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首页 > 学术期刊 > 介绍车的杂志英语文章

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I love automobiles very much, especially for the off-road vehicle. Aude Q7 is the most attractable SUV to me among a great number of sport utility vehicles. It has a streamlined shape which consisted of
348 评论


Because it's more convenient to hang out when u have car. u can go anywhere u want and no need to worry about u will miss the train or bus and then wait for a long time.(因为当你拥有一辆车时,

337 评论


兰博基尼是一个意大利品牌和豪华跑车制造商,以也制造越野车越野车,它属于大众集团通过旗下品牌奥迪。兰博基尼的生产工厂和总部位于Sant'Agata Bolognese意大利。Ferruccio Lamborghini,意大利制造业巨头,在1963年创办了兰博基尼,

92 评论


I like Jaguar E-Type. This car is the most exciting car ever made. That is a strong statement, but consider the following: In its day it was extremely fast. It offered killer styling. It featured advan

136 评论


求一篇2000字的汽车英语文章 最好带中文翻译 最近快毕业了,需要翻译一篇2000单词的汽车英语文章,希望有朋友能够提供点帮助!谢谢!注意,是汽车方面的英语文章,一定要2000个单词的!楼下那位,你这篇只有300多个字啊,

103 评论


  • 介绍车的杂志英语文章

    Because it's more convenient to hang out when u have car. u can go anywhere u wa

    飘渺于浮尘中 5人参与回答 2024-06-06
  • 介绍汽车的杂志英语文章

    advantages and disadvantages.最近几年,随着我国经济的快速发展,越来越多的人们拥有私家车。一些人认为应该禁止私家车,而一些人认为对其

    姜大大夫人 5人参与回答 2024-06-06
  • 介绍车的杂志英语文章翻译

    Diesel vehicles Diesel vehicles may be making a comeback. Diesel engines are mor

    瓜的小妞 5人参与回答 2024-06-05
  • 介绍车的杂志英语文章带翻译

    Because it's more convenient to hang out when u have car. u can go anywhere u wa

    都市月亮飘飘 5人参与回答 2024-06-06
  • 介绍汽车的杂志英语文章简短

    car this is usually a driver's blind spots. 车型名称: 宝马7系 2010款 750Li 厂商指导价(元): 205

    美食大卡 5人参与回答 2024-06-06