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9494 200分? 能当钱花嘛?!! 呵呵 天真喔!!


Strategic management is the conduct of drafting, implementing and evaluating cross-functional decisions that will enable an organization to achieve its long-term It is the process of specifying the organization's mission, vision and objectives, developing policies and plans, often in terms of projects and programs, which are designed to achieve these objectives, and then allocating resources to implement the policies and plans, projects and A balanced scorecard is often used to evaluate the overall performance of the business and its progress towards Strategic management is a level of managerial activity under setting goals and over T Strategic management provides overall direction to the enterprise and is closely related to the field of Organization S In the field of business administration it is useful to talk about "strategic alignment" between the organization and its environment or "strategic consistency" According to Arieu (2007), "there is strategic consistency when the actions of an organization are consistent with the expectations of management, and these in turn are with the market and the " “Strategic management is an ongoing process that evaluates and controls the business and the industries in which the company is involved; assesses its competitors and sets goals and strategies to meet all existing and potential competitors; and then reassesses each strategy annually or quarterly [ regularly] to determine how it has been implemented and whether it has succeeded or needs replacement by a new strategy to meet changed circumstances, new technology, new competitors, a new economic , or a new social, financial, or political



词的理据 众所周知,语言包括语音、词汇和语法三个部分。英国语义学家乌尔曼在承认语言符号的任意性前提下,提出词的理据性,指出每一种语言里都包含一定程度理据的词语。语言的理据是相对其任意性而言,是指语言符号的能指与所指之间有一种自然的联系,两者的结合是有理可据的。词的理据指事物和现象获得名称的依据。本论文通过对词的理据性分析及举例,将有助于外语学习,尤其是对词汇的掌握和理解。词的理据分为:拟声理据、语义理据、逻辑理据。Ⅰ.onomatopoeic motivation 英语中有些词是通过声音的模仿构成的,这种构词称为 Stephen Ullmann把拟声构词分为两种。 1、primary onomatopoeia:鸟兽之类动物的叫声也属于这一范畴例如:Apes gibber Asses bray 2、secondary onomatopoeia:指音与某种象征性的意义发生联想。例如:词的前半部分辅音连缀sl-含有滑(slippery)的意义,如 slide, slip, slither, slush等。Ⅱsemantic motivation 语义理据是一种心理联想,措词义的引申和比喻。以下列举几种: 1、metaphor例如: All the world's a stage.(Shakespeare) 2、metonymy英语中往往用一个词代表整个事件或整个背景,这也是一种借代方式。在现代英美报刊中常见到以地名或国名代表整个事件。例如:The current situation is different from Czechoslovakia in They agreed to put pressure on the negotiations for progress on B Look Back in Anger(John Osborne's play)coincided with rock-'n'-roll, Suez and H 3、synecdoche 例如:以Wall Street(美国纽约市的一条街)代表美国垄断资本,以Bonn代表西德政府 4、analogy 类比构词的特点是仿照原有的同类词创造出其对应词或近似词,类比构词大致可分成以下4种: 1色彩类比 色彩类比主要通过表示不同颜色的词类比出新词新语。如由black list化出 white list和 gray list。 2数字类比 由数字类比构成的词,有的数字不变,只变动被修饰语;如First Mother(指国家元首的母亲),First Family(指国家元首的一家)均系与First Lady这个原形词类比而成如second-strike capacity(指受敌方先发制人的第一次核打击后的核还击能力)由first-strike capacity(先发制人的第一次核打击能力)引申而成; 3近似类比 指类比词之间要有一个近似点,根据这个近似点,推此及彼。