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首页 > 学术论文 > 关于健康的杂志文章摘抄高中作文英语带翻译

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we can avoid getting sick. Try to sleep earlier, eat more fruit and vegetable, drink more water, and do exercise everyday. You will realize that it’s not that hard to stay in good health.
311 评论


有关健康的重要性高中英语作文篇1 We all know that health is important, but many people do not pay much attention to their health unless they are ill. I think that this is terribly wrong, because if we

160 评论


Tips for Summer Health 夏日健康提示 Since the weather becomes hotter it has greatly influenced on people's daily lives. People can not eat well and sleep well in such hot days. Summer health is a problem we shoul

251 评论


总之,只要我们能够持之以恒,善待我们的身体,相信我们会拥有一个健康快乐的人生!Nowadays,with the living standard improving, more and more poeple begin to pay attention to their healthy conditions. As we all

193 评论


We all want to grow up happily and healthily, and for this goal we must do several , we should develop a good attitude to life. Life consists of not only sunshine but also hard times. We

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