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英文文献不可以这样翻译的 建议你直接去找英文文献很多你的文献也都没有英文的给你翻译的 仅供参考[1] (America) Donald Lerman, (America) Russell Wiener forward; LIU Yan, Pei Rong Marketing analytics practice [M] Beijing: Enterprise Management Press right, 2004 :247-251 [2 ] Cheng Jie Diao Liping Sun Chao J enterprise management theory and practice [M] Beijing: Beijing University of Technology of 2005 :72-75 [3] Wang Delu Zhao Lijie management innovation market-oriented corporate management [M] Shandong: Shandong Education Press, 2002 :97-105[4] Li Qianru Li Peiliang brand marketing Practice [M] Guangdong: Guangdong economic Press, 2002 :101-108[5] Maoliang W multinational direct investment in China enterprise Management [M] Wuhan: South University Press,2007:20-27 [6] Di T Dictionary of the socialist market economy [M] Beijing: People's Publishing House, 06: 253-257 [7] Jin Y marketing General Theory [M] Beijing: Beijing University Press, 2000 :235-244 [8] Feng Liyun Li YH modern marketing Management [M] Beijing: economic Management Press, 2005 :224-228 [9] Huang Wenxin product life C [J ] commercial research, 2003 (17) :13-15 [10] Zhang Y Discussion technology products, businesses and industry life cycle [J] Science and Technology management Research, 2002,22 (5) :62-65 [11] snow modern business Marketing strategy of [N] China business newspaper, 20 [12] Hu based on product life cycle theory of logistics demand and countermeasures [J] Zone economy, 2008 (01) [13 ] Han Yi Xuming pay based on product life cycle theory of music and cultural industry development research [J] Jiangxi social Sciences, 2009, (9) [14] Wu C marketing management [M] Guangdong People's Publishing House 205 -207 [15] Zhou Sheng B marketing practice [M] Huaxia Publishing House 247-250

alert-system theory for enterprise and its inspiration for the alert system for our society


Job pratice2008-8~2009-1 Intern experience in Taixing people's Hospital Strictly obeyed the rule of the hospital ,studied hardly ,and took theoretical knowleges into pratices as an intern I have accumulated large numbers of clinical experiences by practising in the department of internal medicine, surgery ,pediatrics ,and Can take basic medical management expertly, write normal clinical case skillfully and Acted as the first assistant in some surgery, which was highly evaluated by the 2009-7~2009-8 Intern experience in health bureau Yuhua district, NanjingDuring the job practice, participated in the health supervision and inspection of the health condition, health guard and management of food manufacture, catering industry, collective dining room, personal health who is serverd for the food manufactory and management front Took part in the health supervision and inspection of public health condition and the management of its Assisted the tutor proceeding through the administrative health admition of food manufacturing, catering industry, and collective dining room, administrative health admition of public places, through which I havelearned how to write and apply a exacutive Special skills course: epidemiology, environmental Sanitation, Occupational diseases and occupational hygiene, health statistics, public health microbiology, food and nutrition, health education, Child and Adolescent Health, health toxicology, epidemiology, social medicine, public health regulations and Language levelCET 4, excellent in English reading and Computer levelskilled in office (word excel), Epidata, SPSS, surpassed the computer Awards2005~2006, outstanding student, excellent student cadre, service star, single item scholarship of the 2006~2007,outstanding student, excellent student cadre, single item scholarship of the 2006, awarded as "outstanding student" in the annual tech-culture-art evening 2007, awarded as the "excellent student cadre" in the 34th student 2007~2008, single item scholarship of 2008~2009, third-class scholarshipSelf assessmentBasic condition1\Have basic theory of preventive medicine and basic skill in epidemic prevention 2\Have the basic skills of health detection and mornitoring in envirenment and food3\Have the ability of analysing the laws of effection on human helth and epidemic, planning the measure of disease prevention and human health 4\Be familiar with the principles, rules and laws of national health 5\Be familiar with the health educational work, basic theory of clinical medicine and the prevention of some common ailments and frequently-occurring 6\Have the basic knowlege of literature research, document search, computer application, and statistacal Have the ability of scientific research and actual Personality1\Co-worked, out-minded, sincere, communicative, nice human relations2\Mantally-quick, work hard and eager to learn, dare to take challenge, strongly adaptable to the 3\team working, perfesional dedication, responsable and conscientious in the Position wanteddisease prevention and control center, health supervision




Thomas Edison lost his first For the next five years he went around the country from job to At last Edison went to New YHe had little He could not buy enough food to He had no place to For many days Edison looked for He was At last he found work fixing He could fix the old He also made new The headman liked Edison�s new He was going to give Edison $40,000 for Edison would now have money to do what he Thomas Edison was then He used the money to build a shop in New JHe had many people working for But he worked more than any of He rested very Soon he was making more than 40 new things at one In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell made a But it could carry voices only a little Edison wanted to make a better He soon made It could carry voices a long 这篇是关于爱迪生的简介,你初二,应该没问题!


