首页 > 论文期刊知识库 > 音乐的期刊有哪些国外文献




音乐爱好者杂志创刊于1979年,是国内最权威的音乐杂志之一。旨在推广严肃音乐的古典音乐杂志,上海的《音乐爱好者》既没有《人民音乐 留声机》那样大力宣传的夺人气势,也没有《爱乐》那样亲力亲民的关怀照顾。但内容上的一丝不苟让每期买到的读者都不会后悔。再加上杂志里还会有中国音乐的内容以及中国舞台演出的资讯和专业乐迷的及时反馈,使这本较为含蓄的古典音乐杂志独具魅力并拥有了越来越多的忠实读者。特为想要提高音频后期处理能力的人而设,为你了解掌握当今最专业的缩混技术提供帮助。《三联爱乐》期刊杂志《三联爱乐》杂志是中国大陆首屈一指的古典音乐刊物,创刊于1995年,汇集世界各大唱片公司最新唱片信息,提供权威的新唱片品评推荐,以最完备的资讯与最通俗易懂的解读,帮你寻求古典音乐入门捷径。改刊后,《爱乐》将强调古典音乐欣赏入门及提高。每期还介绍一件乐器、连载歌剧发展史,强调实用性与连续可收藏性,希望通过一本本累计,集成一部丰富的古典音乐百科全书。《南都娱乐周刊》期刊杂志《南都娱乐周刊》瞄准北京、上海、广州、深圳数百万娱乐时尚宠儿和潮流追捧者,以深入的独家调查、灵趣的图文组合、专业的作品评介,挖掘娱乐真相,解放娱乐思想,以新鲜的明星时尚演绎热门的潮流风格,还原时尚本色,定格物质靓点,轻松诙谐、时尚大气。南都娱乐周刊,您的快乐供应商。《娱乐周刊》期刊杂志《娱乐周刊》的前身是《广东电视周刊》,属广东电视台报刊社,是目前华南地区娱乐类周刊最权威性,发行量最大的娱乐杂志。《娱乐周刊》杂志定位以普通话结合少量粤语,为读者速递每周的新鲜娱乐消息,揭露港、澳、台及内地娱乐圈各种独家劲爆内幕。读者群以女性为主,读者群体相对年青。《城市画报》期刊杂志《城市画报》是1999年由南方报业传媒集团出版的画报,逢每月12日和28日出版。《城市画报》是一本坚持原创精神的城市青年生活杂志,以反映现代都市年轻人生活形态以及生活方式为主要内容,对生活和时尚趋向进行前瞻性观察,并在观念上提供指引,核心读者为国内大中城市中20-40岁的年轻人。《音乐世界》期刊杂志青少年焦点杂志。内容包括娱乐,港台流行音乐及歌星影星动态。于2002年创办,2007年时扩版为时尚娱乐休闲杂志。 是国内不多的对日韩艺人有多些报道的杂志。每期附赠一张明星海报,除前面已经提到的以外,还有CM Express, Movie Hot, Cover Story, Easy Exclusive等栏目。后半部分主要是选秀活动、广告、星座运程、网游、化妆技巧和化妆品推荐。 《EASY》还专门设有各类最新的榜单及收视率排行。青少年焦点杂志。内容包括娱乐,港台流行音乐及歌星影星动态。于2002年创办,2007年时扩版为时尚娱乐休闲杂志。 是国内不多的对日韩艺人有多些报道的杂志。每期附赠一张明星海报,除前面已经提到的以外,还有CM Express, Movie Hot, Cover Story, Easy Exclusive等栏目。后半部分主要是选秀活动、广告、星座运程、网游、化妆技巧和化妆品推荐。 《EASY》还专门设有各类最新的榜单及收视率排行。《中国京剧》期刊杂志《中国京剧》面向京剧及全国戏剧、戏曲专业人士,和海内外京剧票友、戏迷,以传扬祖国优秀文化为己任,以弘扬京剧艺术为宗旨,全面介绍研究京剧的历史、文化、知识、现状,开辟有:京剧论坛、京剧沙龙、京剧剧评、菊坛谈往、缅怀思念、知识讲座、京剧曲谱、人物特写、菊圃新蕾、京剧杂谈、欣赏京剧、旧文拾翠、京剧文化、故事连载、京剧教室、信息平台、京剧书窗等多个栏目。《黄梅戏艺术》期刊杂志


