


1 概 述


在讨论中国当前城市设计和规划问题之前,回顾1978年经济体制改革后中国城市化所实现的惊人成就是有必要的。中国建立起了新的国道系统、新的国家航空系统以及近乎覆盖了每个主要城市的高铁新铁路网络。国家年均GDP增长率为9%[1],平均每年建设一亿多套住房。政府领导超过5亿人摆脱了贫困,进入中上层甚至上层阶级,实现了历史上空前高涨的国家发展。目前全国13.5亿人口中近54%的人口居住在城市,而1978年这个比例仅为18%[2]。按照中国《国家新型城镇化规划(2014—2020年)》要求,到2020年中国的城镇化率将达到60%,城市人口将再增加 9,000 万 [3]












2 建于何处

在气候变化、全球化、人口快速增长以及中国持续快速城市化进程的时代,城市设计需要采取大量举措。中国现有的城市化方式使得人口密集地区几乎到处都在发展,造成了大面积的自然环境、农田和历史建筑的消失。 目前的规划设计规范也未能意识到气候变化和海平面上升对现有的和新的规划造成的严重风险影响。



3 建于何时





4 在城市层面上建设什么







5 在地区层面上建设什么

The existing rulebook for planning and development at the city level already embodies a set of urban design assumptions derived from the principles put forward by the C.I.A.M., the Congres Internationaux d’Architecture Moderne, during the 1920s and 1930s[10]. These ideas reached China through publications, through the work of Russian advisors after 1949, and through the education of an older generation of Chinese planners. In a typical master land-use and development plan in force for a Chinese city today, the design organization comes from the major-street and expressway system which divides the city into large blocks planned to be efficient for automobile transportation but not so friendly for pedestrians or cyclists, and with little recognition of the role of transit in concentrating development at stations. Primacy for the motor car was a major C.I.A.M. principle.





2 Where to Build







6 在地块层面上建设什么


7 在特殊情形下如何建设




8 实施城市设计导则

上海9个新镇和北京金融街的实践表明,可替代现有的中国城市设计导则有其特殊性才能奏效。9个新镇的设计是对其他地方既有城市设计模式的模拟,而金融街的设计则有一套明确的建筑布局法规和高度限制。 仅仅要求规划师和设计师注意一系列重大问题是不够的,还有必要定义理想的城市设计结果。











Urban Design in China: Where to Build,When to Build, What to Build


Jonathan Barnett, Stefan Al

Jonathan Barnett is an emeritus Professor of Practice in City and Regional Planning, and former director of the Urban Design Program, at the University of Pennsylvania. He is an architect and planner as well as an educator,and is the author of numerous books and articles on the theory and practice of city design.

His recent work on large-scale urban development and redevelopment projects includes a 2500 hectare planned community in Cambodia, an urban design plan for the whole city of Omaha, Nebraska and a transit-oriented design plan for the City of Xiamen in China.


Books written by Jonathan Barnett include Urban Design as Public Policy (1974), Introduction to Urban Design(1982), The Elusive City: Five Centuries of Design,Ambition, and Miscalculation (1987), The Fractured Metropolis: Improving the New City, Restoring the Old City, Reshaping the Region (1996), Ecodesign for Cities and Suburbs (2015) and City Design: Modernist, Traditional, Green, and Systems Perspectives (2016).

See: http://www.design.upenn.edu/city-regional-planning/graduate/people/jonathan-barnett.

Giving priority to conservation means that decisions where urbanization takes place should be subordinated to conservation of natural resources and the existing landscape. Translating this directive into urban design means that all urbanization should be based on environmental carrying capacity and respect for natural landscape forms. Carrying capacity and the natural landscape should form the setting for urban development, as opposed to having urban development patterns reorganize the natural landscape. The directive goes on to say that existing laws and regulations should be abrogated if they conflict with ecological civilization objectives,and that plans to implement ecological civilization should be made at all levels of government.

