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My View on Developing the Car IndustryWith the development of modern industry,more and more families are able to have their own But,seeing the problems like air pollution and the reduction of resources,some people appeal for the reduction of private Still,I think there is every reason for the even faster development of the car Thanks to the development of the car industry, we do not have to cram in the buses, but can enjoy free travel in own cars, we can go to more places in a leisure Transportation becomes comfortable and But there are those who worry that too many cars may cause more traffic problems, serious:air pollution and the exhaustion ofresources, While these problems may be true, they can be solved and some are being For example, we can invent cars that: can save fuel or use other types of energy so that cars can still 'be used even though resources run To reduce pollution, people have manufactured many cars without We can relieve the traffic pressure by building more and more roads or-adopt computer-monitored automated For all the contemporary problems cars bring, no one can deny the convenience cars bring us and ignore the effort We make to solve these Therefore,the development of the car industry is necessary, and it should develop as quickly as
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138 评论


  • 汽车英语论文1000字

    呵呵 3000字 20分 说真的兄弟,20元都没有人帮你搞,还带翻译,没一天都搞不出来 可能给某些机构或者个人200元就有可能

    Krystaldxe 2人参与回答 2024-05-15
  • 汽车论文1000字

    总结学习知识   明确阐述自己想法

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    queeniechen2007 4人参与回答 2024-05-13
  • 汽车工业论文1000字

    求国汽车产业的现状及其前景论文一篇 在WTO架构下,中国汽车工业能否持续增长,取决于其国际竞争力的强弱。笔者认为,基于汽车工业领域的国际竞争呈现的新特征,应该把

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