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首页 > 学术期刊 > 珠宝杂志广告语怎么写英语

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卡地亚广告语:1、And after all this time, you're still the one I love.【翻译】经过这么长时间,你仍是我的爱人。2、Miss a person is not every day with him, but always put him in my heart.【翻译】
177 评论


“Time I value above all things. It just gets more and more precious.”Beyond question, Dame Kiri Te Kanawa's singing career has been triumphantly consistent over the years. However, she admits that if o

132 评论


哈根达斯:If you love her, take her to Haagen-Dazs. 这句广告语还是我在英语课上学到的,不得不说确实很吸引人,尤其是吸引情侣们。华为:make it possible. 这个也是我在英语课上get到的,为了宣传其品牌,

340 评论


英语广告词有很多,这里举例一些比较有名的: is what you make of it.天长地久(斯沃奇手表);2..Fresh-up with Seven-up.提神醒脑,喝七喜; Ahead 成功之路,从头开始(飘柔)【免费领取,

92 评论


I would like to use this style of jewelry as their own subject. I will use the noble jewelry and model coupled with the elegant fonts. Jewelry embodies an elegant noble feeling. Easy to understand the mai

293 评论


  • 珠宝杂志广告语怎么写英语

    “Time I value above all things. It just gets more and more precious.”Beyond ques

    Itisgoodtoforget. 5人参与回答 2024-06-14
  • 珠宝杂志广告语怎么写

    1、钻饰铭心,恩爱一生。 2、钻石永恒在形,爱意铭刻在心。 3、一钻倾心,真爱永恒。 4、一世情缘,爱钻铭心。 5、钻石铭心,美梦成真。 6、每克拉钻石,都让您

    我的宝贝-童童 5人参与回答 2024-06-16
  • 珠宝杂志广告语怎么写好

    “缘”于心动, 有“心”人的选择。爱情恒久远,感动永相随。爱上他就是这么简单。皇帝珠宝,自有乾坤!皇家品味,彰显男人气质。简约至极,便成奢华。精雕细琢只为您——

    酒窝喵喵兔 5人参与回答 2024-06-16
  • 珠宝杂志广告语简短英语

    “Time I value above all things. It just gets more and more precious.”Beyond ques

    夕颜无照 5人参与回答 2024-06-15
  • 珠宝杂志广告语

    1993年DTC通过香港的奥美广告公司,征集“A diamond is forever”的中文翻译,经过半年的评比,一名大学教师的一句话被选上,于是“钻石恒久远

    熊大熊二喜羊羊 5人参与回答 2024-06-16