Urban Design is emerging in China as a way to help implement major new government policy directives for preserving the natural environment and for making cities more efficient, more livable,and more in harmony with nature. The big issues center around three questions: where to build, when to build, and what to build? The first, and possibly the most important, is where additional urbanization should be permitted. The second is when new urbanization should take place, as opposed to in fill development and more intensive use of already urbanized land. What to build is the most familiar urban design issue, and concerns changes to an existing government rule-book which has produced a form of urbanization which is increasingly seen as overly rigid and indifferent to important ecological,historical, and life-style considerations.

Before discussing current urban design and planning problems in China, it is important to remember that the urbanization of China, since the reform of the economic system began in 1978, has been an astonishingly successful achievement. A complete new national road system, a new national air system, a new rail network including high speed trains, rail rapid transit in almost every major city,the annual average growth of GDP of 9%[1], the construction of more than a hundred million units of housing, and the elevation of more than half a billion people out of poverty and into the middleor even the upper-class has been unparalleled in the history of national development. Nearly 54 percent of the country’s 1.35 billion people now live in cities, up from less than 18 percent in 1978[2]. Moreover, China’s 2014-2020 Urbanization Plan called for the country to be 60 percent urbanized by 2020,adding another 90 million people to cities[3].

In order to facilitate rapid urbanization, the government created a rule book for designing and building cities, including specifications for all kinds of street systems, a standard regional development plan, a required process for making land-use plans, population standards for residential areas as a hierarchy of three different kinds of housing organization, and clear and strict requirements for the housing itself -including detailed rules for how much sunlight has to reach every dwelling unit. These rules, enacted originally to save fuel, continue to make sense as access to solar energy becomes more important, but they have been interpreted to require large, hardto-use spaces between buildings, creating disticts composed of “towers in the park”.

Not surprisingly, much of the new development in China has ended up following a pattern which is similar from city to city, and from region to region.This standardized urbanization has spread over agricultural land and scenic landscapes with little regard for environmental considerations. Following this powerful set of rules, written almost forty years ago, is no longer in keeping with the complex and sophisticated society that China has become, and the lack of consideration of compact development,food security, landscape heritage, and the potential effects of climate change contributes to China’s increasingly serious environmental problems.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council have recognized these problems with two recently published guidance documents: Opinions on Further Promoting the Development of Ecological Civilizationin in April of 2015 and Opinions on Further Strengthening Urban Planning and Construction Management in February of 2016[4-5].

Ecological Civilization was an important objective in China’s12th five-year plan adopted for the years 2011-2015 and carries over into the current, 13th,five-year plan. Civilization is understood to mean the entire modern economic and social structure.Characterizing the desired form of civilization as ecological is a statement that all human activities should be in harmony and balance with nature. This is, of course, a highly desirable but difficult undertaking. No other nation has attained this objective,although the Nordic countries—Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden—are moving strongly in this direction.


China’s 2015 directive on promoting ecological civilization is an unusually comprehensive document which unambiguously states a long series of ambitious environmental policy objectives. The directive gives priority to conservation over development,and sets forth basic principles which include green development, what is called the circular city—that is following the slogan: reduce, reuse, recycle—and low carbon use.

1 Introduction


The directive on Urban Planning and Construction Management is as sweeping in its way as the directive about Ecological Civilization[6]. It sets the goal for urban development to be “orderly,moderate, and efficient in order to build a harmonious, livable, vibrant, distinctive modern city, so that people’s lives will be better.” Orderly as an objective includes making sure that planning regulations are followed, and not reshaped by political considerations. Moderate is a statement against unusual building shapes or sizes, and Efficient is a prescription for not expanding cities until all available land within the existing urbanized area has been developed. Achieving a Harmonious Society has been an important policy objective since the 12th five-year plan and, among other meanings, is a statement about reducing social inequality. Livable and Vibrant cities are almost universal planning objectives; in this context they can be understood as qualities that that are not being achieved under current planning and development rule books. Seeking distinctive cities is also a statement against the current planning system, which is submerging the individual historic character of cities with development that follows the same rulebook almost everywhere.Focusing on improving the quality of life as the ultimate objective is meant to change the focus of planning and development from simply delivering such elements as housing, parks, and transportation,important as they are, to considering the design of the city as a whole.

