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毕业论文是Graduation thesis 若要在论文里指论文就可以直接说thesis或者paper

A Thesis Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of B A/B S in ***这是标准的学士学位毕业论文的说法,BA代表文学学士,BS代表理学学士,***处填上专业。


paper|ˈpeɪpə(r)|[可数名词] an academic article about a particular subject that is written by and for specialists 论文例句:a recent paper in the Journal of Medicine最近刊在《医学学报》上的一篇论文


杂志的英文读音是magazine。元音字母i在单字里发/i/的音,发音时,舌端靠近下齿,舌前部抬得很高,但不接触上腭,不发生任何摩擦。这个音出现在字首、字中、字尾位置。police 警察machine 机器unique 独特的,唯一的prestige 威望ski 滑雪。

杂志的英语表达中,英 [mægə'ziːn] ,美 ['mæɡəzin]有区别

READING english magazines

To read



像鲁滨逊一样在逆境中创造精彩AbstractRobinson Crusoe is a legendary person created by Daniel D He survived on a lonely island for twenty-eight years with his amazing And finally he overcame the adversity and created the splendor of his own When he was confronting adversity, he knew to lose is another way to gain, and he made plans for his future He did everything according to certain And he never gave Nowadays, people live in a better Nobody would have the experiences like Robinson’s, but people may come across some difficulty or When they are confronting the adversity, they should adjust their attitudes, make plans for the future actively, be good at bringing forth new ideas in adversity, and never give up the hope to get out of it, struggle against it indomitably like Robinson C Eventually they will get out of the adversity, and create the splendor of their own Key Wordsadversity; hope; innovation; perseverance; splendor摘 要鲁滨逊是笛福创造出来的一个传奇人物,他以自己顽强的毅力和坚强的意志在孤岛上生活了二十八年之久,并且最终战胜了艰苦的环境,创造出了人生中的精彩。鲁滨逊在面对逆境的时候,懂得失去也是一种获得,不断地为将来做打算,凡事都有计划,有安排,并且从没有放弃过获救的希望。现代社会的人们生活在物质优越的环境下,也许不会有像鲁滨逊一样的经历,但生活中总会遇到一定的坎坷或逆境,面对逆境人们应该像鲁滨逊一样调整好心态,积极地为将来做打算,有计划地安排生活,并且善于在逆境中发现、创造,永不放弃走出逆境的希望,顽强地与逆境作斗争,从而创造出自己人生的精彩。关键词逆境;希望;创新;坚持;精彩

题目有很多,成品,做好的都有A Stylistic Approach to Chinese-English Translation of International Business Contracts从文体学角度,以国际商务合同的中国英翻译An Analytical Study of the Language Features of Business English Correspondence商务英语函电的语言特点的分析研究Analysis of Business English Translation from Translatability and Untranslatability商务英语翻译的可译性与不可译性分析Application of Refusal Strategies under Speech Act Theory and Politeness Principles in English Business Letters拒绝策略下的言语行为理论和礼貌原则在英语商务信函中的应用Language Features of Business English商务英语的语言特点Linguistic Features and Translation Techniques of Business English商务英语和翻译技巧的语言特点Politeness and Business English Letters礼貌与商务英语信函politeness principle in English business correspondence礼貌在英语商务信函的原则Pragmatic Principles in English Business Correspondence商务函电英语的语用原则Techniques of Translating Business English Correspondence into Chinese中国翻译技巧到商务英语函电The Plain English Approach to Written Business Communication简明英语方针书面商务沟通The Translation Techniques and Principles of Business English Advertisement商务英语广告的翻译技巧和原则商务英语学习中跨文化交际能力培养的研究A Study of the Cultivation of Intercultural Communicative Competence in Business English Learning(商务英语的语言特点及其翻译技巧)Linguistic Features and Translation Techniques of Business English



回答 抱歉,只能帮你到这儿了,希望能够帮助到你。 提问 这些都被用过了 不能在写了 还有新的吗 回答 更多8条 





我的文库里有很多,绝大多数都与法律英语 法律翻译 英文法律文章有关

什么阶段的?提供一篇高中:Being a minor, we should be very happy to have such a study law knowledge of First, through studying law, can enhance own legal consciousness and legal concept, knowing what is legal, what is illegal, what is a crime, conscientiously fulfil the obligations prescribed by law, with legal restrains own behavior, law forbids doing resolute don't do, laws, and actively encourage do to do, legal requirements, must do Second, learning the law can grow up Some classmates for one jinjinjijiao, because some trifle and are eyeball even Indeed because teenage age small courtesy, shallow, lack of right from wrong ability and susceptible to bad style's influence, impulsive, especially when their pride injured or their own interests and others benefit conflicts, easy to lose their senses, lead to illegal Therefore, in order to protect the healthy growth of teenagers, preventing and reducing crime, need for juvenile positive education of legal system, correct Third, learning the law to protect their legitimate rights and Students shall enjoy life, and health to legal, reputation, personal freedom by protecting rights, to receive education and inheritance rights, with laws to maintain their own rights 采纳哦

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