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As we all know ,communication has been playing an important part in people‘s As far as I know there are many kinds of communication, among them mail, telephone and computer are most commonly Writing letters is one of People use it to exchange information, ideas and Slow as the mail is, it is the cheapest means of The second kind is the By using telephone, people can hear each other even if they are far With the development of modern science and technology,the computer has come into Communication with computers is fast and In this way, people can send E-mail to each   In a word, mail, telephone and computer all help to bring people all over the world

移动通信作为一个科技密集型和知识密集型的高新技术产业,在现代市场经济条件下,在竞争空间日趋激烈和社会信息化发展趋势下,必须十分重视市场营销管理,重视市场营销管理体系建设。要充分根据市场需求的现状与趋势,制定计划,合理有效配置资源。通过有效地满足市场需求,来赢得竞争优势,在加快市场营销步伐的同时,努力建立和完善移动通信市场营销管理体系,以不断适应新的发展形势需要。1目前国内移动通信市场营销管理的现状“市场部”这个词走进国内企业还是近几年的事,目前移动通信企业内部所设置的营销部、分销处、运营部、销售部、以及市场管理部等都是市场部的涵盖范围。从分营后的中国移动通信、中国联通、上海光大、电信长城等具有运营资格的运营商来看,中国移动通信市场营销做的比较大,在原先营业厅基础上,又发展了商场、专卖店、量贩等销售形式,给人一种规模和实力的感觉,然而市场知名度高,但市场品牌忠诚度低;中国联通起步晚,但市场经济条件下没有迟到的经营者,只有善于经营的赢家,中国联通采取分销商网络营销的思路引起业内效仿,但诸多不完善的环节也时常引起消费者反应;其它几家运营商尽管营销思路很前卫,但是制约其市场开发的因素较多,市场反应冷淡。可以说,目前移动通信企业市场营销管理是各行其道,短期行为太多,缺乏长远统一的规划。从行业整个市场来看,我国移动通信企业尚未真正掌握专业营销知识和操作技能,就其对市场的态度和行为而言,移动通信企业还处于为完成短期销售目标而采用广告、公关、有奖销售等促销手段为主的促销导向型阶段,尚未达到市场营销导向型阶段。当然,其中原因也有我国通信行业长期处于垄断阶段的因素,广大从业者没有市场危机感。没有市场危机感就不会产生市场营销紧迫感,对市场营销管理的认识和努力只是在竞争机制下才有所转变。就移动通信行业进入市场经济状态的时间和目前市场供需关系的状况看,从业者的观念和认识的迅速提高要靠调查、分析、预测、营销企划等方式来引导、开拓、扩大和满足广大消费者对其服务的需求来完成,进而达到企业整体长远的营销目标的实现,尽管尚须时日,但这是市场营销的需求和必然发展趋势。从市场发展规律来看,卖方市场到买方市场的转变往往是在市场开始竞争之时,对竞争日渐激烈的移动通信业而言,具有前瞻性目光的人士早已看到,初露端倪的买方市场正在形成。如何适应市场、创造市场,是移动通信企业面临的带有战略性的问题。移动通信商们应该清醒认识到,拥有目前的市场并不完全意味着必然占有市场,还必须依靠行之有效的方式去进行市场拓展,发展市场,创造市场,这个行之有效的方式就是建立和完善企业的市场营销管理体系。2市场营销管理体系的组成和细分从事过营销的人都知识,市场营销的表现是市场管理,市场营销管理的实质是需求管理。企业在开展市场营销的过程中,一般要设定一个在目标市场上预期要实现的交易水平。然而,实际需求水平可能低于、等于、或高于这个预期的需求水平,换言之,在目标市场上,可能没有需求、需求很小或超量需求,市场营销管理就是要对付这些不同的需求,市场营销管理体系就是要对市场营销管理进行科学有效组合。根据移动通信行业自身特点以及市场的发展情况来看,移动通信市场营销管理体系应包括五个方面:(1)市场需求管理;(2)市场营销网络管理;(3)市场推动管理;(4)市场营销环境管理;(5)市场营销组织管理。这个市场营销管理体系就是通过创造建立和保持与目标市场之间的有益交换和联系,以实现移动通信企业的各种目标并进行分析、计划、执行和控制的市场营销指挥系统,可以说,这个系统不仅是定价、分销、促销等单一活动的职能行使,而是一个目标市场运作的中枢神经系统,通过这个系统,企业不断观察市场,发现和评估各种变化因素,然后反馈企业,作为企业制定新战略和行动计划的基础,然后运用新的修正过的行动来消除阻碍目标实现的因素,并观察评价客户和竞争对此作出的反应,然后再反馈到企业使企业再次形成新的战略修正方案推向市场,这样形成良性循环,以达到不断适应市场,创造市场的目的。就移动通信市场营销管理体系的五个组成部分而言,既有机地结合,又独立工作,每一部分又包涵着丰富的细分内容。1市场营销需求管理细分我们知道,市场营销管理的实质是需求管理。根据市场需求水平、时间和性质不同,市场需求一般有八种不同状况:(1)负需求;(2)无需求;(3)潜伏需求;(4)下降需求;(5)不规则需求;(6)充分需求;(7)过量需求;(8)有害需求。从市场的组成要素人口、购买力、购买欲望来看,目前移动通信市场需求状况基本处于充分需求和潜伏需求的阶段,是市场开拓者应好好把握的大好时机。市场营销需求管理就是要对市场的需求状况进行有效管理,充分做好市场调查研究,深入市场,广泛了解客户、顾客、分销商、供应商以及广告反应、行业信息、营销网络、促销效果等有关业内的综合情况,广泛搜集市场信息,摸准市场的变化,找准潜在市场及市场盲区和死角,做出详尽属实的市场调研分析报告,以便企业的企划者以此制定市场营销企划方案,制定新业务计划。可以说,市场营销需求管理是企业营销工作的一双眼睛。一般来说,市场营销需求管理包括目标市场分析和市场目标分析两个方面。(1)目标市场影响移动通信目标市场的因素较多,从市场定位、营销策略、促销政策、广告方式、产品价格、产品包装及外形到技术先进程度、购买形式、服务态度、营销网络建设、售后服务等方面都要认真考虑。目标市场变化不断,移动通信运营商也要依据市场的变化不断变化营销管理思路。从手机市场上我们可以看到,手机从当初的组织消费购买到如今的私人消费购买为主,目标市场的变化也引起供应商的努力,摩托罗拉从当初以行政机关领导为主到现在形色多样的各种层次手机,正是目标市场使然。移动通信商要在研究目前目标市场的综合情况时,不断把目光投向市场的新变化,进行市场细分与目标市场新选择,准确把握和预测市场需求的发展动态,才能做到有的放矢。(2)市场目标那些收入稳定、有一定的经济实力和地位的人群,固然是市场目标,但这些人早已是手机的拥有者,移动通信商关注的是新增长的消费层和高消费层新的消费变化。市场永远在变化,所有稳定都是暂时的,移动通信市场也不例外。