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《中国工程科学》和《ENGINEERING SCIENCES》杂志反映我国工程科技领域研究动向,记载我国工程科技领域学术成果,探讨我国工程科技领域未来发展。杂志内容涉及国家重大工程技术项目、国家科技攻关项目和自然科学基金课题。《中国工程科学》和《ENGINEERING SCIENCES》杂志是中国科技论文统计源期刊(中国科技核心期刊)。jinjies(站内联系TA)啥都不收录呀?dale79(站内联系TA)Originally posted by jinjies at 2010-09-21 18:30:28: 啥都不收录呀? 看你说得啥话 不是被《中国科技核心期刊》收录吗袁海滨(站内联系TA)我一直也很觉得奇怪 中国工程院的院刊,竟然都连EI都不被检索 所以,至于40多位院士坐镇,刊物的质量====不好说!lnmlz33(站内联系TA)作者多是业内牛人!!!

学校431单科代码:英语00 日语01 会计学02 物流管理03 信息工程04 机械设计制造及其自动化05 计算机科学与技术06 自动化07 交通运输08 软件工程09 电气工程及其自动化10 机械电子工程11 网络工程12 信息管理与信息系统13 工业工程14

你是哪个省的啊 看看如果可以的话 可以给你一份全面的



辜鸿铭何许人也?他生在南洋,学在西洋,婚在东洋,仕在北洋。精通英、法、德、拉丁、希腊、马来亚等9种语言,获13个博士学位,倒读英文报纸嘲笑英国人,说美国人没有文化,第一个将中国的《论语》、《中庸》用英文和德文翻译到西方。20世纪初,西方人曾流传一句话:到中国可以不看三大殿,不可不看辜鸿铭。   Do you ever know a Chinese who speaks 9 different languages and holds 13 Doctorate degrees from various western universities? And further more, as a Chinese, who reads English newspaper upside down to mock those Britishes? He is the famous Chinese scholar, Gu H His important contributions are many traditional Chinese cultural works into English and G There was a saying in the west in the early 20th century that you may miss visiting the three grade palaces, instead, you must visit Gu if you come to C Ku was born in 1857 in Penang, M According to a report by Xiamen Daily, his ancestral hometown was in Xiangan, Xindian, P His father was a manager working in a rubber plantation owned by Mr Brown, a British subject who adopted Gu Hongming as his At the age of 13, Gu Hongming followed Mr Brown to Britain to receive his formal He achieved outstanding results and the University of Edinburgh awarded him a master’s degree in Thereafter, he went to Germany to study civil engineering and obtained a diploma from the University of L Subsequently, he enrolled himself in the University of Paris to study F He returned to Penang in 1880 and came to Singapore to work as an assistant secretary for the Straits G In Singapore, he met Ma Jianzhong, a scholar learned in the Chinese He was awakened by him and finally realized the importance of the Chinese language and Three years later, he resigned from his post and returned to Penang where he started learning the Chinese language through private   In 1882, he went to Hong Kong to further his studies, making much progress after several years of painstaking Though still could not gain full understanding of the profound ancient classics, he had already laid a solid foundation in mastering the Chinese   In 1885, he went to China and was invited to the shogunate of Zhang Zhidong, to be in charge of western He was highly praised and entrusted with heavy In 1905, the “Huangpu Jun Governance” in Shanghai appointed him as S He served in the governance for three When Xuantong Emperor was restored, he was appointed as a “She Lang” and thereafter as a “Zoucheng” in the Ministry of Foreign A In January 1910, the Qing government conferred him the title of “Jinci” and in the same year, he relinquished all duties in the Foreign Affairs Ministry and assumed the post of Director of the Shanghai Nanyang C   After the Xinhai Revolution, he pledged his loyalty to the Qing D He gave up all his official duties and went to B In 1915, he was appointed as a professor lecturing English Literature at the Beijing U Being a conservative, he advocated Confucianism and T During the “May 4th” Movement, he wrote many articles in English condemning the New Cultural M In 1924, he accepted the invitation by Dadong Cultural Association to lecture on “Oriental Culture” in Japan for three During which, he went to teach in Taiwan In the autumn of 1927, he returned to China from Japan and died in Beijing on 30 April 1928 at the age of   Gu Hongming was a talented linguist fluent in English, German, French, Latin, Greek, Italian, and many other In particular, he commanded exquisite skills to write and speak English, German and French His literary works were mostly written in English and his proficiency in English language reached such a height that even the British admired him Lin Yutang had commented that in the past 200 years, none had surpassed the level of English language proficiency as that achieved by Gu H The remarks really made all Tonganese feel Today we have another Tonganese whose linguistic talent compares favourably with Gu H He is our clansman, Mr Lee Seng Giap, a veteran simultan

