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首页 > 学术期刊 > 故宫杂志前言摘抄大全英文版简短

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The Palace Museum is located on city center in is existing biggest, most integrity of thou building is been one of five greatest temples in the world by the fame.故宫位于北京市中心。
200 评论


故宫的英语作文:The Palace Museum is located on city center in is existing biggest, most integrity of thou building is been one of five greatest temples in the world by the

304 评论


前言雍正,清世宗宪皇帝-爱新觉罗胤禛,一个金刚不可夺其志的皇帝;一个继位与离世同样留下千古之迷的皇帝; 一个一心只为天下励精图治,却在身后骂名累累的皇帝……“三重九殿谁为友,皓月清风作契交。”

127 评论


序言的英文:preface ['prefis] n. (书籍、演讲等的)序言,前言,绪言,引语,开场白 introduction [,intrə'dʌkʃən] n. 前言,引言,序言;导论;(音乐的)序曲 foreword ['fɔ:

199 评论


In the four corners of the city wall, there is a graceful turret. There are 72 ridges of nine beams and eighteen columns in the folk, which describe the complexity of its structure.

300 评论


  • 故宫杂志前言摘抄大全英文版简短

    In the four corners of the city wall, there is a graceful turret. There are 72 r

    juan娟娟123 5人参与回答 2024-06-18
  • 故宫杂志前言摘抄大全简短版

    (三)旅游景点概述 旅游景点概述,这部分主要向旅游者陈述景观的概况和旅游价值,对所要游览的内容作概括性的介绍。如:《故宫》总述中的一段:这段概括性的介绍,介绍了

    地球是个圆曲奇 5人参与回答 2024-06-18
  • 故宫杂志前言摘抄大全英语版简短

    000 people fourteen years to build it. It was finished in 1420. There are 9,999

    味增汤君 5人参与回答 2024-06-18
  • 故宫杂志前言摘抄大全简短


    Alex@美食 5人参与回答 2024-06-18
  • 故宫杂志前言摘抄英文版简短


    马铃薯菇凉 5人参与回答 2024-06-19