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首页 > 学术期刊 > 介绍明星的杂志英文文章翻译

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My favorite movie star is Jackie is an action movie star from china. He can do Chinese Kung has beautiful short straight black is medium height and medium thing he is coo
87 评论


《My favorite star》:My favorite star is Zhou Xun, who is an outstanding actress. Now she has become one of the iconic actresses in China. Besides, she advocates herself in philanthropy and environmental pr

227 评论


I most like the star is Show Luo. He is an artist from Taiwan, he is very handsome, very fashion, but rather the filial piety to parents. He is a hard push yourself to do transparent person, I hop

265 评论


Taipei film festival, Ivy Chen with film" heard "won the best actress winner every seal sect. The 12th Taipei film festival award ceremony in zhongshan hall grand opening. On that day, Taiwan Cenozoic actres

135 评论


My Favorite Male ActorI like to watch movie, I had watched many movies, Jackie Chen is my favorite male actor. When I was small, I watched Jackie Chen’s action movie, he can beat many guys at the

323 评论
