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Dear GaryHow are you? it's so nice t know I am so excited to find your And now, please allow me to introduce My name is Chang Wen, and we meet last I'm from Mayang, Huaihua in Hu Nan There is famous South Great wall ,outstanding writter---Shen Congwen,and the pretty scenes also pretty girls for race of M I am in Miao race as Most people in my hometown are farmers, they farm for their life The government has issed my beneficial policies for So many people moved to work outside the village and they leave their children and elder people at But it seems that they are not earning to much money in the outside world, because they know less skills, have to make their life by labour and do some unskilles The payment for that is very And this make it harder to afford their children's study at We have rare chance to go to But at present, there is drastic competition in the society,if one can not master a foreign language,especially English, it will be difficult to have better As the globlizations going on, it can be said that English will lead to a better it is much more important that there are also many people who do not know English in CSo I came to you that day, and I want to learn English from But you see, I have no too much money, it is a little impossible for me to pay you 100yuan per I do not want to give up the chance to learn English, So could you teach me free of charge?for example, we can do it on I know that it's not eaque for you, but in order to improve my poor English, I give you this letter and trouble you Please give me a I will appreciate very very By the way, if you want learn Chinese or want to pay a visit to Feng Huang, I think I can provide some 我看他够呛能答应,还是自学吧


视频学习大全--and--小说大全资源名称---英语方面学习视频资料迪斯尼神奇英语全套初级美语-赖世雄(mp3)中级美语-赖世雄许国璋英语第一册(mp3)许国璋英语第二册(mp3)许国璋英语第三册(mp3)英语词汇记忆法视频讲座4讲抗遗忘单词快速记忆法视频下载从零开始学法语韩国语对话实习许国璋电视英语全套四川电大商务交际英语高级时事英语视频下载计算机专业英语在线教程标准日语视频下载《综合英语》(一)精讲音频下载李阳-疯狂英语口语和听力四本书mp3《标准日语》初级视频下载标准日本语中级视频新概念英语第一册(MP3版)新概念英语第二册(MP3版)新概念英语第三册(MP3版)新概念英语第四册MP3英语学习翻译完整版刘畅词汇flash下载洋话连篇MP3商务英语基础新东方阅读flash-周雷(全)大学英语听力mp3阶梯儿童英语字母学习阶梯儿童英语 第一单元阶梯儿童英语 第二单元阶梯儿童英语 第三单元阶梯儿童英语 第四单元阶梯儿童英语 第五单元开放英语裕兴新概念英语FLASH全集阶梯儿童英语 第六单元阶梯儿童英语 第七单元阶梯儿童英语 第八单元阶梯儿童英语 第九单元阶梯儿童英语 第十单元阶梯儿童英语 第十一单元阶梯儿童英语 第十二单元阶梯儿童英语 第十三单元阶梯儿童英语 第十四单元英语随口说[MP3] 练习口语好资料考研英语(2006)--阅读[FLASH]新东方演讲-江博新东方演讲-俞敏洪[西南师大][词汇学][14讲]英语听力[音频]英语专业翻译课程交际英语(国家级)新东方演讲-王强医学英语英语3册(北京交通大学)英语4册(北京交通大学)高级时事英语(毛东辉)宁波电大大学法语一(宋颖薇)宁波电大大学法语二(宋颖薇)宁波电大[二外日语]五十音图语音教学[Flash版][上海外国语大学] 高级英语综合英语视频教学资料生活美语-语音下载洋话连篇Ⅲ(视频RM)50集韩国系列下载(1-30)swf《中日交流标准日本语-初级》Video CD[日文小说(二)][空中大学][wmv][36讲]日语五十音图教学视频李阳疯狂英语学习光盘疯狂英语900句2005精华版计算机专业英语李阳疯狂英语从零开始学日语高考英语语法高考英语听力高考英语阅读高考英语写作新东方《4+1口语语汇》新东方词汇112课FLASH讲解新概念英语全四册课本PDF版新概念英语视频第一册新概念英语视频第二册新概念英语视频第三册新概念英语视频第四册四川电大 大学英语4(在线播放)四川电大 翻译理论与实践(在线播放)四川电大 外贸英语(在线播放)四川电大 外贸英语函电(在线播放)四川电大 商务英语(在线播放)四川电大 综合英语(在线播放)四川电大 商务交际英语(在线播放)新东方英语讲座视频<生活美语>英语音频下载韩国语培训学习哈哈美语全集fla儿童快乐英语辽宁教育电视台录像初中英语复习赖世雄教你轻松说英语[365讲]音频北师大-大学英语精读(一)北京邮电大学-英语精读(一)新东方《考研英语词汇 词根+联想记忆法》俞敏洪 配套录音[mp3] 新概念英语第二册(视频)1-10新概念英语第二册(视频)21-30新概念英语第二册(视频)11-20新视野英语(三)(公共课)新视野英语(二)(公共课)统考辅导/大学英语/写作(吉林大学)统考辅导/大学英语/听力(吉林大学)统考辅导/大学英语/模拟题(吉林大学)统考辅导/大学英语/语法/(吉林大学)统考辅导/大学英语/阅读理解(吉林大学)新概念英语全套电子书四册(有声版)我爱韩国语(KBS)视频教程法语reflect教程课文精解韩国语学习-刚到韩国30天韩语入门mp3德语学习视频[展望未来][70集][RM]新东方FLASH高考语法详解---高中生的福音美国历史上著名的100个演讲MP3及原文时间机器美国文化系列讲座李阳疯狂英语口语速成新东方西安交大演讲(强烈推荐)自学英语国际音标德语视听资料下载[HALLO AUS BERLIN][大学不详][《法语》所有四册课文][3m][rar][50k]法语语音电视教学-曹德明教授主讲学习法语新视听(MP3)公共法语(MP3)大学法语简明教程录音(MP3)葡萄牙语学习课程[emotion_12个纯韩文的小故事][swf]英语高级口译教程 With Bea韩国语入门视频教程《挑战单词)-英语单词记忆超速记俞敏洪GRE词汇串讲〈英语单词闪电记忆〉按字母记单词

