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学术堂刚好整理了一份计算机类毕业论文的评语供大家参考:  初稿评语:  论文涉及的内容对跨国公司内文化冲突的解决有一定的指导意义论述比较充分,条理比较清晰在东西方文化的对比中,作者举了很多有趣的例子,但对近在眼前的中国的例子却很少东方文化的例子多取自日本文化,这是一个很大的缺陷文章层次分得过细是另一个缺点,几乎一个自然段一层,如不仔细看反而更令人糊涂在打印格式、拼写、用词上有不少错误,特别是论文的后半部分参考文献部分尚缺出版社地点  二稿评语:  在一稿的基础上有较大改进主要的问题多已解决特别是一稿中分层太细、缺少中国文化例证等缺点语言上的错误纠正了许多,但仍有上次指出的错误没有更正,如course,cause不分等参考文献的排列也还存在一些小问题引言部分还是没有标明出处  定稿评语:  论文结构完整,各部分基本符合英语论文的写作规范作者试图从东西方文化对比的角度分析跨国公司内的文化冲突并寻找解决的途径为了写好这篇论文作者显然查阅了大量的资料,论述比较充分,条理也很清晰遗憾的是,由于作者本人没有跨国公司的工作经历,也没有去跨国公司作相应的考察,因此,她的论述只能基于阅读中获得的二手资料,而所谓东方文化又多以日本的资料为代表,要解决人们更为关心的在华跨国公司内的文化冲突问题,读者更需要的则是中西文化的对比,这方面作者虽然在以后各稿中补充了一些,仍显不足


以下是小编向大家分享的计算机专业毕业论文评语,希望可以帮到你。  该论文首先介物联网的定义、组成、研究背景和国内国外发展,然后介绍了物联网的应用和实例,再进一步介绍了关键技术,最后着重介绍了如何提高安全。  该同学能在老师的严格要求下顺利完成整个毕业论文设计工作和论文的撰写。程序能正确的运行,论文符合要求。在整个设计的过程,态度端正,学习也很认真,时间安排也很合理,能按时到实验室,不存在无故早退或迟到的情况。能在每个阶段完成相应的任务,还能主动加班,做到时间上前紧后松。当然,在这其间也存在一些不足和需要提高的地方。例如,知识面不够广,处理问题和运用知识的能力还有待提高。希望该同学在以后的工作或学习中注意这些问题,争取更大的提高和进步  对学生知识掌握水平的评价:比如基础扎实,对基本知识,基本理论和基本技能的掌握比较完整和全面等等  对该论文适用性的评价:比如切合现实的需要,很好地解决了现实生产生活工作中对该内容的需求;相关的反映与评价等  文章本身逻辑性和科学性很强


学术堂刚好整理了一份计算机类毕业论文的评语供大家参考:  初稿评语:  论文涉及的内容对跨国公司内文化冲突的解决有一定的指导意义论述比较充分,条理比较清晰在东西方文化的对比中,作者举了很多有趣的例子,但对近在眼前的中国的例子却很少东方文化的例子多取自日本文化,这是一个很大的缺陷文章层次分得过细是另一个缺点,几乎一个自然段一层,如不仔细看反而更令人糊涂在打印格式、拼写、用词上有不少错误,特别是论文的后半部分参考文献部分尚缺出版社地点  二稿评语:  在一稿的基础上有较大改进主要的问题多已解决特别是一稿中分层太细、缺少中国文化例证等缺点语言上的错误纠正了许多,但仍有上次指出的错误没有更正,如course,cause不分等参考文献的排列也还存在一些小问题引言部分还是没有标明出处  定稿评语:  论文结构完整,各部分基本符合英语论文的写作规范作者试图从东西方文化对比的角度分析跨国公司内的文化冲突并寻找解决的途径为了写好这篇论文作者显然查阅了大量的资料,论述比较充分,条理也很清晰遗憾的是,由于作者本人没有跨国公司的工作经历,也没有去跨国公司作相应的考察,因此,她的论述只能基于阅读中获得的二手资料,而所谓东方文化又多以日本的资料为代表,要解决人们更为关心的在华跨国公司内的文化冲突问题,读者更需要的则是中西文化的对比,这方面作者虽然在以后各稿中补充了一些,仍显不足


