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After school I am a student in ~~ junior high have lots of interesting classes and after school I aslo have many activities every can play ball games with my classmates on the playground
207 评论


at the same time, I also need to enjoy my childhood.如今我正在读初中,我从星期一到星期五都有课,因此我忙于学习,没有很多的时间玩耍。我的课余生活很丰富,一方面,我需要完成我的作业,

142 评论


I want to have a brief introduction to their life in my point of begin with, what the US students impress me most is their tolerance and forgiveness. Most students there are very understandable an

107 评论


they see the real material, it is much lively than the book. The part time is very precious for students, they can play with fun and learn things at the same time.在学校学习占据了学生很多的时间,

101 评论


it is very interesting. Sometimes I dance and sing with other students, because I am a member of our school chorus. After enjoying my hobbies, I always go home at 6. How wonderful it is after school!

285 评论


  • 课外生活杂志投稿要求怎么写初中英语

    After school I am a student in ~~ junior high school.I have lots of interesting

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    1、第一行顶格写对方的称呼,如“《××× ×》杂志编辑部"、“编辑同志”、或“×× ×编辑同志"。2、开头。另起一行,空两格写问候语,如“你好”、“您好"或“你

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