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给个我的认识,要是真的想认真的写论文,好吧,我就说说--1,找--怎样写论文的书看看--如在京东--也可以去亚马逊或其他的店找这本书 --在艺术理论一项中,顾平的《艺术的理论研究与学术表达(艺术专业学术理论写作)》--在站内的搜索--“艺术论文的”--就可以--,也可以找其他人的书--。或找过往的论文集看看 做个参考2,要根据自己的专业--学的是--哪一科,写意的工笔的 人物的 山水的 花鸟的……这样方便在自己的熟悉的领域找资料--也好论述--在自己理解的基础上才能有更好的论述--3,找资料--图书馆 网上书店 实体店 网站 期刊--报纸杂志……,


问题2我就不想说了,千篇一律,百度上多的是,不过,不要死搬硬套,要加一点自己的见解、感想以及看法。至于格式,你可以改变一下,别出心裁,会有不一样的效果。问题1:国画无非山水 花鸟 人物。其中山水为一大类。






论文题目:丝路文物主题自媒体动画创作研究目录摘要Abstract1 绪论1 研究背景1 自媒体信息传播方式的普及2 自媒体与动画技术结合的优势3 丝路文物的文化价值2 研究的目的与意义1 研究目的2 研究意义3 研究现状1 自媒体的研究现状2 自媒体与动画相结合的研究现状3 传统文化与自媒体相结合的研究现状4 研究的内容与创新点1 研究内容2 创新点5 研究方法1 前期调研2 论文主题研究运用的方法2 自媒体作品创作发展现状分析与思考1 自媒体的概念与发展探析1 自媒体的基本概念2 自媒体的发展探析2 自媒体的分类1 以媒介符号分类2 以运营主体分类3 媒体案例调研实例1 华商报访谈实例2 《TESTV值不值得买》自媒体调研实例3 《大虎说球》自媒体访谈实例4 访谈总结4 自媒体动画创作现状分析1 自媒体动画的界定范畴2 自媒体动画的创作特点3 自媒体动画的创作趋势5 自媒体作品创作的特征1 内容的创意性2 日常化与即时性3 互动性与包容性6 自媒体中的审美活动1 审美活动的普及2 作品的“游戏”精神3 创作与审美的实时互动7 本章小结3 丝路文物与自媒体动画创作结合的分析1 丝路文物的历史背景1 丝绸之路的开通2 丝绸之路上的贸易与文化交流2 丝路文物的分类3 自媒体在丝路文化作品创作中的优势1 结合数字技术提升丝路文物的活力2 结合新媒体对现有宣传方式的有益补充3 扩展新平台促进丝路文物文化的广泛传播4 丝路文物的自媒体动画创作思路1 提炼丝路文物的艺术价值、文化特征2 自媒体动画创作视角下丝路文物叙事方式5 本章小结4 丝路文物主题自媒体动画创作实践1 前期调研与策划1 丝路文物个案的选定与分析2 自媒体平台的选定与创建2 丝路文物主题自媒体动画的创作流程1 剧本与解说词的设定2 动画角色场景设计与分镜的绘制3 创作实践过程5 总结1 总结2 课题完成存在的不足致谢参考文献以上就是环球青藤小编关于动画专业毕业论文提纲模板的相关分享,希望对大家有所帮助,想要了解更多相关内容,也欢迎大家及时在本平台查看!

Animation is being revived, especially in three-dimensional animation, it can be said that the era of human weave a From ancient times, tens of thousands of years later, people in the pursuit of video art, a hard go a long way - from the ancient Egyptian tomb murals of temple on the decomposition of painting, to our country's revolving door of ancient rage , shadow, hand open book, to the French Aimileinuo invented optical shadow play machine, Lumiyier brothers shot the first movie "the train arrival" and then to today, people can comfortably watch "Monster Shrek, "" Monsters, I ", both from a technical, artistic or commercial point of view, of the 20th century is the period of the fastest growing animation, 3D animation has finally occupied the field of popular culture in a prominent Using sophisticated computer animation to create the illusion of color seems to be the focus of the mainstream film world In less than 20 years time, 3D animation from the slow-moving form of development to the rapid flow of movement forms and the development of the evil actor growled to attack Virtual carnivorous With the hardware and software functions and performance of rapid promotion, most complex and realistic 3D animation has also We are on television, cinemas, or CD to watch a long animation with digital production, it is to let people view as a sigh Animation is a magical process, so that generation after generation around the world, viewers addicted, When you see the graphics begin to exercise, few can resist the charm he Dependence on one kind of animation called "persistence of vision" of the visual When a series of pictures first came out, it will show a picture with a continuous Although we see is a group of rapidly changing images, but this is nothing to prevent it generates Can, in fact 3D modeling and animation space, the basic steps as the traditional clay model or a static action and then to the digital version of the Producers can create almost anything 3D animation is being revived, its impact can be seen With the network transmission capacity of the 3D animation who discovered a vast new arena, the network animation can be an exciting and pleasurable experience, it can be an integral part of web Key words: three-dimensional development of rehabilitation



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