A组患者以1μg·kg-1·h-1的速率泵注右美托咪定48h,如发现不可控的心动过缓或低血压,停止泵注。B、C两组不给予右美托咪定泵注,A、B组其余治疗相同。应用视觉模拟评分法 (visual analog scale,VAS)、以单盲法对患者入院当时(≤伤后6 h)(T1)、伤后 24h(T2)、7 d(T3)疼痛程度进行评估。0 为“无痛”;10 为“最剧烈的疼痛”。

The directive defines urban design as the implementation of urban planning, the provision of individual design guidance, and as the effective means of shaping a city’s characteristic style. Single building design must meet the requirements of urban design in shape, color, massing, height, and other significant characteristics. Development must make full use of natural systems in managing new urbanization, including green infrastructure for water conservation and stormwater. Rehabilitation of the natural ecology within urban areas is also an objective, and the government has already started a “Sponge City” pilot program, investing $12.7 billion USD in green infrastructure in 16 cities.The directive also includes a long series of specific objectives covering the many aspects of city building, including building construction, pollution control and sewage treatment. It calls for new systems of urban governance at every governmental level to implement these policies.

China’s leadership has given the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development the task of figuring out how to administer these nationally important policy objectives. Any advocate for urban design has to be pleased and excited that design has been given a central role in reforming urban development in China, although we know from experience in other places that there will be resistance to change and that making these reforms is going to be a complicated and difficult task. We therefore have looked at the task of producing these regulations with an eye to what the complexities and difficulties are likely to be.

历史使命越光荣,奋斗目标越宏伟,前进道路越艰巨, 执政环境越复杂,我们越要增强忧患意识,越要从严治党,扎扎实实做好高校党建工作并切实提高党建工作效率,让我们党永远立于不败之地,为全面建成小康社会、实现社会主义现代化建设、实现中华民族伟大复兴之路而做出自己的一份贡献。

In an age of climate change, globalization, and rapid population growth, as well as the continued fast pace of urbanization in China, large-scale urban design measures will be needed. The current urbanization rules permit development almost everywhere in the more populous parts of China, which has resulted in the loss of large areas of the natural environment, of farmland, and of historic buildings.The current rules also do not recognize the serious risks to both existing and new development created by changes in climate, particularly sea-level rise.

The Ministry of Land and Resources is the central Chinese government agency responsible for preparing the national land use plan[7]. This plan sets over-all parameters for land use, such as how much arable land needs to be preserved and how much urbanized land there should be as the sum of all the provincial, city, and local plans. This plan is,in theory, a powerful tool for balancing ecological preservation and urbanization, although in practice it does not appear to be an effective control mechanism for decisions about which specific parts of the agricultural and natural landscape should become urbanized. Having a national land use plan addressing water resources, food security, protection from storms, preventing air and water pollution, and adapting to climate change could be a way to help implement the Ecological Civilization policy directive to prioritize conservation and natural systems over urbanization. Making some of these broadbrush decisions at the national level, although politically difficult, could take some of the local development pressures out of the planning and design processes at provincial and local levels. A move in this directions it the 2015 government initiative plans to curb the growth of 14 cities through urban growth boundaries, including Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou[8], similar to urban growth boundaries enacted for the state of Oregon in the United States.

Provinces are the next level of government decision-making in China, plus some big cities that have the same status as provinces. The question is whether the outcome for some urban design issues can be predetermined by land-use plans at the province level. These land-use plans are generally very abstract, but they do show directions of urban growth and general locations for population centers.China has had problems with decisions about where to build new towns, as exemplified by the so-called“Ghost Cities”, and growth vectors determined by transportation and by calculations of future population growth, which are typical parts of regional plans, can conflict with the larger policy of subordinating urban growth to the preservation of natural systems. Moreover, environmental preservation will be vital for recreation and agriculture on a regional level, for instance for the new Jing-Jin-Ji mega-city region, China’s national capital region. Urban and environmental design is needed to resolve policies at this level, as the context for urban design decisions in cities, districts, and individual parcels.

