原来的预期。  一、美国次贷危机产生的背景及其原因  次级房屋贷款是指一些贷款机构向信用程度较差和收入不高的住房按揭借款人提供的贷款。20世纪80年代初,美国形成了有利于次级房屋贷款发展的经济和法律环境,增强了贷款机构发放抵押贷款的动机。1998~2006年,美国次级贷款占总贷款的规模急剧上升,截至2006年的四季度,接近了15%的水平。次级贷款规模的扩大、房地产市场的非理性繁荣以及对衍生品的投资热情高涨是同时出现且存在内在联系的,而这既造成了繁荣,也孕育了目前的次贷危机。由于美联储自2004年以来连续加息,利率的大幅攀升加重了购房者的还贷负担。同时美国住房市场也开始大幅降温。很多贷款人无法按期偿还借款,从而引发次级贷款机构亏损或破产、投资基金被迫关闭、股市剧烈震荡的次贷危机。  美国次级贷款之所以引发贷款本身及相关债券及衍生品市场在全球范围内引发金融市场危机,其原因大致包括五个方面:一是美联储利率政策及贷款利率的变化。2004年6月之前,美联储连续12次降息,使得金融创新不断,宽松的金融环境使次贷审批的程序也比较宽松,对其监管也出现严重疏忽。其后,出于对通货膨胀的担忧,美联储又连续加息17次,与此对应,次级贷款利率也逐步攀升,导致了低收入者无力支付房款,于是房产泡沫不断破裂。二是美国房屋价格增速放缓甚至普遍出现大幅下降,使次级贷款到期未付率开始上升。三是次级贷款审贷程序和标准较为宽松甚至低下,法律和监管缺失。四是担保债务凭证等基于房屋贷款的衍生产品在结构设计和流动性方面存在缺陷。五是对冲基金、银行等机构在担保债务凭证等交易中运用高杠杆比率进行融资,放大了金融市场风险,使房价及利率的波动产生一系列连锁反应,从而造成市场的整体波动,演变为全球性危机。  从更深层次来看,导致这场危机本质上是国际金融市场体系长期存在的内在矛盾演化的结果。20世纪90年代以来,金融自由化的泛滥及各类金融创新使得全球金融市场体系过度利用金融杠杆进行风险管理和投机交易。次贷危机仅为现有金融市场体系危机的导火线,危机的本质是信用危机,而非流动性危机,其对世界经济的影响将是深远而长久的。  二、美国次贷危机对我国的负面影响  (一)对我国金融机构造成的损失尚难准确估计  究竟我国的银行业总共投资了多大规模的次级贷款债券及其衍生品仍然是一个谜,目前还没有确切数据。较为可靠的数字应该是根据银行的交易对手方提供的数据进行统计(见表1),虽然这些统计也许并不完整,但反映的交易却较为真实。总体来看,次贷危机对我国的影响很可能超过原来的预期,有关各方应对此保持清醒的认识。  [@图头@]表1:美国次级贷危机对我国金融业造成的损失(单位:百万美元)  (二)对我国金融市场的流动性会产生影响,有可能加剧资产价格膨胀及金融市场大幅波动  由于金融全球化加剧,全球金融市场的联动性已成事实,次贷危机对我国金融市场的影响主要体现在几个方面:一是国际资本通过对冲基金和私人股权投资基金等形式跨境流动。我国已完全开放经常项目,资本跨境流动的监管已十分困难。二是外资机构以研究报告、研讨会、访谈等形式发布各种意见,影响市场预期。三是A股与H股之间的比价关系直接影响A股的定价水平。四是全球金融市场的剧烈波动在很大程度上对我国投资者的心理也产生影响,影响其市场预期。而且全球市场的投资者也对中国因素的关注越来越明显,我国经济及金融市场的波动也相应对全球市场的投资产生一定的影响。  (三)对我国出口的负面影响将逐步显现  总体上看,受美国次贷危机影响,2008年美国经济增长速度可能进一步放缓,有可能发生经济衰退。由于我国对美国出口的依赖程度较高,美国经济进入衰退,特别是美国消费水平下降,对进口商品的需求相应下降,这将从外需方面抑制我国出口的增长。同时,美国经济衰退会导致贸易保护压力增大,“中国制造”将面临更多的反倾销和反补贴诉讼,而这将削弱我国出口商品国际竞争力,这将对我国经济增长和就业产生显着冲击。  (四)汇率制度会受到挑战  美国次贷危机导致美国经济和美元下滑,必然会对主要与美元挂钩的人民币汇率产生影响。当前,我国外贸不平衡的矛盾更加突出,人民币与美元息差倒挂,流动性过剩和通货膨胀压力逐步加大,热钱流入加快及人民币升值压力不断加大。美联储利率的调整对人民币汇率的调整都有相当大的影响,甚至造成直接的冲击。  (五)房地产市场风险将更加突出  美国次贷危机对我国房地产信贷风险是一个很好的预警。我国房地产信贷没有信用分级和风险定价,假按揭和假收入资产证明并不少,信贷资产没有证券化,房地产信贷风险情况不明且风险相对集中在银行体系内。  (六)境外投资面临更大的市场风险  目前,美国次贷市场的动荡已扩散到普通公司债市场,导致公司债券价格暴跌。为寻求资金安全,将会有更多的资金涌向美国国债,美元资产组合和资产定价将面临重新调整,这会给我国巨额的外汇储备投资和中资银行外汇资产运用带来巨大的市场风险。  (七)对货币政策有效性构成冲击  美联储持续加息后未来利息政策的走势以及美国经济状况对我国货币政策构成相当大的直接冲击。在人民币进一步升值预期及通货膨胀压力加大的条件下,货币政策操作空间趋小。不排除国际资本为回避欧美次贷危机而通过各种渠道进入我国资产市场,这将加剧我国资产价格膨胀。同时,热钱的加速流入,还会产生对冲央行抑制流动性过剩的效果,并进一步推高我国股市和房价。  三、应对美国次贷危机的若干建议  短期来看,以下措施应属当务之急:  (一)建立和启动危机的应急机制  一是建立跨部门的应急机制,启动工作小组,对危机的发生和发展随时进行跟踪、分析和报告,将银监会的每月一报制改为随时报告制。二是与美日欧和中国香港建立及时的信息交流与监管协调的工作机制,尤其是对大型金融机构和对冲基金的跨境交易活动及时交换信息,随时交换各国政策干预的意见和立场。三是尽快组建由监管部门、业界人士、专家学者等组成金融决策咨询委员会,为中央和国务院在金融专业问题的重大决策提供专业意见。  (二)稳定市场预期,维护投资者信心  一是尽快采取措施,稳定金融市场尤其是股票市场预期,维护投资者信心,如澄清加快非流通股上市的政策意图与具体动向。二是减轻证券交易的税收负担,对卖出证券实行单边征收的方式,鼓励长期持有股票的投资理念。三是在外部市场环境剧烈波动时,暂缓基础性制度改革,如股票指数期货、融资融券等。四是短期内减缓股票的供给,暂缓大规模的再融资活动,严格审查再融资的资金用途。  (三)对宏观调控进行相机抉择  针对日益严峻的世界经济形势,为避免宏观调控过度、超调,应密切关注国际经济形势的变化和金融市场的发展以及各国的政策干预情况,根据我国的实际情况,相机评估、调整宏观调控的各项政策及具体措施。对于实施过程中的各种问题和新情况要及时加以解决,改进调控的效果。  就长期而言,必须完善相关的制度设计及其调整:  1、转变房地产市场的发展模式,厘清政府在这一市场中的地位与作用  应充分考虑借款人的不同信用,分离低收入阶层到房屋租赁市场和廉租市场。低收入阶层的信用风险一般较高,且对利率和房价较为敏感,严重依赖商业银行获得房屋抵押贷款,无疑将增加系统性风险。一方面,为保障低收入阶层的居住权,急需发展和健全房屋租赁市场与廉租市场予以配合。而这一目标须与其他制度如个人及家庭财产的申报及登记制度、相应的税收监管制度配合,才可真正得以落实。另一方面,为防范银行系统的风险,则需严格控制商业银行对房屋贷款的发放标准及比例,限制预售期房的按揭贷款及开发贷款。  