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The Economist,英语周报,英语学习,英语广场,21世纪报,这些英文杂志都是非常好的选择。

《Reader's Digest》,《Vanity Fair》,《The Economist》,Wired,1843 Magazine ,这些都比较适合学生们看。


适合中学生阅读的杂志有:《读者》,《语文月刊》,《素材》,《创新作文》,《最小说》,《男生 女生》,《课堂内外》,《中学生博览》 ,《辽宁青年》 ,《读友》,《中学生》,《花季雨季》,《意林》,《青年文摘》,《格言》,《故事会》,《少年博览》等等,这些杂志都是不错的选择。杂志发展到当前早已融入到现代人的生活中,而人们也不只限于通过报刊亭等实体店去购买,在当当网、淘宝网、杂志铺等网站上,就可以订购一期或者是一年的杂志,省去了中间购买的不必要环节。扩展资料:《读者》对人生的影响是润物细无声的。它在创刊时,就站在了精神的高“海拔”上,在无数人身上找到了心灵契合点,它的外面是“西装”,但它里面是中国的儒学思想。这本杂志最大的特点,是她的封面。封面是刊物的眼睛,《读者》的封面如她的明眸清澈见底,水灵灵的,让人看了就觉得她十分可靠,值得信任,是一个真诚的老朋友。有人说,不管在哪一个报刊亭,离得远远的,就会在花花绿绿的刊物中一眼认出她。正如古诗词所说:“众里寻他千百度,暮然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处”。

《语文月刊》《素材》《创新作文》《最小说》《男生 女生》《课堂内外》《中学生博览》 《辽宁青年》 《读友》《读者》《中学生》《花季雨季》《意林》《青年文摘》《格言》《故事会》《少年博览》………………希望以上我推荐的您能喜欢,谢谢!




The brain receives information from the outside word through the sensory(感觉的)This information is collected through the eyes,the nose,the ears,the mouth and the surface of the It is then kept in the In fact,scientists do not completely understand how the memory woks but they are not sure how much information that the human brain can Also,it appears that the information is never Very old people often remember things that happened in their childhood which have not come to their minds for sixty to seventy If we have kept something in our memory,it is But can we get it out again and use it ?That is the Some of the information we receive only goes into the Short Term MWe only keep this information for a minute or tow,then we lost This temporary memory is very important in our thinking and It is used,for example,when you try to remember a name that someone told you a moment ago or a telephong number that you are going to dial School children in class often seem to use the Short Term Memory if they are not interested in the subject,When school teachers describe this,they say that things go "in one ear and out in the other"But if a child is interested,he puts the information in his Long Term Memory,and he never loses Long Term Memory depends heavily on our understanding of the meaning of the information we ( A )Information is collected through the ____of sight,hearing,smell,taste and Asense Bxperience Cpractice Dbrightness( B)Very old people can remember something happened______Aly Babout seventy years agoCin their thirties Din their classroom( A)If a school child is not interested in a subject,____Ahe forgets what he learns quicklyBhe memorizes what he learns quicklyChe forgets what he learns slowlyDhe memorizes what he learns slowly( B )The better we understand the meaning of the information ,___Ahe more information we can put in our Shirt Term MemoryBhe more information we can put in our Long Term MemoryChe less information we can put in our Shirt Term MemoryDhe less information we can put in our Long Term Memory这是我们今年的初二期末考试试卷。手打的……给点分吧……






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