3 When to Build

Cities in China have expanded rapidly by urbanizing rural land. The city acquires rural land and relocates the villagers. The city then prepares district-level and parcel plans and sells the land to developers. The difference between the acquisition and selling costs goes to the city. This practice increases future operational expenses for the city,and push-back against these acquisitions from rural communities has been growing, but this well-established practice provides immediate income to the local government leaders as a way to solve fiscal problems.

Channeling growth into green-field locations can lead to the neglect of development opportunities within the areas that have already been partly urbanized, even if developing these areas would otherwise be in keeping with ecological civilization objectives. The current system also does not give priority to saving valuable environmental and agricultural resources by increasing the density of development around places with greatly improved access: around the new transit stations, around highspeed rail stations, and next to airports.



When it does become necessary to expand an urbanized area, where the urbanization takes place should be subject to urban design guidelines that protect the landscape as a whole and optimize the urban spatial structure. These are complex determinations,and making them based primarily on ecological and urban planning considerations is essential, but also likely to be a difficult political problem.

Preventing excessive urban sprawl has been identified as a basic task for the new urban design guidelines[9]. What is excessive? One answer comes from a measurement of population and workplace densities per hectare within existing urbanized areas.Until these densities throughout the city reach a pre-determined level set by the master plan, acquisition of rural land for new development should be constrained. However, such measurements could work against retaining green space and historic buildings within the developed part of cities. The plans for the newer parts of Chinese cities have accepted the automobile as the primary means of transport. Now that so many Chinese cities are building rail transit systems, growth pressures can be accommodated by more intense development within walking distance of transit stations. Diverting new development to appropriate sites within walking distance of transit stations can reduce urban sprawl and make these transit systems more efficient.

4 What to Build at the City Level


Each of these big blocks is scheduled for a single land use. This kind of zoning for single uses over a large area was also advocated by the C.I.A.M.Another C.I.A.M. concept is the segregation of large blocks of public open space as a separate land use, rather than a public open space system integrated with other activities. The C.I.A.M. advocated technological solutions as exemplars of the modern age. Preserving the natural landscape and historical buildings was seen as romantic and unscientific.The plan is completely dominated by the engineering of the road system, and the way the large undifferentiated land use zones do not recognize the underlying natural landscape—and any historic or pre-existing development—is very much a realization of C.I.A.M. principles

The C.I.A.M version of urban design is now embodied in a whole series of technical planning requirements, which will need to be changed if there is to be a different urban design at the city level.

The large blocks in current plans are required by regulations that set a minimum and a maximum for the total length of major streets for each two square-kilometers. A network of smaller blocks,which most urban designers advocate today, will require much more street construction, so revisions to the rules will be needed, as plans have to meet regulations to obtain official approval.

Land use allocations for a master plan in China are determined by formulas based on predictions of population growth and business activity, as is common practice everywhere. However, the mapping of the land-use projections in the plan is skewed because mixed use is not generally recognized.When there is a mixed use category, it is usually applied in special situations. So the plans for residential and commercial zones map the quantity of land needed for each separate category, which overstates the demand for land if mixed-use zones were more generally permitted. The land uses are then allocated within the large blocks that are created by the limits on the total amount of streets. There has not been a general practice of setting aside land that should not be developed for ecological reasons, or for land that is already developed in a way that does not meet the land-use categories. All land is covered in the maps and given a land-use zone designation.As mentioned before, the park system is also treated as a separate land use.

To determine the pattern of the overall urban form,an urban landscape framework, a public space system, and a set of key requirements for areas of special urban design importance will all be needed.Introducing these urban design guidelines into the planning process will require that the highway,street and land-use map not be a given, handed to the urban designers by the planners, but rather that land use be determined as part of an urban design plan that includes a public open space and street plan related to transit, urban building forms, and other aspects of the overall urban form. The landuse “budget” should be allocated, almost certainly though an iterative process, as part of an overall planning and urban design process which includes mixed-use centers related to transit as well as residential neighborhoods. Without such a process there can be no effective alternative to the pre-existing C.I.A.M. influenced designs embodied in official land use plans.