以下是小编向大家分享的计算机专业毕业论文评语,希望可以帮到你。  该论文首先介物联网的定义、组成、研究背景和国内国外发展,然后介绍了物联网的应用和实例,再进一步介绍了关键技术,最后着重介绍了如何提高安全。  该同学能在老师的严格要求下顺利完成整个毕业论文设计工作和论文的撰写。程序能正确的运行,论文符合要求。在整个设计的过程,态度端正,学习也很认真,时间安排也很合理,能按时到实验室,不存在无故早退或迟到的情况。能在每个阶段完成相应的任务,还能主动加班,做到时间上前紧后松。当然,在这其间也存在一些不足和需要提高的地方。例如,知识面不够广,处理问题和运用知识的能力还有待提高。希望该同学在以后的工作或学习中注意这些问题,争取更大的提高和进步  对学生知识掌握水平的评价:比如基础扎实,对基本知识,基本理论和基本技能的掌握比较完整和全面等等  对该论文适用性的评价:比如切合现实的需要,很好地解决了现实生产生活工作中对该内容的需求;相关的反映与评价等  文章本身逻辑性和科学性很强


随着互联网的迅速的发展,基于互联网的各种应用日益受到人们的重视,基于Web的考试系统在这种形势下应运而生,它可以利用网络,随时随地对学生进行考试,是传统考场的延伸。本文在基于一般考试系统的设计与实现技术上,结合公务员考试的特点,通过对系统的结构设计、后台设计、前端开发,构建了一个基于B/S三层结构的、以JSP为开发平台和Oracle9i为数据库的公务员考试系统。本系统基本实现了招考信息发布、学生注册报名、单位进行资格审查、管理员对用户及角色进行管理等功能。本公务员考试系统采用的技术较为新奇,在今后的应用将会很广泛。该系统既可以用于政府机关招聘公务员,也可用于各事业单位招聘。Along with the rapid development of the Internet, Web based applications increasingly attention, the test system based on Web in this situation arises at the historic moment, it can use the network to students, anytime, anywhere, is a traditional examination Based on the general test system based on the design and implementation of the technology, combining the characteristics of the civil service examination system, the structure design, development, design, front back to construct a three layers based on B/S structure, with the JSP development platform of Oracle9i and the civil service examination system for This system realizes the recruitment information release, student registration, unit of user credentials, administrator management role and The civil service exam system adopts the technology of the future, in relatively novel application will be very This system not only can be used for civil servants, and can also be used for each business

来自百度:DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PRODUCTION PLANNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF SURVEYING AND MAPPING PROJECTKEY WORDS: GIS,Design,Analysis,Application,Management,ProductionABSTRACT:With the development of photogrammetry and spatial information sciences, we have found many new methods to solve the technical problem in surveying and mapping But there is a little research on the project Traditional management method is complex and time- Now, we need use new technique to improve the management method for enhancing management Taking “National Western Surveying and Mapping Project on 1:50000 Topological Maps Blank Area” as an example, this paper focus on production planning The project is remarkable, not only the task and extent is tremendous, but also the staff and stuff are The Blank Area has atrocious weather and extreme All of the conditions increase the project management For reasonable planning and logical budget, we designed and realized a production planning management system to give the decision support to the This paper studies the system’s requirement analysis, system structure and function in INTRODUCTIONNowadays, Geographical Information Systems(GIS) are powerful and useful as means of information, visualization and research tools(Quan Bao,2004) Most GIS software is more suited to providing limited types of output than as a tool to support, at anything other than a superficial level, tactical or strategic decision-making To improve the usefulness of GIS as a decision support tool, two needs are First, decision-makers require methods that allow them to easily select alternatives across a number of relevant Second, it is necessary to explicitly recognize that most decision-making processes involve multiple Since problem solving id often characterized by multiple and conflicting objectives, methods that contribute toward more a completely aiding decision system are