例如:gap最早与missile搭配,形成missile gap词组,这词语一经产生,引起了连锁反应;production gap、ration gap等新词相继出现 4反义类比 利用现有的反义词构成新的复合反义词。如由moonlight构成Ⅲ logical motivation 利用传统的逻辑学下定义,把要表达的对象和与之相似的其它对象区别开来。 例句:Ever since the Watergate prosecutors began investigating and found clues that some of these companies had made suspiciously large, undisclosed payments overseas, a probe of multinationals' operations has been 总之,英语不是象我们生活中的别的固有的东西那样一成不变的。所有语言经过一段时间就要变,其变化的原因是无法完全清楚的。除了吸收过去的俚语使之成为正式用语从而丰富语言以外,显然还需要许许多多的新词语来表达现代生活极大的并正在不断增长着的复杂性。这种复杂性是由我们所处时代的社会和技术条件急剧变化而引起的。语言忠实地反映出时代精神。



关于英语语言学的论文,论文题目和主要内容已列出,供参考。链接附后题目:语言学英文版论文。主要内容:该论文主要讲词汇是构成语言的基本单位,词汇习得在语言学习中占有重要地位。英国著名语言学家DA Wilkins (1972) 说过:“没有语法,人们不能表达很多东西;而没有词汇,人们则无法表达任何东西。”这就说明了词汇在学习中的重要性。本文旨在分析二语词汇习得策略并应用于不同水平的学习者。学习者根据自己的水平选择正确的习得方法和策略学习词汇,从而提高学习效率和习得效果。_74dvJoNSWoCp2FIyudzpd1uBSgh2ccFJS6RN7xNBPb9WFk_matYEwCRT0EMxynK7D_vYN7D59Og5G题目:英语专业毕业论文(语言学)——谈判英语文化差异。主要内容:该论文主要讲国际商务谈判中文化差异的影响,就是汉语习惯思维和西方语言文化之间表达的准确性对商务谈判带来的影响。题目:外国语言学及应用语言学硕士论文:商务英语信函的词汇特点研究,主要内容:商务英语信函词汇的选择和应用多呈现如下7种特点:1)简单词汇的选择。2)具体词汇多于笼统词汇。3)褒义词多于贬义词。4)缩写词的选择。5)确切词汇多于模糊词汇。6)礼貌、客气的词汇多于不礼貌的词汇。7)商业术语的选择。产生的原因多取决于商务活动的和商业伙伴的合作关系。商务活动的双方均为达至双赢的进行合作。这是本文所分析的词汇特点产生的主要原因。





一、标题 标题是文章的眉目。各类文章的标题,样式繁多,但无论是何种形式,总要以全部或不同的侧面体现作者的写作意图、文章的主旨。毕业论文的标题一般分为总标题、副标题、分标题几种。 (一)总标题 总标题是文章总体内容的体现。常见的写法有: ①揭示课题的实质。这种形式的标题,高度概括全文内容,往往就是文章的中心论点。它具有高度的明确性,便于读者把握全文内容的核心。诸如此类的标题很多,也很普遍。如《关于经济体制的模式问题》、《经济中心论》、《县级行政机构改革之我见》等。 ②提问式。这类标题用设问句的方式,隐去要回答的内容,实际上作者的观点是十分明确的,只不过语意婉转,需要读者加以思考罢了。这种形式的标题因其观点含蓄,容易激起读者的注意。如《家庭联产承包制就是单干吗?》、《商品经济等同于资本主义经济吗?》等。 ②交代内容范围。这种形式的标题,从其本身的角度看,看不出作者所指的观点,只是对文章内容的范围做出限定。拟定这种标题,一方面是文章的主要论点难以用一句简短的话加以归纳;另一方面,交代文章内容的范围,可引起同仁读者的注意,以求引起共鸣。这种形式的标题也较普遍。如《试论我国农村的双层经营体制》、《正确处理中央和地方、条条与块块的关系》、《战后西方贸易自由化剖析》等。 ④用判断句式。这种形式的标题给予全文内容的限定,可伸可缩,具有很大的灵活性。文章研究对象是具体的,面较小,但引申的思想又须有很强的概括性,面较宽。这种从小处着眼,大处着手的标题,有利于科学思维和科学研究的拓展。如《从乡镇企业的兴起看中国农村的希望之光》、《科技进步与农业经济》、《从“劳动创造了美”看美的本质》等。 ⑤用形象化的语句。如《激励人心的管理体制》、《科技史上的曙光》、《普照之光的理论》等。 标题的样式还有多种,作者可以在实践中大胆创新。 (二)副标题和分标题 为了点明论文的研究对象、研究内容、研究目的,对总标题加以补充、解说,有的论文还可以加副标题。特别是一些商榷性的论文,一般都有一个副标题,如在总标题下方,添上“与××商榷”之类的副标题。 另外,为了强调论文所研究的某个侧重面,也可以加副标题。如《如何看待现阶段劳动报酬的差别——也谈按劳分配中的资产阶级权利》、《开发蛋白质资源,提高蛋白质利用效率——探讨解决吃饭问题的一种发展战略》等。 设置分标题的主要目的是为了清晰地显示文章的层次。有的用文字,一般都把本层次的中心内容昭然其上;也有的用数码,仅标明“一、二、三”等的顺序,起承上启下的作用。需要注意的是:无论采用哪种形式,都要紧扣所属层次的内容,以及上文与下文的联系紧密性。 对于标题的要求,概括起来有三点:一要明确。要能够揭示论题范围或论点,使人看了标题便知晓文章的大体轮廓、所论述的主要内容以及作者的写作意图,而不能似是而非,藏头露尾,与读者捉迷藏。二要简炼。.论文的标题不宜过长,过长了容易使人产生烦琐和累赘的感觉,得不到鲜明的印象,从而影响对文章的总体评价。标题也不能过于抽象、空洞,标题中不能采用非常用的或生造的词汇,以免使读者一见标题就如堕烟海,百思不得其解,待看完全文后才知标题的哗众取宠之意。三要新颖。标题和文章的内容、形式一样,应有自己的独特之处。做到既不标新立异,又不落案臼,使之引人入胜,赏心悦目,从而激起读者的阅读兴趣。 二、目录 一般说来,篇幅较长的毕业论文,都没有分标题。设置分标题的论文,因其内容的层次较多,整个理论体系较庞大、复杂,故通常设目录。 设置目录的目的主要是: 1.使读者能够在阅读该论文之前对全文的内容、结构有一个大致的了解,以便读者决定是读还是不读,是精读还是略读等。 2.为读者选读论文中的某个分论点时提供方便。长篇论文,除中心论点外,还有许多分论点。当读者需要进一步了解某个分论点时,就可以依靠目录而节省时间。 目录一般放置在论文正文的前面,因而是论文的导读图。要使目录真正起到导读图的作用,必须注意: 1.准确。目录必须与全文的纲目相一致。也就是说,本文的标题、分标题与目录存在着一一对应的关系。 2.清楚无误。