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SSN: 2789-5521(print)《教育研究前沿进展》(英文刊名:Journal of Educational Research Progress, JERP)为双清学术出版社(Shuangqing Academic Publishing House)出版的一本学术期刊,接收主要是和教育、教学(理论、方法等)等相关的文章,本刊对文章形式不限,无论是实证、综述等均可。本期刊征稿范围包括:教育理论前沿、教材教法、教学经验、教育案例、教学设计、教学管理、考试评价、大学论教育、中学教育、小学教育、幼教教育、教育经济等相关研究等。期刊现面向教育学者,在读研究生,各界教育工作者,老师,专家学者,还有博导,硕导等教育导师,课程研究者,课题研究者,教育科研学者等征稿。对于本刊认为有学术价值的文章,期刊会提供多轮修改机会,直到修改为可发表程度。支持在线投稿和邮箱投稿。百度搜索: 《教育研究前沿进展》中英文双版本期刊征稿了,就可以看到投稿方式

341 评论


判决和决策会计研究:一探寻,改进有关加拿大N2L 3G1电子信函惨败惨败的会计工作大学的生产把信息纳塔莉亚Kotchetova助理教授School视作,证明和使用:生意Queen’s大学金斯敦,向前加拿大K7L 3N6电子信函的a史蒂文Salterio Professor有效2003年7月1日 Queen’s学校:a 2003年5月13日JDM会计研究2003年5月12日草稿判决和决策会计研究:一探寻,改进生产认为信息摘要是这章,证明和使用复习判决和涉及生产把信息视作,证明和使用的决策研究((JDM)我们首先勾画把信息视作的领土和职业会计人员的作用和把信息视作的其它用户那时我们提供一在认为JDM是研究上短暂历史的透视我们描绘JDM会计研究在时期1995-2002中经由一个在最高会计杂志中JDM会计出版的分析更通常把研究视作的当前冲击那时我们求助于在两方面同样地数量上地描绘JDM会计研究的最近焦点通过考核重要最近JDM会计文章的一些细节在这手册中和质量上地使用分类我们关于JDM的未来以一些观察结束把研究视作JDM会计研究2003年5月21日草稿判决和决策会计研究:一探寻,改进生产在解释行动方面认为信息判决和决策研究是(未来的JDM),证明和使用作为一部分a潮水般的把开始科学检查现象的解释行动的研究者视作中间-1970’s回到找到它的根消磨绝大部分的这些研究者接受经济学同样地他们的基础纪律a重要聚集在一起有重要性研究者选择判决和决策同样地科学基础他们的1 JDM解释行动研究者承认那个消磨内容有重要性创造进入经济上的交易准备证明和解释有重要性信息是强烈患了的偏于人信息列队前进特征的专业人员会计人员和其他的用户有重要性信息这样地当时经理

105 评论


Accounting: The Language of BusinessAccounting has been called the language of Throughout our early education we learned the vocabulary and other basic elements of the English language, or another language, so that we would be able to communicate The purpose is the same for Most of you will not become You may be self-employed or employed by others in a business (a manager, banker, or investor) and will use accounting information, whether you know it or In order to understand and to use accounting information most effectively, you must have a solid grounding in its The finer points of accounting are things that you will probably never encounter in your business transactions, but you will know how to read those important financial statements and how to effectively use the material that will emanate from your computerized financial Accounting information has been useful for hundreds of The double-entry framework was first described in a book written by Luca Pacioli, a fifteenth-century Italian monk and mathematician, although its origins can be traced back another 300 The formal structure for processing financial transactions is at least 700 years What is the definition of accounting? Accounting is the process of providing quantitative information about economic entities to aid users in making decisions concerning the allocation of economic The process of providing such information necessitates a series of activities leading up to and including the communication of accounting These activities are: Identifying the information, measuring, recording, retaining - and then communicating In accounting, "numbers" are numbers of Economic entities means not only all types of businesses, but also hospitals, charitable organizations, churches and synagogues, municipalities, governments, and other organizations whether for profit or not-for- Accounting, as defined here, applies to all of Decisions concerning the allocation of economic resources include, among others, whether to buy, sell, or hold investments, whether to extend credit, and whether to manufacture and sell a particular The term accounting theory is commonly used, but it has no unified, standardized Very closely related to the realm of accounting theory is the area of Measurement is concerned with the process of assigning numbers to the attributes or characteristics of the elements being In addition to accounting, accountancy has emerged as a profession, alongside the professions of medicine and The study and practice of accountancy requires a broad understanding of concepts in such areas as economics, sociology, psychology, and public administration, as well as in-depth knowledge of specialized accounting The three main fields of accountancy include Public accounting, managerial accounting, and governmental and quasi-governmental Each of these fields has several accounting specialty and sub-specialty

105 评论


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    你的论文准备往什么方向写,选题老师审核通过了没,有没有列个大纲让老师看一下写作方向?  希望可以帮到你,有什么不懂的可以问我,下面对论文写作提供一些参考建议仅供

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