Thomas Edison lost his first For the next five years he went around the country from job to At last Edison went to New YHe had little He could not buy enough food to He had no place to For many days Edison looked for He was At last he found work fixing He could fix the old He also made new The headman liked Edison�s new He was going to give Edison $40,000 for Edison would now have money to do what he Thomas Edison was then He used the money to build a shop in New JHe had many people working for But he worked more than any of He rested very Soon he was making more than 40 new things at one In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell made a But it could carry voices only a little Edison wanted to make a better He soon made It could carry voices a long 这篇是关于爱迪生的简介,你初二,应该没问题!


和同性恋倾向方面。本文拟从她成长的家庭、男权统治秩序及她幼年遭遇的性侵害来透视她的女权主义思想渊源。关键词:弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫;女权主义思想;家庭环境;男权统治;性侵害弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫堪称文学史上影响深远的作家之一,不仅因其以《到灯塔去》、《海浪》等作品扬起了意识流的风帆,而且还以《一间自己的房子》吹响了女权主义的号角。但在四、五十年代,英国文学评论界却对她颇有微词。从70 年代以来,在英国文学研究领域却又涌起了一股对她重新研究的热浪,人们研究她作品中的女性主义、她的意识流写作手法及其文学评论,甚至有人研究她的“发疯”、癖好、相貌等等,因此她再次成为现代主义文学研究关注的焦点。尤其是近年来,关于她的研究更多集中在其女权主义思想和同性恋倾向方面。但这位曾多次参与妇女解放运动、发表了无数关于妇女问题的论著及众多小说、并提出了许多女性文学话语权利的作家却“拒绝承认她所持的‘女权主义’立场,甚至对‘女权主义’这一称谓都十分反感”(伍厚凯,1999, 321)。那么,她到底是不是女权主义者?她的女权主义思想又是如何形成的?笔者以为,她的女权主义思想与她成长的家庭、男权统治下的社会大环境及早年所受的性侵害等密不可分。本文拟以多维视角透视她的女权主义思想渊源。笔者以为,伍尔夫之所以否认自己的女权主义立场,是因为任何文学作品一旦被贴上“主义”的标签,则和时代的政治背景休戚相关。而时代过去了,就意味着该作品也失去了其应有的光环。因此,几乎所有作家都不愿意其作品被冠以“主义”。伍尔夫也不例外。尽管她拒绝承认自己所持的“女权主义”立场,但她的小说却处处洋溢着饱满的女性意识。其处女作《远航》就漫画式地描绘了一个“女权主义者”形象。她高谈阔论,风头甚劲,试图为女性争得与男性平等的权利,但却处处以帝国的男性统治者和政客为楷模,潜意识里无法摆脱男权体制的控制。主人公这无奈的处境表明了作者的忧虑与彷徨,同时也启迪人们,妇女必须为争取权利而行动;《夜与日》运用了象征手法,“夜”代表女性,意指想象、情感和直觉,而“日”则代表男性,涵盖着对事实、理性和逻辑的崇尚。这一主题蕴涵了男女两性的对立互补,应相互融合的关系;在《雅各之室》里,作者凸现了男女两性之间无法协调的裂痕,也强调了两性之间的沟通无比重要;在《到灯塔去》中,兰萨姆夫妇的品质更是形成了鲜明的对比:男性死板僵化,恪守逻辑,女性灵活敏锐,无所不思,体现了女性对事物及人际关系深刻的洞察力;在弥漫着幻想色彩的《奥兰多》中,主人公经历了400 多年之久的人世变幻,其性别也在沧海桑田般世事变迁中阴阳交替:他由起初的翩翩少年、王室宠臣转而变成了花容月貌的少妇,并创作了47 部作品。在这个身兼两性的人物身上,无疑寄托了伍尔夫对于性别的思索,也是值得后世女权主义者反复玩味的不可忽视的杰作。在《一间自己的房子》里,她明确提出了“双性同体”的美学思想,这部著作可谓其女权主义思想成熟的标志。她批评作家执着于自己的性别,都用自己头脑的单一侧面在思考与写作,便都不是自由的、完美的。她指出这既不能归咎于男人,也【作者简介】李利(1965-),女,陕西蒲城人,西安外国语大学教育学院副教授;研究方向:外语教学、英美文学。对弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫女权主义思想的多维透视75不能归咎于女人,应归罪于一切使人特别感觉到“性”的人以及他们所铸造的传统观念体系。她认为理想的艺术家应该是男性气质与女性气质的兼容,两性交融才是优秀作品的创作源泉。从以上作品的题旨,我们不难看出,弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫无疑具有清醒的女权主义意识。虽然在以往的一些文学史中,她被认为是不食人间烟火、对政治漠不关心的唯美主义艺术家。