2、完善房地产金融体系设计,重视住房抵押贷款背后隐藏的风险,将遏制房价泡沫与控制银行风险相结合  当房地产开发、经营、消费活动都依赖于商业银行贷款时,房地产市场与商业银行将一荣俱荣,一损俱损。为降低房地产市场波动对商业银行的负面影响,在转变房地产融资模式和加强创新的同时,还需要注重加强商业银行内部控制,严防贷款质量下降。应充分重视美国次贷危机的教训,严格保证首付政策的执行,采取严格的贷前信用审核,避免出现虚假按揭的现象。同时,还应加大对个人住房抵押贷款的信用风险评级,在银行体系内加快做好低端的、基础性的工作,对贷款的风险、信用状况、违约概率等方面的最初信息要做得非常精确,国内监管部门也要更加注意这种信息监管的精确性。此外,改革各地的住房公积金组织及管理体制,尽快组建政府支持的住宅抵押贷款银行及住宅抵押按揭贷款证券化机构已经迫在眉睫。  3、在进行金融创新的同时必须更加注重金融风险的防范  在设计金融市场体系,尤其是发展金融衍生品时,须充分认识其两面性。金融衍生品既有分散风险的功能,也有放大风险的作用。金融衍生品为贷款人提供流动性以及降低融资成本,并通过重新分配风险满足投资者的不同偏好,信贷资产证券化还有效地缓解风险过度集中于银行体系的状况,因此,金融创新仍需继续推动。同时,还应对衍生品市场的发展加强监管,严控风险,如在制定各种政策时,严格控制杠杆交易的上限,避免利用杠杆效应过度,避免单一市场风险向其他市场传染。  4、加强金融监管的全球性协调  国际金融监管中,存在市场间的信息不对称、监管滞后、缺乏协调机制等缺陷,极易放大风险的冲击。金融创新无法改变金融产品背后实体经济的收益和风险,金融创新无法改变宏观经济基本面的波动,金融创新惟一能做到的是对各类收益和风险予以分割与分配。在变动的制度和动荡的市场环境中,在全球范围内管理各类风险,成为全球投资者面临的巨大挑战。对冲基金以及混业经营条件下的银行等机构在金融市场的全球化活动以及由此可能产生的危机向全球蔓延的特点,使得监管的全球性协调十分重要。我国的资本项目管制短期内也许能避免直接冲击,但并不能完全避免其负面影响。因此不能对此存有侥幸心理,而应采取更为积极的措施,加强金融监管的全球协调。  3月17日,美国投行贝尔斯登股价跌幅达84%,并将被摩根大通超低价收购;雷曼兄弟股价最近两周跌幅也超过50%。虽然欧美政府不断出台救市措施,但次贷危机的影响仍在不断扩大,因此,进一步分析次贷危机对中资银行的影响还是很有必要的。  首先,次贷危机对中资银行的直接影响有限,但间接的负面影响不容忽视。根据公开披露的信息,涉及投资美国次级债的国内商业银行只有少数几家,且金额不大,直接影响的确有限。因此,次贷危机对中资银行的负面影响主要是间接影响,并主要是通过影响中资银行的外部经营环境而起作用。具体地说,次贷危机对中资银行的间接负面影响主要在以下几个方面:  第一,中资银行海外机构的经营活动会受到影响。当众多著名金融机构受次贷冲击损失严重甚至陷入危机时,消费者对金融机构的信心肯定会受到打击,进而影响整个银行业的经营环境,这种负面影响在美、欧、日的金融市场上尤其明显。中国的大型商业银行在美、欧、日三大经济体均设有海外机构,这些海外机构在当地开展业务时很难避免次贷危机的负面影响。  第二,次贷危机使我国经济发展的外部性风险加大,它通过影响我国的出口从而在一定程度上影响我国的经济增长,影响中资银行在国内经营的有利宏观经济环境。次贷危机使得世界经济增长放缓,尤其是次贷危机的三个“重灾区”――美、欧、日经济增长的下降,将会使我国今年的出口大幅下降,并将最终影响我国的经济增长。原因是我国经济增长一直存在着较高的对外依存度,近两年我国国内生产总值中32%的增幅来自净出口,且48%的出口商品是运往美、欧、日。  在次贷危机、我国宏观调控政策等多种因素的影响下,今年我国经济增长将会显著放缓(温总理在政府工作报告中也提出今年GDP增长目标为8%左右),中资银行高速增长的利润率肯定会因此而有所下降。  第三、对出口导向型企业发放的贷款的风险上升。次贷危机导致我国的出口需求下降,我国出口导向型企业的盈利将下降,部分中小企业甚至会面临生存危机,我国商业银行先前对此类企业发放的贷款的风险上升。  第四、中间业务收入会受到负面影响。2007年牛气充天的中国股市使得商业银行与资本市场联结的中间业务增长迅速,推动非利息收入激增,中间业务收入对利润贡献率提高。与2006年同期相比,2007年上半年我国四大国有上市银行(工、中、建、交)的中间业务收入平均增速超过了70%。然而随着美国次贷危机的超预期发展,国际金融市场发生剧烈波动,今年我国股市可能很难再现去年那般“高歌猛进”的“牛气”,中资银行的相关中间业务收入的增速将肯定会受到影响。  其次,应对次贷危机的间接影响,中资银行需进一步加强风险管理。次贷危机虽然重创了全球经济,但在我国政府灵活的宏观调控政策指导下,只要我国商业银行对次贷危机的影响保持清醒的认识,切实加强风险管理,就能将次贷危机的不利影响控制在较小的范围内。针对次贷危机,我认为中资银行应着力做好下述工作:  一是密切关注次贷危机发展和国际资本流动方向,密切监控客户状况,加强贷后管理,谨防对出口外贸企业的信贷风险。今年人民币对美元升值幅度将超过去年,并有望对各主要货币全面升值。另外,目前人民币利率14%,美元利率25%,利差189个基点,国际投机资本继续涌入中国的诱因加大。但是一旦美国经济反弹,为吸引外资美国启动强势美元之后,前期流入的大量投机资本将会撤出我国。历史告诉我们,资本进出有时像潮水一样迅速。  二是密切关注美、欧、日金融机构的信用风险。在与美、欧、日的金融机构进行合作或股权投资时,要注意对方持有美国次级债之类资产的情况,警惕对方的风险有无显著变化。  三是要吸取此次美国次贷危机的教训,加强风险管理。美国信贷风险管理的放松以及房地产市场泡沫的破裂直接导致了次贷危机。我们一定要认真吸取这一教训,加强对近几年房地产贷款的风险审查,解决好中国银行业普遍存在的风险防范、内部管理方面的问题。目前各大商业银行正在推进综合经营,其中,如何防范风险在不同子公司或业务之间扩散,如何建立起全面、垂直、有效的风险防控体系尤为重要。



Intermediate business of commercial banks and the development of intermediate business of commercial banks in China with a comprehensive international comparison The middle of a commercial banking business development activities because of 1 an inevitable choice for commercial banks Intermediate business of commercial banks and the rapid development of the emergence of the underlying reasons are not only driven, but also the result of external First of all, the international community to enter the countries have relaxed controls, the liberalization of banking and international