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做完血液净化之后,每个人的反应情况是不一样的。因为每个人的症状不一样。根据这么多年的临床经验,我们针对病的种类做了以下整理。 1、高血压人群。高血压人群引起血压高的情况也不一样。如果说是因为高血脂、高血粘引起的高血压。做完血液净化之后效果非常的好。血压当时就能降下来。治疗结束回家之后保持饮食清淡。逐步把降压药可以停掉。 2、高血脂,血粘人群。高血脂,高血压人群经常会有头晕、胸闷气短,头皮发紧,视力模糊,等症状。这类人群也经常会伴有高血压,高血糖。这类人群做完血液净化之后,可以有效降低血脂,70%~95%。降低血液粘度85%。 3、高血糖人群。高血糖不一定就是糖尿病,但是高血糖人群做完血液净化之后,效果都非常的明显。因为高血糖人群血液粘度都高。这类人群经常伴有头晕,视力模糊。手脚冰凉,四肢麻木等症状。做完血液净化之后,这类人群大部分人立即就能感觉到手脚不再冰凉。头晕,视力模糊的症状当场就能减轻甚至消失。 4、男性性功能障碍。这类人群大部分发病时间比较久。工作压力大。在做血液净化之前很多人早晨没有晨勃。做完血液净化之后,大部分人第二天就会出现晨勃,有的人七天以后会出现晨勃。幸福生活从现在开始。 5、脂肪肝人群。脂肪肝人群由于代谢能力下降导致体内多余的油脂代谢不出来。做完血液净化之后可以有效降低脂肪肝。一般情况下,做一次血液净化,中度脂肪肝儿可以降至轻度脂肪肝甚至没有了。 6、心梗脑梗,心肌缺血一类人群做完血液净化之后效果非常明显。心梗脑梗都是因为血液中有多余的脂肪,形成了血脂斑块,最终把血管堵死。在临床上称之为梗死。做完血液净化之后可以有效奖血液中的大脂肪颗粒排除体外。进一步减少脂肪的沉淀和血脂斑块儿的形成。 7、绝经后妇女做血液净化效果也是非常好的。妇女在绝经前经常每月排出一定的血液垃圾和毒素。减少了身体器官的代谢负荷。做一次血液净化可以有效降低体内代谢垃圾。 8、为什么很多人做完血液净化之后,皮肤出现了光泽,都显年轻呢?因为做完血液净化之后,血液中的垃圾和毒素大部分已经清理出来。进一步减少了各个器官的压力和负荷。第一个受益的器官是心脏。第二个受益的器官是肝脏和肾脏。身体的排毒能力加强了。所以说就能看到皮肤有光泽。做完血液净化之后明显年轻。 9、有些人做完血液净化之后,出现嗜睡的症状,这属于正常反应。这是身体的应急反应。做完血液净化之后,皮下脂肪会在7~15天会通过分解渗透到血液中达到一个代谢的目的。此时血液中的血脂有一些指标也会升高。








Blood purification pharmacokinetics Shanghai Jiaotong University College of Medicine subsidiary Ruijin Hospital kidney Chen Nan-J) N FWR; t Blood purification technology in clinical treatment of acute and chronic renal failure has been nearly half a century, and in critically ill patients, such as acute renal failure (ARF) in the treatment of continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) more traditional intermittent hemodialysis greater advantages, its clinical application is gradually expanded from the traditional kidney renal replacement to support development, participate in a multidisciplinary critical severe _ (HwU> Whether or ARF in patients with CRF usually kinds of medication, drugs in the application of these patients should be in accordance with its residual renal function adjustment, and at the same time, blood purification and changed the drug metabolism in patients with these conditions, particularly in critically ill patients, such as failure to consider this factor, medication adjustment programmes, the consequences could be Q: bKT # \ 1) from the following three aspects of the assessment of patients with blood purification P (rS - `I First, the nature of drug j1ZFsTFMWp 1, renal clearance in the proportion of drug: drug in the body's overall clearance rate is the body organ system capacity to remove the sum of drugs, including liver, kidney, as well as other metabolic If drugs mainly through kidney removal, which is usually to remove CRRT part of the in vitro clear / removal of the overall ≥ 25 ~ 30%, it is necessary to adjust the Pio ^ 5j hB6 2, protein binding rate: drug free with biological activity and can be removed filtration, plasma protein binding is the high rate of drugs (such as digitalis glycosides drug, warfarin, ) are difficult to remove CRRT Protein binding rate can be affected by many factors, the theoretical value and the actual situation may have some ! A! \ S / x4 3, molecular weight: small molecular diffusion easy to be adopted by dialysis membrane pore, drug removals and molecular size inversely proportional to macromolecules often convection through, unless more