可以写一篇 visit the science museum ,介绍里面的比如robot,



《中国工程科学》和《ENGINEERING SCIENCES》杂志反映我国工程科技领域研究动向,记载我国工程科技领域学术成果,探讨我国工程科技领域未来发展。杂志内容涉及国家重大工程技术项目、国家科技攻关项目和自然科学基金课题。《中国工程科学》和《ENGINEERING SCIENCES》杂志是中国科技论文统计源期刊(中国科技核心期刊)。jinjies(站内联系TA)啥都不收录呀?dale79(站内联系TA)Originally posted by jinjies at 2010-09-21 18:30:28: 啥都不收录呀? 看你说得啥话 不是被《中国科技核心期刊》收录吗袁海滨(站内联系TA)我一直也很觉得奇怪 中国工程院的院刊,竟然都连EI都不被检索 所以,至于40多位院士坐镇,刊物的质量====不好说!lnmlz33(站内联系TA)作者多是业内牛人!!!




一、以“如果我掌握了克隆技术”为题,写一篇作文 答:这是一篇完全开方式的作文,英语作文目前还没有这种形式。下面是小学生的作文,供参考: 假如我掌握了克隆技术,我想为人类造福,为有需要的病人克隆出他们所需的人体器官。 走进医院,病房里一位位病人痛苦地呻吟着,我挨个为他们克隆器官。第一个病人需要克隆的是心脏。我用机器查看他的心脏的基因和形状,然后在电脑中绘画出一个与他心脏一模一样的,我不由地捏了一把汗。因为心脏是所有人最关键的器官,可容不得马虎。但想想我以前做过那么多的克隆心脏手术,便对自己信心十足。   半小时后,克隆心脏完成了,接下来任务更加艰巨了,我把氧气输入体内。然后通过先进的设备将他原来的心脏与我克隆好的心脏相交换,就成功了。我松了一口气。那患者的心脏还有用,只是心脏功能退化了。所以我又通过设备将心脏储藏好,等到下一个患者需要心脏,就可以派上用场了。   真希望我能掌握克隆技术,那时我一定要实现这个伟大的理想。      二、假如你是李华,你的朋友Peter来信咨询如何学好英语,根据以下要点回信: 参加中文学习班 看中文书刊、电视 学唱中文歌曲 交中国朋友Dear Peter, I’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese Here are a few First, it is important to take a Chinese course, as you’ll be able to learn from the teacher and practice with your fellow Then, it also helps to watch TV and read books, newspapers and magazines in Chinese whenever Besides, it should be a good idea to learn and sing Chinese songs, because by doing so you’ll learn and remember Chinese words more You can also make more Chinese They will tell you a lot about China and help you learn C Try and write me in Chinese next Best wishesLi Hua三、假如你是李华,你的新西兰笔友Nick将于8月来四川旅游,询问景点,依要点回信: 旅游资源:许多世界著名风景名胜,如九寨沟(海子,清澈见底,色彩斑斓) 都江堰水利工程(1000多年历史仍在发挥作用) 相关信息:气候宜人,交通方便Dear Nick,First of all, allow me to extend to you my warmest Sichuan is a charming province with many places of interest, including Lyla and the Dujiangyan Irrigation System, which are among the sights of the Since they are really worthwhile to pay a visit to, I strongly recommend that you should not miss What is more, you know, the virtue of living in Sichuan is that the weather is so It will be neither too hot nor too You could even feel the sound of I believe that never in your life will be so close to experience the beauty of Besides, the very convenient transportation will bring you an extremely new You have to appreciate the progress of a city while admiring the palmy In conclusion, you will have a good time here!Sincerely yours,Lihua 上面两篇是参考范文,仅供参考。别指望会有人给你原创写三篇作文。给100元RMB或许有人会写。



