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【传统参考文献】  图书馆:图书馆图书是传统参考文献来源的主要途径,而且相对其他传统方式来说,是比较方便实惠的;  【中国知网】  中国知网(CNKI)是比较权威的网络文献来源,而且大多数高校都有跟中国知网的合作,在学校是可以免费下载文献,校外是需要收费的;在中国知网官网的分类目录或者检索区域输入文献标题,就能找到所需文献了。  【维普期刊】  在维普期刊使用高级检索,可以精确查找到所需文章。检索方法:首页检索区输入文献名称或关键词。  【万方数据库】  万方数据系统将数据库分为五个子系统:学位论文全文、会议论文全文、数字化期刊、科技信息、商务信息。检索方法:点击首页搜索旁边的高级检索,进入检索区域。  至此便是关于《论文参考文献怎么找》的全部内容了,大家还有什么问题都可以通过上方图标进入主页私信联系给我。同时,也可以进入官网查询更多相关解答信息。最后在这里预祝各位同学前程似锦,马到成功。

120 评论


Culture of China The Culture of China is home to one of the world's oldest and most complex China boasts a history rich in over 5,000 years of artistic, philosophical, political, and scientific Though regional differences provide a sense of diversity, commonalities in language and religion connect a culture distinguished by such significant contributions such as Confucianism and T Confucianism was the official philosophy throughout most of Imperial China's history and strongly influenced other countries in East A Mastery of Confucian texts provided the primary criterion for entry into the imperial With the rise of Western economic and military power beginning in the mid-19th century, Western systems of social and political organization gained adherents in C Some of these would-be reformers rejected China's cultural legacy, while others sought to combine the strengths of Chinese and Western People in the cultureMain articles: Demographics of China and Chinese social relationsLanguageMain articles: Chinese language, Languages of China, and List of Chinese dialectsThe majority of people in China speak one form or another of the Chinese In addition to their native local dialect, nearly all can speak Standard M There has been ongoing debate as to whether "Chinese" is actually a defined "language" or in fact a family of many Since the change from Classical Chinese to Vernacular Chinese in relation to written Chinese, the debate have existed for political and unity Verbally, standard Mandarin is the official spoken language of the contemporary ArtsFor all major visual, performance or artistic categories, see Chinese Chinese Art has varied throughout its ancient history divided into periods by the ruling dynasties of China and changing Different forms of art have swayed under the influence of great philosophers, teachers, religious figures and even political Chinese art encompasses all facets of fine art, folk art and performance Pottery was one of the first form of art in the Palaeolithic Early Chinese music and poetry was influenced by the Book of Songs, Confucius and the Chinese poet and statesman Qu Y Early Chinese music was based on percussion instruments, which later gave away to string and reed By the Han dynasty papercutting became a new art form after the invention of Calligraphy and painting became a highly appreciated arts in court At the same time Tang dynasty became the "Golden age" of Chinese opera would also be introduced and branched Traditionalism would be challenged with the arrival of the New Culture Movement in the 20th century, which adopted Western techniques and employed socialist Society would begin a new shift to pop music, cinema, animation, lianhuanhua and other new forms of The poetry was also influenced by the Cultural Revolution, but several poets attempted to resist the Cultural Revolution by incorporating pro-democratic Contemporary Chinese artists continue to produce a wide range of experimental works, multimedia installations, and performance "happenings" which have become very popular in the international art -/_culture

107 评论


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