A Young Idler,An Old BeggarAlmost everyone knows the famous Chinese saying:A young idler,an old Throughout history,we have seen many cases in which this saying has again and again proved to be It goes without saying that the youth is the best time of life,during which one's mental and physical states are at their It takes relatively less time and pains to learn or accept new things in a world full of changes and rapid In addition,one is less likely to be under great pressure from career,family and health problems when Therefore,a fresh mind plus enormous energy will ensure success in different aspects of Of course,we all know:no pains,no If we don't make every effort to make good use of the advantages youth brings us,it is impossible to achieve any As students,we should now try our best to learn all the subjects well so that we can be well prepared for the challenges that we will face in the 译文少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲几乎所有人都知道中国有一句老话:少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲通过阅读历史,我们从一个又一个的案例当中得知,这句话被证实是真确的不用说都知道,在青年时期,人的智力和身体状况都是一生中最好的,这也是一个人一生中最好的时期在这个处处都不停地转变,飞快地发展的世界里,年轻使人相对地用更少的时间去学习和领悟新知在这时,很少人会困在从事业上来的压力下,家庭和健康问题也比较小(就是说不是没有--译者)所以,一个清醒的脑袋加上巨大的能量就会成就人生中不同方面的成功当然,我们都知道:没有挫折就没有获得如果我们没有好好努力去利用年轻带给我们的优胜之处,那就没有可能获得任何的成功作为中学生,我们应该做到最好去学好每一个科目,这样的话,我们就可以为将来即将面对的挑战做好准备。