目录应逐一标注该行目录在正文中的页码。标注页码必须清楚无误。 3.完整。目录既然是论文的导读图,因而必然要求具有完整性。也就是要求文章的各项内容,都应在目录中反映出来,不得遗漏。 目录有两种基本类型: 1.用文字表示的目录。 2.用数码表示的目录。这种目录较少见。但长篇大论,便于读者阅读,也有采用这种方式的。 三、内容提要 内容提要是全文内容的缩影。在这里,作者以极经济的笔墨,勾画出全文的整体面目;提出主要论点、揭示论文的研究成果、简要叙述全文的框架结构。 内容提要是正文的附属部分,一般放置在论文的篇首。 写作内容提要的目的在于: 1.为了使指导老师在未审阅论文全文时,先对文章的主要内容有个大体上的了解,知道研究所取得的主要成果,研究的主要逻辑顺序。 2.为了使其他读者通过阅读内容提要,就能大略了解作者所研究的问题,如果产生共鸣,则再进一步阅读全文。在这里,内容提要成了把论文推荐给众多读者的“广告”。 因此,内容提要应把论文的主要观点提示出来,便于读者一看就能了解论文内容的要点。论文提要要求写得简明而又全面,不要罗哩罗嗦抓不住要点或者只是干巴巴的几条筋,缺乏说明观点的材料。 内容提要可分为报道性提要和指示性提要。 报道性提要,主要介绍研究的主要方法与成果以及成果分析等,对文章内容的提示较全面。 指示性提要,只简要地叙述研究的成果(数据、看法、意见、结论等),对研究手段、方法、过程等均不涉及。毕业论文一般使用指示性提要。举例如下: ●市场经济条件下的政府,固然应服从上级规划部署的全局,但主要的着眼点应放在对下负责,对本地的经济发展,对本地的人民生活水平提高负责,这才是发展全局经济的前提,从而也自然在根本上符合对上负责。 ●变部门“齐抓共管”企业为共同服务于企业,应成为部门工作的主要重点。(摘自《政府在市场经济中 如何定位》一文的内容提要) 内容提要的写作要求可以概括为“全、精、简、实、活”。具体说来: 1.内容提要要求具有完整性。即不能把论文中所阐述的主要内容(或观点)遗漏。提要应写成一篇完整的短文,可以独立使用。 2.重点要突出。内容提要须突出论文的研究成果(或中心论点)和结论性意义的内容,其他各项可写得简明扼要。 3.文字要简炼。内容提要的写作必须字斟句酌,用精练、概括的语言表述,每项内容不宜展开论证说明。 4.陈述要客观。内容提要一般只写课题研究的客观情况,对工作过程、工作方法以及研究成果等,不宜作主观评价,也不宜与别人的研究作对比说明。一项研究成果的价值,自有公论,大可不必自我宣扬。因而,实事求是也是写作内容提要的基本原则。 5.语言要生动。提要既要写得简明扼要,又要生动活泼,引人入胜,在词语润色、表达方法和章法结构上要尽可能体现文彩,以求唤起读者阅读正文的欲望。 四、正文 正文包括绪论、本论、结论三部分。这是毕业论文最重要的组成部分,其它章节有专门详细论述,这里不再重复。 五、参考文献 参考文献又叫参考书目,它是指作者在撰写毕业论文过程中所查阅参考过的著作和报刊杂志,它应列在毕业论文的末尾。列出参考文献有三个好处:一是当作者本人发现引文有差错时,便于查找校正。二是可以使毕业论文答辩委员会的教师了解学生阅读资料的广度,作为审查毕业论文的一种参考依据。三是便于研究同类问题的读者查阅相关的观点和材料。 当然,论文所列的参考文献必须是主要的,与本论文密切相关的,对自己写成毕业论文起过重要参考作用的专著、论文及其它资料。不要轻重不分,开列过多。 列出的参考文献一般要写清书名或篇名、作者、出版者和出版年份。



你好,已经发送给你8篇英文论文,20来篇中文论文了,关于跨文化交际和中西文化差异的,查收下哈~ 希望对你有帮助!以后还需要检索论文的话可以再向我或者其他举手之劳队员提问哦,举手之劳助人为乐!——百度知道 举手之劳团队 队长:晓斌11蓝猫

论文的写作格式、流程与写作技巧 广义来说,凡属论述科学技术内容的作品,都称作科学著述,如原始论著(论文)、简报、综合报告、进展报告、文献综述、述评、专著、汇编、教科书和科普读物等。但其中只有原始论著及其简报是原始的、主要的、第一性的、涉及到创造发明等知识产权的。其它的当然也很重要,但都是加工的、发展的、为特定应用目的和对象而撰写的。下面仅就论文的撰写谈一些体会。在讨论论文写作时也不准备谈有关稿件撰写的各种规定及细则。主要谈的是论文写作中容易发生的问题和经验,是论文写作道德和书写内容的规范问题。论文写作的要求下面按论文的结构顺序依次叙述。(一)论文——题目科学论文都有题目,不能“无题”。论文题目一般20字左右。题目大小应与内容符合,尽量不设副题,不用第1报、第2报之类。论文题目都用直叙口气,不用惊叹号或问号,也不能将科学论文题目写成广告语或新闻报道用语。(二)论文——署名科学论文应该署真名和真实的工作单位。主要体现责任、成果归属并便于后人追踪研究。严格意义上的论文作者是指对选题、论证、查阅文献、方案设计、建立方法、实验操作、整理资料、归纳总结、撰写成文等全过程负责的人,应该是能解答论文的有关问题者。现在往往把参加工作的人全部列上,那就应该以贡献大小依次排列。论文署名应征得本人同意。学术指导人根据实际情况既可以列为论文作者,也可以一般致谢。行政领导人一般不署名。(三)论文——引言 是论文引人入胜之言,很重要,要写好。一段好的论文引言常能使读者明白你这份工作的发展历程和在这一研究方向中的位置。要写出论文立题依据、基础、背景、研究目的。要复习必要的文献、写明问题的发展。文字要简练。(四)论文——材料和方法 按规定如实写出实验对象、器材、动物和试剂及其规格,写出实验方法、指标、判断标准等,写出实验设计、分组、统计方法等。这些按杂志 对论文投稿规定办即可。(五)论文——实验结果 应高度归纳,精心分析,合乎逻辑地铺述。应该去粗取精,去伪存真,但不能因不符合自己的意图而主观取舍,更不能弄虚作假。只有在技术不熟练或仪器不稳定时期所得的数据、在技术故障或操作错误时所得的数据和不符合实验条件时所得的数据才能废弃不用。而且必须在发现问题当时就在原始记录上注明原因,不能在总结处理时因不合常态而任意剔除。废弃这类数据时应将在同样条件下、同一时期的实验数据一并废弃,不能只废弃不合己意者。实验结果的整理应紧扣主题,删繁就简,有些数据不一定适合于这一篇论文,可留作它用,不要硬行拼凑到一篇论文中。论文行文应尽量采用专业术语。能用表的不要用图,可以不用图表的最好不要用图表,以免多占篇幅,增加排版困难。文、表、图互不重复。实验中的偶然现象和意外变故等特殊情况应作必要的交代,不要随意丢弃。(六)论文——讨论 是论文中比较重要,也是比较难写的一部分。应统观全局,抓住主要的有争议问题,从感性认识提高到理性认识进行论说。要对实验结果作出分析、推理,而不要重复叙述实验结果。应着重对国内外相关文献中的结果与观点作出讨论,表明自己的观点,尤其不应回避相对立的观点。 论文的讨论中可以提出假设,提出本题的发展设想,但分寸应该恰当,不能写成“科幻”或“畅想”。