5 What to Build at the District Level

A typical Chinese district-level plan today is what is called an end-state plan, an aerial view of what development should look like when all elements of the plan have been implemented. End-stateplans have generally been failures, and most governments have stopped using them, because the assumptions embodied in the plan go out of date long before the development process is complete. However, China’s rapid pace of development has permitted the end-state district plan to be relatively successful as guidance for development, particularly because the choices made in the plan are closely determined by the planning rule book, and there are few alternative options.

The district plan in China is the basis for a regulatory plan which governs development at the parcel level, so it is the critical step in the urban design process. The district plan already embodies a clearly defined urban design which takes the C.I.A.M.—influenced modernist principles to the next level of detail. The street system defines large blocks;the natural landscape is subordinated to the street pattern; the large open spaces are separated from development; and the dominant building type is an individual residential tower surrounded by a fringe of green space, with all these towers facing south.

China’s regulations for residential development require that every residence in a housing tower should be able to receive two or three hours of sunshine on the shortest day of the year, depending on its location within China[11]. In practice this requirement leads to rows of buildings, all facing south,and separated to allow for the angle of sun to reach the base of each building on December 21st. As noted earlier in this article, these rules were originally intended to help reduce winter heating costs in a time of scarcity, but this requirement continues to make sense today because of new concerns about energy efficiency, and access to sunlight for solar panels. Feng Shui, the traditional Chinese belief system for determining auspicious aspects of everyday life, also strongly favors having the principal rooms of a dwelling face south. This belief has been decisive in determining the design of housing built for sale in China. Even if the buyer does not believe in Feng Shui, there is still concern about the resale value, as many people do consider it in making a buying decision.

There is already a strong urban design concept embodied in the usual way that district plans are being made. The difficulty is that this kind of plan does not fulfill the expectations for a new set of urban design guidelines. These guidelines at the district level should call for following the urban design requirements established at the city-wide, master plan level, including respecting the ecological characteristics of the location, relating to historic and cultural features, and establishing a public space system which is not just a land-use allocation but is integrated into an overall design.

Points of conflict if the proposed new urban design guidelines vary from the existing standards are likely to include the design of the street system, the management of the underlying landscape, and the creation of a public open space system for the entire district. The most difficult urban design issue is likely to be the reliance on south-facing residential towers spaced to permit sunlight access on December 21st.

The sun-access regulation is a performance specification, not a prescription for the design of residential towers, although that is what it has become.There are ways of meeting this requirement using alternative urban design configurations, such as attached high-rise and low-rise buildings forming courtyards, particularly if some of the lower buildings are mixed-use. In addition, most Chinese street systems are designed with the streets running northsouth and east-west, the usual orientation in other countries as well. The famous plan for the extension of Barcelona by Ildefons Cerdà, implemented in the late-19th century, rotates the street system 45 degrees from true north to improve exposure to sunlight. The Barcelona plan suggests that it may be possible for Chinese master plans and district plans to use street layouts that help assure compliance with the sunlight regulations. The width of the streets and the size of the blocks will be an important part of these designs. There are now computer programs that can evaluate alternative building and street configurations for sunlight regulation compliance, so this could be an important area of urban design research.

Another important issue at the district level of urban design is the size of city blocks. A walkable city requires relatively small blocks; otherwise the journey between two points can involve a long detour, as shown in these diagrams. Smaller blocks are especially important for creating easy access to transit. Security for residents living within the large blocks created by the current Chinese urban design system makes each of their blocks a gated community, so it is not possible for pedestrians or cyclists to take short-cuts through them. There have been proposals to open up these blocks for general public access, but these proposals are sure to be strongly resisted by the residents, because of their perception that this would reduce their property values. Opening up the large blocks, if it is done, will require an urban design plan for each situation which channels public access through the block but continues to provide for the security of the residents.

The current Chinese security system is actually more efficient than what happens in cities where the blocks are small and each individual building is itself a gated community, as in New York City where the residential buildings are either kept locked, or have their own doormen and other security staff. In planning for new development, there are block sizes between the smaller blocks found in New York City, and the large configurations found in China. The Barcelona block, for example, is big enough that it can provide private open space for the residents of the block and still allow for comfortable pedestrian circulation along the streets outside.

