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1、Reader’s Digest 《读者文摘》:  2、TIME 《时代周刊》:  3、Life 《生活》   4、People 《人民》   5、Cosmopolitan women《世界妇女》   6、American Home 《美国家庭》   7、American Child 《美国儿童》   8、American Literature 《美国文学》未找到   (很多美国名著)  -jp/ishikawa/amlit/  9、Scientific American 《美国科学》   10、Playboy 《花花公子》 (里面很多内容少儿不宜,只适合成年人阅读)  11、Beautify Home and Garden 《美化家庭和园林》  12、Homes Circle 《家庭圈》   13、Good Manager 《好管家》  14、Magus 《麦哥氏》   15、、American Television Magazine 《电视指南》  16、《商业周刊》 (Business Week)   17、《财富》 (Fortune)   1、周刊 (Weeklies) :  1)、《现在》 (Now) :uk  2)、《侦探》 (Private Eye):private-uk (适合喜欢破案类小说的中学生)  3)、《笨拙》 (Punch):uk (非常不错的漫画类杂志)  4)、 《听众》 (The Listener)   5)、《新社会》 (New Society)   6)、《闲暇》 (Time Out) /london/ (是伦敦一本很好的休闲杂志,它的网站也很棒!)  2、科普 (Scientific periodicals)  1)、《发现》 (Discovery)   2)、《自然》 (Nature) /  中国地区自然杂志网址:  3)、《科学通讯》 (Science News)   4)、《地理杂志》 (The Geographical Magazine) uk  5)、《新科学家》 (New Scientist)   6)、《科学世界》 (Scientific World)   7)、《未来音乐》 (Future Music) uk  8)、《学科进展》 (Science Progress)


科学》杂志(science)和《自然》杂志(NMagazine)是当今世界上的顶级科学杂志。是高端中的高端。不过看倒是不要求是最最顶级的科学家们看的,只要是专业人士,里面的文章在你的研究领域内,你就可以看懂。但是能够发science得人都是很牛的人,确切说,只有你作出来的成果超级牛皮,才有可能被接受。在中国,如果如果可以发一篇science或者Nature,只要一篇,就可以在圈里名声远扬了。中国人是很难在这两种杂志上发文章的。 专业科学刊物好不好,通常用影响因子(IF)来评价,关于多少算好,我来给你说个概念吧,一般IF>3就是不错的刊物了,IF>6就是非常不错的刊物了,化学领域内两个权威的杂志:JACS,其IF大约是9;ANGW的大约是9-10。那么science或者Nature是多少呢?~30!再给你一个印象,我们国家的学术杂志估计也要上千了(个人猜测)那么最好的是多少?据我所知,好像大体是1-5之间,而且只有屈指可数的几个!剩下的大于99%都是小于1的。回答者:wlyj123 - 见习魔法师 三级 11-25 03:27没区别!回答者:彬糖女 - 童生 一级 11-25 13:24恩回答者:仔ɑ仔 - 试用期 一级 11-25 14:42不清楚回答者:zhanglu315 - 试用期 一级 11-26 14:35《科学》杂志(science)和《自然》杂志(NMagazine)是当今世界上的顶级科学杂志。是高端中的高端。不过看倒是不要求是最最顶级的科学家们看的,只要是专业人士,里面的文章在你的研究领域内,你就可以看懂。但是能够发science得人都是很牛的人,确切说,只有你作出来的成果超级牛皮,才有可能被接受。在中国,如果如果可以发一篇science或者Nature,只要一篇,就可以在圈里名声远扬了。中国人是很难在这两种杂志上发文章的。 专业科学刊物好不好,通常用影响因子(IF)来评价,关于多少算好,我来给你说个概念吧,一般IF>3就是不错的刊物了,IF>6就是非常不错的刊物了,化学领域内两个权威的杂志:JACS,其IF大约是9;ANGW的大约是9-10。那么science或者Nature是多少呢?~30!再给你一个印象,我们国家的学术杂志估计也要上千了(个人猜测)那么最好的是多少?据我所知,好像大体是1-5之间,而且只有屈指可数的几个 作业是写科学家成长历程的论文,我们小组准备写科学家的婚姻,觉得这个题材比较新颖,但是没想到找不到什么资料。 比如说,我国核弹元勋钱学森的夫人蒋英是学艺术的,对钱学森的影响很大。诸如此类的资料越多越好!!一定会有高分的! 当然也不限于国内科学家,国外的也行,但一定要是众人皆知的大科学家啊