(七)论文——结语或结论 论文的结语应写出明确可靠的结果,写出确凿的结论。论文的文字应简洁,可逐条写出。不要用“小结”之类含糊其辞的词。(八)论文——参考义献 这是论文中很重要、也是存在问题较多的一部分。列出论文参考文献的目的是让读者了解论文研究命题的来龙去脉,便于查找,同时也是尊重前人劳动,对自己的工作有准确的定位。因此这里既有技术问题,也有科学道德问题。一篇论文中几乎自始至终都有需要引用参考文献之处。如论文引言中应引上对本题最重要、最直接有关的文献;在方法中应引上所采用或借鉴的方法;在结果中有时要引上与文献对比的资料;在讨论中更应引上与 论文有关的各种支持的或有矛盾的结果或观点等。一切粗心大意,不查文献;故意不引,自鸣创新;贬低别人,抬高自己;避重就轻,故作姿态的做法都是错误的。而这种现象现在在很多论文中还是时有所见的,这应该看成是利研工作者的大忌。其中,不查文献、漏掉重要文献、故意不引别人文献或有意贬损别人工作等错误是比较明显、容易发现的。有些做法则比较隐蔽,如将该引在引言中的,把它引到讨论中。这就将原本是你论文的基础或先导,放到和你论文平起平坐的位置。又如 科研工作总是逐渐深人发展的,你的工作总是在前人工作基石出上发展起来做成的。正确的写法应是,某年某人对本题做出了什么结果,某年某人在这基础上又做出了什么结果,现在我在他们基础上完成了这一研究。这是实事求是的态度,这样表述丝毫无损于你的贡献。有些论文作者却不这样表述,而是说,某年某人做过本题没有做成,某年某人又做过本题仍没有做成,现在我做成了。这就不是实事求是的态度。这样有时可以糊弄一些不明真相的外行人,但只需内行人一戳,纸老虎就破,结果弄巧成拙,丧失信誉。这种现象在现实生活中还是不少见的。(九)论文——致谢 论文的指导者、技术协助者、提供特殊试剂或器材者、经费资助者和提出过重要建议者都属于致谢对象。论文致谢应该是真诚的、实在的,不要庸俗化。不要泛泛地致谢、不要只谢教授不谢旁人。写论文致谢前应征得被致谢者的同意,不能拉大旗作虎皮。(十)论文——摘要或提要:以200字左右简要地概括论文全文。常放篇首。论文摘要需精心撰写,有吸引力。要让读者看了论文摘要就像看到了论文的缩影,或者看了论文摘要就想继续看论文的有关部分。此外,还应给出几个关键词,关键词应写出真正关键的学术词汇,不要硬凑一般性用词。


In 2002 will be implemented in three 10 X college entrance examination College entrance examination system in the reform of English teaching The key lies in establishing the class-based teaching system (1) listening and Against the status quo of poor listening and speaking ability of students to open every Monday of English listening and speaking Use the latest teaching listening "to the future", "traveled the United States," "expect English," and other tapes, video tapes and newspapers, using advanced listening equipment in the classroom teaching through listening, speaking, dialogue, performances, lectures and other lively, interesting students heard about the form of training to improve the communication skills of students, training students in the level of oral expression, reversing the pre-existing "dumb-style" English teaching status (2) the addition of extensive reading classes, the establishment of Foreign Language Reading R Although the new textbooks to read the current increased, but far from what is In order to expand the scope of the students exposure to English, optional printing a variety of genres, subjects suitable for students to read the According to the requirements of content and reading test, teachers will be articles to classify each article in the post-coupled with an appropriate amount of reading comprehension In order to broaden the teaching of English extension, so that extensive reading in English from the curricular and extra-curricular extension to the establishment of foreign language reading acquisition have been published in a variety of domestic suitable for high school students to read English books, will be in English Extensive Reading from the classroom extended to Yuelan Shi to further stimulate students interest in reading and Subscribe for students in English newspapers and magazines, the establishment of English specialty health system, at