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首页 > 论文问答 > 音乐爱好者杂志怎么样英语作文

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I am a boy (girl),a boy (girl) love to sing,a dream of standing by singing in my girl on the I like music,don't know I have no gift for singing,and thus give up learning vocal music chose the electronic Electronic organ good magic,gently with finger according to the black and white keys,will send a clearand DHappiness,like drummed his fingers on the black and white keys,play a song ofBeethoven's "Ode to joy",cheerful melody and fingerFriction keys issued a "rustling" sound intertwined,ringing in my When trouble,habitually put their hands on the keyboard chaos by stretch,will all unhappy vent to the electronic organ body,it screeched as it is in blame myact on impulse in handling things,when the mood is calm,touch it,say:"I'm sorry!I beg your Before theunhappy moments disappear in People often say:"music can cultivate people's heart!" This point,and I Sitting at the front of the flowers bloom,the man with theouter heaven Imperceptibly,I have become a little CompositionStarted to like pop music,began to pay attention to the so-called "super girls",began to have their Like to listen to the Angela song,also likes to sing her "Invisible wings" is my constant Away from the intense study life,sitting in the electronic organ,tune intothe piano sound,tone,song also follow:"every time inwandering alone in the strong,every time I was hurt " Yeah!Everyone has a pair of invisible wings,let us brave,strong; wings carrying our dreams,with efforts into dynamic,fly to the highest Electronic organ is my past,started to learn the piano and guitar,the future will continue to experience the challenge of feeling!Thank you for the music,thank you my electronic organ,thank the song "invisible wings"!I haveno longer the timid boy (girl),I became brave,becomehave the confidence to go beyond the self!The only constant,is a first hand Chuaizhuo dream of Music,affect me!Music,let me waving a pair of invisible
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报纸和杂志很多人开始每天阅读报纸。他们以这种方式学习怎么回事,在世界上,有时,然而,他们没有太多时间来阅读新闻小心。在大城市,有很多类型的文件与数个不同版本的每一天。在小城镇有少数报纸也许只有一个版的每一天。大部分的报纸有几个路段,特别是星期六和星期日的时候是版本比平常久。杂志也带来了人们的信息来自世界各地。有些是周刊,其他都是每月。有报刊杂志,文学期刊,杂志等特殊利益,摄影,体育,美术和音乐。有些则主要为男性,另一些妇女,有儿童的杂志,太多。总的来说,有杂志为每个口味和利益。阿拉伯文到英语朝鲜语到英语德语到法语德语到英语俄语到英语法语到德语法语到英语荷兰语到英语葡萄牙语到英语日语到英语西班牙语到英语希腊语到英语意大利语到英语英语到阿拉伯文英语到朝鲜语英语到德语英语到俄语英语到法语英语到荷兰语英语到葡萄牙语英语到日语英语到西班牙语英语到希腊语英语到意大利语英语到中文(繁体)英语到中文(简体)中文到英语中文(繁体到简体)中文(简体到繁体 报纸和杂志许多人以读报开始他们的一天。他们用这种方式知道在世界上将要发生什么。有时,尽管,他们没有时间仔细地看新闻。在大城市,每天报纸都有很多版,有不同的信息。在小镇上每天只有很少一些报纸有仅仅一版。大多数报纸有几个单元,特别在周六和周日信息比平常要长。杂志同样也带给人们世界各地的信息。有些是周刊,有些是月刊。有报刊杂志,文学期刊,还有一些特殊爱好的杂志比如摄影,体育,美术和音乐。有些则主要为男性,另一些妇女,也有儿童的杂志。总的来说,有杂志为每种口味和爱好。)

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music can transfer every thing likes love ,likes family bond,likes friends love

314 评论


my hobby Different people have different For example,someone likes reading, someone likes swimming and someone likes collecting and so I used to read books because by reading books I could learn many funny But now I don't like it just because I need a Traveling is my favorite hobby By traveling I can visit many different places of interest and learn a lot about people, places and It's very I love I have great fun in What is your hobby?Let's share together!

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