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《历史研究》 《近代史研究》 《世界历史》 《史学月刊》



1、《日本侵略军的“盐遮断”轰炸》,《文史杂志》,2000年第4期。2、《范旭东在自贡重建久大盐厂原因述评》,《盐业史研究》,2001年第3期。3、《论抗战前的“移民开发西北”思潮》,《青海社会科学》2004年第1期。4、《抗战时期的西部交通建设与城市发展》,《天府新论》2004年第2期。5、《抗战时期西部航空运输业建设》,《西南师范大学学报》2004年第5期。6、《抗战时期大后方内河航运建设》,《抗日战争研究》2005年第2期。7、《1927-1937年知识分子的“移民开发西北”观》,《知识分子与近代中国社会变迁》台湾政治大学历史系 2005年。8、《清末民初川江轮船运输业的兴起与济楚川盐运输近代化》,《盐业史研究》2006年第2期。9、《西南民族地区毒品问题的历史考察与现实关怀——评秦和平著《西南民族地区的毒品危害及其对策》》,《中华文化论坛》2006年第2期。10、《抗战时期西部公路建设》,《历史档案》2007年第1期。11、《“驼峰”航线与美国对华援助》,《长白学刊》2007年第2期。12、《抗战时期国民政府的交通立法与交通管理》,《抗日战争研究》2007年第3期;人大报刊复印资料全 文转载。13、《抗战时期重庆市民的日常生活》,《重庆社会科学》2007年第5期。14、《重庆大轰炸中的难民救济(1938-1943)》》,《西南大学学报》2007年第5期。15、《陇海铁路与陕西城镇的兴衰(1932-1945)》,《中国经济史研究》2008年第1期。16、《抗战时期人口迁移及对西部开发影响的全景展示——评张根福著〈抗战时期的人口迁移—兼论对西部开发的影响〉》,《中国历史地理论丛》,2008年第4期。17、《个旧锡业开发与生态环境变迁(1890—1949)》,《中国历史地理论丛》,2010年第1期;人大报刊复印资料全文转载。18、《滇越铁路与云南矿业开发(1910-1940)》,《中国边疆史地研究》,2010年第1期。19、《抗战时期西北皮毛贸易与大后方经济运动》,《中国历史地理论丛》,2012年第1期;人大报刊复印资料全文转载。20、《抗战时期四川的粮食运输管理》,《抗日战争研究》,2012年第4期。21、《抗战时期人口内迁背景的西南大后方现代化》,《重庆社会科学》2012年第7期。22、《免费师范生历史课堂教学实习的问题与对策研究—以西南大学为例》,《历史教学(下半月刊)》,2012年第11期。23、《1931—1937年欧亚航空公司的经营管理与业绩分析》,《西南大学学报》(社会科学版),2013年 第2期。24、《近代内蒙古地区疾病流行与蒙古族社会变迁》,《中华医史杂志》,2013年第2期。25、《西南土产外销与大后方口岸贸易变迁(1937-1945)》,《近代史研究》,2013年第2期。26、《抗战时期广西企业公司研究(1941-1944)》,《抗日战争研究》,2013年 第3期。27、《形象塑造与政权巩固》,《二十一世纪》(香港)2014年第1期。代表性学术专著:《抗战时期大后方交通与西部经济开发》,中国社会科学出版社,2013年7月,约60万字。主讲课程:1、《中国近代史》必修(本科生)2、《中国近代经济史》选修(本科生)3、《中国现代化进程》选修(本科生)4、《抗日战争研究》选修(研究生)

历史类核心期刊序号 期刊名称 主办单位 通讯地址 1 历史研究 中国社会科学杂志社 2 中国史研究 中国社科院历史研究所 3 近代史研究 中国社科院近代史研究所 4 世界历史 中国社科院世界历史研究所 5 史学理论研究 中国社科院世界历史研究所 6 史学史研究 北京师范大学史学史研究所 7 中共党史研究 中共中央党史研究室 8 文博 陕西省文物事业管理局等 9 清史研究 中国人民大学书报资料中心, 10 中国经济史研究 中国社科院经济研究所