trends, including greatly to the middle of the business, including the pace of financial innovation; Second, market competition has also promoted the development of intermediary business, traditional business of commercial banks not only faced competition in the same industry, and along with the development of capital market countries, greatly increased the proportion of direct financing, the traditional commercial banks assets, liabilities, business increasingly showing a "sunset industry" the decline, therefore, commercial banks were forced to carry out new business innovation to create a new source of profits; again, the middle of business innovation is the result of market demand, due to frequent fluctuations in interest rates and exchange rates, enterprises and commercial banks in which the uncertainty of economic environment, increasing the risk of which the effective management tools, in particular, a number of financial derivatives had a demand for the development of the banking intermediary business that is risk management in order to satisfy customers, as well as other diversified financial services; Finally, the banks have their own advantages, as well as 20 practical information technology since the 80's the development and extensive use of commercial banks for the development of intermediary business February 1987 at Northwestern University in the United States held a deposit-taking institutions on asset securitization and the risk of development of intermediary business seminar, a scholar on the development of commercial banks in the middle of a large number of business reasons for concluding, that is, commercial banks the development of intermediary business and technology, control, interest rate risk, customer competition, factors such as capital adequacy ratio are closely 2 The significance of the development of intermediary business (A) can be extended into a commercial bank intermediary function, to expand their business (B) commercial banks can spread business risks, and enhance the bank's ability to resist (C) can play a variety of business, "bundling" effect to enhance the competitiveness of the Intermediate business of commercial banks between other business interaction and mutual influence, and the development of intermediary business for the banks not only bring direct profits, but also with other business, the second interaction of the market to enhance the competitiveness of Second, commercial banks in the development of intermediary business 1 The broader business scope, a wide Western countries of the middle-run commercial banks and a wide variety of products to meet the diverse needs of customers, the commercial banks for the new business The scope of business covered by the middle of the traditional banking, trust services, investment banking, mutual funds and insurance They can engage in money market operations, but also can engage in discounting commercial paper and capital markets Gradually expand the business scale of 2, rising income From 1993 to 1996 among the US banking business grew from 912 billion US dollars to 188 trillion US dollars, accounting for bank assets from 