然而,她的作品如《一间自己的房子》、《三基尼金币》、《论妇女与小说》、《论简·奥斯丁》及《空袭中的沉思》等却充分证明了她对妇女与文学及反男权战争的思考。她犀利的笔锋直指男权社会。她认为,男性撰写的历史使女性处于失语状态,阉割了女性作为人类的另一半的话语权;父权制使女性成为作家的道路举步维艰;相对于男性,妇女文学具有一些男人所无法企及的独特的品质;战争和男权有一种必然的内在联系,而女性品质则可以使人类避免自我毁灭的厄运。她将战争与男权联系起来,这独到的见解无疑表明她的性别立场。在纳粹炮声隆隆中,她以《三基尼金币》发布了独特的反战宣言。此后,她在给一名律师的信中反诘到:“难道不是父权制度使你们趋向战争吗?”她认为妇女天生具有和平、抚慰的特质,可以极大地缓解男人的攻击欲、狂妄和凶残。然而,“许多大门还对我们妇女关闭着,或者最多只是开启了一条小缝。”她还将家庭中的男权主义与政治上的法西斯主义关联起来:“众人的世界与自我的世界紧密联系,前者的暴政奴役衍化出后者的暴政与奴役。”在她看来,要解决战争问题首先得解决妇女问题。如果不解决男权统治下女性受教育和就业的问题,那么男性操纵世界的姿态便随时可能爆发战争。故而,她的《三基尼金币》“是那一时期批判上层人物和国家纠结在一起的纳粹精神的最激烈的作品”(SMGilbert & SGubar,1985, 1225)。由此可见,伍尔夫以其言其行彰显了女权主义思想从萌芽到成熟的艰辛历程。她不断追求男女平等,渴望用一种双性同体的心灵进行创作。同时,她又肯定了女性自己的文学传统和明显的女性风格的存在。毋庸质疑,她是女权主义思想举足轻重的发轫者之一。她这一思想的形成根植于其成长的家庭、男权统治下的社会体制及早年所遭遇的性侵害。她出生于 19 世纪末期的一个知识贵族之家,貌美惊人,才华横溢,气质非凡。其家学可谓源远流长,家庭成员大都受过良好教育,从事法律、教育、写作或在政府部门担任公职。父亲莱斯利·斯蒂芬(1832-1904)是19 世纪的著名作家和编辑。姑妈卡罗琳·爱米丽亚打破世俗,终生未婚,写了许多著作宣传女权主义思想,对伍尔夫影响极大。另一位对她思想有所影响的女性是萨克雷的长女、莱斯利的前妻哈丽特的姐姐安妮·伊萨贝拉,伍尔夫亲切地称这位女作家、萨克雷著作编辑者、女权主义者为“安妮姨妈”。《夜与日》中的希尔伯里夫人即以其为原型。此外,伍尔夫受父母的影响根深蒂固,她反复申说对父母的回忆缠绕了自己终身。父亲正直、严格、富于理性和强烈的道德感是他突出的性格特征,但他身上也打下了深刻的时代烙印:维多利亚时代1 是一个典型的男权中心社会,男性家长享有至高无上的中心地位。父亲虽具有极高的文化修养和正直善良的品德,但仍无法摆脱那个时代男性对女性的普遍态度:既温柔又严厉,既尊重又轻视,潜意识里具有对女性的君临统治欲。他理论上相信妇女受教育的重要性,但实际却把钱都花在男孩身上。伍尔夫从年幼时就非常愤慨于父亲把全部资金都提供给男孩的良好教育,而女孩却只能接受杂七杂八的家庭教师的仁慈施舍,这种愤慨之情正是形成她女权主义思想的来源之一。而她母亲一生的奉献与所求也促使她反思女人的社会及家庭地位。她母亲是“一个美丽的19 世纪中产阶级的妇女”——“她似乎全面证实了维多利亚时代女性行为的典范”2,即男权中心的社会规范造就了与之相适应的女性,女性所承担的是妻子和母亲的角色,是相当繁重的家庭经济事务的管理者。她称母亲这类女性为“房子里的天使”3,是男权社会观照下的产物。母亲也认为“服务,就是女性最高天性的完全实现”。她的反女权主义者思想更是令伍尔夫为女性哀其不幸,鸣其不平。伍尔夫也曾在要么接受命运的摆布要么奋起抗争的两难境地1 维多利亚时代:维多利亚女王(Victoria, 1819-1901)统治时期,即1837-1901。2 Hermione Lee, Virginia Woolf, 3 源于维多利亚时代一首描写理想家庭生活的流行诗歌,题目为《房子里的天使》,作者科文特里·帕特莫尔(Coventry Patmore,1823-1896)。对弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫女权主义思想的多维透视76中挣扎徘徊。比如她早年偷偷到父亲的书房广泛阅读的经历有时就让她产生强烈的自卑感:“我,一个女人,有什么权利读所有这些由男人写出的东西?”(伍厚凯,1999, 29)。她对男性社会的这种怨羡情结实在是一时难以释怀,因此她文本中的女性人物大多也都怀有怨羡情结。所谓羡慕是人们对于具体的人或物的一种内心艳羡和仰慕,它唤起人的想象、幻想及仿效冲动;而怨恨则是一种内心的抱怨和仇恨,它激发嫉妒、报复或复仇的冲动。人们总是热切地羡慕着某种比自己优越和高级的人或物,但由于客观条件的限制,愈是羡慕却愈增怨恨,而愈是怨恨却愈增羡慕,从而导致一种怨恨与羡慕相互交织的深层体验心理。伍尔夫对于哥哥们能上大学、能和朋友自由通信探讨问题就羡慕至极,而这种羡慕就成了她更专注于阅读的直接契机,仿佛她正在同处于优势地位的兄弟们竞赛,同男权社会的教育制度进行着抗争。她的这种怨羡情结还表现在她对父亲的热爱与怨恨之中。她在1928 年11 月28 日的日记里这样写到:“今天是父亲的生日。他要是在世的话,就96 岁了,是的,今天96 岁:⋯⋯不过幸运的是没有。要是那样他的生命就会扼杀我的生命。会发生什么事呢?没有写作,没有作品——不可想象”(伍厚凯,1999, 33)。在母亲朱莉亚去世后,父亲的情感捕食便转而以儿女们为对象,她激愤地写到:“正是那个暴虐的父亲——那个苛刻的、暴烈的、做作的、佯装的、自怨自艾的、装聋作哑的、哀求的、时而可爱时而可恨的父亲——那时候统治着我。这就像和一头疯狂的野兽关在同一个笼子里”(伍厚凯,1999, 56)。从这些话语里,我们可以深切地感受到她所受到的精神煎熬。此外,导致她女权主义思想形成的另一个重要原因是来自男性的严重的性侵犯。她6 岁时就受到两个异父兄长的猥亵,一直延续到她22 岁。