外文期刊网站有掌桥科研、香港科技大学图书馆 Dspace、Forgotten Books、发展中国家联合期刊库等。目前拥有中文文献73277926篇,每月更新2600多万篇;拥有外文文献53921990篇,每月更新200多万篇,其中包括外文期刊,外文会议、外文OA文献、外文学位:美国政府科技报告、外军国防科技报告。掌桥科研包括香港科技大学的学术论文、学位论文、研究报告等内容,均可免费获取全文。香港科技大学图书馆 DForgotten Books是一家总部位于伦敦的图书出版商,专门从事旧书的翻新,既有小说也有非小说类作品。拥有787,733本书可供在线阅读,或以电子书的形式下载,或以书面形式购买。Forgotten B非营利的电子出版物服务机构,提供来自发展中国家(如巴西、古巴、印度、印尼、肯尼亚、南非、乌干达、津巴布韦等)的开放获取的多种期刊的全文。发展中国家联合期刊库全球顶级外文三大期刊:NATURE、SCIENCE、CELL《细胞》(Cell)杂志为另一份同行评审科学期刊,是由爱尔塞维亚(Elsevier)出版公司旗下的细胞出版社(Cell Press)发行。主要发表实验生物学领域中的最新研究发现。《细胞》是深受关注并具有较高学术声誉的期刊,刊登过许多重大的生命科学研究进展。英国著名杂志《Nature》是世界上最早的国际性科技期刊,自从1869年创刊以来,始终如一地报道和评论全球科技领域里最重要的突破。其办刊宗旨是“将科学发现的重要结果介绍给公众,让公众尽早知道全世界自然知识的每一分支中取得的所有进展”。《Nature》网站涵盖的内容相当丰富,是最有名望的科学杂志之一,是科学界普遍关注的,国际性、跨学科的科学杂志。《科学》(Science)是美国科学促进会(英语:American Association for the Advancement of Science,AAAS)出版的一份学术期刊,为全世界最权威的学术期刊之一。


Burnside (born 19 March 1955) is a Scottish writer, born in DBurnside studied English and European Languages at Cambridge College of Arts and T A former computer software engineer, he has been a freelance writer since He is a former Writer in Residence at the University of Dundee and is now Reader in Creative Writing at St Andrews U His first collection of poetry, The Hoop, was published in 1988 and won a Scottish Arts Council Book A Other poetry collections include Common Knowledge (1991), Feast Days (1992), winner of the Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize, and The Asylum Dance (2000), winner of the Whitbread Poetry Award and shortlisted for both the Forward Poetry Prize (Best Poetry Collection of the Year) and the T S Eliot P The Light Trap (2001) was also shortlisted for the T S Eliot PBurnside is also the author of a collection of short stories, Burning Elvis (2000), and several novels, including The Dumb House (1997), The Mercy Boys (1999) (winner of the Encore Award) and The Locust Room (2001), which is set in Cambridge in 1975, and explores the consequences of a series of violent His poetry collection, The Good Neighbour (2005), was shortlisted for the 2005 Forward Poetry Prize (Best Collection) He also occasionally writes a column for The Guardian Burnside was one of the judges for the 2007 Griffin Poetry P[edit] Literary WorksPoetryThe Broon Hoop (Carcanet, 1988) Common Knowledge (Secker and Warburg, London, 1991) Feast Days (Secker and Warburg, London, 1992) The Myth of the Twin (Jonathan Cape, London, 1995) Swimming in the Flood (Jonathan Cape, London, 1995) Penguin Modern Poets (Penguin, 1996) A Normal Skin (Jonathan Cape, London, 1997) The Asylum Dance (Jonathan Cape, London, 2000) The Light Trap (Jonathan Cape, London, 2002) The Good Neighbour (Jonathan Cape, 2005) Selected Poems (2006) "Gift Songs" [2007] "The Hunt in the Forest" [forthcoming 2009]FictionThe Dumb House (Jonathan Cape, London, 1997) The Mercy Boys (Jonathan Cape, London, 1999) Burning Elvis (Jonathan Cape, London, 2000) The Locust Room (Jonathan Cape, London, 2001) Living Nowhere (Jonathan Cape, London, 2003) The Devil's Footprints (Jonathan Cape, 2007) Glister (Jonathan Cape, 2008) Non-FictionA Lie About My Father (2006) Wallace Stevens: poet to poet - FaberScreenDice (with A L Kennedy), a series for television, produced by Cité-Amérique, Canada OtherWild Reckoning (Gulbenkian, 2004), joint editor with Maurice Riordan of this anthology of ecology-related poems