78% to 9%, of which the seven largest banks in the middle of the business lending per cent more than doubled and Living in the forefront of the US banking industry, Citigroup, the Americas, such as the middle of the five major banking groups involved in the operational activities of the total assets of more than 2 trillion US dollars has the same period, assets and liabilities that banks under the total assets of 780 billion US dollars for the capital sum for the 45 billion US dollars; intermediary business 3 years the average growth rate to 2%, much higher than the 9 percent average annual total assets and total capital at an average annual growth rate of 6 ① 3 Middle-income structure of the business Western commercial banks from 1980 to 1990 of 10 years, the total income of non-spread revenue rapid upward trend in The middle of foreign banks operating income generally accounts for 40% of total revenue -50% Acceptance in the United States, Citibank, credit investigation, credit rating companies, assets evaluation business, personal financial advisor business, long-term foreign exchange trading, foreign exchange futures, foreign exchange options, and other intermediary business represented 80 percent brought their profits deposit and lending business profits accounted for only 20% of the total ② 4 Service means of advanced and high Improvement in the level of science and technology for the development of intermediate business of commercial banks to provide a strong foundation for technical support and innovation, especially in recent years can be at any time and any place in any way to provide customers with personalized service network of banks, the emergence of Internet banking promoted the development of intermediary With the international advanced banking payment system on its strong business in the middle was a huge amount of service fee Third, commercial banks Analysis of intermediate products 1 Clearing-type intermediate products Clearing products are usually divided into promissory notes, bills of exchange, the three types of Settlement of funds between the time of the settlement act, for the customers, the main demand is to use the banking clearing system, security and timely transfer of Settlement is therefore a means of clearing operations to ensure the successful completion of an important On the characteristics of the clearing business, its risk may come from three aspects: customer risk factors, risk factors of post and telecommunications sector and banking risk For the banks, the first two banks of external risks, which is the bank's internal ③ 2 security type of intermediate products With the development of international trade, the Western commercial banks faster development of the security business, including standby letters of credit, guarantee the payment, performance bond, bid security, supervision, such as payment by the common Chinese and foreign commercial banks, the security business is production of the intermediate business with commercial banks to carry out security operations is the use of banks to provide credit support, that one has to bear because of the risks associated with