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My Favourite SportOf all the sports,I like swimming I think swimming is It can build up my body In summer,I usually go to swim with my classmates after I can swim so well that I was chosen as a member of our school swimming Last week there was a swimming match between Dong Fang Junior School and my I took part in the match and won the first I enjoy swimming very
179 评论


已经发表的学术论文论文《任务型教学与中学外语教学改革》2004年被收入CNKI《中国优秀博硕士学位论文全文数据库》,中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社出版论文《新课程、新对策:任务型教学的探究与运用》发表于基础教育研究2003年9月论文《任务型教学的探索与尝试》发表于广西教育,2003年第10期(10)论文《翻译学研究现状》(合作)发表于广西师范大学学报(人文社会科学版全国核心期刊,2001年第三期外国语言文学与教学研究专辑 (2001年12月)。论文《言语交际与非言语交际中语用失误的对比研究》发表于广西师范大学学报(人文社会科学版全国核心期刊), 2002年第2期外国语言文学与教学研究专辑(2002年8月)。论文《英语阅读理解研究综观》发表于广西师范大学学报(人文社会科学版全国核心期刊)2003年第3期外国语言文学与教学研究特刊(10)论文《也谈英语阅读理解能力的提高及其理论依据》发表于广西师范大学学报(人文社会科学版全国核心期刊, 2003年第2期哲学社会科学版(增刊)(2003年6月)。论文《任务型教学之我见》广西师范大学学报(人文社会科学版全国核心期刊),2003年第3期外国语言文学与教学研究特刊(10)论文《任务型教学当中的探究与运用》国家基础教育实验中心外语教育研究中心出版的论文集(4)论文《任务型教学的优势 不足与对策》附中教研2003年第四期(5)论文《初中英语任务型教学:理解 探究与实践》发表于广西师大学报2003年第二期教育硕士特刊(10)第一作者论文《初中英语任务型教学中的语言输入》使用《领先英语》教材有感 发表于广西师大学报2003年第二期教育硕士特刊(10) 第二作者论文《英语任务型教学中的自主——合作学习探讨》发表于广西师大学报2003年第二期教育硕士特刊(10) 第二作者《构建在网络平台上的英语任务型教学》发表于广西师大学报2003年第二期教育硕士特刊(10) 第二作者论文《基于任务型教学的英语音标天平记忆法》2004年6月发表于广西师大学报第二期增刊硕士学位毕业论文:Task-based Language Teaching and ELT Reform in Middle Schools(任务型教学与中学外语教学改革),广西师范大学学报(人文社会科学版全国核心期刊),2004年第1期外国语言文学与教学研究特刊(11)已经出版的学科专著作者(合)《初二英语特别辅导》广西师范大学出版社2002年6月。主编(合)《自主与互动学习 英语》初一(下)广西民族出版社2003年12月。主编(合)《自主与互动学习 英语》初二(下)广西民族出版社2003年12月。主编(合)《自主与互动学习 英语》初三(上)广西民族出版社2003年7月。主编(合)《自主与互动学习 英语》初三(下)广西民族出版社2003年7月。作者(合)《自主与互动学习 英语》初一(上)广西民族出版社2003年7月。作者(合)《自主与互动学习 英语》初三(上)广西民族出版社2003年7月。作者(合)《自主与互动学习 英语》初三(下),广西民族出版社2003年7月。作者(合)《课文英汉对照译注》(初一上)广西师范大学出版社2003年6月。作者(合)《课文英汉对照译注》(初一下)广西师范大学出版社2003年12月。作者(合)《课文英汉对照译注》(初二上)广西师范大学出版社2003年6月。作者(合)《课文英汉对照译注》(初二下)广西师范大学出版社2003年12月。主编《能力题全编详解----新目标英语》(七年级)广西师范大学出版社2004年6月。作者(合)《能力题全编详解----新目标英语》(七年级)广西师范大学出版社2004年6月。作者(合)《能力题全编详解----英语》(初三年级)广西师范大学出版社2004年6月。作者(合)《学会学习—— 英语综合素质训练》(七年级 上)北京科学技术出版社 2004年5月副主编/作者(合)《新课程实施指导》(初中英语教师培训教材)北京师范大学出版社 2005年4月作者(合)《中小学英语新课程教学案例分析与指导》 广西教育出版社 正在出版当中作者(合)《2006年高考总复习》广西教育学院杂志社 正在出版当中主持或参加的科研课题2002年立项的桂林市“十五”规划B类课题(负责人):初中英语新课程“任务型”教学的探究与实践。(正在结题)2004年立项的区级“十五”规划A类重点资助课题(负责人): 新课标下中学英语任务型教学的研究与实践

