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Burnside (born 19 March 1955) is a Scottish writer, born in DBurnside studied English and European Languages at Cambridge College of Arts and T A former computer software engineer, he has been a freelance writer since He is a former Writer in Residence at the University of Dundee and is now Reader in Creative Writing at St Andrews U His first collection of poetry, The Hoop, was published in 1988 and won a Scottish Arts Council Book A Other poetry collections include Common Knowledge (1991), Feast Days (1992), winner of the Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize, and The Asylum Dance (2000), winner of the Whitbread Poetry Award and shortlisted for both the Forward Poetry Prize (Best Poetry Collection of the Year) and the T S Eliot P The Light Trap (2001) was also shortlisted for the T S Eliot PBurnside is also the author of a collection of short stories, Burning Elvis (2000), and several novels, including The Dumb House (1997), The Mercy Boys (1999) (winner of the Encore Award) and The Locust Room (2001), which is set in Cambridge in 1975, and explores the consequences of a series of violent His poetry collection, The Good Neighbour (2005), was shortlisted for the 2005 Forward Poetry Prize (Best Collection) He also occasionally writes a column for The Guardian Burnside was one of the judges for the 2007 Griffin Poetry P[edit] Literary WorksPoetryThe Broon Hoop (Carcanet, 1988) Common Knowledge (Secker and Warburg, London, 1991) Feast Days (Secker and Warburg, London, 1992) The Myth of the Twin (Jonathan Cape, London, 1995) Swimming in the Flood (Jonathan Cape, London, 1995) Penguin Modern Poets (Penguin, 1996) A Normal Skin (Jonathan Cape, London, 1997) The Asylum Dance (Jonathan Cape, London, 2000) The Light Trap (Jonathan Cape, London, 2002) The Good Neighbour (Jonathan Cape, 2005) Selected Poems (2006) "Gift Songs" [2007] "The Hunt in the Forest" [forthcoming 2009]FictionThe Dumb House (Jonathan Cape, London, 1997) The Mercy Boys (Jonathan Cape, London, 1999) Burning Elvis (Jonathan Cape, London, 2000) The Locust Room (Jonathan Cape, London, 2001) Living Nowhere (Jonathan Cape, London, 2003) The Devil's Footprints (Jonathan Cape, 2007) Glister (Jonathan Cape, 2008) Non-FictionA Lie About My Father (2006) Wallace Stevens: poet to poet - FaberScreenDice (with A L Kennedy), a series for television, produced by Cité-Amérique, Canada OtherWild Reckoning (Gulbenkian, 2004), joint editor with Maurice Riordan of this anthology of ecology-related poems


如果是在校大学生,用内网登陆学校的图书馆,在数据库中就能查到。以在中山大学图书馆查找Nature为例。1、打开中山大学图书馆,下拉到最下面选择数据库。2、在数据库中按字母N检索,就能看到Nature,单击就能看到。另外推荐有两种办法:1、通过海外代购,或者你海外的亲朋好友给你邮过来,但这样的花费很大。2、在英国《自然》和美国《科学》杂志中国官网上进行订阅,同时你还可以在中国官网上进行投稿。(官网:《science》 《Nature》)《Nature》简介《Nature》兼顾学术期刊和科学杂志,即科学论文具较高的新闻性和广泛的读者群。论文不仅要求具有“突出的科学贡献”,还必须“令交叉学科的读者感兴趣”。它包括三类:综述性期刊,对重要的研究工作进行综述评论;研究类期刊,以发表原创性研究报告为主;临床医学类期刊,对医学领域重要的研究进展做出权威性解释,并促进最新的研究成果转变为临床实践;《science》属于综合性科学杂志,英文名:Science Magazine 。它的科学新闻报道、综述、分析、书评等部分,都是权威的科普资料,该杂志也适合一般读者阅读。

国外的很多网站在国内是打不开或者部分打不开的 所以信息会有闭塞

如果你在大学的话一般在大学里就有《Science》与 《Nature》,不过是英文的,可能有中文,我没见过方便的话去大学图书馆问问。推荐你有两种办法:                                                                                                              去外文出版社之类的出版社,这种书要通过这类出版社向美国那边订阅拿到。                              去他们的官方网站去看English的原版,这会方便的多                                                    英文版比较权威的这里提供几个网站链接:《science》科学杂志: 《科学在线》中国门户网站(他们自封的): 《nature》自然杂志  《nature》中文版网站  根据具体问题类型,进行步骤拆解/原因原理分析/内容拓展等。具体步骤如下:/导致这种情况的原因主要是……



美国杂志的话我不知道有没有中文版,IGN的话很多地方都能下到吧(当然是英文版的),不过FAMI通是有台湾版的(繁体中文版),以前在TGG上面有人挂的,自从TGG变成综合PT以后我就没怎么见过了,不过肯定是有地方下载的。 你要看国内杂志的话就UCG好了,不过现在网络那么发达,其实大部分论坛你都可以找打几乎杂志里面的任何新闻和攻略资料,基本没什么必要去买杂志,杂志的信息相对于网站也总是稍稍滞后。另外UCG以及旗下的掌机王SP现在都有了IPHONE在线版本,可以直接通过IPHONE APP购买。






看时尚杂志的app当首推网易时尚杂志。网易时尚杂志(Netease Fashion)作为国内首家垂直时尚领域的电子杂志平台,专注为您提供来自中、港、台、日、韩、英、美独家版权的时尚杂志,足不出户就能了解到世界各国的时尚流行趋势。无论您是日韩范儿or欧美范儿,无论您是萝莉or御姐,无论您是实用派or八卦派,在这里,都会找到专属于您的杂志。




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