credit Intermediate goods 3 Management Mainly divided into the banking business, safe operations, Personal Financial S Since the last century is the era, as the world's financial system, industry structure, organizational structure, operational modalities and competition is undergoing a profound The changes in the traditional banking, securities, insurance, trust business increasingly blurred boundaries between the business, while seeking to promote and strengthen the commercial banking and financial activities of globalization and virtual organizations, the banks of the insurance industry to flourish here With the development of the world economy, personal financial services showing a huge space for And personal financial services customers of commercial banks is the core personal financial services in the commercial banks to the "financial services supermarket" the process of development, personal financial services of commercial banks at home and abroad has become the focal point of retail business 4 Advisory type of intermediate products Intermediary business consulting category refers to the transfer, sale information and provide intelligence services to the main contents of the intermediary Commercial banks on their own information, talent, credibility and other areas, the collection and presentation of information and information of these customers, as well as banks and financial analysis of campaign records to form a system of information and programs made available to customers, one to meet their management or business development Include: credit, corporate credit rating, assets evaluation business and financial information; business and personal financial advisor business; business consultant business investment and financing, including financing and the international syndicated loan 5 bank cards, online banking intermediate products Bank credit card is the issue of commercial banks to the community with consumer credit, debit settlement, access to cash in whole or in part, such as a credit payment Its fast development, many countries have become an important business, many banks and the major source of profit for Internet banking is a banking service to provide customers with new tools, which the existing banking business, based on the use of Internet technology to provide customers with comprehensive, consent, security, real-time financial Internet banking is not only a banking innovation is the organizational structure of a bank穿心At the same time, the emergence of Internet banking so that the expansion of commercial banks to find new channels for the middle of the Fourth, the middle of the latest developments in the direction of business Securitization of credit assets 1 Securitization of credit assets refers to a group of poor liquidity through a portfolio of assets, so that this group of assets to generate stable and predictable cash flow proceeds through the intermediary of certain credit enhancement, the proceeds of these assets the right to change as flows in the financial markets, higher credit rating of bond-type In essence, will be financing the securitization of future cash