any time to give them an open reading rooms and study Teaching through extensive reading, students can not only consolidate the textbooks and the basics, but also can improve the self-learning ability to develop intelligence, reading to be (3) The creation of writing Poor writing skills for students in English and Chinese-style English sentences in the written expression of uncommon situation, the school can fully use my existing computer software, according to the new textbooks written request, step by step training on the students "English written expression and training", will be Practical, descriptive text, description text and carry out the purpose of discussion, sub-level guidance Writing Course opened for the entrance examination is not merely to prepare for the written expression, but also enable students to learn a variety of English style of writing methods and techniques to meet the future requirements of the community of foreign language (4) The implementation of the different levels of English teaching, the successful introduction of English classes and increase Students according to their actual English proficiency, the free selection of the successful lessons to enhance our School teachers to take a The basis of less successful lessons where students can make up for deficiencies in knowledge and a good grasp of double-base implementation, to develop their own non-intellectual factors, promote the improvement of performance and enjoy the joy of The basis of good students can participate in improving the high level of English classes comprehensive training to promote their own standard of English to the "high, precision and advanced the" development and outline the task ahead of schedule to prepare for the 2002年全国将实施3十X高考制度。高考制度在改革,英语教学改革势在必行。 关键在于建立各课型教学体系 (1)听说课。针对学生听说能力差的现状,开设每周一节次的英语听说课。选用最新听力教材“走向未来”,“走遍美国”,“希望英语”等录音带,录像带及报纸,利用先进的听音设备,在课堂教学中通过听,说,对话,表演,演讲等各种生动,有趣的形式对学生进行听说训练,提高学生的交际能力,训练学生的口语表达水平,扭转以前存在的“哑巴式”英语教学的现状。 (2)增设泛读课,建立外文阅览室。现行新教材尽管阅读量增加,但远远不能满足需要。为了扩大学生对英语的接触范围,可选印各种体裁,题材适于学生阅读的文章。根据内容和阅读测试的要求,教师将文章进行分类,在每篇文章后配以适量的阅读理解题。为了拓宽英语课堂教学的外延,使英语泛读由课内延伸到课外,建立外文阅览室,购置国内现已出版发行的各种适合中学生阅读的英语读物,将英语泛读由教室扩展到阅览室,进一步激发学生的阅读兴趣和主动性。为学生订阅英文报刊和杂志,建立英语特长生制度,随时给他们开放阅览室和自修室。通过泛读课教学,学生不仅能巩固课本中出现的基础知识,而且能提高自学能力,开发智力,从阅读中得到乐趣。 (3)开设写作课。针对学生英文写作能力差,中国式英语句子在书面表达屡见不鲜的状况,可充分利用我校现有的电脑软件,根据新教材写作要求,循序渐进地对学生进行写作训练。 “英语书面表达与训练”,将应用文,描写文,说明文和论述进行有目的,分层次的指导训练。开设写作课不仅仅是单纯为高考的书面表达做准备,也是让学生学会各种英语文体的写作方法与技巧,适应未来社会对外语人才的要求。 (4)实施英语分层次教学,开设英语成功课与提高课。学生可以根据自己的实际英语水平,自由挑选上成功课还是提高课。教师采取挂牌上课。基础较差的学生可以在成功课里弥补知识的缺陷,抓好双基落实,开发自己的非智力因素,促进成绩的提高,享受成功的喜悦。基础较好的学生可以参加提高班的较高水平的英语综合训练,促使自己的英语水平向“高,精,尖”发展,提前完成大纲任务并为竞赛作好准备。