1、Reader’s Digest 《读者文摘》:  2、TIME 《时代周刊》:  3、Life 《生活》   4、People 《人民》   5、Cosmopolitan women《世界妇女》   6、American Home 《美国家庭》   7、American Child 《美国儿童》   8、American Literature 《美国文学》未找到   (很多美国名著)  -jp/ishikawa/amlit/  9、Scientific American 《美国科学》   10、Playboy 《花花公子》 (里面很多内容少儿不宜,只适合成年人阅读)  11、Beautify Home and Garden 《美化家庭和园林》  12、Homes Circle 《家庭圈》   13、Good Manager 《好管家》  14、Magus 《麦哥氏》   15、、American Television Magazine 《电视指南》  16、《商业周刊》 (Business Week)   17、《财富》 (Fortune)   1、周刊 (Weeklies) :  1)、《现在》 (Now) :uk  2)、《侦探》 (Private Eye):private-uk (适合喜欢破案类小说的中学生)  3)、《笨拙》 (Punch):uk (非常不错的漫画类杂志)  4)、 《听众》 (The Listener)   5)、《新社会》 (New Society)   6)、《闲暇》 (Time Out) /london/ (是伦敦一本很好的休闲杂志,它的网站也很棒!)  2、科普 (Scientific periodicals)  1)、《发现》 (Discovery)   2)、《自然》 (Nature) /  中国地区自然杂志网址:  3)、《科学通讯》 (Science News)   4)、《地理杂志》 (The Geographical Magazine) uk  5)、《新科学家》 (New Scientist)   6)、《科学世界》 (Scientific World)   7)、《未来音乐》 (Future Music) uk  8)、《学科进展》 (Science Progress)



Burnside (born 19 March 1955) is a Scottish writer, born in DBurnside studied English and European Languages at Cambridge College of Arts and T A former computer software engineer, he has been a freelance writer since He is a former Writer in Residence at the University of Dundee and is now Reader in Creative Writing at St Andrews U His first collection of poetry, The Hoop, was published in 1988 and won a Scottish Arts Council Book A Other poetry collections include Common Knowledge (1991), Feast Days (1992), winner of the Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize, and The Asylum Dance (2000), winner of the Whitbread Poetry Award and shortlisted for both the Forward Poetry Prize (Best Poetry Collection of the Year) and the T S Eliot P The Light Trap (2001) was also shortlisted for the T S Eliot PBurnside is also the author of a collection of short stories, Burning Elvis (2000), and several novels, including The Dumb House (1997), The Mercy Boys (1999) (winner of the Encore Award) and The Locust Room (2001), which is set in Cambridge in 1975, and explores the consequences of a series of violent His poetry collection, The Good Neighbour (2005), was shortlisted for the 2005 Forward Poetry Prize (Best Collection) He also occasionally writes a column for The Guardian Burnside was one of the judges for the 2007 Griffin Poetry P[edit] Literary WorksPoetryThe Broon Hoop (Carcanet, 1988) Common Knowledge (Secker and Warburg, London, 1991) Feast Days (Secker and Warburg, London, 1992) The Myth of the Twin (Jonathan Cape, London, 1995) Swimming in the Flood (Jonathan Cape, London, 1995) Penguin Modern Poets (Penguin, 1996) A Normal Skin (Jonathan Cape, London, 1997) The Asylum Dance (Jonathan Cape, London, 2000) The Light Trap (Jonathan Cape, London, 2002) The Good Neighbour (Jonathan Cape, 2005) Selected Poems (2006) "Gift Songs" [2007] "The Hunt in the Forest" [forthcoming 2009]FictionThe Dumb House (Jonathan Cape, London, 1997) The Mercy Boys (Jonathan Cape, London, 1999) Burning Elvis (Jonathan Cape, London, 2000) The Locust Room (Jonathan Cape, London, 2001) Living Nowhere (Jonathan Cape, London, 2003) The Devil's Footprints (Jonathan Cape, 2007) Glister (Jonathan Cape, 2008) Non-FictionA Lie About My Father (2006) Wallace Stevens: poet to poet - FaberScreenDice (with A L Kennedy), a series for television, produced by Cité-Amérique, Canada OtherWild Reckoning (Gulbenkian, 2004), joint editor with Maurice Riordan of this anthology of ecology-related poems

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