proceeds of the assets and the corresponding right to transfer the risk to investors, and the transfer of ownership of the assets may not be ④ 2 fund business A long time, China's commercial banks to develop intermediary business not as a main industry and the new profit growth point to run, but also our country's strict separation of management and other factors, so that the development of the banking sector has been greater A direct consequence of these restrictions is that domestic commercial banks and weak financial Have been carried out in the middle of the retail business of the development of varieties, not to profit maximization as the goal, but as absorbing as a means of customer deposits, which resulted in business receipts in the middle of the contribution rate for banks with low profit Commercial banks in China's current total income, the proportion of all interest income more than 90% This revenue structure is to enable the assets of China's commercial banks profitability in the last century since the 90's has been in a continuous downward trend in one of the main Studies have shown that commercial banks in the US the average asset profit rate of China's four state-owned commercial banks average of 86 This shows that the middle of my business cards, many types of projects though, but their purpose and profit with the situation in Western developed countries, significant differences between the modern commercial banking business and a lot of content has yet to enter our field of ⑥ 8, China's commercial banks lag in the middle of the reasons for business development 1 on the traditional state-owned commercial businesses, as well as the long-term monopoly control of the central bank's interest rates led directly to commercial banks to create a modern From abroad, the development of banking business, the increasingly intensified competition in the market forces and customers is to continuously strengthen the bank to speed up the expansion of the main reasons for non-margin China's banking industry from the historical path of development, the historical factors strangle a certain extent, the domestic commercial banks to expand their business and the autonomy of "Unification" of thinking, as well as the banking system more rigid domestic commercial banks used to make the government's command, the lack of response to the economic situation to customers and the market as guide, based on the formulation and implementation of their own advantages for their own development strategies of motivation and 2 the development of intermediate business of commercial banks led to a substantial risk of financial regulation will make the existing system is facing tremendous The financial sector at the policy orientation of business limits the room for the development of intermediary Most of the middle of the business belonging to banks and non-bank financial institutions operating in the field of cross-cutting, so inrong the state's macroeconomic management policies of banks, non-bank financial institutions, the limited scope of business directly determines the intermediate business of commercial banks to open up I