How to improve your English in full detail (my experience) The Third EditionTo be good at English is not particularly easy but not terribly hard Before you start to learn sentences, or new words, the first and also the most important step is the "pronunciation" To pronounce perfectly you should buy a tape to assist you to learn and This is the fundamental step to learn English, ignore or pay no attention to this step; you will not learn proper English and you will find the later steps more and more If you are solid and accurate in pronunciation, you will find the later steps much easier and you will stand firmly on the right After mastering the pronunciation perfectly, it is the time to accumulate new words and useful Of course start from the simplest words like “hello, hi, you, me, he, him, his, her”, and expressions like “how are you, how old are you, how do you do”, It is essential to write the words on a piece of paper so that you remember them Actually everyone had done these at his/her primary *************Now let me tell you how I learnt English in C *******************Speaking:In China, you won't have enough chances to speak E What I did was in the morning I got up early and read aloud the texts in the The initial aim was to achieve the same speed as the tape, and then being able to read aloud the texts with the same style as the English announcer in the By doing this, it helps you to consolidate your pronunciation and Listening:Nowadays it is much easier to learn English in China because you can watch some TV channels in E The more channels in English the better because you can choose your preferred programmes and it helps you to learn English with interests of your own, hence ideal for listening and expression/words Writing:It is also very useful to write On writing diaries, it is not useful if you just write it without the care of grammar and When you finish you should always read your diaries again to check for errors and refine your sentences ( remove repetitive words, use better expressions, and sort out the structure of the sentences)Reading:It is also very important to read story books in English, starting from thin ones with not many new Read as many thin books as you possibly Little by Little you will want to read thicker books, and your reading ability will get even Putting four elements together:I have to emphasise that when you do all these reading, listening, writing and speaking; you should join them together as a whole, apply the new words you learn from watching TV, reading books to your writing and The enhancement of learning comes from getting hold of the possible opportunities to speak English (in China or abroad):In China, you should try to go to local English corner to practise your oral E If you are abroad then you should make a lot of English or international friends so you always have the opportunity to speak EOn Spoken English, attitude is very You need to be very keen and you must not be Never be afraid to make Always think that a talk in English with some one will help you You can think in this way: since my parents have paid so much to support me to study abroad, the money is partly spent on the