◆演讲稿的写法 演讲稿一般由标题、开场白、正文、结尾等部分构成。 1、标题 演讲稿标题没有固定形式,主要概括演讲的内容或主题,要求明确、简洁、有吸引力或震撼力。若被邀请作学术演讲,就应该介绍自己最新的研究成果或自己掌握的最新的学术信息,这样的标题才最具学术性。如果是在思想教育性的演讲活动上作演讲,就应该针对现实中最新鲜的现象和听众最关心的问题发表见解。如果竞选演说和就职演说,也要能把握住听众的理想和愿望来选标题。同时,在标题下居中位置标明演出人姓名。 2、开场白 演讲稿的开场白,也叫开头,它犹如戏剧开头的“镇场”,在全篇中占据重要的地位。 开场白一般采用开门见山提出问题,或开宗明义阐明自己的见解和主张,或叙事举例及点评、或因果推理及引述格言等简洁、新颖、幽默、悬念的形式,为后边的演说打好基础。 3、正文 这是演讲的主体部分,主要是通过摆事实、讲道理的形式,对开场白提出的问题或中心论点进行推理分析,论证,从而达到说服听众、启发听众、感召听众的作用。这部分要求内容丰富、重点突出、层次清晰、逻辑严密。具体可采用总分式、递进式、并列式或综合式的结构形式进行说服使事物得到由表及里的深入阐述和证明。 4、结尾 演讲稿的结尾部分,是主体内容发展的必然结果。结尾或归纳、或升华、或希望、或号如,方式很多。好的结尾应收拢全篇,率章显志,干脆利落,回味无穷。

教育核心期刊有很多,现在我来汇总一下教育方面可以发表的核心期刊有哪些。北大核心《教育与职业》 《科技通报》 《河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 《商业经济研究》 《人民论坛》 《广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科版)》《财会通讯》 《学术探索》 《云南大学学报(社会科学版》Cssci双核心《外语学刊》 《出版广角》 《文艺争鸣》《人民论坛》 《法学论坛》 《理论探索》《学术月刊》 《经济纵横》 《心理发展与教育》《高等教育研究》 《教育发展研究》 《北京体育学院学报》《湖南大学学报》(社会科学版) 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》


关键字:新课程标准:New curriculum standards 教学模式: Teaching Model启发式教学:Heuristic teaching 自主式教学: Self-teachingThe challenge of the knowledge economy and information society, the right of the intelligent structure and the mode of cultivating new requirements, To this end the Ministry of Education to a period of education and the future work of the focus on the new curriculum, new teaching materials to promote innovative education reform, the full implementation of quality education in a Traditional classroom teaching mode Health division, stresses listening, is the authority of teachers, students passively accept, In this process of learning students no dominant position, the more they are at supervise, correct, even scold is the object of status, making it harder for students of self-awareness, self innovation capability and the desire has been repeatedly students according to their own thoughts to think, and then train the students to talk about health, happiness, and full development, therefore it can not meet modern society's demand for qualified The new curriculum standards promulgated, on the teaching philosophy and student learning in all aspects have put forward many new improvements and Liaoning autumn 2006 has been the launching of a new comprehensive curriculum reform, which every one is not only a teacher speaking opportunities, It is also a new In this paper, the new curriculum standards start of the new curriculum standards under the concepts of physics classroom teaching model the concept and practice of exploring, New Curriculum expounded the basic concept of the mode of teaching basic concepts and teaching mode of classification; People's Education Publishing House to the high school physics textbook to study entities, built on the existing syllabus and curriculum standards, teaching in schools with the actual conditions for heuristic and the autonomy of the two-mode teaching a thorough analysis and research, Physics teaching mode as well as the prospect of future