started in 1993 from a banking, securities, insurance, trust the strict separation of management, the banks can not create a cross-sectoral, comprehensive, multi-faceted business intermediate products, it is difficult to raise the level of business and level of intensive 3 Bank charges among the business and the lack of In the absence of corresponding fees and charges based mechanism, the intermediary business difficult and hard to charge fees, particularly the phenomenon of Charges not specifically reflected in the financial institutions among the business no express provision Difficult to charge in fees and charges due to lack of enforcement mechanism, financial institutions are afraid of arbitrary collection of charges the 4 China's banking industry has developed the "marketing model" and the "marketing habit" has severely constrained the development of intermediary From foreign banks to expand business model point of view, primarily by the consumer to facilitate this, fast, safe and customer service benefits, are a typical "product " As for the domestic banking industry, the product quality and price are often relegated to a secondary position, "relationship marketing" has become the domestic banking industry to explore the middle of the main mode of At present, commercial banks remain the main customer base to large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprises and property rights Fuzzy principal - agent problem makes enterprise managers pay more attention to the pursuit of personal interests, at this time the relationship between banks and their customers has become a successful product whether or not the ⑦ Main References: ① Bank for International Settlements: "International Financial Market Development Report", published in 1999 ② Ho five-star: "Financial Innovation in Development", Southwest University of Finance and Economics Press, 2000 ③ Yang Ming-sheng: "Commercial Bank's Intermediary Business Products practical " Beijing, China Financial Publishing House, 2002 ④ Peter • Rose book, Liu Garden translation: "Commercial Bank Management", Beijing, Mechanical Industry Press, 2001 ⑤ after lam-chun: "commercial banks intermediate innovative business risk prevention and control", containing "China's financial fortnightly" 2003 Zhang Guohai ⑥: "Commercial Bank's Intermediary Business Development Strategy in the International Comparison", in "Financial Research", 2003 ⑦姚德良: "I have been the middle of the commercial business development implied by the low level of research", in "Finance and Trade Economy", 2004







杨帅(2016)按照共享经济主体方面之间的差异来进行分类的,与此同时,杨帅还提出了包含消费及生产领域的可以实现对参与主体进行划分的框架。该框架是一个比较具体化的框架,主要包括以下几点:第一,企业-个人类型。这种类型指的是企业借助第三方网络平台或相关联的企业进行其闲置资源利用渠道的拓宽。其中,最为经典的案例就是首钢创客空间。第二,个人-企业类型,这种类型也被称为临时工代表性经济形式。简单来说就是那些拥有时间、资源、技能的个人借助网络平台中的相关众包平台,满足企业临时性的服务需求。在这一过程中,个人为企业提供服务并收取适当的报酬。通过这种方式,企业能够用较低的成本来解决其内部问题而且个人也能够在为企业提供服务的过程中得到相应的报酬。第三,个人-个人类型,在这种模式中交易的主体为个人。个人能够借助第三方网络平台来实现个人需求与共计之间的协调,该网络平台作为媒介其主要的作用就是为双方提供信息。比如:滴滴出行。通过该平台,双方的利益都能够得到满足,且经济效益也能够得到增加。最后一种是企业-企业类型,通过对互联网的合理应用,企业中的闲置资本能够得到有效的利用。通过资源的充分利用,企业内部生产领域的结构性问题也能够得到很好的解决。例如:阿里巴巴淘工厂。阿里巴巴淘工厂将线下供给能力与线上市场需求之间进行了结合,以此来带动其供给与需求之间的最优配置,进而提升其企业资源配置的合理性。