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英语校园报道作文格式模板范文如下:Mingled with the light rain with breeze blowing, along with our school passed the three days of exciting  Although the weather is not to force, but the students's morale, as usual, passionate, not The day game is superior and confrontation with the good from every class spare for the final victory in the  Look, on the 400 - meter track, female athletes are spirited, with the lithe step, strong will, to the  Athletes of the rain will rain sound into applause, galloping, completed a new challenge to himself, and got good
169 评论


《校园文学期刊》以校园文化为主题。主要面向各地校内师生征稿,(也收关心校园文学的校外文学爱好者来稿)此期刊为原创类文学期刊。创刊号栏目,共五个板块,分别为:青春的故事;诗路雨花;散文拾贝;古韵诗词;那封情书。本刊为众人协作的写作方式,只有认证作者才能直接在书中编辑,其他投稿者请到本刊专属投稿地址进行投稿: 主编:夕泽(诸金龙)副主编:尚霜名誉副主编:新绿(雷州市新诗学会秘书长)实习编辑:苇草胡帆刘敏顾问:月色江河(江苏诗歌论坛版主)季本勇(中国剧作家协会会员、南通市作家协会会员)顾问:赵芸芸 杜艳梅协作:一起写网 诗文韵论坛 金心诗社论坛 那封情书 大学生的奇特家书 (文/寻找姚黄)原创歌词 好想用一辈子去爱你(词/杜银三)三月的原野(谢英)爱在日志(尚霜)雨夜想起海子(张启新)盛夏多妖娆 (文/贾文)首饰物语 (文/阿土)不过父亲节 (文/何君华)世说新语中庸之道---读《中庸》有感 (文/王诗琪)秦始皇(朕在此)

330 评论


好邻居  我们都邻国。好邻居胜过远亲。这是共同的,我们可能会与遇到困难当我们好邻居,他们将永远来帮助您。邻国应该在与对方。  我的邻居,有一个女儿。我们是同龄,但我们不要〜 T研究在同一所学校。晚上我们总是一起做功课。她擅长数学,我很擅长英语。因此,我们经常互相帮助来自作文范文网  Good Neighbours  We all have A good neighbour is better than a distant It is common that we may meet with When we have igood neighbours, they will always come to help   Neighbours should get on well with each   My neighbour has a We are of the same age but we don~t study in the same In the evening we always do homework She is good at maths and I am good at E So we often help each

167 评论


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