international environment for learning English; therefore I ought to try my best to take every opportunity to practise my E My English has risen to a higher level in the last 2 years, because I talk in English most of the Having some international friends is particularly useful Summing up the activities:I have also been watching TV The real improvement lies in staying with international friends long enough and watching a lot of TV such as news, football, dramas, documentaries Writing diaries also helps me to remember good words, good expressions and practise sentence *****Now, I have finished talking about how to learn and improve General EIt is the time to switch to "Your Major in English" *******************************Knowing general English on its own is not going to be sufficient for most Skills are as important as mastering another General English helps people to communicate with each other in their Technical English helps you to take on challenges to change the world for the highest, to earn money for your living for the Some people who have a degree in English go abroad to learn something different but heavily based on the language such as Media study, Journalist, History, Education or even a bit more technical like Finance, Business Administration or EIt is extremely useful to know more because there are so many words in English and they appear differently to each For people whose second language is English, will find it difficult to guess the meaning of a new For sure, it is not possible to know Pick a major first and put all your effort on that major, in the end you will have a rich vocabulary of that Difficulties on learning Technical English:To master technical English in your area of study, there are two difficulties to 1, the language, because it is not your first language, you need to remember the terms, knowing how to pronounce it and spell 2, surely you need to understand the terms in a technical No matter what field, it is going to be the same; the two difficulties above must be Here I take Physics as an example (note that whatever field you are looking into is going to be similar):The term "momentum" is basically the product of the mass of the object and the velocity it Obviously, you need to understand mass and velocity as If you understand mass and velocity, then you get the explanation of the term "momentum" in physics, then you are most likely to understand the word and use it properly in the technical world of P From this example, you can see how to understand a technical word in a technical fashion: you need to understand the very fundamental knowledge of a field to be able to understand more complex terminologies or Before learning technical English in your field of study, I have a good recommendation to save your time:To understand technical knowledge in your first language (Chinese), then you might not have the second What it left to overcome