《历史研究》 《近代史研究》 《世界历史》 《史学月刊》



《历史研究》 《近代史研究》 《世界历史》 《史学月刊》

Sino Japanese War (1937-1945) The Second Sino-Japanese War was a major invasion of eastern China by Japan preceding and during World War II It ended with the surrender of Japan in In Chinese, the war is known as the War to Resist the Japanese (抗日战争) OverviewMost historians place the beginning of the second Sino-Japanese War on the Battle of Lugou Bridge (Marco Polo Bridge Incident) on July 7, However, Chinese historians place the starting point at the Mukden Incident of September 18, Following the Mukden Incident, the Japanese Guandong army occupied Manchuria and established the puppet state of Manchukuo (February 1932) Japan pressured China into recognising the independence of M China and Japan did not formally declare war against each other until after the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7 Following the Battle of Lugou Bridge in 1937, the Japanese occupied Shanghai, Nanjing and Northern Shanxi as part of campaigns involving approximately 200,000 Japanese soldiers, and considerably more Chinese After the fall of Nanjing, it is estimated that as many as 300,000 people died in the Nanjing M The Japanese had neither the intention or the capability of directly administering C Their goal was to set up friendly puppet governments that would be favorable to Japanese However, the brutality of the Japanese made the governments that they did set up very unpopular, and the Japanese refused to negotiate with either Kuomintang or the Communists, which could have brought By 1940, the fighting had reached a While Japan held most of the eastern coastal areas of China, guerrilla fighting continued in the conquered The Nationalist government of Chiang Kai-shek struggled on from a provisional capital at Chongqing City; however, realizing that he also faced a threat from communist forces of Mao Zedong, he mostly tried to preserve the strength of his army and avoid heavy battle with the Japanese in the hopes of defeating the Communists once the Japanese Moreover, Chiang could not risk an all-out campaign given the well-trained, equipped, and organized Chinese armies and opposition against his leadership within and outside the K Most military analysts predicted that the Chinese could not keep up the fighting with most of the war factories located in the prosperous areas under or near Japanese Other global powers were reluctant to provide any support -- unless supporting an ulterior motive -- because in their opinion the Chinese would eventually lose the They expected any support given to China might worsen their own relationship with the Japanese, who taunted the Kuomintang with the prospect of conquest within 3 Germany and the Soviet Union did provide support to the Chinese before the war escalated to the Asian theatre of World War II The Soviet Union was exploiting the Kuomintang government to hinder the Japanese from invading Siberia, thus saving itself from a two-front Furthermore, the Soviets expected any major conflict between the Japanese and the Chinese to hamper any Kuomintang effort to remove the Communist Party of China (CCP) opposition or, in the best case, hoped to install a friendly Communist government surreptitiously after the dwindling of Kuomintang Soviet technicians upgraded and handled some of the Chinese war-supply Military supplies and advisors arrived, and one Russian named Zhukov witnessed the battle of Tai er Because of Chiang Kai-shek's anti-communist policy and hopes of defeating the CCP, Germany provided the largest proportion of Chinese arms German military advisors modernized and trained the Chinese armies; Chinese officers (including Chiang's second son) were educated in and served in the German army before World War II Nevertheless the proposed 30 new divisions equipped with all German arms did not materialize as the Germans sided with the Japanese later in World War II Other prominent powers, including the United States of America, Britain and France, only officially assisted in war supply contracts up to the attack on Pearl Harbor in late 1941, when major influx of trained military personnels and supplies boosted Chinese chance of keeping up the Unofficially, public opinion in the United States was becoming favorable to C At the start of the 1930's, public opinion in the United States had tended to support the J However, reports of Japanese brutality added to Japanese actions such as the attack on the USS Panay swung public opinion sharply against J By the start of 1941, the United States had begun to sponsor the American Volunteer Group otherwise known as the Flying Tigers to boost Chinese air In addition, the United States began an oil and steel embargo which made it impossible for Japan to continue operations in China without another source of oil from Southeast A This set the stage for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December With that attack, both the United States and China officially declared war against J Chiang Kai-shek received some supplies from the United States once the conflict was escalated to the Asian theatre of WWII, and he was appointed Commander-in-chief of the China war zone by the Allies in Notorious poor relations between Colonel Joseph Stilwell and Chiang led to Stilwell's devious criticism and his minimizing of the Chinese contribution in World War II in the American media and to President Franklin R The Allies thus underestimated the Chinese need for supplies and trained Stilwell also incited power struggles within the Kuomintang which eventually contributed to the rise of the CCP Both sides fought to a stalemate after 1941, mainly owing to the dispersion of Japanese forces through vast areas of China - Japan could not concentrate its superior armor and Guerilla activities behind the frontlines also meant constantly deploying stationary Japanese forces in major cities and at road and rail Control over the countryside and villages gradually swung towards the CCP and K The United States saw the Chinese theater as a means to tie up a large number of Japanese troops, as well as being a possible location for American In 1944, as the Japanese position in the Pacific was deteriorating fast, they launched Operation Ichigo to attack the airbases which had begun to This brought the Hubei, Henan, and Guangxi provinces under Japanese Nevertheless their prospect of tranferring their troops to fight the Americans was in vain and they only committed the Guandong Army from Manchuria in their "Sho plan", which later facilitated the Soviet advancement after the war declaration on August 8 As of Summer 1945, all sides expected the war to continue for at least another However it was suddenly ended by the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and N Japan capitulated to the allies on August 14, The Japanese troops in China formally surrendered on September 9, 1945 and by the provisions of the Cairo Conference of 1943 the lands of Manchuria, Taiwan and the Pescadores Islands reverted to C However the Ryukyu islands have not regained their Casualties AssessmentThe conflict lasted for 97 months and 3 days (measured from 1937 to 1945) The Kuomintang fought in 22 major engagements, each of which involved at least one hundred thousand troops from both sides, and in just over 40,000 The CCP fought in 111,500 engagements of various The Japanese recorded around 1 million military casualties, wounded and The Chinese suffered much worse, losing approximately 22 million 13 million civilians died in crossfire, and another 4 million as non-military Property loss of the Chinese worthed up to 383,3 million US dollars according to the currency exchange rate in July 1937, roughly 50 times of the GDP of Japan (770 million US dollars)