吴晓隽和杨天波(2015)的观点中,共享经济是能够在IT软硬件生产、无线网络、信息终端以及新型消费及生产模式的构建过程中都有十分重要的作用。也就是说,共享经济的影响范围不仅局限于互联网及相关产业中,还包括对于企业经营管理、消费模式、生产模式的影响。郑志来(2016)在对共享经济这一问题进行研究的过程中,首先对供给侧改革的相关内容进行了分析。随后,郑志来表示,共享经济能够有效的改善经济失衡的状况并能够成为供给侧机构性变革过程中一个十分重要的补充部分。共享经济与供给侧结构性改革之间是存在着一定的联系的,且共享经济是一种实现经济方式转变的有效手段。二、共享经济相关理论(一)共享经济的概念最早提出共享经济这一概念的学者是马科斯·费尔逊和琼·斯潘思,在其代表作《社区结构和协同消费:常规活动的方法 》中有对这一概念的详细解释。近几年,伴随着我国经济发展水平的不断提升,共享经济这一概念逐渐被人们所了解。当下,我国对于共享经济的定义为:借助互联网信息技术等一系列相关的科学技术,对海量的、分散的资源进行合理有效的整合并能够满足多样化需求的经济活动的总称。共享经济的主要特征为使用权限,是一种合作经济。共享经济的目的就是为了进行交易成本的压缩,进而带来经济效益的提升。共享经济的主要作用包括以下两点:首先,共享平台的性质是中间媒介,能够带动双方交易成本的降低。与此同时,借助这一共享平台双方能够得到更多的资源和信息,并且其监督成本较低。其次,在共享平中,原本不能够加入到大交易环节中的物品也能够进行交易。这就使交易的范围得到了扩大,且资源的利用效率得到了提升。伴随着经济的不断发展和进步,产生了一种新型的经济形态—基于 O2O 的共享经济。这种经济活动其实在很久之前就已经产生了,不过都没有得到人们的重视。近几年,基于O2O的共享经济逐渐被人们所了解、重视并且不断的发展起来。这种新型经济形态产生的根本原因是互联网信息技术的不断发展,使得传统的交易区域、空间被打破,市场规模得到了扩张。在这种形势下,每个人都是需求者和供给者。在新型经济形态中,物品的使用权、所有权之间处于分离的状态,且相关的交易内容也被赋予了新的意义。与此同时,人们在获取物品的过程中其目的也发生了改变。人们的关注点转移到了物品的实际使用权利上,这就使得物品的使用效率得到了明显的提升。对于消费者来说,用更加低廉的价格就能够租用到你需要使用的物品,这种方式既能够满足消费者使用物品的需求还能够减少消费者的支出。而且,限制资源在这一过程中也能够得到更加合理、有效的利用。(二)共享经济的特点1、价值增值价值增值过程属于西方经济学领域,其被定义为是劳动力价值的补偿,而其在共享经济的商业模式下,其又被赋予了新的意义与和内涵,因为共享经济对于价值进行了全新的定义,即只有在有需求的人手里,物品才能体现其价值,因而这一价值增值过程就成为了将闲置的物品转移到对其存在需求的人手里的过程。卖家通过售卖闲置的物品,在清理自己的生活空间的同时还可以回收到相当于物品原价格中的一定资金的回报,而限于经济原因而无法入手想要商品的买家也可以经由购买这些出售的闲置商品来满足自身的强烈渴望。2、充分利用闲置资源对于闲置资源的充分利用也是共享经济特点中的一种,其能够提高资源的利用率甚至保护环境。正是由于社会经济的不断发展与科技的飞速进步使得一部分人在追求最新科技的同时对于其拥有的尚且完好的高科技产品进行不断的淘汰,这正是由于城市生活集约化的进一步发展和居民个人生活水平的不断提高同时伴随在社会产能过剩的背景下个人对于产品拥有的越来越少的可使用空间所导致的。而那些所淘汰下来的产品又会对个人的生活空间产生占据,由此甚至还需要个人来负担养护和维修的开销,同时产品没有得到充分利用也是一种资源的浪费,违背了绿色发展的理念。其实在社会生活中,共享经济无处不在,例如在交通领域,其传统的公交飞机地铁火车就能够极大的的便利许多乘客的交通出行,它就属于一种共享经济。而新开发出来的滴滴打车也对众多用户的出行起到了很大的便利。将使用交通产品的时间段错开以实现对于车辆的使用率的显著提升,这在降低物品闲置时间,提高资源的利用效率的同时还能实现对于在自身生活成本上的降低,符合绿色发展的理念3、网络易访性随着互联网那个大时代的到来,人们可以更加方便的经由网络来实现自身的生活方式上的便捷化,这点也体现在了共享经济中的闲置物品交易上,买家和卖家双方都能够在网上实现顺畅的交流,这也使得卖家更容易对用户的需求实现掌握,互联网所提供的强大的图文功能可以让买家更好的了解卖家的产品,也更便于卖家对自己的产品进行更好的展示以吸引客客户。O2O网站是一种个人对个人的网络销售方式,正适合闲置物品的买卖,其提供的功能可以降低卖家进行宣传推广的成本,而对于卖家来说也是省去了去线下进行了解的精力,使其通过网络就能实现对产品的全方位了解,因而共享商业模式的实现离不开网络的易访性,正是其为买家与卖家之间提供了便利且成熟的用以双方交流的平台来实现了对于共享商业的促进作用。4、社群共享社群共享是消费者在消费过程中,寻找的具有相同消费需求的群体,为了节省一定的消费费用而采用团购或拼团的方式进行消费。例如拼多多和美团就是针对具有相同购物需求的的消费者群体而建立的;58同城、安客居是将有共同的居住需求的人们聚在一起;51job以及智联招聘则是构建了一个用人单位和求职者之间的沟通交流搭建了桥梁;天猫、淘宝以及聚美优品则是找准自己的市场定位,主要对自己的强项进行经营。通过众多的APP我们可以看出,社群共享产生了一种新的消费模式。5、所有权需求下降在以前那个物资匮乏的年代,只有拥有了该商品的所有权才能心安理得地使用。不过现在人们生活水平的大大提高,对产品的消费观念也发生转变,人们在进行商品购买时更突出获得商品的使用权而不是所有权,商品只有对自己有用才具有价值。在这种消费观念下,共享经济应运而生。一辆共享单车可以在一天内满足十几个人的出行需求,一份学术资料可以供几百位学者学习借鉴,如何在最小的代价下最大程度上满足市场需求,是在共享经济发展模式下需要思考的主要问题。共享经济的发展在一定程度上满足了更多人的消费需求,并且被更多的人认可和接受。三、我国共享经济存在的问题分析(一)现有法律法规无法适应共享经济的发展由于我国的法律条文大部分是在上世纪制定的,所以在我国当下实行的法律体系中,对于新出现的共享经济并没有制定明确的法律规定,而且共享经济依托于互联网的发展而发展,并且在多个领域均有涉及,所以没有一个行业的法律能够直接套用到共享经济的发展之中,对于共享经济从业人员的待遇问题、电商平台的税收问题等层出不穷的新问题都有待解决。一些陈旧的法律条文并不能适应当下经济发展的需要,如果从旧时代的法律角度来看新时代的经济发展,共享经济中有许多创新企业都涉嫌违规或在濒临违规的边界,部分法律并不能对共享经济的发展起到相应的监管,反而具有一定的阻碍作用。共享经济的准入门槛较低,服务质量良莠不齐,并且在对共享经济的发展中缺少有效的市场监管,消费者利益得不到保障。因此,我国要不断完善关于共享经济的法律体系,建立相关的监管部门保障行业稳定发展,并通过相应的激励机制促进创新企业的发展,使共享经济能为我国的国民经济发展做出更大的贡献。


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EEE ,其实吧,题目都是次要的主要说写作内容呢





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