is just the first difficulty (the language), hence the effort required is I can give you an example of my own:When I was learning chemistry at A-level, I had already learnt inorganic chemistry at the equivalent level in China, so I had no difficulty whatsoever in learning inorganic chemistry in the UK in EBut I had not learnt organic chemistry in China, and I was struggling significantly in learning organic chemistry in the UK due to dual ************OK, I have finished talking about how to improve your technical ENow i will talk about IT (Information Technology), why is this important? Because nowadays it is the information age, you need to know computers, Internet, media and communications Knowing how to use Internet to search information will help your E ************I don't want to waffle too much on Computers are more and more important nowadays, everyone wants a computer and most people have their own But most people are not using the right Operating System for learning E Now I would like to introduce you to Debian Linux Operating system or a much nicer operating system called Ubuntu L If you still don't have a computer you can buy a China's home grown computer based on a Loongson CPU It saves your electricity and your time to deal with Linux will help you to improve your English skills because you need to read some documents and follow the instructions to set up software programs, it also requires you to search the Internet (Google for example) to find the answers to your problems ( installations of software programs)you can read about the commands of Linux in the terminal by putting in "man " , so then you can read it and try to understand the content which will enable you to carry out the right The whole process of Reading, Understanding and deploying will improve your EWhen you install, do remember to install it as a UK English (Note that this IT section is more for people who take Science and Engineering courses)**********************************************************************Final wordsIt is the time to end this long talk on improving EHow good your English will be will heavily depend on how good your first language So when you go back to China for holidays, you should read as much as you can in Chinese because this will also help your English in a greater *********************************************************************Please note that the above is my own experience, it might not apply to you completely since your learning style could be Please take the advice which is right for I would regret deeply if my experience damaged your learning or wasted your Please look at it This is the third edition of “How to improve your English in full detail (my experience)”, I have made some corrections and changes to the second edition, and I hope that this is useful to I wish you all the best!你应该会用得着

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