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Travel Magazine Leisure Magazine Tourist Guide Magazine 杂志称magazine是没错的,但名字不一定要有 magazine,如 Vogue, Elle, Better Home and Gardens, National Geographi
82 评论


Last summer holiday,My parents and I went to Hawaii to spend the holiday for five climate here doesn't change a lot of the can travel by plane and other local.旅游即旅行游览活动,

281 评论


Hello,everyone!Here is an introduction about some famous interests in Anhui we know,Anhui Province has a long history and rich example,Tianzhu Mountian which lies in the north side of

117 评论


Travel magazine, Travel journal 都可以表示旅游杂志的意思

217 评论


Dear John Travel is a good way to relax body and mind. For me ,I 'd like travel to somewhere warm and you feel tired or Idle , walk out and enjoy the beautiful scenery is a good

280 评论


  • 旅游杂志介绍怎么写英文简短版的

    Dear John Travel is a good way to relax body and mind. For me ,I 'd like travel

    好运大鸟 5人参与回答 2024-06-11
  • 旅游杂志介绍怎么写英文简短版

    2、tourist n. 旅行者,观光客 adj. 旅游的 vt. 在旅行参观 vi. 旅游;观光 adv. 坐旅游车厢;坐经济舱 双语例句:A passing

    千年小猴妖 5人参与回答 2024-06-11
  • 旅游杂志介绍怎么写英文简短

    As we know,Anhui Province has a long history and rich culture.For example,Tianzh

    烟圈缠绕0 5人参与回答 2024-06-13
  • 旅游杂志介绍英文版简短

    《旅游休闲》创刊于2001年,是一本中英文双语具有国际、国内刊号的资讯服务类杂志。 杂志口号“行走世界,享受生活” 《旅游休闲GOLF》杂志创刊于2004年,是

    懒洋洋一家 5人参与回答 2024-06-13
  • 旅游杂志介绍怎么写英文简短一点

    Hello,everyone!Here is an introduction about some famous interests in Anhui Prov

    曼特宁先森 5人参与回答 2024-06-13