What Is Grid Storage? Based on current and proposed products, it appears that a grid storage system should include the following: Modular storage arrays: These systems are connected across a storage network using serial ATA The systems can be block-oriented storage arrays or network-attached storage gateways and Common virtualization layer: Storage must be organized as a single logical pool of resources available to Data redundancy and availability: Multiple copies of data should exist across nodes in the grid, creating redundant data access and availability in case of a component Common management: A single level of management across all nodes should cover the areas of data security, mobility and migration, capacity on demand, and Simplified platform/management architecture: Because common management is so important, the tasks involved in administration should be organized in modular fashion, allowing the autodiscovery of new nodes in the grid and automating volume and file Three Basic Benefits Applying grid topology to a storage network provides several benefits, including the following: R A well-designed grid network is extremely Rather than providing just two paths between any two nodes, the grid offers multiple paths between each storage This makes it easy to service and replace components in case of failure, with minimal impact on system availability or P The same factors that lead to reliability also can improve Not requiring a centralized switch with many ports eliminates a potential performance bottleneck, and applying load-balancing techniques to the multiple paths available offers consistent performance for the entire S It’s easy to expand a grid network using inexpensive switches with low port counts to accommodate additional servers for increased performance, bandwidth and In essence, grid storage is a way to scale out rather than up, using relatively inexpensive storage building


来自百度:DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF PRODUCTION PLANNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF SURVEYING AND MAPPING PROJECTKEY WORDS: GIS,Design,Analysis,Application,Management,ProductionABSTRACT:With the development of photogrammetry and spatial information sciences, we have found many new methods to solve the technical problem in surveying and mapping But there is a little research on the project Traditional management method is complex and time- Now, we need use new technique to improve the management method for enhancing management Taking “National Western Surveying and Mapping Project on 1:50000 Topological Maps Blank Area” as an example, this paper focus on production planning The project is remarkable, not only the task and extent is tremendous, but also the staff and stuff are The Blank Area has atrocious weather and extreme All of the conditions increase the project management For reasonable planning and logical budget, we designed and realized a production planning management system to give the decision support to the This paper studies the system’s requirement analysis, system structure and function in INTRODUCTIONNowadays, Geographical Information Systems(GIS) are powerful and useful as means of information, visualization and research tools(Quan Bao,2004) Most GIS software is more suited to providing limited types of output than as a tool to support, at anything other than a superficial level, tactical or strategic decision-making To improve the usefulness of GIS as a decision support tool, two needs are First, decision-makers require methods that allow them to easily select alternatives across a number of relevant Second, it is necessary to explicitly recognize that most decision-making processes involve multiple Since problem solving id often characterized by multiple and conflicting objectives, methods that contribute toward more a completely aiding decision system are

Web Application Development Based on ASP and Access Database - Web Design of

What Is Grid Storage? Based on current and proposed products, it appears that a grid storage system should include the following: Modular storage arrays: These systems are connected across a storage network using serial ATA The systems can be block-oriented storage arrays or network-attached storage gateways and Common virtualization layer: Storage must be organized as a single logical pool of resources available to Data redundancy and availability: Multiple copies of data should exist across nodes in the grid, creating redundant data access and availability in case of a component Common management: A single level of management across all nodes should cover the areas of data security, mobility and migration, capacity on demand, and Simplified platform/management architecture: Because common management is so important, the tasks involved in administration should be organized in modular fashion, allowing the autodiscovery of new nodes in the grid and automating volume and file Three Basic Benefits Applying grid topology to a storage network provides several benefits, including the following: R A well-designed grid network is extremely Rather than providing just two paths between any two nodes, the grid offers multiple paths between each storage This makes it easy to service and replace components in case of failure, with minimal impact on system availability or P The same factors that lead to reliability also can improve Not requiring a centralized switch with many ports eliminates a potential performance bottleneck, and applying load-balancing techniques to the multiple paths available offers consistent performance for the entire S It’s easy to expand a grid network using inexpensive switches with low port counts to accommodate additional servers for increased performance, bandwidth and In essence, grid storage is a way to scale out rather than up, using relatively inexpensive storage building


In 1972, IBM introduced flexible diskettes as a medium for loading programs into mainframe Because the disks were so flexible, they were nicknamed floppy They are inexpensive, small, and easy to handle, store, and send through the Most computers have at least one floppy disk Floppy disks, also called diskettes, are available in two sizes: 5 and 25 For MS-DOS based computers, the 5-inch disks are available in 720-kilobyte (double - density), 44-megabyte (high - density), and 88-megabyte (extended - density) The 25-inch disks have a density of 48 tracks per inch, whereas high-density disks have a density of 96 tracks per Almost all 5-inch floppy disks have a density of 135tracks per The earliest models of floppy disks were single- The addition of another read/write head in the disk drive led to the use of double-sided floppy disk, and doubled the capacity of the Today, all floppy disks are double- If you examine a 5-inch floppy disk, you will see that a metal sleeve covers the read/write When you insert the disk into a disk into a disk drive, the metal sleeve slides back, exposing the read/write The read/write head of the floppy disk drive can position itself over specific Because of the metal sleeve and the rigid plastic casing, the 5-inch floppy disk is less vulnerable to damage than the 25-inch floppy To use the files or programs that are on a floppy disk, you must first insert the disk into a floppy disk Floppy disk drives are commonly referred to as the A drive and the B Check your computer manual to see which drive is A and which is B