than its molecular weight film hole size, or ultrafiltration rate associated with the Most of the molecular weight of less than 500 drug Da, Da little more than Extension of high-flux dialysis membrane and time of removal can be improved 'T [zh # v> S 4, the volume of distribution (Vd): in vivo drug representatives of the extent of the Vd representative of the high rate of drug organizations with high clearance rate is Vd patients with severe and theoretical value can be very different, but there are individual Drug Vd ≤ 1 L / kg easy clearance, ≥ 2 L / kg difficult to be High flow could be higher IHD Vd drug rapidly cleared from plasma, serum concentration decreased, but only in a dialysis drug remove a small part in the two dialysis between plasma concentration will quickly CRRT continued slow clearance high Vd drugs, the process of drug plasma from the organizations to re-distribution, the change in the plasma concentration of ( 3, blood and dialysis fluid flow rate: the faster the velocity, the more easily access drug dialysis membrane into the dialysis solution in the dialysis fluid flow faster, drug dialysis fluid outflow from the faster to maintain the required gradient # J a `+ w) Third, the patient's own | (a] P = 9X, Cefaclor 1 25 24-35 25-5 tid not adjusted to 25 sU? "V Cefoperazone 6-5 90 14-20 1-2 q12h thoroughly after delivery without adjustment?,: # 9 Cefuroxime 2 33 13-18 75-5 q8h thoroughly after administration 0 q12h * i? RJH Ceftazidime 2 17 28-4 1-0 q8h 0 1-0 q24-48h YxE bg (Y Amikacin 4-3 <5 22-29 5mg/kg q12h 2 / 3 of the normal 30-70% q12-18h wI! + L & Q Tobramycin 5 <5 22-33 7mg/kg q8h 2 / 3 of the normal 30-70% q12h lC = N: = Mu Ciprofloxacin 3-6 20-40 5 5-75 q12h 25 q12h 2 q12h, $ h (fM8GC Levofloxacin 4-8 24-38 1-5 5 q24h 25-50% 50% + T, H & # Imipenem 1 13-21 17-3 5-0 q6h thoroughly after administration 50 percent - J "qrp Z ^ Vancomycin 6-8 10-50 47-1 5 q6h 5 q48-q24-96h 5% 48h c X: 3 30 4 losartan 50mg qd-q12h unclear hundred percent jq57C)) X 2 Benazepril 22 95 15 10mg qd not 50-75% uw K h Monopril 12 95 15 10mg qd not 100% [T'yc: = Atenolol 7 45-60 5-10 50-100mg qd 25-50mg 50% q48h s ULIrYRA The name of the drug half-life F Ze: co8Mu (H) protein binding 0zw + @ l ` (%) Vd `" a? A 5] k (L / Kg) renal function f) * NX After the normal dose HD ^ fs m6 f)) SUPPLEMENTARY of CRRT j ~ Q) F | i8 Carvedilol 5-8 95 1-2 25-50mg q12-24h not 100 percent [6AHaOhR ' Nifedipine 4-5 97 4 10-20mg q6-8h not 100%> s & XX, w Amlodipine 35-50 95 21 5mg qd not 100 percent 1p8: 1) q Felodipine 10-14 99 9-10 10mg qd not 100% gs? 8Wzh90 * Digoxin 36-44 20-30 5-8 25-5mg qd not 25-75% q36h H4t) + (: D ' Low-molecular-weight heparin 2-0 unclear 06-13 30-40mg bid unclear 100% p "2m9 0IO Warfarin 34-35 99 15 load 10-15 mg of 2-10 mg qd not iHPUmTus not -- Azathioprine 16-1 20 55-8 5-5mg/kg q24h 25mg/kg 75% yq?] V7 ~ Cyclophosphamide 4-5 14-20 5-1 1-5mg/kg qd 1 / 2 dose of 100% Z:! IX ^ q;) n Vincristine 1-5 75 5-11 4mg / sq m unclear 100% I! P4 (3skAB Prednisone 5-5 80 2 5-60mg qd not 100% X x_ tpC? 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书名=血液净化学  第3版作者=王质刚著页码=1664 ISBN=978-7-5304-4804-5出版社=北京:北京科学技术出版社 , 10      附件已经上传





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