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楼楼上的,是用翻译软件翻译的吧,我这里也有,看看有没有参考价值:)Respect leadership: Hello! Please even slightly I after open in the talented person information network from Changchun to see your firm's employment advertise information, I acquisition of material engineer which needed to your firm a duty have been interested very much, especially sent this Since I have put aside mourning temporarily the forestry work institute economy management specialized graduation in 1993, the participation work, continuously is producing to be engaged in the supervisory work, accumulated the rich work I longed for can better display own ability, therefore hoped can have the opportunity to join your firm, if fortunately becomes your firm, I meet steadfastly complete the official duty work, I believed, passes through own to be diligent and diligently, certainly can the contribution which makes for your firm's development should Along with the letter enclosed mine resume, thank you in spite of being very busy to my attention, if has the opportunity to speak face-to-face with you, I extremely will thank, if your firm thought I will not conform to your condition, I also as always attention your firm's development, and in I herewith offer by sincerest wish: Wishes your firm enterprise to progress day by day! Looks fellow leaders to be able to consider to me that, I hope for your I herewith offer Salute On October 9, 2005 Responds to a call for recruits the material Responds to a call for recruits the person: Responds to a call for recruits the post: Purchases engineer Work experience 1,989 □1,993 Jilin Engineering institute economy management specialized student 1,993 □1,997 Changchun may bear your health product limited company nature tube branch nature to guarantee engineer 1,997 □20,021 steam groups special-purpose machine tool factory purchase department purchases engineer 2,002 □present Changchun loyally receives overseeing company finance department accountants to be in charge of Individual situation synopsis Name: Sex: Female nationality: Chinese school record: Undergraduate course age: 34 specialties: Economical management title: Engineer marries otherwise: Married studies the language classification: English body condition: Healthy ID card number: Telephone:
115 评论


管理世界》投稿说明 《管理世界》(学术理论版)国际标准刊号:ISSN1002-5502 国内统一刊号:CN11-2275/F 《管理世界》杂志是由国务院发展研究中心主管主办的中国经济管理类权威刊物,系全国中文核心期刊,是反映中国经济管理理论、政策研究和管理实践的著名刊物。自1985年创刊以来,受到国内外各界人士的好评。 作为经济管理类权威刊物,主要刊登我国宏观经济管理、公共管理、工商管理等方面的理论与实证相结合的学术文章,设有宏观经济管理、产业与区域发展、金融与财政、对外经济关系、就业与分配、公共管理、农村经济、工商管理(理论与案例)、上市公司研究和书评等栏目。我们殷切地希望广大的专家学者继续给予我们大力的支持。为了进一步扩大本刊影响,《管理世界》特设立“学术理论版”,以为社会主义经济建设提供更好的理论支持。 投稿须知: 文章应主要围绕中国的现实经济管理问题展开分析,力求资料详实、行文规范。 文章首页要提供以下信息:(1)300字以内的中文摘要;(2)3~5个关键词;(3)文章英文标题;(4)作者的联系方式,包括电话、详细通信地址、邮编以及联系人姓名。 所有注释和参考文献均请列在文章末尾;注释的序号为连续编号,参考文献按作者的汉语拼音或英文名字顺序排列。 稿件字数在4000字左右为宜。 打印稿请直接通过邮局寄至:北京市海淀区大钟寺8号东楼《管理世界》编辑部(学术理论),邮编: 100086。电子稿请寄:电话: 010- 请勿一稿多投。 自2007年起《管理世界》杂志不再支付稿费。为使作者对投寄稿件的处理心中有数,特申告:凡复写、复印、打印件和手写文稿,请作者自留底稿。审稿周期最长为1个月左右,如果在1个月内未接到本刊用稿通知,作者可自行处理所投稿件的一切事宜。 《管理世界》编辑部

324 评论


需要人家帮你解决感情问题的话,投 知音、爱人、女友等都行,,,你自己写的感情故事/小说什么的文字的话,投 花溪、南风、女友、女报、爱人等比较好,不过,这些杂志社要的风格可能都略带小姿情调。。。青春类的一般在 漂流瓶、少女等上面比较好,,,你自己具体比照下吧。。根据自己的情况上网搜下可以知道得更详细。。祝你好运希望采纳

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88 评论


尊敬的领导:您好!请恕打扰。我从长春经开人才信息网上看到了贵公司的招聘信息,我对贵公司所需的材料采购工程师一职很感兴趣,特发此信。我于1993年从吉林工学院经济管理专业毕业,参加工作以来,一直在生产一线从事管理工作,积累了丰富的工作经验。我渴望能更好的发挥自己的才能,因此希望能够有机会加入贵公司,如果有幸成为贵公司的一员,我会踏踏实实的做好本职工作,我相信,经过自己的勤奋和努力,一定会为贵公司的发展做出应有的贡献。随信附上我的个人简历,谢谢您在百忙之中对我的关注,如有机会与您面谈,我将十分感谢,如果贵公司认为我还不符合你们的条件,我也将一如既往的关注贵公司的发展,并在此致以最诚挚的祝愿:祝贵公司事业蒸蒸日上!望各位领导能够对我予以考虑,我期盼您们的回音。此致敬礼2005年10月9日应 聘 资 料应 聘 人:应聘岗位:采购工程师工 作 简 历1989—1993 吉林工学院 经济管理专业 学生1993—1997 长春市可耐尔卫生制品有限公司 质管科 质保工程师1997—2002 一汽集团专用机床厂 采购部采购工程师2002—现在 长春市忠承监理公司 财务部 会计主管个 人 情 况 简 介姓 名:性 别: 女民 族: 汉学 历:本 科年 龄:34专 业:经济管理职 称:工程师婚 否:已 婚所学语种:英 语身体状况:健 康身份证号:联系电话:的英文是Respect leadership:Hello! Please even slightly I after open in the talentedperson information network from Changchun to see to your firm'semployment advertise information, I acquisition of material engineerwhich needed to your firm a duty has been interested very much, sentthis letter Since I have put aside mourning temporarily the forestry workinstitute economy management specialized graduation in 1993, theparticipation work, is producing to be engaged in the supervisory workcontinuously, accumulated the rich work I longed for canbetter display own ability, therefore hoped can have the opportunityto join your firm, if becomes your firm fortunately, I can steadfastcomplete the official duty work, I believed, passes through own to bediligent and diligently, certainly can the contribution which makesfor your firm's development should Along with the letter enclosed mine resume, thank you in spite ofbeing very busy to my attention, like has the opportunity to speakface-to-face with you, I extremely will thank, if your firm thought Iwill not conform to your condition, I also as always attention yourfirm's development, and in I herewith offer by sincerest wish: Wishesyour firm enterprise to progress day by day!Looks fellow leaders to be able to consider to me that, I hope foryour I herewith offerSaluteOn October 9, 2005Responds to a call for recruits the materialResponds to a call for recruits the human:Responds to a call for recruits the post: Purchases engineerWork experience1,989 - 1,993 Jilin engineering institute economy managementspecialized student1,993 - 1,997 Changchun may bear your health product limitedcompany The nature tube branch nature guarantees engineer1,997 - 20,021 steam groups special-purpose machine toolfactory purchase departmentPurchases engineer2,002 - present Changchun loyally receives overseeing companyfinance department accountants to be in charge ofIndividual situation synopsisName:Sex: FemaleNationality: ChineseSchool record: Undergraduate courseAge: 34Specialized: Economical managementTitle: EngineerMarriage otherwise: MarriedStudies the language classification: EnglishBodily condition: HealthID card number:Telephone:呼……还可以吧,不容易呢

273 评论


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