What Is Grid Storage? Based on current and proposed products, it appears that a grid storage system should include the following: Modular storage arrays: These systems are connected across a storage network using serial ATA The systems can be block-oriented storage arrays or network-attached storage gateways and Common virtualization layer: Storage must be organized as a single logical pool of resources available to Data redundancy and availability: Multiple copies of data should exist across nodes in the grid, creating redundant data access and availability in case of a component Common management: A single level of management across all nodes should cover the areas of data security, mobility and migration, capacity on demand, and Simplified platform/management architecture: Because common management is so important, the tasks involved in administration should be organized in modular fashion, allowing the autodiscovery of new nodes in the grid and automating volume and file Three Basic Benefits Applying grid topology to a storage network provides several benefits, including the following: R A well-designed grid network is extremely Rather than providing just two paths between any two nodes, the grid offers multiple paths between each storage This makes it easy to service and replace components in case of failure, with minimal impact on system availability or P The same factors that lead to reliability also can improve Not requiring a centralized switch with many ports eliminates a potential performance bottleneck, and applying load-balancing techniques to the multiple paths available offers consistent performance for the entire S It’s easy to expand a grid network using inexpensive switches with low port counts to accommodate additional servers for increased performance, bandwidth and In essence, grid storage is a way to scale out rather than up, using relatively inexpensive storage building

如何在不影响课程进度的前提下,省时而又有效地开展培养同学们的口语能力的活动,我有以下几点体会: ①Say something about your bedroon/school… 在学完一至两个单元后,可抽出一节课专门让同学们谈一 谈自己的卧室、学校或教室等等,这一口语活动在初一第一学期就可以做。为了让更多的学生都能参加,在此 之前可先复习一下小学学过的there be 句型以及“介词短语+be+名词”结构和“介词短语+you can see… ”结构。 这样做的好处是能有效让同学们根据这些句型轻松自然地描述出大脑里的图画。 ②Summary based on a dialogue 这一活动在初二就可以做。在这之前不妨先概括一下如下的句型结构: want/ask/tell sb (not) to dosth; want to do sth; ask if sb would like to do sth 以及一些简单句。 ③Text retelling 尽量用自己的语言口头改编、 复述较长的课文。在开展这一活动之前,允许同学们头一 天进行适当准备。不要限制同学们一定不要写提纲,甚至允许事先写出来。因为口头表达与书面表达是密切相联 的。只要同学们口头复述时不看书面提纲或内容即可。为了让全体同学有一个正确的标准,教师最好口头作一个 示范,让同学们有效地模仿。模仿在语言学习的初级阶段是相当重要的、不可缺少的步骤。 ④Make sentences 在平时的课堂教学中,当我们在学习一个新的词组和句型时,在给出典型的例句后, 应多多鼓励同学造句。同学们只要将例句看懂了都会非常乐意争先恐后地造句。有的句子甚至出乎意料的精彩 。这样做,不仅使同学们很轻松有效地学会了新词组、新句型,而且还为口语能力的形成打下了扎实的基础。 ⑤Debate/Argument 老师们可以根据学生学习的内容和实际水平,适当地选一个topic,让同学们展开争论。 如:Is it good or bad toplay video games in spare time? 还有在初二下学期学习情态动词can, ma y,must,can't时,就可给出一个model,让同学们模仿。如:给出一个实物让对方说出是什么: A What do you think it may be, B I think it may be an C It can't be an I think it must be a D How can it be a banana? A banana is long but it It must be an E It can't be an Anyone with eyes can see it isa…这样在模仿争论的同时,不知不觉中 掌握了情态动词的用法,从而也提高了同学们的口语表达能力。 ⑥Describe sb or sth you like best 随着一、二年级的知识积累,我们可以适当地让同学们在一节课的 前十分钟或后十分钟描述一下他(她)最喜欢的人或物。 以上只是我的个人观点,希望这些观点能让个同学们的口语有所提高。最后,祝住同学们都能学会英语,都能学懂英语,都能学好英语!


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