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农业产业化国家重点龙头企业 "National key Leading Enterprise in Agriculture Industrialization"
231 评论


中国农业科学院农业信息研究所承担国家农业图书馆的运行工作。国家农业图书馆负责国内外农业科技文献资源体系建设、全国农业科研系统电子资源共建共享体系建设工作。拥有全国最丰富的农业科技文献信息资源,是国家农业科学数据中心。  国家农业图书馆为全国农业科技、教育、管理等领域用户提供全方位、多层次文献信息服务,包括文献检索、查新、原文提供、馆际代查、论文收录和引用检索、参考咨询、定题和专题信息服务、动态信息提供、个性化信息推送、文献借阅等。现有馆藏文献210万余册,其中图书31万余册,古农书、地方志等15000余册;目前订购中外文科技期刊4000余种,其中1100余种外文期刊是全国的孤本。自行研发的“中国农业科技文献与信息集成服务平台”(NAIS),在实现资源整合的基础上,面向全国提供“一站式”农业科技信息服务与知识传播。

209 评论


Industrialization of agriculture based on market-oriented and cost-effective way for the center to the leading industry and product focus, and optimize the combination of various factors of production, the layout of the implementation of regionalization, specialization of production, large-scale construction, seriation processing, social service , enterprise management, increase the formation of breeding, production, supply, and marketing, trade, industry and agriculture, agribusiness, agricultural science and education, the integration of the operating system so that agriculture took to self-development, self-accumulation and self-restraint, self-regulating healthy development track the modernization of management methods and forms of industrial In essence it refers to the technological transformation of traditional agriculture and promote agricultural science and technology This whole business model to promote traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, accelerate agricultural modernization are an effective way

113 评论


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