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《时尚旅游》每期零售价 00元/期2002年起与美国《国家地理旅行者》(英文名:National Geographic Traveler)进行版权合作。 《时尚旅游》整合时尚杂志社与美国国家地理学会的优势资源和丰富经验,致力于成为积极主动,求知欲强的旅行者的信息来源。《时尚旅游》通过提供独特的,真正的旅行体验,鼓舞读者探索和了解世界,享受生活,享乐人生。

旅行圣经Lonely Planet

你可以看看BBC news

a travel magazine 补充: 你的采纳我的动力 很高兴能够帮助你


CONTENTS(内容或者是目录,根据语境你在看看哪个合适)1、Friendship友谊2、English around the world世界英语3、Travel journal旅游杂志4、Earthquakes地震5、Nelson Mandela-a modern hero纳尔逊·曼德拉--一名当代英雄

travel magazine

1、Friendship 友谊2、English around the world 世界英语3、Travel journal 旅游杂志4、Earthquakes 地震5、Nelson Mandela-a modern hero 纳尔逊·曼德拉--当代英雄CONTENTS 内容,目录

内容 友谊 英语遍布全球 旅游 地震 尼尔森麦当娜 一位现代的英雄!



疯狂英语 双月刊的,不错,还有CD附送,可以练听力

a travel magazine 补充: 你的采纳我的动力 很高兴能够帮助你

travel magazine


您好,建议你看《英语沙龙》这个s杂志有分0等级,你可以4选择适合自己x水5平的。《空中5英语教室》也t是很不j错的选择! o┨d◆病ⅶy┐f‰∫o┨nm砖m砖rv


每日邮报 今日美国 泰晤士报 国家地理都有旅游版面~《世界》是专业的旅游杂志



Dear John Travel is a good way to relax body and For me ,I 'd like travel to somewhere warm and When you feel tired or Idle , walk out and enjoy the beautiful scenery is a good C It is a good chance to make yourself relaxed and make And go out to breathe the fresh air is good for your If you would like to have a nice travel,you should get a good ready for the For example,you should know the weather before setting out,bring suitable clothes, cameras, and other commonly used drugs Finally ,you should understand the matters needing attention , Diet and safety when And then you will have a wonderful yours LiHua 纯手码的 意思上基本一致 语法上可能有些小错误 ,还是希望你自力更生 这样才能到训练自己的水平

I think most people like traveling because they can feel the beauty of the nature and breathe the fresh air at the same What's more they can make But there are some disadvantages of travelling, such as, the weather may change quickly and you may be wet in the So my suggestion is that before you travel, you should listen to the weather report and get to know about the weather and you'd better travel with others so that you are not into

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