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首页 > 学术期刊 > 时尚服饰杂志广告语怎么写英文

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时尚经典英文广告语举例 1. Turn the beauty, you deserve . Kou licensing so that the perfect fusion of youth and . Girls to women, longing for a woman's . European-style youth t
183 评论


服装 经典广告词 1. If you have a double feather, there will be no winter! Double feather down jacket 2. Let you become a lover's eyes Xi Shi! Jiayi brand clothing 3. When you seek high-grade, yo

175 评论


Come to Guangming Clothes Store!快来光明服装店!Our clothes are on sale .我们的衣服正在大减价.We sell pants for only 30 yuan.我们卖的裤子只要30元.Do you like white bag?你喜欢白色的包吗?It's only 15

313 评论


英文广告语大全 1、anything is possible. 没有不可能的事。(东芝电子)2、We lead. others copy.我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)3、To me,the past is black and white,but the future is always color.

356 评论


Assessing a decade of fashion so close in time is complex. In terms of costume history it's only after a trend has been around for several years can we acknowledge that it's more than a passing fad an

284 评论


  • 时尚服饰杂志广告语怎么写英文

    Assessing a decade of fashion so close in time is complex. In terms of costume h

    赏你五个指头 5人参与回答 2024-05-28
  • 时尚服饰杂志广告语怎么写英语

    all clothing are 9 discount sale. Contains fashionable, ruili, leisure, bright b

    大嘴Yuki 5人参与回答 2024-05-30
  • 时尚服饰杂志广告语怎么写英文版

    1. "Xin" fashion, "heart" elegant.2. Let you decorate someone else's dream.3. El

    sweetmiriam 5人参与回答 2024-05-28
  • 时尚服饰杂志广告语怎么写英语版


    cotillardw 5人参与回答 2024-05-30
  • 时尚服饰杂志广告语怎么写

    1、恋唯依,让您依依不舍 2、恋上世上唯一(唯依)的你。3、憧憬属于女人的优雅。4、用欧式的青春绘出年轻的优雅。5、穿出女人的魅力。6、一起回忆美好的豆蔻年华。

    黄金哇塞赛 5人参与回答 2024-05-29