汉译英1, the general quality of teaching in secondary schools to build dynamic mechanisms and implementation 2, vocational high school students the practice of vocational guidance and research 3, to enable schools to become teachers of their full glory of life --- the school people to explore the practice of management strategies 4, primary and secondary schools in rural areas, "1 +1 +4" Parents of school practice and research model 5, primary school environmental education curriculum of three-dimensional study of the practice 英译汉6 ,在查询----建筑教学模式---联合国的调查方法和知识建设的科学教学与学习7 ,品种测量创造更多的好学生----研究评价体系,学生的历史业绩初中8 ,交流和协调家长与学校之间在法国。 9 ,前景人才培养模式的美国本科教育的研究型大学在21世纪初。 10 ,在批判与重构教师Professionization从女权主义角度

You know when I found you, I is how happy?First of all, I'd like to introduce myself, my name is ZhangWen, last time you have seen I come from huaihua mayang, that is a remote and beautiful She nearby tourist resorts in phoenix, don't know you have heard of the phoenix, there is great, and generation of literati in south and beautiful shen - MiaoGu girl and charming But I also miao In my hometown, a farmer is most A recent government policy implementation So most folks are now working out, leaving some children and the elderly at The folks working out by only their cheap Their salary is not So study for us is almost the only way Now in the increasingly fierce competition in society, if don't grasp a foreign language (English) also is especially for With the internationalization of E Mastering English may say to a good More importantly, China has so many people don't know E So say that I come to you and say to you, but you will also learn English that we have sufficient funds, according to your 110 per hour, which was not possible, but I don't want to give up the opportunity to learn English, so I want to say to you, you can not my money, when you're free to teach me English? For instance in the I also know that it is very difficult for you to do, but to change my poor English, I ask you, hope you can understand and BTW, if you are interested in learning Chinese, or want to phoenix travel, I think I can help you




《全球教育展望》由国家教育部主管、华东师范大学主办、教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地华东师范大学课程与教学研究所主办的全国教育类核心期刊,入围国家新闻出版总署“中国期刊方阵”,为中文社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)来源期刊,引用率历年来一直名列前茅,该刊由课程与教学研究所名誉所钟启泉教授担任主编,由崔允漷教授、赵中建教授、李雁冰教授担任副主编。 包括:“专家访谈”(特邀一些国际知名教育研究专家进行访谈)、“素质教育与课程改革”、“课程与教学”、“国际与比较教育”、“教育管理”、“学科教育”、“道德教育”、“走进中小学”等,另外还会就教育界的热点话题增设一些专题栏目。


《全球教育展望》由国家教育部主管、华东师范大学主办、教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地华东师范大学课程与教学研究所主办的全国教育类核心期刊,入围国家新闻出版总署“中国期刊方阵”,为中文社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)来源期刊,引用率历年来一直名列前茅,该刊由课程与教学研究所名誉所钟启泉教授担任主编,由崔允漷教授、赵中建教授、李雁冰教授担任副主编。 包括:“专家访谈”(特邀一些国际知名教育研究专家进行访谈)、“素质教育与课程改革”、“课程与教学”、“国际与比较教育”、“教育管理”、“学科教育”、“道德教育”、“走进中小学”等,另外还会就教育界的热点话题增设一些专题栏目。

环球期刊信息咨询中心(优惠发表 诚信合作)经济类、教育类、医学类、财会类、社科类、科技类、文学类、农业类、新闻类、其它综合类等省级、国家级、北大核心、南大核心(CSSCI)期刊以及部分学报、报刊。本公司期刊100%正规、无效100%退款、希望广大教育工作者积极投稿。诚信合作、优稿录用。

教育核心期刊有很多,现在我来汇总一下教育方面可以发表的核心期刊有哪些。北大核心《教育与职业》 《科技通报》 《河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 《商业经济研究》 《人民论坛》 《广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科版)》《财会通讯》 《学术探索》 《云南大学学报(社会科学版》Cssci双核心《外语学刊》 《出版广角》 《文艺争鸣》《人民论坛》 《法学论坛》 《理论探索》《学术月刊》 《经济纵横》 《心理发展与教育》《高等教育研究》 《教育发展研究》 《北京体育学院学报》《湖南大学学报》(社会科学版) 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》

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