110 评论


1、生命在于运动每个人都需要运动运动有很多好处,多做运动可以让我们保持健康的身体和好的心情 sport is indispensable to life, everyone needs doing exercises regularly will bring us a lot of benefits and keep us healthy   2、在春季,我们可以去跑步,它会让我们的双腿更灵活 in the spring, we can exercise running outside, it helps our legs became more   3、在夏季,我们可以去游泳,游泳是一种全身的运动,它可以让我们保持更好的身材summer, swimming is my preference, it's a sport exercise comprehensively from head to it's really helpful to keep a good   4、在秋季,我们可以去爬山,它锻炼我们的意志 in the autume, we can climb hills, through these activities, our volition can be   5、在冬季,我们可以去滑冰和玩雪,它让我们在冰冷的冬季找到的乐趣  in winter days, skating and skiing are my favourate sports, we can find a lot of fun from them in the freezing   6、运动前准备不足 In the PE class we had the long-distance We had a warm-up before But I was lazy and didn't do it When I was running, I suddenly fell to the I pulledthe muscles in the 体育课上,我们要进行长跑。长跑前我们为此做准备活动,但是我很懒没有好好做。跑步时,我突然倒在地上。我腿上的肌肉拉伤了。

174 评论


Taking exercise is good for our All work and no play makes Jack a dull By taking exercise, we can relax our body and At the same time, we can harden our muscle and have a good If we don't take exercise for a long time, we may easily fall Now please pay attention to the There a lot kinds of but which one is really fit you best? As far as I am concerned ,we should take diffrent sports for diffrent Nowadays, Young people are more likely to pursue a healthy Naturally,they think that playing sports can bring us a healthy but Not all sports are suitable for If you just want to keep fit or lose weight ,a large amount time spending on playing sports is Taking morning jogging alongside the beach,playing basketball with your friend or even doing fitness exercises could make you feel relax and On the other hand,to the old people ,playing basketball must be a But it doesn't means they couldn't enjoy themselves by playing on the contrary,sports are specially for the people who just tai chi ,ping-pang and yangko can add zest for their life and help them get rid of As the development of our sceoity(社会), more and more pressure around White collar spend fewer and fewer time on playing They must easily fall So they should pay more attention to balance their life For they have less spare time,Hula loop ,shuttlecock and rope skipping are the best To be brief,playing sports is important,but we should choice the right One Are you find your sports?Come on !Let's Go!!! Thanks for your attention Now it's your Could you share you opinions with us about the follow What sports well suit you?why?

300 评论


There was a basketball match between Class 3 and Class 4 yesterday Before the match, all the students thought Class 3 would win the match because some good players were in the The match began, and all the players played very Other students watched and shouted for their It was an exciting When the first half of the match ended, Class 4 fell behind Class The players in Class 4 tried their best to catch up with them in the second With the shouts "Come on", the players in Class 4 won the The match was How wonderful the match was! 昨天下午3班和4班举行了一场篮球赛。比赛前所有的学生认为3班会赢,因为他们班有一些好球员。 比赛开始,所有的球员都打得非常好。其它学生观看并为各队呐喊助威。那真是一场激烈的比赛。 上半场结束时,4班落后。4班的球员在下半场使尽全力追赶3班。在一片“加油”声中,4班赢得了这场比赛。 比赛结束了。多么激烈的比赛啊!

265 评论


主啊,你到底啥意思呀?要翻译行,可你让偶翻译神马- -=就不能说清楚点?呃,偶照着你模模糊糊的意思翻译了:Sports, sports, life is indispensable, if the lack of, our lives will become meaningless, so we have to do more exercise, exercise good body, in order to properly serve the motherland Oh! And exercise, those running, ah, long-distance movement of the horse God, we can increase the lung capacity, so that we not only good physical exercise, with little ill, but also can enhance lung capacity, oh! Therefore, we work together to exercise!

267 评论


  • 运动是核心期刊吗英语作文

    主啊,你到底啥意思呀?要翻译行,可你让偶翻译神马- -=就不能说清楚点?呃,偶照着你模模糊糊的意思翻译了:Sports, sports, life is ind

    飞翔飞飞 5人参与回答 2024-04-26
  • 运动是核心期刊吗英语

    运动的英文可用exercise或是sport表达,读音为[ˈeksərsaɪz] [spɔːrt]。1、exercise的用法:exercise作可数名词用,表

    品名暂无 4人参与回答 2024-04-27
  • 运动是核心期刊吗英语论文


    duanxuehan 3人参与回答 2024-04-28
  • 运动是核心期刊吗英语翻译

    最好写出核心期刊的具体刊名This thesis was published in the core periodical+刊名in DEC2005

    A-水灵儿^O^ 6人参与回答 2024-04-26
  • 运动期刊是核心吗


    xiaotingzi 3人参与回答 2024-04-29