重型音乐 极端音乐 滚石-音乐时空 我爱摇滚乐 音乐周刊(偶尔想起来买一本翻翻)爱摇,

hit轻音乐 口袋音乐 滚石好像也有中文版


Music Station


Music papers:  State the relationship between poetry and music  【China】 relationship between poetry and music to add date :2006-1-7  "The relationship between poetry and music", in recent years seems to have become the "school of learning", in poetry, words, music, and "Poems", given the academic conference, this issue often referred to as academic topics will be, perhaps it is the first time So many participants, but there are many middle-aged and young scholars, it is very   "The relationship between poetry and music," the meaning of the phrase we all understand, but "poetry" in the word itself contains the "music", so this formulation can fix what is not? Or it can be said: "Poetry in the relationship between poetry and music," or direct, said: "the relationship between poetry and " I personally used to be divided into two sentences, the sentence is: "Singing in 'text' and 'music' of the relationship" - singing, is the "text" and "music" combination; longer sentence is: "verse and the relationship between music "- although any verse (or prose) can be put into singing, but in reality, there are some genres and works of verse for singing and writing is   I read some of the text book, many times to participate in the academic will be, it can be said is that the content of "the relationship between verse and music"; accordingly, all of which the author of the text book, which will be launched in the academic and who presided over almost all of the participants are "text world" For example, on the so-called "Voice of Poetry", on "the relationship between words and music" are the text of profession and The subject, of course, not only for the text sector, should also be the same for Music, but also study "music" and "text" of relationships, but mainly when the songs today "Music image" and "mood lyrics" or "melody" and "voice" of the type of relationship; rarely entered involved in the study of the text as "text, music relations," the breadth and depth, at least not fully carried out our national music and traditional verse study of the relationship   This phenomenon is China is a "poetry of the state," For thousands of years, the development of national traditional verse height and depth, far better than the music - this is our country and foreign countries such as European history is very different Just look at a phenomenon perhaps can understand about: singing is "the text, music," The combination of these in our country is the "music" left (forget, homes) has been abandoned as a stay of mass through the ages "(rhyme) the text" -- "Poetry" show, Fu, Fu, poetry, words, (North-South) and other songs; while the European countries do? You can sing the "text (the word)" and to throw aside the "music" as a separate music device (in this case only in our country, "Qin", but it is not Guoqin within the scope of our study ) In China, the verse form, as noted above many of the chapter in the composition and style sentence, Metrical structure; music then? Never seems to have the "body music", "music" type of concept (not ancient); exactly the opposite in Europe, Lok body, music style, from the phrase, Le Duan, harmony, counterpoint to the music, music, symphonic music, opera and so on, and the integrity of the specification, while the "text (words)" do? In addition to the so-called "sonnet", they are not of the verse (the formation) to identify and standardize the "style" Is it so?  