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The earth is my home, and environmental protection depends on When we live in this land, we should protect the land we have lived for Everyone is responsible for protecting the We should plant more trees instead of reclaiming land and They prevent or reduce soil erosion and water
203 评论


一、活动目的:以环保征文为载体,激发广大中小学生主动参与环境保护的积极性,增强全市中小学生节能低碳生活理念,强化热爱家园、保护环境意识,弘扬生态文化,倡导从身边小事做起,为保护生态环境贡献力量。二、主办:泉州市教育局泉州市环保局三、协办:泉州聚龙外国语学校四、征文对象全市中小学生五、活动内容作品要紧扣活动主题,内容积极健康,提倡树立“节约资源、珍爱生灵、抵制污染、低碳生活、保护环境、共建和谐”的核心理念,从一个侧面或多个角度反映环境保护的重要性和必要性,以及在环保建设中所涌现的好人好事,突出环境质量的提高给生活带来的喜人变化。作品要内容充实,寓意深刻,事例典型,贴近实际,贴近生活,视角独特,形式新颖。 六、征文体裁用朴素的语言表现环境忧患意识和改善环境的责任感,倡导保护环境光荣,破坏环境可耻的社会风尚,呼唤全社会人人关注环保、参与环保。体裁不限,题目自拟。小学组文章字数500—800字,中学组文章字数800—1000字。七、时间安排10月10日——11月20日。八、投稿方式比赛征文要求用电子稿方式发送至泉州德育网“环保•节能•健康•新生活”在线投稿信箱,进行网上投稿。九、投稿要求所有参赛作品需注明作者姓名、所在县区、学校(含班级)、指导老师姓名等信息。十、评选及颁奖小学组、中学组各评出一等奖10名,二等奖20名、三等奖30名、优秀奖若干,指导教师颁发证书。获奖作品将在泉州德育网上择优刊登。

216 评论


We have only one It's clear how important it is to take care of our However,nowadays the environment is being polluted badly,so we must take For example,we should pick up the rubbish and throw it into We should collect waste And we should use plastic bags as less as In addition,we mustn't spit in public Protecting the environment is our As a student,I will try my best and advise others to protect the environment I believe the earth will become more and more beautiful if everyone can make their 翻译:我们只有一个地球。显而易见保护好地球有多重要。但是,如今环境正被严重破坏,所以我们必须行动起来。比如,我们应该捡起垃圾,把它扔进垃圾桶。我们应该收集旧电池。我们也应该尽可能少用塑料袋。另外,我们不能在公共场所吐痰。保护环境是我们的责任。作为一个学生,我会尽我全力,也会劝诫其他人一起保护环境。我相信只要大家都尽自己一份力,地球将变得越来越美丽。

253 评论



173 评论


D29th,2008 Dear XX, How are you doing these days? I am writing to tell you that I'm going to take the TOEFL You know it’s a little difficult for our Chinese students and this is the first time that I take this kind of So I don't know what I should do for making I want to ask you if you can give me some idea about this examination and give me some suggestions on which reference books I should I’m looking forward to your Thank you very much! Best wishes! Yours, XX

296 评论


Protect environment(环境保护) The earth scale change of climate has brought a new kind of natural disaster and the developed and complicated city system is holding a latent

125 评论


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