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我大概根据百科的汉语介绍用英文翻译了一下(不是用机器)READERS is a integrated abstract magazine published by Gansu People’s Press. Its used name is Reader's Digest. It regards carrying forward the human outsta
225 评论


Here is a poster of the Youth Sports Club. Read it and answer the questions. Youth Sports Club Sport of the Month: Tennis 11:00 . ~ 7:00 . Ticket price for each event: ★$100

97 评论


This is no doubt that sport is good for our person who takes exercises regularly will keep ’s more, exercise can make you well-behaved and you usually take exercise with you

132 评论


海报的英文:poster ; playbill ; placard ; notice poster 读法 英 ['pəʊstə] 美 ['postɚ]作名词的意思是:海报,广告;招贴 短语:1、poster design 海报设计 2、poster child

326 评论


Show password to heart, perform encouragement to wisedom 让爱的教育热浪蒸腾 Let education of love boil 传递爱心成就理想 Pass love, achieve dream 传递爱的教育构建和谐家园 Transmit education of love, construct

185 评论


  • 杂志有海报吗英语作文带翻译

    Here is a poster of the Youth Sports Club. Read it and answer the questions. You

    nanjingyiyi 5人参与回答 2024-06-01
  • 杂志有海报吗英语作文带翻译的

    partners, come on.作文翻译:嘿。大家都很好,学校足球俱乐部开张了,欢迎朋友们加入足球队。我们的训练时间是三周三下午三点,地点是学校体育馆。我们

    竹林听雨57 5人参与回答 2024-06-01
  • 杂志有海报吗英语作文翻译

    1、在第一行的正中间写“POSTER”。2、在第二行“POSTER”下面写上活动的具体名称或活动的内容。 Eg: An Exciting Football Ma

    漫山红遍 5人参与回答 2024-06-02
  • 报刊亭有杂志吗英语作文带翻译

    . I like ,and the year 2010 is just the Chinese tiger year.I hope all the people

    gansk兵临城下 5人参与回答 2024-06-01
  • 报刊亭有杂志吗英语作文带翻译的

    china Daily:专业、信息量大;英语文摘:双语,都是外文期刊、杂志上(the economist ,reuters,the Washington pos

    CSYMiracle 5人参与回答 2024-06-02