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首页 > 学术期刊 > 杂志好句摘抄及赏析英语版

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英语好词好句摘抄带翻译 All time is no time when it is past.光阴一去不复返。Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people. 困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。Failure is the mother of succes
112 评论


1. 英语佳句摘抄50句 All for one, one for all. 人人为我,我为人人。 —— [法] Dumas pére大仲马 The darkest hour is that before the dawn. 黎明前的时分是最黑暗的。—— Fuller 富勒 Living without an aim is lik

275 评论


1. 生活中的英语好词好句号段,报纸,杂志,电视,电脑,广告一类 Potluck Party :一种聚餐方式,主人准备场地和餐具,参加的人必须带一道菜或准备饮料,最好事先问问主人的意思。 ·Pull over!把车子开到旁边。 ·Drop me a line!

181 评论


英语好句50句 1. Time flies.时光易逝。2. Time is money.一寸光阴一寸金。3. Time and tide wait for no man.岁月无情;岁月易逝;岁月不待人。4. Time tries all.时间检验一切。5. Time tries truth.

158 评论


1、 When you get to know people with different ethnic backgrounds, from different cities and countries, who live at various socioeconomic levels, you begin to realize that everyone basically wants the same thin

308 评论


  • 杂志好句摘抄及赏析英语版

    1、 When you get to know people with different ethnic backgrounds, from different

    可可poppy 5人参与回答 2024-05-17
  • 杂志好句摘抄赏析英语版

    1、 When you get to know people with different ethnic backgrounds, from different

    自high患者 5人参与回答 2024-05-17
  • 杂志好句摘抄及赏析英语作文

    2、The more things you own, the more your things own you. Less truly gives you mo

    康昱装饰 5人参与回答 2024-05-17
  • 杂志好句摘抄及赏析英语翻译

    1、他工作多么努力啊!How hard he works!2、我们准备好吃午饭。We are going to have lunch.3、恐怕不能。I'm af

    pisces850318 5人参与回答 2024-05-17
  • 意林杂志好句摘抄及赏析英语

    《意林》 33、 这个世界上最好的爱,就是让自己爱的人,找到它的爱《意林》 34、 运气是强者的谦词,命运是弱者的借口 《意林》 35、 "比我差的人还没放弃,

    麻辣de火锅 5人参与回答 2024-05-16