不同的消费者有不同的变化,从行政机关公务员、企业老板到小业主、企业白领阶层、打工仔,不同年龄不同性别,需求不同,变化也不同,兴趣爱好各异,审美观点有别,需要市场开拓者仔细研究,区别对待,进行准确市场定位。这一点我们从外企的情况可以看出,摩托罗拉手机以厚重大方为主,为行政机关人员和高级管理者所看重;诺基亚以专业公司著称,倡导科技以人为本,平均不到一周时间推出新款,其先进的形象对新潮时尚人士和高级知识分子具有较强吸引力,而在全国各大媒体统一推出的《专业、全面、关怀》系列宣传篇,更是把诺基亚推向大众化市场;爱立信则以灵巧方便为高级商务人士所青睐;飞利浦更是以外形美观色彩明快吸引着广大青年消费者。我国的科键、波导、康佳则以工薪阶Mobile communications as a technology-intensive and knowledge-intensive high-tech industries, in a modern market economy, the space in the increasingly fierce competition and social development trend of information technology, we must attach great importance to marketing management, attention to marketing management To fully meet market demand the status and trends, planning, rational and efficient allocation of To effectively meet the market demand, to gain a competitive advantage in accelerating the pace of marketing at the same time, efforts to establish and improve mobile communications marketing management system to continuously adapt to the new development of the 1 domestic mobile communications marketing management status "Market" or words into the domestic enterprises in recent years, the current mobile communication enterprises set up by the marketing, distribution, the Ministry of operations, sales and market management, and so are the Department of the Ministry of the coverage of the market From the camp after China Mobile, China Unicom, the Shanghai Everbright, telecommunications operators, such as the Great Wall of qualified operators, China Mobile Marketing to do more, in the original business on the basis of the Office and the development of shopping malls, Stores, hypermarkets and other forms of sales, gives people a sense of size and strength, but the market well-known, but the market is low brand loyalty; China Unicom late start, but not under market economy conditions late for the operators, only good at business The winner, China Unicom network marketing distributors to take the ideas from the industry to follow, but many imperfections often caused part of the response of consumers; several other carriers despite the very avant-garde marketing ideas, but restricted their market development than the factors , The market It can be said that the current mobile communication business marketing management is Gexingqidao, too much short-term, long-term lack of unified From the industry look at the entire market, China's mobile communication business has yet to truly master professional knowledge and operating skills marketing, on his attitude and behaviour of the market, the mobile telecommunications sector is still in the short-term sales target for the completion of using advertising, public relations, sales crossword , And other promotions based marketing-oriented stage, have not yet reached the market-oriented marketing Of course, the reasons for China's communications industry has a monopoly stage of the long-term factors, the majority of market practitioners no sense of No market will not have a sense of crisis on the marketing sense of urgency, the market knowledge and marketing management efforts in the mechanism of competition only if they On the mobile communications industry into the market economy status of the time and the market supply and demand situation, the practitioners of the concept and awareness of the rapid