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首页 > 学术期刊 > 对青年杂志的评价和建议作文英语

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Dear M,My name is Li Hua. Since I become a senior high school student, I do find it difficult to study English in deep. The mistakes of pronunciation and spelling are considered as the major problems,
326 评论


Dear XX editor,I've been dreamt about becoming an editor since I was a little, however, I encoutered something recently that made me think otherwise. Last week, someone called my work a piece of crap, t

356 评论


1. Helping at home teaches children important life skills (such as doing laundry, cooking and cleaning).2. Children who pitch in around the house become better team players, co-workers, and eventually life

193 评论


coupled with human nature and the national spirit, had survived a terrible ordeal. To our great delight, the Chinese people stood the tough test. In addition, the powerful quake shook our prejudice against Ch

231 评论


reading will make you grow up as a knowledgeable person. Of course,we need reading more 's keep reading and benefit from it. 众所周知,读书,是你通向成功之路.书,是可以终身陪伴你的老师,

108 评论


  • 对青年杂志的评价和建议作文英语

    1. Helping at home teaches children important life skills (such as doing laundry

    吸血鬼小呆 5人参与回答 2024-06-04
  • 对杂志的评价和建议作文英语

    1. Helping at home teaches children important life skills (such as doing laundry

    汀臭崽儿 5人参与回答 2024-06-03
  • 对青年杂志的评价和建议简短英语


    糖糖和胖秘 5人参与回答 2024-06-04
  • 对青年杂志的评价和建议作文高中

    下面是我给大家带来关于 奋进新时代,争做新青年 优秀 作文 ,一起来看看吧,希望对您有所帮助。 奋进新时代,争做新青年优秀作文1 “为天下立心,为百姓立命,为

    丹枫在心 5人参与回答 2024-06-04
  • 对杂志的评价和建议作文英语版

    1. Helping at home teaches children important life skills (such as doing laundry

    罗曼蒂克123 5人参与回答 2024-06-03