Block sizes and building configurations are critical urban design issues that need to be resolved at the district level where they are incorporated into the regulatory plan that governs what can happen at the level of individual development parcels within the plan.

6 What to Build at the Parcel Level

Urban design guidelines for the parcel level should require an approvals submission by the developer which presents a detailed design for each specific plot, in accordance with the regulatory plan, the district level plan, and other requirements. The detailed design of each development parcel, should be coordinated with the design of the adjacent properties. The guidelines for designing each development parcel should include the design of the open space, building setbacks, the location of landmark buildings (a general term which may or may not include historic structures), an efficient circulation system, landscape elements, municipal facilities(like schools), parking and underground spaces. The design submission should also include the relevant implementation strategies. As the parcel level plans are to conform to the regulatory plan at the district level, the critical urban design decisions have to be made when the district and district regulatory plans are adopted.

7 What to Build in Special Situations

Individual city districts that are important for a city’s identity, history, and culture, should have their own specific guidelines. This means that special urban design regulatory requirements should be set for major new development areas, historical and cultural streets and blocks, adaptive reuse of historic districts, new central business districts,transportation hubs, and waterfront areas. The urban design requirements should regulate: the skyline, in order to express the city’s cultural and natural characteristics; architectural expression, to ensure buildings are compatible with the existing built environment, and public space, so that there is a coherent network and human-scale public realm.These special situation urban design plans will need to be set and regulated at the district level, so that they will coordinate the design of development on individual parcels.

Chinese government agencies have been experimenting for years with alternative urban design concepts for special situations. The One City, Nine Towns project in the Shanghai region brought in foreign designers and planners to contribute different ideas for urban design and architectural expression for each of the nine new town centers[12]. Each new town is supposed to have a specific national character. There is Gao Qiao New Town which is considered to have a Dutch theme, Anting New Town, which has a German theme, and so on. Emulating foreign cities was chosen as a way to demonstrate alternatives to the existing rule book and test them in the real-estate market.

The Beijing Finance Street is an example of a completed district which has been designed as a special situation. Most of the buildings have been designed to house important Chinese financial institutions.The government intended to create a financial district, and not just a group of buildings that provided the necessary office space. The design and planning team included Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, who helped draw a plan that used building placement and height limit guidelines to organize a coherent group of buildings around a central park.

8 Implementing Urban Design Guidelines The nine Shanghai new towns and the Beijing Financial Street are demonstrations that urban design guidelines that permit alternatives to the current development rule book in China need specificity in order to be effective. For the nine towns it was emulation of pre-existing urban design patterns in other places. For the Financial Street it was an explicit set of building placement regulations and height limits. It is not enough to require that planners and designers pay attention to a list of signi ficant issues. It is also necessary to define desirable outcomes.

The followings are some of the administrative tools that can be incorporated into the urban design guidelines as they are developed and adopted.

At the city-wide, master plan level, the process of land-use planning, in accordance with the guidelines, can begin with a complete environmental inventory that provides a basis for excluding land that should not be developed. Land with a limited carrying capacity can also be identified and mapped only for low-intensity uses. In coastal areas and along riverfronts, land can be identified where special protection from sea level rise and other sources offlooding will be needed.

Also at the city-wide, master-plan level, sub-categories within the larger residential, office, and industrial categories can be defined as uses which are suitable for a new mixed-use category which can be mapped extensively to allow more flexibility in development decisions.

The urban design guidelines can also establish minimum residential and commercial densities for locations with good road and transit access. China has about the same land area as the United States—if you exclude Alaska—but China has about five times the population of the United States and only half as much usable land area. The villa districts in China which emulate American suburban development are understandably popular with the increasingly large proportion of the Chinese population which has become rich, but permitting low-density,land-consuming places is not a good long-term policy for China. There need to be other design concepts for privileged living.