increase to rely on investigation, analysis, forecasts, marketing and other ways to guide the planning, development, to expand and meet the majority of consumer To demand for its services to complete, thereby achieve their overall long-term goal of marketing, despite the need to be given time, but this is the marketing needs and inevitable From the development of the market, a seller's market to a buyer's market is often the changes in the market when the competition began, the increasingly fierce competition in the mobile communications industry, are forward-looking vision of people already see emerging is a buyer's market F How to adapt to the market and create markets, is facing the mobile communications companies with strategic Mobile communications have to be clearly recognized that the current market has not fully occupy the market will inevitably mean that, we must rely on effective ways to conduct market development, market development, market creation, the effective ways is to build and Improve enterprise marketing management 2 marketing management system and the breakdown of the composition Engaged in the marketing people have the knowledge, marketing is the performance of market management, marketing management, in essence, is demand In carrying out marketing enterprises in the process, to set a general target market in order to achieve the expected level of However, the level may be lower than actual demand, equal to or higher than the expected level of demand, in other words, the target market, may not demand, needs little or excessive demand, marketing management is to deal with these different needs, Marketing Management System is to the marketing management of scientific and effective According to the mobile telecommunications sector of its own characteristics and the development of the market situation, mobile communications marketing management system should include five areas: (1) market demand management, (2) marketing network management, (3) market-driven management, (4 ) Marketing environment management, (5) marketing organization and The marketing management system is established and maintained through the creation of target markets and between the exchange and useful links, mobile communication enterprises in order to achieve the objectives and analysis, planning, implementation and control of the marketing chain of command, it can be said that this System is not only pricing, distribution, marketing and other activities of the functions of a single exercise, but a target market operation of the central nervous system, through this system, enterprises have continuously observe the market, the detection and assessment of the changes, and then feedback enterprises, as enterprises develop New strategies and action plans based on, and then use the new revised action to eliminate obstacles to achieve the objectives, and to observe and evaluate customer response to this competition, and then back to the enterprises so that enterprises once again to form a new strategic programme that Into the market, such a virtuous circle, constantly adapting to the market to achieve, the purpose of creating the Marketing on the mobile communication management system of five components, the combination of both, working