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首页 > 学术期刊 > 对杂志的意见和建议英文简短一点

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这里有一些建议。首先,重要的是要有中文课,你就可以 从老师和同学身上学习并且和同学练习。然后,在条件允许的的情况下看汉语电视 和阅读书籍、报纸和杂志。Besides, it should be a good idea to learn and sing Chines
129 评论


It is so important to get our children to help out and do chores around the house! Although it is always easier for us parents to do things ourselves, it is not sending our children the right message S

100 评论


help Lucy

153 评论


建议的英语是proposal。一、读音: [prə'pəʊzl]二、意思是求婚、建议。三、例句 She had had many proposals but preferred to remain single。许多人向她求过婚,,但她愿过独身生活。四、

176 评论


Dear man I'm writing to you to tell you children training classes It is quite common phenomenon that many parents will bring their children to all kinds of classes as long as their children have weekends o

346 评论


  • 对杂志的意见和建议英文简短一点

    Dear man I'm writing to you to tell you children training classes It is quite co

    泡芙小工坊 5人参与回答 2024-06-14
  • 对杂志的意见和建议英文简短点

    Dear man I'm writing to you to tell you children training classes It is quite co

    四叶草人生 5人参与回答 2024-06-14
  • 对杂志的意见和建议简短一点

    2.印刷质量 杂志广告的一项最有价值的属性是广告的印刷质量。 杂志通常采用优质纸张印刷而成, 其印 刷工艺游客提供优质的黑白或彩色饮食效果。由于杂志是视觉媒体,

    mingmingsherry 5人参与回答 2024-06-14
  • 对杂志社的建议和意见简短一点

    也正是因为行业的竞争激烈,使得一些杂志社在稿件的审查上降低了要求,这在一定程度上也影响期刊的办刊质量。2 提高学术期刊办刊质量的主要措施2.1 提高稿件的质量在

    我叫马三顺 5人参与回答 2024-06-13
  • 对杂志的意见和建议英文简短

    1. Helping at home teaches children important life skills (such as doing laundry

    wumeiyan01 6人参与回答 2024-06-13