In addition to eliminating the current restrictions on the permitted amount of major streets in a citywide master plan, there can also be regulations to require smaller block sizes for subsidiary streets. A minimum block perimeter is one such requirement.Interconnection of streets can also be encouraged with a minimum number of street intersections per square kilometer.

At the district level the current practice of preparing end-state plans to illustrate the land-use plan can be replaced with an urban design concept plan that maps preservation areas, a street and block plan, and a public open space plan. The location of critically important buildings can be shown, as well as building-placement guidelines using such techniques as set-back and build-to lines and height limits.This urban design plan can then be the basis for mapping land uses. This approach permits more design flexibility, but also helps insure that critical design elements are understood and implemented.

At the parcel level, implementation of the district-level plan requires a review and approval procedure. If the land has been obtained directly from a governmental agency, the guidelines can be part of the sales agreement, including a requirement that architectural and landscape plans be reviewed for compliance. If the land is already privately controlled, there needs to be some kind of permit system which includes a review procedure.

If new guidelines for urban design can become the basis for national, regional, city-wide and district level urban design, China can create an unequalled urban design system which will be an effective guide to achieving the important goals set forth by the central government.


Notes and References

[1]World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files. Accessed July 1, 2017.

[2]United Nations. World urbanization prospects: The 2014 revision, highlights [N]. Population Division,United Nations, 2014.

[3]人民网.国家新型城镇化规划(2014—2020年)[EB/OL]. (2014-03-17) [2017-07-01]. http://politics.people.com.cn/n/2014/0317/c1001-24649809.html. People’s Daily online. National New-type Urbanization Plan (2014-2020)[EB/OL]. (2014-03-17) [2017-07-01]. http://politics.people.com.cn/n/2014/0317/c1001-24649809.html.

[4]新华网.中共中央 国务院关于加快推进生态文明建设的意见[EB/OL]. (2015-04-25) [2017-11-01]. http://news.xinhuanet.com/politics/2015-05/05/c_1115187518.htm. Xinhuanet. Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, Opinions on Further Promoting the Development of Ecological Civilization [EB/OL].(2015-04-25) [2017-11-01]. http://news.xinhuanet.com/politics/2015-05/05/c_1115187518.htm.

[5]新华网.中共中央国务院关于进一步加强城市规划建设管理工作的若干意见[EB/OL]. (2016-02-06)[2017-11-01]. http://news.xinhuanet.com/politics/2016-02/21/c_1118109546.htm. Xinhuanet. Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, Opinions on Further Strengthening Urban Planning and Construction Management[EB/OL]. (2016-02-06) [2017-11-01]. http://news.xinhuanet.com/politics/2016-02/21/c_1118109546.htm.

[6]Ecological Civilization was first mentioned of ficially in HU Jintao’s Report at 17th Party Congress, October 15,2007. https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2007-10/24/content_6204564_5.htm (accessed Nov 1, 2017). The term was stressed and listed as one of the five goals in the country’s overall development plan in XI Jinping’s Report at 18th Party Congress, Nov 8, 2012.

[7]There is a National Land Use Plan “全国土地利用计划”every year, released by the Ministry of land and resources of the People’s Republic of China. The 2017 National Land Use Plan was released in May 2017.

[8]China Daily. 14 cities to draw red line to stop urban sprawl [EB/OL]. (2015-06-05) [2017-11-01]. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2015-06/05/content_20913209.htm.

[9]中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部. 城市设计管理办法[S]. 北京:中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部,2017. Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China. Urban Design Guidelines [S].Beijing: Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China, 2017.

[10]See for example: Le Corbusier and Anthony Eardley.The Athens Charter [M]. New York: Grossman Publishers, 1973.

[11]中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部,中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局. GB 50180-93城市居住区规划设计规范[S]. 北京: 中国建筑工业出版社,2016. Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction of the People’s Republic of China, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China. Urban Residential Code, GB 50180-93[S].Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press, 2016.

[12]XUE Q, ZHOU M. Importation and adaptation:Building “one city and nine towns” in Shanghai: A case study of Vittorio Gregotti’s plan of Pujiang Town [J]. Urban Design International, 2007, 12(1): 21-40.

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