independently, each part also includes a breakdown of rich 1 marketing demand management breakdown We know that marketing management is the essence of demand According to market demand, time and a different nature, the general market demand has eight different conditions: (1) negative demand (2) No demand, (3) latent demand (4) decreased demand (5) irregular demand; (6) the full demand (7) excessive demand (8) harmful From the constituent elements of the market, purchasing power, the desire to purchase, the current mobile communication market demand situation is basically in full demand and potential demand for the stage, the market should take full advantage of the pioneers of Marketing is to manage demand in the market demand for effective management, to make full market research studies, in-depth market, broad knowledge of clients, customers, distributors, suppliers and advertising response, industry information, marketing network, promotional effects On the comprehensive situation of the industry, extensive collection of market information, Mozhun market changes, and identify potential markets and market blind spots and dead ends, make a detailed analysis of the case of market research reports in order to enterprises are planning to develop marketing planning programme, The development of new business It can be said that marketing needs of enterprise marketing management is the work of the pair of In general, marketing demand management, including the target market analysis and objective analysis of two aspects of the (1) target market Impact of mobile communications market factors more objective, market positioning, marketing strategy, promotion policies, advertising, product prices, product packaging and appearance to the advanced level of technology, purchase forms, service and marketing network construction, service and other aspects To seriously Target market changes constantly, mobile communication operators to market changes based on the changing marketing and management From the phone on the market, we can see that the phone from the original purchase of consumer organizations to today's mainly the purchase of private consumption, the target market also caused changes in the supplier's efforts, Motorola from the original mainly in the executive leadership to diverse now Xingse Various levels of mobile phones, the result is the target Mobile communications have to study the current target market in the comprehensive situation, keep eyes on the new changes in the market, market segmentation and target market of new options, accurate grasp of market demand and projected developments can be (2) target market Those who are stable, have a certain economic strength and status of the crowd, of course, is the target market, but these people have long been the owner of a mobile phone, mobile communications are concerned that the new growth of consumption and high consumption of the new changes in The market will never change, and stability are all temporary, mobile communications market is no Different consumers have different changes, from the administrative organs of civil servants, owners of small business owners, corporate white-collar class, wage earners and age groups of different sex, different needs, different