Last summer, my family and I went to Hawaii for a holiday! We flew across the Pacific to the tiny island from B After we booked into a hotel, we Our fun started the next day and lasted for two long During our time there, we ate delicious exotic food and drank numerous fruit The Hawaiians are very proud of their unique food, often 'spiced up' with slices of juicy pineapple and strings of delicious There were also fantastic beaches right accoss the tiny Last summer, my family and I went to Hawaii for a holiday! We flew across the Pacific to the tiny island from B After we booked into a hotel, we Our fun started the next day and lasted for two long During our time there, we ate delicious exotic food and drank numerous fruit The Hawaiians are very proud of their unique food, often 'spiced up' with slices of juicy pineapple and strings of delicious There were also fantastic beaches right accoss the tiny The water was sparkling blue and the sand dunes radiated with an inviting warmth of The place was wonderful and the locals were really nice; I really enjoyed my The water was sparkling blue and the sand dunes radiated with an inviting warmth of The place was wonderful and the locals were really nice; I really enjoyed my



辜鸿铭何许人也?他生在南洋,学在西洋,婚在东洋,仕在北洋。精通英、法、德、拉丁、希腊、马来亚等9种语言,获13个博士学位,倒读英文报纸嘲笑英国人,说美国人没有文化,第一个将中国的《论语》、《中庸》用英文和德文翻译到西方。20世纪初,西方人曾流传一句话:到中国可以不看三大殿,不可不看辜鸿铭。   Do you ever know a Chinese who speaks 9 different languages and holds 13 Doctorate degrees from various western universities? And further more, as a Chinese, who reads English newspaper upside down to mock those Britishes? He is the famous Chinese scholar, Gu H His important contributions are many traditional Chinese cultural works into English and G There was a saying in the west in the early 20th century that you may miss visiting the three grade palaces, instead, you must visit Gu if you come to C Ku was born in 1857 in Penang, M According to a report by Xiamen Daily, his ancestral hometown was in Xiangan, Xindian, P His father was a manager working in a rubber plantation owned by Mr Brown, a British subject who adopted Gu Hongming as his At the age of 13, Gu Hongming followed Mr Brown to Britain to receive his formal He achieved outstanding results and the University of Edinburgh awarded him a master’s degree in Thereafter, he went to Germany to study civil engineering and obtained a diploma from the University of L Subsequently, he enrolled himself in the University of Paris to study F He returned to Penang in 1880 and came to Singapore to work as an assistant secretary for the Straits G In Singapore, he met Ma Jianzhong, a scholar learned in the Chinese He was awakened by him and finally realized the importance of the Chinese language and Three years later, he resigned from his post and returned to Penang where he started learning the Chinese language through private   In 1882, he went to Hong Kong to further his studies, making much progress after several years of painstaking Though still could not gain full understanding of the profound ancient classics, he had already laid a solid foundation in mastering the Chinese   In 1885, he went to China and was invited to the shogunate of Zhang Zhidong, to be in charge of western He was highly praised and entrusted with heavy In 1905, the “Huangpu Jun Governance” in Shanghai appointed him as S He served in the governance for three When Xuantong Emperor was restored, he was appointed as a “She Lang” and thereafter as a “Zoucheng” in the Ministry of Foreign A In January 1910, the Qing government conferred him the title of “Jinci” and in the same year, he relinquished all duties in the Foreign Affairs Ministry and assumed the post of Director of the Shanghai Nanyang C   After the Xinhai Revolution, he pledged his loyalty to the Qing D He gave up all his official duties and went to B In 1915, he was appointed as a professor lecturing English Literature at the Beijing U Being a conservative, he advocated Confucianism and T During the “May 4th” Movement, he wrote many articles in English condemning the New Cultural M In 1924, he accepted the invitation by Dadong Cultural Association to lecture on “Oriental Culture” in Japan for three During which, he went to teach in Taiwan In the autumn of 1927, he returned to China from Japan and died in Beijing on 30 April 1928 at the age of   Gu Hongming was a talented linguist fluent in English, German, French, Latin, Greek, Italian, and many other In particular, he commanded exquisite skills to write and speak English, German and French His literary works were mostly written in English and his proficiency in English language reached such a height that even the British admired him Lin Yutang had commented that in the past 200 years, none had surpassed the level of English language proficiency as that achieved by Gu H The remarks really made all Tonganese feel Today we have another Tonganese whose linguistic talent compares favourably with Gu H He is our clansman, Mr Lee Seng Giap, a veteran simultan


中国汉字人名的翻译,可采取的方法推荐如下:还是以光头强的名字来举例。首先应该按照汉语拼音来拼写汉字,然后按照英语姓名的顺序排列,而且应该区分汉字的音节,那么就光头强的英语姓名应该写成:tou-qiang guang。在填表或比较正规场合使用的时候,为了更加清晰,可以写成guang,tou-qiang。如果要简写,可以写成T-Q guang,这样就没有任何歧义了。

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