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首页 > 学术期刊 > 健身杂志推荐稿子范文英语版

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neither too fast nor too the next room there was a fitness instructor(健身教练) was teaching some young people doing yoga(瑜珈),
176 评论


Exercise heart. Swimming, walking, jogging, biking, and all aerobic exercise can exercise the heart. Aerobic exercise benefits: can exercise cardiopulmonary,enhance the function of circulatory system, burn fat, inc

108 评论


For us students, who sits there all day long, it's necessary to take some exercises to keep healthy. Since we are growing up every day, it is essential to take a sunshine bath and keep us motivated.

360 评论


he will in most cases old a pessimistic view toward things and lead a sad life. What's more, no matter how ambitious he could be,

97 评论


we can climb mountains or go swimming with our friends. Also, we can go hiking during the ’s do exercise and have a healthy lifestyle together!让我们一起来健身 健身对我们非常重要,

222 评论


  • 健身杂志推荐稿子范文英语版

    Exercise heart. Swimming, walking, jogging, biking, and all aerobic exercise can

    娜是阵疯 5人参与回答 2024-06-16
  • 健身杂志推荐稿子英语版范文


    娜娜娜娜An 5人参与回答 2024-06-16
  • 健身杂志推荐稿子英语范文


    你的秋天 5人参与回答 2024-06-16
  • 健身杂志推荐稿子范文英语

    〔yoga瑜伽〕〔spinning动感单车〕〔body arts身体艺术〕〔aerobics有氧操〕〔step踏板〕〔boxing拳击〕〔karate空手道〕〔

    布川依夫 5人参与回答 2024-06-16
  • 健身杂志推荐稿范文英语版

    Exercise heart. Swimming, walking, jogging, biking, and all aerobic exercise can

    zhzhohohzh 5人参与回答 2024-06-16