changes, different hobbies, aesthetic views are different, the needs of the market Portland careful study and treat them differently, accurate market This is the situation we can see that foreign invested enterprises, Motorola mobile phones mainly to heavy generous, for the executive officers and senior managers by value; Nokia to a professional company, science and technology to promote people-centered, less than a week the average time a new , Of its advanced image of the futuristic and intellectuals have strong appeal, and the reunification of the country the major media's "professional, comprehensive and caring" series of promotional articles, Geng Shiba popular Nokia push the market; love Ericsson while ingenious convenient for senior business people favor; Philips is a more attractive appearance bright colors to attract a large number of young China's key Branch, Bird, Konka while working order




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无线数据网络中基于斯塔克尔博格博弈的功率控制 动能定理,机械能守恒定律应用 宽带网络中业务模型的仿真分析 基于H264 AVC码率控制算法的研究 基于GRF-3100射频系统的混频器的设计与制作 VOIP语音通信系统的设计与应用 基于Labview的实验数据处理的研究 基于NS2的路由算法研究与仿真 图像处理工具箱的VC实现 嵌入式实时系统设计模式的应用 基于VC的UDP的实现 基于TCP/IP协议嵌入式数字语音传输系统终端硬件设计 基于MPLS的VPN技术原理及其实现 基于FPGA的步进电机控制系统的数字硬件设计研究 多路信号复用的基带发信系统模型 数字音频水印研究 数字电视传输系统-城市数字电视平移 虚拟演播室应用研究与设计 电视节目制作系统设计 KM3知识管理系统解决方案 移动通信系统的频率分配算法设计 通信系统的抗干扰技术 扩频通信系统抗干扰分析 基于OPNET的网络规划设计 基于NS2的路由算法仿真 基于GPRS的数据采集与传输系统设计 搅拌混合器微分先行控制系统设计 车辆牌照自动识别系统 基于CPLD器件的数字频率计的设计 大容量汉字显示系统的设计 数控直流电压源的设计 基于s6700电子标签阅读器设计 嵌入式网络连接设计 Java手机网络游戏的实现和程序设计 简频率特性测试仪设计 DDS及其在声学多普勒流速测量系统中的应用 AVR 8位嵌入式单片机在车载全球定位系统显示终端中的应用 基于单片机的考勤系统设计 基于单片机的寻呼机编码器 基于MF RC632射频识别读写器芯片的专用读卡器 具有SPI接口的数字式同步发送器设计 小区停车场计费系统设计 村村通无线接入系统中的CDMA技术 语音校检报文的程序设计 基于轧制扰动负荷观测器的轧机传动机电振动控制系统设计 基于MATLAB的数字滤波器的设计 基于VHDL的乒乓游戏机的设计 语音信号的滤波设计 基于DSPTMS320F206的高炉自动进料控制系统 基于VHDL语言的基带线路码产生电路仿真设计 智能天线的研究 混合动力汽车电机驱动单元 混合动力汽车 直流电机双闭环调速系统设计 双馈电机直接转矩DSP控制 双馈电机直接转矩控制 无刷直流电机调速系统 异步电机直接转矩控制 人脸识别系统的研究与实现 锁相频率合成器的设计与仿真 动态链接库进阶 电话业务综合管理系统设计 弹性分组环RPR的公平算法研究 低轨卫星移动通信信道模型研究 大数计算的算法探讨及其在椭圆曲线密码体制中的应用 HY防火墙管理软件开发过程及ACL模块功能实现 EPON的原理分析 DCS通讯与软测量技术的研究 3G的AKA协议中F1至F5的UE端的实现 《信号与系统》课件的设计与实现 《电路与电子学》电子课件的设计与制作 RSA公钥算法研究与实现 p2p通信模型的java实现 搜索引擎的开发与实现 图书馆管理系统及原代码毕业设计 网络安全专题学习网站设计 网络教育应用网站设计 校园网组建、开发与管理 最优化软件设计实现 租赁网的设计和实现 远程控制终端数据接口设计 遗传算法及其在网络计划中的应用 研华PCI-1753板卡Linux驱动程序的开发 软测量技术在造纸打浆过程的应用研究 嵌入式系统研制AD数模转换器 劳动生产率增长条件的研究 基于XML帮助系统的设计与实现 基于MPT-1327的集群系统智能基站的研究与设计 基于J2ME的手机部分功能实现 购销存财务软件的应用比较 高清视频多媒体播放器 基于CORBA网络管理技术及其安全性的研究和应用 基本开发的网上商场的设计与实现 桂林大广电子公司网站设计 电信客户关系管理系统的分析与实现 企业办公局域网的建设 第三代移动通信承载业务和QoS处理机制无线资源管 计算机病毒动态防御系统毕业论文 3G标准化进程及其演进策略 鲁棒数字水印算法的研究和比较 基于SPCE061A的语音遥控小车设计——?硬件电路设计


给 肯定是没有的 不过可以代劳的 如果你只是代劳的话 也就几百吧 如果是带写带发 950高定


可以写信息系统实现或者管理方面的,我写的《信息系统等级保护中的多级安全技术研究》,还是寝室同学给的文方网,给了很大帮助电力信息系统实时数据的通信安全面向智能电网的公共信息模型及其若干关键应用研究空间信息网抗毁路由及网络防攻击技术研究GIS动态集成框架及其UIB核心相关问题研究农村名址信息系统的分析与设计基于信息通信技术(ICT)的现代交通信息系统技术选择研究数字化背景下的消费者信息获取:对社会信息资源的选择和反思基于IEC 61850标准的变电站故障信息子站建模与实现面向通信运营商的人力资源管理信息系统建设研究支持车联网的车载信息系统通信功能的设计与实现基于移动网络技术的高速公路智能管理系统网络安全风险评估关键技术研究基于RFID的某军事物流管理系统设计与实现基于Web服务的服装供应链快速响应系统研究IEC 61850标准研究及其应用某大型工矿企业信息系统安全测评与漏洞分析及其改进TRIZ集成创新方法的系统结构及设计应用研究华信通信公司客服管理信息系统的分析与设计复杂信息系统模型的形式化验证方法研究基于NGN的电信级通信信息助理系统平台设计与建设


给 肯定是没有的 不过可以代劳的 如果你只是代劳的话 也就几百吧 如果是带写带发 950高定




给 肯定是没有的 不过可以代劳的 如果你只是代劳的话 也就几百吧 如果是带写带发 950高定

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