1、共分三个阶段1937年7月卢沟桥事变到1938年10月广州、武汉失守,是战略防御阶段;1938年10月至1943年12月,是战略相持阶段;1944年1月解放区战场局部反攻至1945年8月日本宣布无条件投降,是战略反攻阶段。  2、抗战简介  抗日战争(War of Resistance Against Japan),国际上称作第二次中日战争(Second Sino-Japanese War),是指20世纪中期第二次世界大战中,中国抵抗日本侵略的一场民族性的全面战争。从1937年七七事变国民政府发表《告全体将士书》至1945年日本宣布投降结束,历时八年,被称为八年抗战、或简称抗战。  1931年,侵华日军发动九一八事变后,完全侵占中国东北,并成立伪满洲国,此后陆续在华北、上海等地挑起战争冲突,国民政府则采取妥协政策避免冲突扩大。1937年7月7日,日军在北平附近挑起卢沟桥事变,中日战争全面爆发。  在战争初期,中国投入大量军队以遏制日军的进攻;随后交战双方即转入相持,中国的敌后力量逐渐发展壮大,1941年12月7日日本发动太平洋战争后,美国的罗斯福政府正式对日宣战,中国战场成为二战(第二次世界大战的简称)的主战场之一。  1945年8月15日,日本向同盟国无条件投降。抗日战争对中国造成了巨大的人员和财产损失,但战争过程中民众的国家观念得到了增强,战争的胜利极大的提高了中国在世界舞台上的地位。


袁腾飞 讲抗日 收索·种·子



《历史研究》 《近代史研究》 《世界历史》 《史学月刊》






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