这种“羞耻感”极大地影响和扭曲了她的人格建构过程。她害怕照镜子,“照镜子的羞耻感持续了我的终生”(伍厚凯,1999, 61)。她埋藏在潜意识里的那种对性的恐惧极大地危害了她的心理健康,严重毁损了她的完整人生。她早年的这种强烈的性屈辱体验,促使她深刻反思女性的生存状态。她在叙述受杰拉德尔的猥亵时,说自己当时曾感到难以言说的愤怒和厌恶。这种感觉使她清醒地意识到,承受来自男性的性凌辱和性压迫,乃是女性难以逃避的历史命运。对她而言,侵害她的男性不仅代表着男性霸权社会对女性的性压迫,而且体现了男性的傲慢虚荣和强烈的权利之欲、统治之欲。因此,所有这些经历纠结在一起就构成了弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫在思想体系或艺术创作方面极其明晰的女权主义思想。她的小说创作推动了现代小说的发展,她试图打破男女两性二元对立的格局,以自己独特的视角及艺术表现手法书写了女性的真实生存状态,她对女性社会的这种深刻透视奠定了其女权主义文学批评理论开拓者的地位,其文学影响可谓经久不衰。同时,作为才思敏捷、文采斐然的女作家,她也经历了常人难以想象的精神痛苦,但她告别人世时那种宽厚而平和的胸怀,宁静而恬淡的心境,尊严而优雅的风度,是对她丰富而超然的人生态度的最好诠释,是只有渗透了生命之奥秘后方可达到的境界。总之,她的生命哲理、妇女创作文学观、双性同体思想、女性主义文学批评理论等为人类在美学和文化领域的研究留下了无限的思索空间。参考文献:Jean Moorcraft W Virginia Woolf: Life and L WW Norton & Company, SMGilbert & SG The Norton anthology of literary by women: The tradition in E New York, London: Norton,林树明 多维视野中的女性主义文学批评[M] 北京:中国社会科学出版社,伍厚凯 弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫:存在的瞬间[M] 四川:四川人民出版社,张岩冰著,王岳川主编 女权主义文论[M] 山东:山东教育出版社,Dimensions of perspective on Virginia Woolf’s feminist ideology77LI LiAbstract: Virginia Woolf has been considered as the pioneer as well as the predominant feminist critic,hence, the emergence of heated research on her and her works especially after the The research in recentyears has attached great importance to her feminist stance and lesbian This paper intends to analyzethe formation of her in view of her family background, the then androcentric social environment and the sexualharassment that she endured very early in her Key words: Virginia Woolf; feminist ideology; family background; androcentric social environment; sexualharassment

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Self evaluation:- personality, good communication cooperation, good at organizing and planning,with compressive ability, serious and responsible work, suitableBe strong, strong learning ability, good at finding their problems and deficiencies,and conscientiously corrected in a timely - by graduate students during the implementation of the project fully autonomouslet me fast and strong, able to stand on one's own rapid, complete all kinds ofMatters, exercise communication and collaboration capabilities, develop a strong,independent, hardworking Reward situation:- academic: two times won the national scholarship of Chongqing University;A Zhoukou Normal University Scholarship (class only 4 people get);Many times the national comprehensive two or three scholarship of Zhoukou Normal UThe Association class: Zhoukou Normal University ""three good"student","outstanding class cadre" the title, marking the advanced individual ""- style categories: military training during the best model for single; second Chongqing University fifth Party branch table tennis match;Mixed double in second games; Chongqing University graduate school squarewon the first Comprehensive ability:Graduate tutor - during the "small" secretary":A): assist the supervisor organization "of grade 79 of Southwestern UniversityCollege of agriculture thirty years Alumni Association", and inform the reception,coordination of school organizationFriends of accommodation, conference abstracts and other matters of B): assist the instructors completed part of the article, the revised submission;drafting and approval of part of the project file; the completion of the project will beDiscussion organized, with other universities, foreign cooperation and Communication Laboratory Laboratory, suppliers, hospital, inspection center,feedingSupport center, communication and coordination between laboratories, to ensureefficient and reliable operation of the C): helping students familiar with lab experiment process, equipment The undergraduate period:A)): served as vice captain Department of volleyball team, during his tenure the organization team tournament 40 times, 18 times the inter school tournament,Organize and participate in the university volleyball twoB): served as class discipline committee, carry out to assist the student organization "New Year's party" and other large-scale activitiesThe project experience:A): supported by the National Natural Science Fund project, project number:30970721Preparation of CD133 antibody coated stent, complete the "detection of transgenic animal body after stent implantation" biochemical index B): National Science and technology support program key project, project number: 2012BAI18B02Independent and responsible for the anticoagulant drugs, antibiotics, animalexperiment of adenoid purchase and customization; communication and coordination, hospital drug suppliers,Laboratory animal breeding center and other institutions, to complete the follow-up support product inspection, analysis of the experimental C): Youth Science Fund project, project number: 3140040679Read more than 100 domestic and foreign literatures, the independent study ofregulation mechanism, model construction, preparation of new drug

前文肯定有解释,不然缩写这么多,怎么猜。总不能是Communist Party of China吧。。。

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