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The Great Wall has a history of over twenty centuries. The first part of it was built during the Spring and Autumn Period. During the Warring States Period, more walls were put up to defend the borders
87 评论


YanXiu, strange stone, caves, Jane, the village is famous for its ancient trees, there are "thousand rock of TV, mountains and valleys flow", is with harmonizing natural landscape, cultural landscape in the

209 评论


翻译:Tower of London (Tower of London) is a landmark palace and fortress in London, England, and is located in Thames Thi (1566-1625) regarded it as the last ruler of the of

216 评论


1、英文:The Lao Mount is one of the birth places of Taoism. Since the Spring and Autumn period, many wizards whowere engaged in preserving good health have gathered there. And it has become the nationall

218 评论


It is true that there is a treasure like Jiuzhaigou on earth, which is not only a miracle, but also the luck of mankind. No one who has been to Jiuzhaigou is not moved by the look and color ther

337 评论
