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一共有三本,阐述中国传统文化精髓的儒家,与道\佛\基督教等等相对比 Hong Qingfu著 上海教育出版社


《中国日报》,建立于1981年,是唯一的全国性英文报纸。每天的平均循环已经超过200000,这部分资金的三分之广泛遍及全球150多个国家和地区。致力于帮助世界更了解中国和国家的整合与国际接轨,中国日报》被认为是这个国家最权威的英语媒体及重要的信息来源,对中国政治、经济、社会和文化。它常被称为“中国的声音”或“窗口到中国。”《中国日报》,也可以作为重要的来源,为高端中国读者想知道更多关于这个世界。总部设在北京,中国日报均设有分公司在上海、广州、香港和记者在中国各大城市。以英语为的员工,记者和编辑记者的报业集团是闻名的、职业道德、 主动性和创造性。多数新闻、社论、分析和特征写的员工。大量的专家、学者和作家在各个领域的评论和特征有助于页。中国日报还交流信息和主要报纸、广播电台、电视台、网站、 上海星,周末,二十一号世纪,二十一号世纪少年高级编辑、二十一号世纪初级版和十几岁的《中国日报》的网站(),这是一个国家的主要新闻网站的访问量,收到600万每天

Discover the identity forming Chinese cultural symbols that are instantly associated with the unique culture of the Every culture has some identity forming symbols that are instantly associated with that The Chinese culture being one full of symbolism has many prominent symbols that can be termed as the cultural symbols of the The image of the dragon for example is one of the most prominent cultural symbols of the So much so, that the country of China is often referred to as the oriental The dragon is a highly revered mythological character in the Chinese culture and as such the Chinese people consider themselves to be descendants of the dragon and are proud of saying The dragon is an imaginary creature that was developed by taking elements from a number of different creatures and composing them together to form this unique looking mythological The dragon is taken as a symbol of authority, might and power and is considered to be a bringer of good There are many events that revolve around the dragon such as the famous dragon dance and the dragon boat The Great Wall of China is without a doubt one of the biggest cultural symbols of the This wonder amongst the eight wonders of the world is a structure that can be seen from outer The wall was built across high mountains and served as a means of military defense in centuries gone This gigantic structure starts from the city of Shanhaiguan in the Liaoning Province in Eastern China and covers a staggering 12,700 kilometers to finish at J Another name for this prominent Chinese cultural symbol is the Ten Thousand Li W The color red is also a prominent symbol of the Chinese Not only is it the color of the National flag rather it manifests itself in various ways in the lives of the Chinese people and has a deep symbolic meaning to For the Chinese the color red symbolizes good luck and This is why we find the color being used in great abundance at the time of special occasions and festivals such as the Chinese New Y During such events the entire country is decorated with red color decorations ranging from the clothes that the people wear to the various things they decorate their homes The color red is also used to drive off evil spirits in the Chinese There are certain food items like the dumplings which are taken as a symbol of Chinese This is a Chinese dish that has been present in the culture for The rice dish came about as an attempt to save the poor from starvation, cold and disease at the hands of the famous Chinese doctor Zhang Z These days dumplings are a traditional food item most commonly associated with the Spring FIf you are talking about Chinese cultural symbols then chopsticks too are a prominent identity forming symbol for the This relatively simple tool makes eating with them no less than an The non-Chinese person would find it very difficult to eat using The Chinese however are masters at using the chopsticks and today people from all over the world seek to collect the beautifully designed chopsticks that are specially produced to serve as




Discover the identity forming Chinese cultural symbols that are instantly associated with the unique culture of the Every culture has some identity forming symbols that are instantly associated with that The Chinese culture being one full of symbolism has many prominent symbols that can be termed as the cultural symbols of the The image of the dragon for example is one of the most prominent cultural symbols of the So much so, that the country of China is often referred to as the oriental The dragon is a highly revered mythological character in the Chinese culture and as such the Chinese people consider themselves to be descendants of the dragon and are proud of saying The dragon is an imaginary creature that was developed by taking elements from a number of different creatures and composing them together to form this unique looking mythological The dragon is taken as a symbol of authority, might and power and is considered to be a bringer of good There are many events that revolve around the dragon such as the famous dragon dance and the dragon boat The Great Wall of China is without a doubt one of the biggest cultural symbols of the This wonder amongst the eight wonders of the world is a structure that can be seen from outer The wall was built across high mountains and served as a means of military defense in centuries gone This gigantic structure starts from the city of Shanhaiguan in the Liaoning Province in Eastern China and covers a staggering 12,700 kilometers to finish at J Another name for this prominent Chinese cultural symbol is the Ten Thousand Li W The color red is also a prominent symbol of the Chinese Not only is it the color of the National flag rather it manifests itself in various ways in the lives of the Chinese people and has a deep symbolic meaning to For the Chinese the color red symbolizes good luck and This is why we find the color being used in great abundance at the time of special occasions and festivals such as the Chinese New Y During such events the entire country is decorated with red color decorations ranging from the clothes that the people wear to the various things they decorate their homes The color red is also used to drive off evil spirits in the Chinese There are certain food items like the dumplings which are taken as a symbol of Chinese This is a Chinese dish that has been present in the culture for The rice dish came about as an attempt to save the poor from starvation, cold and disease at the hands of the famous Chinese doctor Zhang Z These days dumplings are a traditional food item most commonly associated with the Spring FIf you are talking about Chinese cultural symbols then chopsticks too are a prominent identity forming symbol for the This relatively simple tool makes eating with them no less than an The non-Chinese person would find it very difficult to eat using The Chinese however are masters at using the chopsticks and today people from all over the world seek to collect the beautifully designed chopsticks that are specially produced to serve as

春节 Spring Festival is the most important festival in China It’s to celebrate the lunar calendar ‘s new year In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal In many places people like to set off firecrackers Dumplings are the most traditional food Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes They can also get some money from their This money is given to children for good luck People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ” People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good







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中国的电化教育,英文译名有四个:(1)Electrifying Education,出现于20世纪30年代,是电化教育文字的直译。据陈友松和戴公亮先生称,1939年他们即从美国联邦政府教育署出版的《学校生活》杂志上看到Electrifying Education一词。(2)Electrifying Education,从1979年G T Page 和J B Thoms所著的《International Dictionary of Education》(《国际教育辞典》)中可见。Electrifying Education与Electrified Education的区别在于,前者采用现在分词形式,含正在使教育电化之意;后者则采用过去分词形式,含已经使教育电化之意。(3)Audio-Visual Education,见于1980年国家教委中央电化教育馆创办的期刊《电化教育》(Audio-Visual Research)和1980年国家教委中央电化教育馆创办的期刊《电化教育》(Audio-Visual Education)。(4)AudioVisual Education是Audio-Visual Education的进一步缩写和专用化,见于国家教委电化教育委员会办公室、中央电化教育馆主办的《中国电化教育(China Audiovisual Education,1996年从原《电化教育》期刊更名而来)。无论是Audio-Visual Education还是AudioVisual Education,其字义就视听教育。

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