In recent years, the research community there is a saying that: the development of my style (such as words) is decided by the music style and the rhetoric is "speech filled by music," "Music Literature", the word body composition is: "in accordance with Qu set body, in accordance with paragraph Tablets music by song shoot for the sentence, as far as rhyme cavity, pre-trial use of the word sound, "and so on, there is no such a thing can not That is, to the Song Dynasty, the poet of thousands, for tens of thousands of words, of course, is the "culture" for; "music" then? In addition to Jiang, in its more than Whitehead's first "song from the degree of" word for word the edge there is not complete (do not know in the course have been copied wrong) other than the music symbol, a sound is not to And those who "self-degrees Qu," Jiang said M Bai Shilao its own, is his early, and then to Law Society" from the word (and then only those who did), and there first, "music" and then "fill in speech" thing? Because it is not   The fact is, both in history and today, our range of genres, singing in the style "text" and "music" of the relationship between, on the whole is: "Culture" mainly, "music" A little more specific that is four:  First, to the text of articles, chapters for the music papers, chapters;  Second, to the text of "Music (broken)" Department for the music of "live" - roughly the equivalent of this is known as "Le-paragraph";  Third, the text of the "sentence (off)" Department for the music of "Dayton" - this is known as a very rough "phrase";  Fourth, in order to sentence the "step-by-step section" for the phrase in the "Music Festival" to promote thinning疾徐portfolio;  More than four, a rare exception, in that the premise of four, in the specific diction, sentence, word and music to combine the melody of the relations, can be divided into two categories:  One is: in order to stabilize the melody or the fundamental stability (what I call the "fixed cavity") Level and Oblique Tones enough to sing a variety of informal tone of diction;  One is: The word text word phrases to help Reading Level and Oblique Tones voice tone into the music, and constitute a melody;  The former I call the "mass cavity speech" is a typical "sub-paragraph section body spectrum Song", such as a large number of "folk songs, minor," and today's Such as "Lan Hua Hua" can be used in whole or in basically the same as the melody to sing the "Green Line Line Line Line that Lan Lan months to adopt English-English" and "You die to the early "  The latter, I call it "line sound chamber according to the word" typically "sing song", such as "The Peony Pavilion Peony" Luo gowns soap〕 〔  The first sentence: "the original opening times colorful," the music must sound from the word "Pingkai / Pingkai / to ∧, the ∨,-, Pingkai /- to ∧" ups and downs of the music into a melody for group into   Oita above two categories, however, in our singing, "diction" status in general has always been On the one hand, that our country above (at least in history) there is no "free speech song," and, on the one hand, even in the "to (defined in singing) speech cavity Biography" in singing, if the melody and the words read music voice contradictions occur too often, often singing voice to make some adjustments on the so-called "cavity-Run," "small cavity" voice time to adapt to the More some of the problems can not be here   So, back to fellow musicians who would like a word: I think there are two phenomena can not be ignored and neglected: First, the past century, Western music (the ideas, concepts, ideas, theories and even the terminology used) comprehensive coverage of our country; and then one of our music, "We own verse and music of ethnic relations", "Singing in the relationship between text and music," concerned about the lack of music, we learn the "culture" of the text are far less enthusiastic community school "" Is not it?



