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而在南方,人们则以米饭和海鲜为主。中国菜注重色香味俱全,所以我非常喜欢。美食的英语演讲稿带翻译2 There are different kinds of noodles in our country. In Shanxi the most famous noodle is sliced noodles in
160 评论


My Favourite love to eat. The food i love most is my mum's cooking. She is a great cook. My mum used to study overseas so she can cook various types of cuisine, such as chinese food, west

224 评论


《Lucky Peach》 被誉为 最富摇滚精神的美食杂志 ,因为每期的封面都很酷!而且内容满是对料理的鬼马创意和有趣见解!看封面就能感受到,这完全是美食生活志里面的逗比,可也正是这个调调,不仅深受美食爱好者追捧,

328 评论


I have never tried a food like that before but today I could not tell you that at the first mouth, I can not stop. Now I have had finished 2/3 of it! Look at the woman, yes, this is the magi

154 评论


Today, dim sum restaurants come in all shapes and sizes, from straight shooting to high falutin’. Start with one of the large mid-priced eateries where in the midst of boisterous conversations you will see

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  • 美食杂志推荐理由怎么写英语简单的

    《Lucky Peach》 被誉为 最富摇滚精神的美食杂志 ,因为每期的封面都很酷!而且内容满是对料理的鬼马创意和有趣见解!看封面就能感受到,这完全是美食生

    曦若若往 5人参与回答 2024-06-19
  • 美食杂志推荐理由怎么写英语简单点

    has good culinary skills.大约意思:我喜欢吃。我最爱的食物就是我妈妈煮的菜肴。她的厨艺很棒。妈妈以前留学海外所以学会很多不一样的菜系如中

    四肥居阿 5人参与回答 2024-06-20
  • 美食杂志推荐理由怎么写英语版简单

    has good culinary skills.大约意思:我喜欢吃。我最爱的食物就是我妈妈煮的菜肴。她的厨艺很棒。妈妈以前留学海外所以学会很多不一样的菜系如中

    西风华诞 5人参与回答 2024-06-20
  • 美国杂志推荐理由怎么写英语简单的

    02 Vanity Fair 《名利场》 适用人群: 时尚圈人士、中产阶级和英语学习者。 主要特点: 上流社会的指南秘籍,美国时尚先锋。 官网: 推荐理

    penny900627 6人参与回答 2024-06-18
  • 美食杂志推荐理由怎么写英语版简短

    Hi, it's Mary here. I can not wait to introduce this cutest food to you---the La

    小宇巴波比 5人参与回答 2024-06-20