音乐类核心期刊表: 《中国音乐学》 《音乐研究》 《中国音乐》 《中央音乐学院学报》 《人民音乐》 《黄钟》 《音乐艺术》


音乐爱好者杂志创刊于1979年,是国内最权威的音乐杂志之一。旨在推广严肃音乐的古典音乐杂志,上海的《音乐爱好者》既没有《人民音乐 留声机》那样大力宣传的夺人气势,也没有《爱乐》那样亲力亲民的关怀照顾。但内容上的一丝不苟让每期买到的读者都不会后悔。再加上杂志里还会有中国音乐的内容以及中国舞台演出的资讯和专业乐迷的及时反馈,使这本较为含蓄的古典音乐杂志独具魅力并拥有了越来越多的忠实读者。特为想要提高音频后期处理能力的人而设,为你了解掌握当今最专业的缩混技术提供帮助。《三联爱乐》期刊杂志《三联爱乐》杂志是中国大陆首屈一指的古典音乐刊物,创刊于1995年,汇集世界各大唱片公司最新唱片信息,提供权威的新唱片品评推荐,以最完备的资讯与最通俗易懂的解读,帮你寻求古典音乐入门捷径。改刊后,《爱乐》将强调古典音乐欣赏入门及提高。每期还介绍一件乐器、连载歌剧发展史,强调实用性与连续可收藏性,希望通过一本本累计,集成一部丰富的古典音乐百科全书。《南都娱乐周刊》期刊杂志《南都娱乐周刊》瞄准北京、上海、广州、深圳数百万娱乐时尚宠儿和潮流追捧者,以深入的独家调查、灵趣的图文组合、专业的作品评介,挖掘娱乐真相,解放娱乐思想,以新鲜的明星时尚演绎热门的潮流风格,还原时尚本色,定格物质靓点,轻松诙谐、时尚大气。南都娱乐周刊,您的快乐供应商。《娱乐周刊》期刊杂志《娱乐周刊》的前身是《广东电视周刊》,属广东电视台报刊社,是目前华南地区娱乐类周刊最权威性,发行量最大的娱乐杂志。《娱乐周刊》杂志定位以普通话结合少量粤语,为读者速递每周的新鲜娱乐消息,揭露港、澳、台及内地娱乐圈各种独家劲爆内幕。读者群以女性为主,读者群体相对年青。《城市画报》期刊杂志《城市画报》是1999年由南方报业传媒集团出版的画报,逢每月12日和28日出版。《城市画报》是一本坚持原创精神的城市青年生活杂志,以反映现代都市年轻人生活形态以及生活方式为主要内容,对生活和时尚趋向进行前瞻性观察,并在观念上提供指引,核心读者为国内大中城市中20-40岁的年轻人。《音乐世界》期刊杂志青少年焦点杂志。内容包括娱乐,港台流行音乐及歌星影星动态。于2002年创办,2007年时扩版为时尚娱乐休闲杂志。 是国内不多的对日韩艺人有多些报道的杂志。每期附赠一张明星海报,除前面已经提到的以外,还有CM Express, Movie Hot, Cover Story, Easy Exclusive等栏目。后半部分主要是选秀活动、广告、星座运程、网游、化妆技巧和化妆品推荐。 《EASY》还专门设有各类最新的榜单及收视率排行。青少年焦点杂志。内容包括娱乐,港台流行音乐及歌星影星动态。于2002年创办,2007年时扩版为时尚娱乐休闲杂志。 是国内不多的对日韩艺人有多些报道的杂志。每期附赠一张明星海报,除前面已经提到的以外,还有CM Express, Movie Hot, Cover Story, Easy Exclusive等栏目。后半部分主要是选秀活动、广告、星座运程、网游、化妆技巧和化妆品推荐。 《EASY》还专门设有各类最新的榜单及收视率排行。《中国京剧》期刊杂志《中国京剧》面向京剧及全国戏剧、戏曲专业人士,和海内外京剧票友、戏迷,以传扬祖国优秀文化为己任,以弘扬京剧艺术为宗旨,全面介绍研究京剧的历史、文化、知识、现状,开辟有:京剧论坛、京剧沙龙、京剧剧评、菊坛谈往、缅怀思念、知识讲座、京剧曲谱、人物特写、菊圃新蕾、京剧杂谈、欣赏京剧、旧文拾翠、京剧文化、故事连载、京剧教室、信息平台、京剧书窗等多个栏目。《黄梅戏艺术》期刊杂志

Music Station




Rolling Stone是美国知名的音乐娱乐杂志,这是一本半月刊,每月发行两本。这本杂志1967年在美国建立,自成立之后这本杂志见证了摇滚音乐与流行音乐史上的众多重要的瞬间。能登上滚石杂志的封面可以说是衡量一个歌手是否当红的重要标准。

Rock Sound 尽管这个杂志在英国几乎家喻户晓,但是大部分的中国乐迷了解它还是因为去年台湾“闪灵乐团”大篇幅的登上了该杂志的专题与ROLLING STONE 不同,ROCKSOUND的内容主要以介绍音乐本身为主,其他的相关文化则设计很少,编辑们都很痴迷于写专业的乐评,尽管杂志名为ROCKSOUND ,但总体风格偏流行。


Music Station


Rock Sound 尽管这个杂志在英国几乎家喻户晓,但是大部分的中国乐迷了解它还是因为去年台湾“闪灵乐团”大篇幅的登上了该杂志的专题与ROLLING STONE 不同,ROCKSOUND的内容主要以介绍音乐本身为主,其他的相关文化则设计很少,编辑们都很痴迷于写专业的乐评,尽管杂志名为ROCKSOUND ,但总体风格偏流行。

Rolling Stone是美国知名的音乐娱乐杂志,这是一本半月刊,每月发行两本。这本杂志1967年在美国建立,自成立之后这本杂志见证了摇滚音乐与流行音乐史上的众多重要的瞬间。能登上滚石杂志的封面可以说是衡量一个歌手是否当红的重要标准。

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